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    90 90   
    91 91  - Other/random
    92 92   - [NOVA](https://github.com/DataSoft/Nova) uses honeypots as detectors, looks like a complete system.
    93  - - [Open Canary](https://pypi.org/pypi/opencanary/) - A low interaction honeypot intended to be run on internal networks.
     93 + - [Open Canary](https://pypi.org/project/opencanary/) - A low interaction honeypot intended to be run on internal networks.
    94 94   - [OFPot](https://github.com/upa/ofpot) - OpenFlow Honeypot, redirects traffic for unused IPs to a honeypot. Built on POX.
    95 95   - [OpenCanary](https://github.com/thinkst/opencanary) - Modular and decentralised honeypot.
    96 96   - [DSHP](https://github.com/naorlivne/dshp) - Damn Simple HoneyPot with pluggable handlers.
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