Projects STRLCPY bearer Files
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title: Report Types

Report Types

Bearer can generate two types of reports about your codebase, all from the same underlying scan.

Security Report

The security report allows you to quickly see security risks and vulnerabilities found in your codebase using a security scanner type (SAST by default).

For each violation, the report includes the affected file and, when possible, the line of code and a snippet of the surrounding code. Here's an excerpt from the security report run on our example publishing app:

$ bearer scan .
CRITICAL: Sensitive data stored in a JWT detected.
To skip this rule, use the flag --skip-rule=ruby_lang_jwt

File: /bear-publishing/lib/jwt.rb:6

 3     JWT.encode(
 4       {
 5         id:,
 6         email:,
 7         class: user.class,
 8       },
 9       nil,
 11     )



24 checks, 18 failures, 0 warnings

LOW: 3

exit status 1

Note that if only warning-level violations are found, the report does not return an exit status of 1.

24 checks, 2 warnings

LOW: 0

The security report is currently available for Ruby and JavaScript projects, more languages to follow.

To run your first security report, run bearer scan . on your project directory. By default, the security report is output in a human-readable format, but you can also output it as YAML or JSON by using the --format yaml or --format json flags.

Privacy Report

The privacy report provides useful information about how your codebase uses sensitive data, with an emphasis on data subjects and third parties services.

The data subjects portion displays information about each detected subject and any data types associated with it. It also provides statistics on total detections and any counts of rule failures associated with the data type. In the example below, the report detects 14 instances of user telephone numbers with no rule failures.

Note: These examples use JSON for readability, but the default format for the privacy report is CSV.

"Subjects": [
    "subject_name": "User",
    "name": "Telephone Number",
    "detection_count": 14,
    "critical_risk_failure_count": 0,
    "high_risk_failure_count": 0,
    "medium_risk_failure_count": 0,
    "low_risk_failure_count": 0,
    "rules_passed_count": 11

The third parties portion displays data subjects and data types that are sent to or processed by known third-party services. In the example below, Bearer detects a user email address sent to Sentry via the Sentry SDK and notes that a critical-risk-level rule has failed associated with this data point.

"ThirdParty": [
    "third_party": "Sentry",
    "subject_name": "User",
    "data_types": [
      "Email Address"
    "critical_risk_failure_count": 1,
    "high_risk_failure_count": 0,
    "medium_risk_failure_count": 0,
    "low_risk_failure_count": 0,
    "rules_passed_count": 0

The detection of third-party services is performed through an internal database knowns as Recipes. You can easily contribute to new recipes.

To run the privacy report, run bearer scan with the --report privacy flag. By default, the privacy report is output in CSV format. To format as JSON, use the --format json flag.

Customizing data subjects

By default, Bearer maps all subjects to “User”, but you can override this by supplying Bearer with custom mappings. This is done by passing the path to a JSON file with the --data-subject-mapping flag when you run the privacy report. For example:

bearer scan . --report=privacy --data-subject-mapping=/path/to/mappings.json

The custom map file should follow the format used by subject_mapping.json!!missing!!. Replace a key’s value with the higher-level subject you’d like to associate it with. Some examples might include Customer, Employee, Client, Patient, etc. Bearer will use your replacement file instead of the default, so make sure to include any and all subjects you want reported.

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