Projects STRLCPY agartha Commits 37accbc9
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    skipped 15 lines
    16 16  except:
    17 17   print "==== ERROR ====" + "\n\nFailed to load dependencies.\n" +str(sys.exc_info()[1]) +"\n\n==== ERROR ====\n\n"
    18 18   
    19  -VERSION = "1.0"
     19 +VERSION = "0.9"
    20 20   
    21 21  class BurpExtender(IBurpExtender, ITab, IMessageEditorController, IContextMenuFactory):
    22 22  
    23 23   def registerExtenderCallbacks(self, callbacks):
    24 24   self._callbacks = callbacks
    25 25   self._helpers = callbacks.getHelpers()
    26  - self._callbacks.setExtensionName("Agartha {LFI|RCE|Auth|SQL Injection|Http->Js}")
     26 + self._callbacks.setExtensionName("Agartha {LFI|RCE|SQLi|Auth|Http->Js}")
    27 27   self._MainTabs = JTabbedPane()
    28 28   self._tabDictUI()
    29 29   self._tabAuthUI()
    skipped 5 lines
    35 35   callbacks.registerContextMenuFactory(self)
    36 36   callbacks.issueAlert("The extension has been loaded.")
    37 37   self.tableMatrixReset(self)
    38  - print "Agartha(v" + VERSION + ") is a security tool for:\n\t\t* Local File Inclusion, Directory Traversal,\n\t\t* Command Injection, Code Execution,\n\t\t* Authentication/Authorization Access Matrix,\n\t\t* SQL Injections,\n\t\t* Http request to Javascript conversion.\n\nFor more information and tutorial how to use, please visit:\n\t\t\n\nAuthor:\tVolkan Dindar\n\t\t\t\[email protected]"
     38 + print "Agartha(v" + VERSION + ") is a security tool for:\n\t\t* Local File Inclusion, Directory Traversal,\n\t\t* Command Injection, Code Execution,\n\t\t* SQL Injections,\n\t\t* Authentication/Authorization Access Matrix,\n\t\t* Http request to Javascript conversion.\n\nFor more information and tutorial how to use, please visit:\n\t\t\n\nAuthor:\tVolkan Dindar\n\t\t\t\[email protected]"
    39 39   return
    40 40   
    41 41   def authMatrixThread(self, ev):
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    447 447   for escapeChar in escapeChars:
    448 448   for suffix in suffixes[1:]:
    449 449   for union in unions:
    450  - unionPhrase = " union select "
     450 + unionPhrase = " union all select "
    451 451   for i in range(int(self._cbUnionDepth.getSelectedItem())):
    452 452   unionPhrase += union
    453 453   if self._cbMysqlBased.isSelected():
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