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Bearer Documentation

Welcome to the Bearer docs. To view the full documentation, visit the official docs site.


Thanks for your interest in contributing to the docs! It's a great way to participate in the project without diving head-first into Bearer's source. Check our contributing guide and code of conduct for general details on contributing.

You can make changes to the documentation without setting up and running the docs site by editing markdown files directly. If you want to add a more advanced change, see the development details below.


The documentation is with on eleventy and tailwindcss, and written in markdown. To get started, you'll need NodeJS 12 or newer.

Navigate to the docs directory in the Bearer repo, and npm install to bootstrap the dependencies.

npm install

With dependencies installed, you can start a local dev server by running the start command:

npm start

This will provide you with a local version of the doc site that refreshes whenever changes are made.

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