Projects STRLCPY afrog Commits ed08ce53
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    12 12  // Config is a afrog-config.yaml catalog helper implementation
    13 13  type Config struct {
    14  - PocSizeWaitGroup int32 `yaml:"poc_sizewaitgroup"`
    15  - TargetSizeWaitGroup int32 `yaml:"target_sizewaitgroup"`
    16  - FingerprintSizeWaitGroup int32 `yaml:"fingerprint_sizewaitgroup"`
    17  - ConfigHttp ConfigHttp `yaml:"http"`
    18  - Reverse Reverse `yaml:"reverse"`
     14 + // PocSizeWaitGroup int32 `yaml:"poc_sizewaitgroup"`
     15 + // TargetSizeWaitGroup int32 `yaml:"target_sizewaitgroup"`
     16 + // FingerprintSizeWaitGroup int32 `yaml:"fingerprint_sizewaitgroup"`
     17 + // ConfigHttp ConfigHttp `yaml:"http"`
     18 + Reverse Reverse `yaml:"reverse"`
    19 19  }
    20 20  type ConfigHttp struct {
    21 21   Proxy string `yaml:"proxy"`
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    40 40  }
    41 41   
    42 42  const afrogConfigFilename = "afrog-config.yaml"
    43  -const Version = "2.2.0"
     43 +const Version = "2.2.1"
    44 44   
    45 45  // Create and initialize afrog-config.yaml configuration info
    46 46  func New() (*Config, error) {
    47 47   if isExistConfigFile() != nil {
    48 48   c := Config{}
    49  - c.PocSizeWaitGroup = 25
    50  - c.TargetSizeWaitGroup = 25
    51  - c.FingerprintSizeWaitGroup = 100
    52  - configHttp := c.ConfigHttp
    53  - configHttp.Proxy = ""
    54  - configHttp.DialTimeout = 10
    55  - configHttp.ReadTimeout = "10000ms"
    56  - configHttp.WriteTimeout = "3000ms"
    57  - configHttp.MaxIdle = "1h"
    58  - configHttp.MaxRedirect = 3
    59  - configHttp.Concurrency = 4096
    60  - configHttp.MaxConnsPerHost = 512 // MaxConnsPerHost是一个限流的参数,保证对一个Host最大的打开连接数,如果超过这个数字,则会直接拒绝,这里默认值是512,但如果你打算用来做压测之类的事情,需要增加这个值,比如这里我就增加到了16384
    61  - configHttp.MaxResponseBodySize = 1024 * 1024 * 2
    62  - configHttp.UserAgent = ""
    63  - c.ConfigHttp = configHttp
     49 + // c.PocSizeWaitGroup = 25
     50 + // c.TargetSizeWaitGroup = 25
     51 + // c.FingerprintSizeWaitGroup = 100
     52 + // configHttp := c.ConfigHttp
     53 + // configHttp.Proxy = ""
     54 + // configHttp.DialTimeout = 10
     55 + // configHttp.ReadTimeout = "10000ms"
     56 + // configHttp.WriteTimeout = "3000ms"
     57 + // configHttp.MaxIdle = "1h"
     58 + // configHttp.MaxRedirect = 3
     59 + // configHttp.Concurrency = 4096
     60 + // configHttp.MaxConnsPerHost = 512 // MaxConnsPerHost是一个限流的参数,保证对一个Host最大的打开连接数,如果超过这个数字,则会直接拒绝,这里默认值是512,但如果你打算用来做压测之类的事情,需要增加这个值,比如这里我就增加到了16384
     61 + // configHttp.MaxResponseBodySize = 1024 * 1024 * 2
     62 + // configHttp.UserAgent = ""
     63 + // c.ConfigHttp = configHttp
    64 64   reverse := c.Reverse
    65  - reverse.Ceye.ApiKey = "fb1837116d366dd91f2aa9ab837efe66"
    66  - reverse.Ceye.Domain = ""
     65 + reverse.Ceye.ApiKey = ""
     66 + reverse.Ceye.Domain = ""
    67 67   c.Reverse = reverse
    68 68   WriteConfiguration(&c)
    69 69   }
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