Projects STRLCPY btcrecover Commits 18d4afcd
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    1980 1980   if not iter_count: # if this is a v0.0 wallet
    1981 1981   # The likelihood of of finding a valid encrypted blockchain wallet (even at its minimum length
    1982 1982   # of about 500 bytes) with less than 7.4 bits of entropy per byte is less than 1 in 10^6
    1983  - # (decreased test below to 7.3 after being shown a wallet with just under 7.4 entropy bits)
     1983 + # (decreased test below to 7.2 after being shown a wallet with just under 7.4 entropy bits)
    1984 1984   entropy_bits = est_entropy_bits(data)
    1985  - if entropy_bits < 7.3:
     1985 + if entropy_bits < 7.2:
    1986 1986   raise ValueError("Doesn't look random enough to be an encrypted Blockchain wallet (only {:.1f} bits of entropy per byte)".format(entropy_bits))
    1987 1987   
    1988 1988   return data, iter_count # iter_count == 0 for v0 wallets
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