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  • Joe Shenouda committed with GitHub 6 years ago
    1 parent 1eb24e34
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    136 136  |[Professor Messer](http://www.professormesser.com/)|Good free training video's, not only on Security, but on CompTIA A+, Network and Microsoft related as well.|
    137 137  |[Puzzlemall](https://code.google.com/archive/p/puzzlemall/)|PuzzleMall - A vulnerable web application for practicing session puzzling.|
    138 138  |[Pwnable.kr](http://pwnable.kr/)|'pwnable.kr' is a non-commercial wargame site which provides various pwn challenges regarding system exploitation. while playing pwnable.kr, you could learn/improve system hacking skills but that shouldn't be your only purpose.|
    139  -|[Pwnerrank](https://www.pwnerrank.com/)|A Capture The Flag platform dedicated to information security learning, training and practicing by solving a set challenges.|
    140 139  |[Pwnos](http://www.pwnos.com/)|PwnOS is a vulnerable by design OS .. and there are many ways you can hack it.|
    141 140  |[Reversing.kr](http://reversing.kr)|This site tests your ability to Cracking & Reverse Code Engineering.|
    142 141  |[Ringzero](https://ringzer0team.com/challenges)|Challenges you can solve and gain points.|
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