Projects STRLCPY afrog Commits 77747687
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  • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
     1 +# PoC List
     2 +```
     3 +泛微OA E-Cology LoginSSO.jsp SQL注入漏洞
     4 +泛微OA E-Office UploadFile.php 任意文件上传漏洞
     5 +泛微OA E-Office officeserver.php 任意文件读取漏洞
     6 +蓝凌OA JNDI远程命令执行
     7 +华天动力OA 8000版 workFlowService SQL注入漏洞
     8 +用友 GRP-U8 Proxy SQL注入
     9 +致远OA A6 config.jsp 敏感信息泄漏漏洞
     10 +致远OA A6 createMysql.jsp 数据库敏感信息泄露
     11 +致远OA A6 setextno.jsp SQL注入漏洞
     12 +致远OA A8 status.jsp 信息泄露漏洞
     13 +致远OA A8 htmlofficeservlet 任意文件上传漏洞
     14 +通达OA v11.6 insert SQL注入漏洞
     15 +通达OA v11.5 logincheck_code.php 登陆绕过漏洞
     16 +通达OA v11.6 report_bi.func.php SQL注入漏洞
     17 +通达OA v11.5 swfupload_new.php SQL注入漏洞
     18 +通达OA User Session Disclosure
     19 +通达OA v2014 get_contactlist.php 敏感信息泄漏漏洞
     20 +通达OA v2017 action_upload.php 任意文件上传漏洞
     21 +万户OA download_ftp.jsp 任意文件下载漏洞
     22 +万户OA download_old.jsp 任意文件下载漏洞
     23 +万户OA downloadhttp.jsp 任意文件下载漏洞
     24 +万户OA smartUpload.jsp 任意文件上传漏洞
     25 +一米OA getfile.jsp 任意文件读取漏洞
     26 +用友 FE协作办公平台 templateOfTaohong_manager.jsp 目录遍历漏洞
     27 +Office Anywhere TongDa - Path Traversal
     28 +金山 V8 终端安全系统 pdf_maker.php 命令执行漏洞
     29 +金和OA C6 download.jsp 任意文件读取漏洞
     30 +帆软报表 V9 design_save_svg 任意文件覆盖文件上传
     31 +红帆OA ioFileExport.aspx 任意文件读取漏洞
     32 +帆软报表 V8 get_geo_json 任意文件读取漏洞
     33 +智明 SmartOA EmailDownload.ashx 任意文件下载漏洞
     34 +FanRuanOA-detect
     35 +Apache ActiveMQ Panel
     36 +Adminer Login Panel
     37 +Apache APISIX Login Panel
     38 +Avtech AVN801 Network Camera Panel Detect
     39 +Detect Azure Kubernetes Service
     40 +DirectAdmin Login Panel Detect
     41 +Python Django Admin Panel
     42 +DLink Panel
     43 +Apache dubbo detect
     44 +Emessage Panel
     45 +Fckeditor Detect
     46 +GitLab Panel
     47 +Grafana Panel
     48 +Huawei HG532e Detection
     49 +Jenkins API Instance Detection Template
     50 +Jenkins Login Detected
     51 +Jira Panel
     52 +jupyter-notebook-tech
     53 +Kubernetes Console Exposure
     54 +Detect Kubernetes Enterprise Manager
     55 +Detect Kubernetes Exposed Metrics
     56 +Detect Mirantis Kubernetes Engine
     57 +Detect Overview Kubernetes Resource Report
     58 +Kubernetes Version Exposure
     59 +LandrayOA Panel Login
     60 +Microsoft Exchange Control Panel
     61 +MinIO Browser
     62 +MinIO Console
     63 +MongoDB Ops Manager
     64 +OpenERP database instances
     65 +phpMyAdmin Panel
     66 +RabbitMQ Dashboard
     67 +Apache RocketMQ Console Exposure
     68 +Shiro detect
     69 +SolarWinds Orion Panel
     70 +SonicWall Management Panel
     71 +SonicWall Virtual Office SSLVPN Panel
     72 +Public Swagger API Desclosure
     73 +TerraMaster Login Panel
     74 +ThinkPHP detect
     75 +Apache Tomcat Detect
     76 +UPUPW-PHP 探针
     77 +UTT 艾泰网络管理系统
     78 +WAYOS-智能路由管理系统
