Projects STRLCPY bearer Commits ce4730b4
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    skipped 19 lines
    20 20   - -s -w
    21 21   - -X "{{.Version}}"
    22 22   - -X "{{.Commit}}"
    23  - hooks:
    24  - post:
    25  - - |
    26  - sh -c '
    27  - fn=dist/curio-macos-build_{{.Target}}/gon.hcl
    28  - cat >"$fn" <<EOF
    29  - source = ["dist/curio-macos-build_{{.Target}}/{{.Name}}"]
    30  - 
    31  - bundle_id = "com.bearer.curio"
    32  - 
    33  - apple_id {
    34  - password = "@env:AC_PASSWORD"
    35  - }
    36  - 
    37  - sign {
    38  - application_identity = "Developer ID Application: Bearer Inc (5T2VP4YAG8)"
    39  - }
    40  - 
    41  - zip {
    42  - output_path = "curio_{{.Target}}.zip"
    43  - }
    44  - EOF
    45  - '
    46  - - "gon -log-level=debug 'dist/curio-macos-build_{{.Target}}/gon.hcl'"
    47 23   
    48 24  archives:
    49 25   - id: macos-archive
    skipped 1 lines
    51 27   - curio-macos-build
    52 28   
    53 29  release:
    54  - ids:
    55  - - none
    56 30   skip_upload: true
    57 31   mode: keep-existing
    58 32   name_template: "Release {{.Tag}}"
    skipped 23 lines
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