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Curio: The data-first security scanner that finds risks and vulnerabilities in your code to protect sensitive data

Curio is a static code analysis tool (SAST) that scans your source code to discover security risks and vulnerabilities that put your sensitive data at risk (PHI, PD, PII, Financial data).

Explore the docs - Getting Started - FAQ - Report Bug - Discord Community

Scanning target ./example-project
 β”” 100% [===============] (3305/3305, 115 files/s) [28s]

Policy Report

Policy list:

- JWT leaking
- Insecure communication
- Insecure HTTP with Data Category
- Logger leaking
- Cookie leaking
- Insecure SMTP
- HTTP GET parameters
- Insecure FTP with Data Category
- Session leaking
- Insecure FTP
- Third-party data category exposure
- SSL certificate verification disabled
- Application level encryption missing
- Insecure HTTP GET



14 policies were run and no failures were detected.

Curio helps developers and security teams to:

  • Protect their application from leaking sensitive data (loggers, cookies, third-parties, etc.)
  • Protect their application from having their sensitive data failed (missing encryption, insecure communication, SQL injection, etc.)
  • Monitor sensitive data flows across every component (Data stores, internal and external APIs)

Curio is Open Source (see license), and is built to be fully customizable, from creating your own policies, to adding custom code detectors up to enriching our data classifiers.

Curio also powers Bearer, the developer-first platform to proactively find and fix data security risks and vulnerabilities across your development lifecycle

πŸš€ Getting started

Discover data security risks and vulnerabilities in only a few minutes. In this guide you will install Curio, run a scan on a local project, and view the results of a policy report. Let's get started!


Curio is available as a standalone executable binary. The latest release is available on the releases tab, or use one of the methods below.

Install Script

⚠️ Not working until public: Use the Binary instructions in the next section ⚠️

This script downloads the Curio binary automatically based on your OS and architecture.

curl -sfL | sh

Defaults to ./bin as a bin directory and to the latest releases

If you need to customize the options, use the following to pass parameters:

curl -sfL | sh -s -- -b /usr/local/bin


Download the archive file for your operating system/architecture from here. Unpack the archive, and put the binary somewhere in your $PATH (on UNIX-y systems, /usr/local/bin or the like). Make sure it has permission to execute:

chmod +x ./curio

Scan your project

The easiest way to try out Curio is with our example project, Bear Publishing. It simulates a realistic Ruby application with common data security flaws. Clone or download it to a convenient location to get started. Alternately, you can use your own application. Check the supported languages to see if your stack supports a policy report.

You won't need to run the sample project. Curio scans the codebase without running the application.

Now, run the scan command with curio scan on the project directory:

curio scan /path/to/bear-publishing

A progress bar will display the status of the scan.

Once the scan is complete, Curio will output a policy report with details of any policy failures, as well as where in the codebase the infractions happened.

Analyze the report

The policy report is an easily digestible view of the data security problems detected by Curio. A report is made up of:

  • The list of policies run against your code.
  • Each detected failure, containing the file location and lines that triggered the policy failure.
  • A summary of the report with the stats for passing and failing policies.

The Bear Publishing example application will trigger policy failures and output a full report. Here's a section of the output:

HIGH: Application level encryption missing policy failure with PHI, PII
Application level encryption missing. Enable application level encryption to reduce the risk of leaking sensitive data.

File: /bear-publishing/db/schema.rb:22

 14 create_table "authors", force: :cascade do |t|
 15     t.string "name"
 16     t.datetime "created_at", null: false
 17     t.datetime "updated_at", null: false
 18   end


Policy failures detected

14 policies were run and 12 failures were detected.

HIGH: 10 (Application level encryption missing, Insecure HTTP with Data Category, JWT leaking, Logger leaking, Cookie leaking, Third-party data category exposure)
MEDIUM: 2 (Insecure SMTP, Insecure FTP)
LOW: 0

The policy report is just one report type available in Curio. Additional options for using and configuring the scan command can be found in the scan documentation. For additional guides and usage tips, view the docs.

❓ FAQs

What can I do with Curio?

The number one thing you can do with Curio is protect sensitive data processed by your applications from being exposed by identifying associated risks. Add Curio to your CI/CD and catch data breach and data leak risks early. This is the Policy feature.

Curio also helps your Compliance & Privacy team assess sensitive data flows processed through your applications, allowing them to comply with the growing number of data regulations across the World (GDPR, CCPA, CPRA, LGPD, PIPA, HIPAA, etc.). This is the Data Flow Report.

Supported Language

Curio currently fully supports Ruby, while JavaScript/TypeScript support is coming soon. Additional languages listed below are supported only for the Data Flow Report features for now.

LanguagesData Flow ReportPolicy
JavaScript / TSβœ…Coming soon
PHPβœ…Coming later
Javaβœ…Coming later
C#βœ…Coming later
Goβœ…Coming later
Pythonβœ…Coming later

In addition, Curio also supports these common structured data file formats:


What is sensitive data?

Out of the box, Curio supports 120+ data types from sensitive data categories such as Personal Data (PD), Sensitive Personal Data, Personally Identifiable Information (PII), and Protected Health Information (PHI). Please refer to the data types documentation for the complete list of supported data types and how the classification works.

You can also add new data types, change the overall taxonomy, or update the classifiers to support custom use-cases (guide coming soon).

When to use Curio?

As we often say, security shouldn’t be an afterthought. Curio is Open Source to allow any company, of any size, to start a more secure journey and protect their customer's data in the best way possible. Today is a good day to start!

Who is using Curio?

Curio is used by developers and app sec engineers, and has been built as part of Bearer with some of the best tech companies in the world to help them protect highly sensitive data.

What if you don't process sensitive data? Well, that's pretty rare these days. Even if you discover no usage after a one-time scan, Curio is a great addition to your CI tooling to ensure sensitive data processing isn't introduced into your codebase without your knowledge.

How is it different from X solution?

Static code analysis tools for security are not new and many great solutions exist including Snyk Code, CodeQL, Semgrep, SonarQube, Brakeman, etc.

Curio is different as it emphasizes that the most important asset we need to protect today is sensitive data, not β€œsystems.” At the same time, it’s built with the knowledge that developers are not security experts and can’t dedicate more time to fix a growing number of security issues without a clear prioritization and understanding of the impact.

By putting the focus on sensitive data first, Curio is able to trigger security risks and vulnerabilities that are by design top priority, with much less noise.

The spirit of Curio is the less (alerts) is more (security) philosophy.

βœ‹ Get in touch

Thanks for using Curio. Still have questions?

🀝 Contributing

Interested in contributing? We're here for it! For details on how to contribute, setting up your development environment, and our processes, review the contribution guide.

🚨 Code of conduct

Everyone interacting with this project is expected to follow the guidelines of our code of conduct.

πŸ›‘οΈ Security

To report a vulnerability or suspected vulnerability, see our security policy. For any questions, concerns or other security matters, feel free to open an issue or join the Discord Community.

πŸŽ“ License

Curio code is licensed under the terms of the Elastic License 2.0 (ELv2), which means you can use it freely inside your organization to protect your applications without any commercial requirements.

You are not allowed to provide Curio to third parties as a hosted or managed service without the explicit approval of Bearer Inc.

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