     79 +Weblogic Login Panel
     80 +WordPress login
     81 +Zabbix Login Panel
     82 +Zentao detect
     83 +Alibaba Canal Information Leak
     84 +ASPCMS Backend Leak
     85 +Avtech AVC798HA DVR Information Exposure
     86 +AVTECH 视频监控设备认证绕过
     87 +Dlink 850l Information Disclosure
     88 +泛微OA E-Office mysql_config.ini 数据库信息泄漏
     89 +go-pprof-leak
     90 +Apache Hadoop Disclosure
     91 +hikvision-info-leak
     92 +Hjtcloud Directory File Leak
     93 +Huawei DG8045 deviceinfo 信息泄漏漏洞
     94 +Kyan Network Monitoring Account Password Leakage
     95 +Laravel Debug Info Leak
     96 +Nsfocus uts password leak
     97 +OpenVPN Monitor Disclosure
     98 +phpinfo Disclosure
     99 +Ruijie EG Information Disaclosure
     100 +ruijie-nbr1300g-cli-password-leak
     101 +Ruijie smartweb password information disclosure
     102 +seeyon-a6-employee-info-leak
     103 +seeyon-oa-cookie-leak
     104 +seeyon-session-leak
     105 +ThinkPHP 5.0.9 Information Disclosure
     106 +Tianqing Info Leak
     107 +Airflow Unauth
     108 +BT742 PMA Unauthorized Access
     109 +CouchDB Unauthorized
     110 +Druid Monitor Unauth
     111 +Elasticsearch Unauth
     112 +ETCD Unauth
     113 +frp dashboard unauth
     114 +H2 Database Web Console Unauthorized Access
     115 +Hadoop Yarn Unauth
     116 +HP office pro printer Unauthorized
     117 +Influxdb Unauth
     118 +JBoss Unauth
     119 +Jeecg Boot Unauth
     120 +jenkins-unauthorized-access
     121 +Jira Service Desk Signup
     122 +Jira Unauthenticated Admin Projects
     123 +Jira Unauthenticated Dashboards
     124 +Jira Unauthenticated Installed gadgets
     125 +Jira Unauthenticated Project Categories
     126 +Jira Unauthenticated Projects
     127 +Jira Unauthenticated Resolutions
     128 +Jira Unauthenticated Access to screens
     129 +Jira Unauthenticated User Picker
     130 +Jupyter Notebook Unauthorized Access
     131 +Kafka Manager Unauth
     132 +Kibana Unauth
     133 +kubernetes Unauth
     134 +Alibaba Nacos V1 Auth Bypass
     135 +Apache Nifi Api Unauthorized Access
     136 +Pyspider Unauthorized Access
     137 +qizhi fortressaircraft unauthorized
     138 +若依管理系统未授权访问
     139 +seeyon-ajax-unauthorized-access
     140 +spark Api Unauth
     141 +Spark WebUI Unauthenticated
     142 +Springboot Actuator Unauth
     143 +Apache Storm Unauthorized Access
     144 +Tensorboard Unauth
     145 +Tongda Meeting Unauthorized Access
     146 +Zabbix authentication Bypass
     147 +Zabbix Dashboards Access
     148 +ActiveMQ Default Password
     149 +Alibaba Canal Default Password
     150 +Apache Ambari Default Password
     151 +华为Aolynk BR304+ 智能安全路由器默认口令
     152 +ARL Default Login
     153 +Axis2 Default Login
     154 +Azkaban Web Client Default Credential
     155 +China Unicom Modem Default Login
     156 +datang-ac-default-password-CNVD-2021-04128
     157 +DELL iDRAC9 Default Login
