Projects STRLCPY afrog Commits 9ba58946
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    102 102   err := app.Run(os.Args)
    103 103   if err != nil {
    104 104   fmt.Println(runner.ShowTips())
    105  - fmt.Println(log.LogColor.High("Failed to start afrog,", err.Error()))
     105 + fmt.Println(log.LogColor.High("start afrog failed,", err.Error()))
    106 106   }
    107 107  }
    108 108   
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    skipped 56 lines
    57 57   }
    58 58   }
    59 59   if len(options.Targets) == 0 {
    60  - return errors.New("could not find targets")
     60 + return errors.New("not found targets")
    61 61   }
    62 62   
    63 63   // init pocs
    skipped 16 lines
    80 80   allPocsYamlSlice := runner.catalog.GetPocsPath(options.PocsDirectory)
    81 81   
    82 82   if len(allPocsYamlSlice) == 0 && len(allPocsEmbedYamlSlice) == 0 {
    83  - return errors.New("未找到可执行脚本(POC),请检查`默认脚本`或指定新の脚本(POC)")
     83 + return errors.New("no found pocs")
    84 84   }
    85 85   
    86 86   // console print
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    78 78  func (u *Upgrade) UpgradeAfrogPocs() {
    79 79   isUp, err := u.CheckUpgrade()
    80 80   if err != nil {
     81 + if u.IsUpdatePocs {
     82 + fmt.Println(log.LogColor.High("PoC Update failed, " + err.Error()))
     83 + }
    81 84   return
    82 85   }
    83 86   if !isUp {
     87 + if u.IsUpdatePocs {
     88 + fmt.Println(log.LogColor.Vulner("Congratulations, the PoC is updated to the latest version"))
     89 + }
    84 90   return
    85 91   }
    86 92   if isUp {
    87 93   u.LastestVersion = u.RemoteVersion
    88 94   if u.IsUpdatePocs {
    89  - fmt.Println(log.LogColor.Info("Downloading latest release..."))
     95 + fmt.Println(log.LogColor.Vulner("Downloading latest release..."))
    90 96   u.Download()
    91 97   }
    92 98   }
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    113 119   
    114 120   _, err := uz.Extract(src, u.HomeDir)
    115 121   if err != nil {
    116  - fmt.Println(log.LogColor.Low("Failed updated afrog-pocs ", err))
     122 + fmt.Println(log.LogColor.High("Failed updated afrog-pocs ", err))
    117 123   }
    118 124   
    119  - fmt.Println(log.LogColor.Info("Successfully updated afrog-pocs to ", u.HomeDir+upPathName))
     125 + fmt.Println(log.LogColor.Vulner("Successfully updated afrog-pocs to ", strings.ReplaceAll(u.HomeDir+upPathName, "\\", "/")))
    120 126  }
    121 127   
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