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    27 27  ## About the author
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    29  -![](https://media.licdn.com/mpr/mpr/shrinknp_400_400/AAEAAQAAAAAAAAtjAAAAJGNjNWE1YzZmLWE3M2UtNDg5YS1hMzQ4LTNiODZhNGFkNGRiMw.jpg)
     29 +![](https://media.licdn.com/mpr/mpr/shrinknp_400_400/AAEAAQAAAAAAAAykAAAAJGE4YTg5NDBmLWM0NDgtNDQzMC04MmRjLTkwY2VjM2FiOWViZQ.jpg)
    30 30  [Joe Shenouda](https://nl.linkedin.com/in/josephshenouda) has extensive experience in IT, ICS & Information Security as a hands-on technical engineer, trainer, consultant and research fellow with a successful record in developing and leading technical corporate Cyber security programs for global organizations.
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    32 32  Previously well known in The Netherlands as "The Netdetective", Joe presented an MTV show on hacking for young adults.
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