     158 +DLink Default Password
     159 +Dubbo Admin Default Password
     160 +ExacqVision Default Login
     161 +Gitlab Default Login
     162 +Grafana Default Password
     163 +Hikvision Intercom Service Default Password
     164 +IBM Storage Management Default Login
     165 +Jenkins Default Password
     166 +Jinher OA C6 Default Password
     167 +JBoss JMX Console Weak Credential
     168 +Apache Kafka Center Default Password
     169 +Kingsoft V8 Default Password
     170 +Minio Default Password
     171 +MOFI4500-4GXeLTE-V2 Default Login
     172 +Netentsec Icg Default Password
     173 +Nexus Default Password
     174 +Nps Default Password
     175 +Nsicg Default Password
     176 +Apache OfBiz Default Login
     177 +Openerp Default Password
     178 +Oracle Business Intelligence Default Login
     179 +Panabit Gateway Default Password
     180 +Panabit Ixcache Default Password
     181 +RabbitMQ Default Password
     182 +Rancher Default Login
     183 +Ricoh Weak Password
     184 +Rockmongo Default Password
     185 +Advantech R-SeeNet Default Login
     186 +Secnet AC Default Password
     187 +SeedDMS Default Credential
     188 +Showdoc Default Password
     189 +Spectracom Default Login
     190 +Telecom Gateway Default Password
     191 +Apahce Tomcat Manager Default Login
     192 +Trilithic Viewpoint Default Login
     193 +utt-default-password
     194 +Versa Networks SD-WAN Application Default Login
     195 +wayos-default-password
     196 +WebLogic Default Login
     197 +Xerox WorkCentre 7xxx - Default Login
     198 +Zabbix Default Password
     199 +Amtt hiboss Server Ping RCE
     200 +Anyproxy 目录穿越导致任意文件读取
     201 +Cacti Weathermap File Write
     202 +Consul rexec RCE
     203 +Consul Service RCE
     204 +CouchDB Admin Party
     205 +大华 城市安防监控系统平台管理 attachment_downloadByUrlAtt.action 任意文件下载漏洞
     206 +DEDECMS Carbuyaction File Include
     207 +DEDECMS Guestbook sqli
     208 +DEDECMS Membergroup sqli
     209 +DedeCMS URL Redirection
     210 +Discuz V72 sqli
     211 +Discuz Wechat Plugins Unauth
     212 +Dlink dsl 2888a rce
     213 +Docker Registry Listing
     214 +Docker Remote API
     215 +Detect .dockercfg
     216 +DotnetCMS sqli
     217 +Duomicms sqli
     218 +泛微OA E-Bridge saveYZJFile 任意文件读取
     219 +Ecology arbitrary file upload
     220 +ecology filedownload directory traversal
     221 +泛微OA E-Cology getSqlData SQL注入漏洞
     222 +ecology springframework directory traversal
     223 +ecology syncuserinfo sqli
     224 +ecology v8 sqli
     225 +ecology validate sqli
     226 +ecology workflow center tree data sqli
     227 +ECshop Collection List sqli
     228 +ECshop RCE
     229 +eGroupWare spellchecker.php 远程命令执行
     230 +ETouch v2 sqli
     231 +FangweiCMS sqli
     232 +FeiFeiCMS lfr
     233 +FineCMS sqli
     234 +Finereport Directory Traversal
     235 +Apache Flink Unauth RCE
     236 +Grafana v8.x Arbitrary File Read
     237 +H3C imc RCE
