Projects STRLCPY btcrecover Commits c1f4c70e
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    49 49   return "btcrecover {} on Python {} {}-bit, {}-bit unicodes, {}-bit ints".format(
    50 50   __version__,
    51 51   ".".join(str(i) for i in sys.version_info[:3]),
    52  - calcsize("P") * 8,
     52 + calcsize(b"P") * 8,
    53 53   sys.maxunicode.bit_length(),
    54 54   sys.maxint.bit_length() + 1
    55 55   )
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    310 310   armory_path = progfiles_path + r"\Armory"
    311 311   sys.path.extend((armory_path, armory_path + r"\"))
    312 312   # 64-bit Armory might install into the 32-bit directory; if this is 64-bit Python look in both
    313  - if struct.calcsize('P') * 8 == 64: # calcsize('P') is a pointer's size in bytes
     313 + if struct.calcsize(b"P") * 8 == 64: # calcsize('P') is a pointer's size in bytes
    314 314   assert not progfiles_path.endswith("(x86)"), "ProgramFiles doesn't end with '(x86)' on x64 Python"
    315 315   progfiles_path += " (x86)"
    316 316   armory_path = progfiles_path + r"\Armory"
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    48 48   
    49 49  ##### Windows #####
    50 50   
    51  -Visit the Python download page here: <>, and click the link for the latest **Python 2** release. Download and run either the `Windows x86 MSI installer` for the 32-bit version of Python, or the `Windows x86-64 MSI installer` for the 64-bit one (for Armory wallets, be sure to choose the correct one as noted above). Modern PCs should use the 64-bit version, however if you're unsure which one is compatible with your PC, choose the 32-bit one.
     51 +Visit the Python download page here: <>, and click the link for the latest **Python 2.7** release near the top of the page under the heading *Python Releases for Windows*. Download and run either the `Windows x86 MSI installer` for the 32-bit version of Python, or the `Windows x86-64 MSI installer` for the 64-bit one (for Armory wallets, be sure to choose the correct one as noted above). Modern PCs should use the 64-bit version, however if you're unsure which one is compatible with your PC, choose the 32-bit one.
    52 52   
    53 53  ##### Linux #####
    54 54   
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