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    84 84   - [honeypot-ftp](https://github.com/alexbredo/honeypot-ftp) - FTP Honeypot.
    85 85   - [honeytrap](https://github.com/honeytrap/honeytrap) - Advanced Honeypot framework written in Go that can be connected with other honeypot software.
    86 86   - [pyrdp](https://github.com/gosecure/pyrdp) - RDP man-in-the-middle and library for Python 3 with the ability to watch connections live or after the fact.
    87  - - [troje](https://github.com/dutchcoders/troje/) - Honeypot that runs each connection with the service within a seperate LXC container.
     87 + - [troje](https://github.com/dutchcoders/troje/) - Honeypot that runs each connection with the service within a separate LXC container.
    88 88   
    89 89  - Distributed Honeypots
    90 90   - [DemonHunter](https://github.com/RevengeComing/DemonHunter) - Low interaction honeypot server.
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