     238 +H3C Secparh Any User Login
     239 +Hanming Video Conferencing File Read
     240 +HjtCloud Arbitrary File Read
     241 +Huawei Home Gateway Hg659 Fileread
     242 +Huijietong Cloud File Read
     243 +IIS Put Getshell
     244 +Jeewms Showordownbyurl fileread
     245 +Joomla Component Vreview sql
     246 +Jumpserver Unauth RCE
     247 +Kingdee EAS Directory Traversal
     248 +Kingsoft V8 File Read
     249 +landray-oa-custom-jsp-fileread
     250 +蓝凌OA 远程命令执行
     251 +Laravel Improper Webdir
     252 +Maccms RCE
     253 +Maccmsv10 Backdoor
     254 +Metinfo file read
     255 +Mpsec isg1000 file read
     256 +msvod sqli
     257 +myucms lfr
     258 +Natshell Arbitrary File Read
     259 +Netentsec Ngfw RCE
     260 +Ns Asg file read
     261 +Nuuo file inclusion
     262 +Odoo file read
     263 +Pbootcms Database File Download
     264 +Phpmyadmin Setup Deserialization
     265 +phpok sqli
     266 +phpshe sqli
     267 +Phpstudy backdoor rce
     268 +Phpstudy Nginx Wrong Resolve
     269 +Powercreator Arbitrary file upload
     270 +qibocms sqli
     271 +qilin bastion host rce
     272 +resin inputfile fileread
     273 +resin viewfile fileread
     274 +ruijie-eg-cli-rce
     275 +ruijie-eg-file-read
     276 +Ruoyi Management Fileread
     277 +Samsung Wea453e Default Password
     278 +Samsung Wea453e RCE
     279 +Samsung Wlan AP Wea453e RCE
     280 +sangfor-ba-rce
     281 +sangfor-edr-arbitrary-admin-login
     282 +sangfor-edr-cssp-rce
     283 +sangfor-edr-tool-rce
     284 +Seacms Before V992 RCE
     285 +SeaCMS RCE
     286 +SeaCMS sqli
     287 +SeaCMS V654 RCE
     288 +SeaCMS V645 RCE
     289 +seeyon session upload webshell
     290 +seeyon wooyun 2015 0108235 sqli
     291 +Seeyon WooYun LFR
     292 +shiziyu cms apicontroller sqli
     293 +Showdoc Uploadfile
     294 +Solr Admin Query Page
     295 +Apache Solr <= 8.8.1 Arbitrary File Read
     296 +Apache Solr Log4j RCE
     297 +Sonicwall SSL VPN RCE
     298 +Spon Ip Intercom File Read
     299 +Spon Ip Intercom Ping RCE
     300 +Spring Cloud Function SPEL 远程命令执行漏洞
     301 +Spring Boot H2 Database RCE
     302 +Tamronos iptv rce
     303 +Selea Targa IP OCR-ANPR Camera - Unauthenticated Directory Traversal
     304 +Thinkadmin v6 readfile
     305 +Thinkcmf lfi
     306 +Thinkcmf write shell
     307 +ThinkPHP 2 3 's' Parameter RCE
     308 +ThinkPHP 5.0.1 RCE
     309 +ThinkPHP 5.0.22 RCE
     310 +ThinkPHP 5.0.23 RCE
     311 +thinkphp-v6-file-write
     312 +Tpshop Directory Traversal
     313 +Tpshop sqli
     314 +Typecho rce
     315 +UniFi Network Log4j JNDI RCE
     316 +和信云桌面未授权任意文件上传
     317 +Vmware Vcenter Arbitrary file read
     318 +VMware vRealize Operations Tenant App Log4j JNDI Remote Code Execution
     319 +万户 OA Upload RCE
     320 +weblogic ssrf
     321 +Weiphp Path Traversal
     322 +weiphp sql
     323 +Discuz Command Execution
     324 +Wordpress Ext Adaptive Images lfi
