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title: How detection and classification works

Sensitive data flow

Data discovery and data classification are the core of how Bearer identifies sensitive data flows in your codebase.

How does Bearer discover and classify data?

When you run Bearer on a codebase, it discovers and classifies data by identifying patterns in the source code. Specifically, it looks for data types and matches against them. Most importantly, it never views the actual values—but only the code itself.

Bearer supports 120+ data types from sensitive data categories such as Personal Data (PD), Sensitive PD, Personally identifiable information (PII), Personal Health Information (PHI). You can view the full list in the supported data types documentation.

Data Discovery

Discovery is the first step of the process. Bearer uses static code analysis in two ways.

  • Analyzing class names, methods, functions, variables, properties, and attributes. It then ties those together to detected data structures. It goes as far as doing variable reconciliation.
  • Analyzing data structure definitions files such as OpenAPI, SQL, GraphQL, and Protobuf files.

Data Classification

Bearer next applies pattern matching and heuristics to classify the discovered data. These patterns and heuristics were built by analyzing tens of thousands of pieces of training sets from open-source projects, as well as Bearer's design partners. The heuristics rely heavily on cluster analysis from the retrieved contextual information.

Example 1: Known object representing an individual

Object: User

  - id
  - name
  - email

For this example, Bearer will check whether the data is linked to a person or not. We call this a Known Object. It's an object that we pre-identified as corresponding to an individual. Some common known objects include user, customer, patient, doctor, and many more.

Bearer starts by checking if the detected object matches a known object. In this case, User matches the common user type.

Next, it applies a set of Known Object Patterns to check if the attributes of the object match any of the supported data types. In this case, id is classified as a User Identifier, name as a Full Name, and email as an Email Address.

Example 2: Unknown object representing an individual

Object: Foo

  - id
  - first_name
  - email

For this example, the object Foo doesn't match any known object so Bearer can't say with confidence that it represents an individual.

Rather than applying the patterns for known objects, it applies a set of Unknown Object Patterns to check if the attributes match any data types. This pattern set is more conservative, as it has a lower confidence that Foo represents a person. Once these patterns return a positive result, like they would on first_name, Bearer will then assume that this object represents an individual. From there, it will apply an extended set of patterns, Unknown Object Extended Patterns, to the remaining attributes to see if they match any data types.

Example 3: Object linked to an individual with known attributes

Object: Comment

- id
- user_id
- message

In this example, Bearer doesn't match Comment with any known object and the unknown object patterns don't return a positive result. This means it is confident that this object is not an individual.

From here, it applies a new set of patterns, called User Identifier Patterns, to the attributes as a means to determine if Comment is linked to an individual. user_id returns a positive result which signals to Bearer that the object is linked to an individual.

Bearer will then apply a set of Associated Object Patterns to check if the attributes match a data type. As a result, message is classified as "Interactions."

Example 4: Object linked to an individual with unknown attributes

Object: Appointment

- Id
- patient_id
- date
- bar
- status

In this example:

  • Bearer doesn't match Appointment with any known object.
  • The Unknown Object Patterns return negative results.
  • The User Identifier Patterns return positive based on the patient_id attribute.
  • The Associated Object Patterns return negative results.

In other words, Bearer can't match the attributes to a specific data type.

As a last resort, it applies a new set of patterns called Known Data Object Patterns. These attempt to match the object directly to data types, using the attributes as context. In this instance, Bearer understands that the patient_id is a medical context and therefore classifies the entire object as a "Health record."

Side note on PHI: You can tell Bearer that your code is processing health data, and it will make sure to flag information such as email or first_name as PHI instead of PD. To do so, set the --context flag to health.

Each object will then need to be reviewed and classified manually by users. This approach avoids false negatives for sensitive data categories.

How accurate is Bearer's data classification?

Bearer is built with hundreds of patterns for each data type and context object to minimize false positives at the potential expense of missing some true positives.

Our latest tests of unknown data sets yield an accuracy of 93%, or 7% false positives.

You can improve Bearer's detection and classification

Bearer is extensible. Just as you can add specific rules that work for your own needs, you can also new data types, detectors, and classification patterns. Documentation on how to do so is coming soon, but for now, you can browse the repo!!missing!! to see how these are implemented.

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