Projects STRLCPY autorize Commits c7a230ba
  • Added a function under retestAllRequests() that reorders the table prior to logging requests. This ensures that when new requests come in, they are written at the bottom and not at the top which was what was causing issues.

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  • terminal Junkie committed 2 years ago
    1 parent bf79028d
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    skipped 356 lines
    357 357   
    358 358  def retestAllRequests(self):
    359 359   for i in range(self.tableModel.getRowCount()):
    360  - self.logTable.setAutoCreateRowSorter(True)
     360 + self.logTable.setAutoCreateRowSorter(True )
    361 361   logEntry = self._log.get(self.logTable.convertRowIndexToModel(i))
    362 362   handle_message(self, "AUTORIZE", False, logEntry._originalrequestResponse)
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