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    78 78  | Latish Danawale | [API Testing Checklist](https://hackanythingfor.blogspot.com/2020/07/api-testing-checklist.html) | API Testing Checklist. |
    79 79  | Binary Brotherhood| [OAuth2: Security checklist](https://web.archive.org/web/20210607123429/https://www.binarybrotherhood.io/oauth2_threat_model.html)| OAuth 2.0 Threat Model Pentesting Checklist |
    80 80  | API Mike, @api_sec | [API penetration testing checklist](https://apimike.com/api-penetration-testing-checklist) | Common steps to include in any API penetration testing process. |
     81 +| LeapGraph| [GraphQL API - The Complete Vulnerability Checklist](https://leapgraph.com/graphql-api-security/)| How to Secure a GraphQL API - The Complete Vulnerability Checklist |
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    82 83  ## Conferences
    83 84  | Name | Description |
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