     325 +Wordpress Ext Mailpress RCE
     326 +WuzhiCMS V410 sqli
     327 +Xdcms sql
     328 +Yapi RCE
     329 +YcCMS RCE
     330 +Yongyou U8 OA sqli
     331 +Yonyou Grp U8 sqli to rce
     332 +Yonyou Grp U8 sqli
     333 +Yonyou NC Arbitrary file upload
     334 +yonyou-nc-bsh-servlet-bshservlet-rce
     335 +YungouCMS sqli
     336 +zcms v3 sqli
     337 +ZzCMS zsmanage sqli
     338 +Caucho Resin Information Disclosure
     339 +Ueditor编辑器.net版本存在文件上传漏洞
     340 +Metinfo file read
     341 +Xiuno BBS CNVD-2019-01348
     342 +Coremail Information Disclosure
     343 +Discuz!ML 3.x 任意代码执行
     344 +泛微OA E-Cology BshServlet 远程代码执行漏洞
     345 +Joomla configuration.php RCE
     346 +Xxunchi Local File read
     347 +e-zkeco-CNVD-2020-57264-read-file
     348 +ecshop-CNVD-2020-58823-sqli
     349 +致远oa系统存在任意文件读取漏洞
     350 +H5S CONSOLE 存在未授权访问
     351 +Datang AC Default Password
     352 +锐捷网络股份有限公司NBR路由器EWEB网管系统存在命令执行漏洞
     353 +EEA Information Disclosure
     354 +Ruijie RG-UAC Information Disclosure
     355 +ShopXO File Read
     356 +EmpireCMS DOM Cross Site-Scripting
     357 +Wifisky Default Password
     358 +JBoss CVE-2010-1871
     359 +Adobe ColdFusion 8.0/8.0.1/9.0/9.0.1 LFI
     360 +PHP CGI v5.3.12/5.4.2 RCE
     361 +Apache Struts 2 - DefaultActionMapper Prefixes OGNL Code Execution (S2-016)
     362 +Elasticsearch CVE-2014-3120
     363 +Drupal SQL Injection
     364 +ShellShock - Remote Code Execution
     365 +Elasticsearch CVE-2015-1427
     366 +Elasticsearch CVE-2015-3337
     367 +Elasticsearch CVE-2015-5531
     368 +Joomla Core SQL Injection
     369 +Atlassian Confluence configuration files read
     370 +Zabbix CVE-2016-10134
     371 +Apache S2-032 Struts RCE
     372 +ActiveMQ Arbitrary File Write Vulnerability (CVE-2016-3088)
     373 +Spring Security OAuth2 Remote Command Execution
     374 +GlassFish LFI
     375 +WebLogic XMLDecoder 反序列化漏洞 CVE-2017-10271
     376 +Supervisor XMLRPC Exec
     377 +Java/Jboss Deserialization [RCE]
     378 +Apache Tomcat RCE
     379 +Apache Solr <= 7.1 XML entity injection
     380 +CouchDB CVE-2017-12635
     381 +Nextjs v2.4.1 LFI
     382 +Bypassing Authentication on NETGEAR Routers
     383 +JBoss 4.x JBossMQ JMS 反序列化漏洞
     384 +Hikvision CVE-2017-7921
     385 +Joomla SQL Injection
     386 +Apache Struts2 S2-053 RCE
     387 +phpunit rce
     388 +GitList < 0.6.0 RCE
     389 +Pre-auth Fully-responded SSRF
     390 +Jenkins 2.138 Remote Command Execution
     391 +Nagios XI commandline.php SQL Inject
     392 +Nagios XI SQL Inject
     393 +Nagios XI SQL Inject
     394 +Nagios XI before 5.4.13 SQL Inject
     395 +FlexPaper PHP Publish Service RCE
     396 +Apache Tomcat JK Status Manager Access
     397 +PhpMyAdmin 4.8.1 Remote File Inclusion
     398 +FortiOS - Credentials Disclosure
     399 +Kibana Local File Inclusion
     400 +PHPCMS 2008 Remote Code Execution
     401 +Ruby On Rails Path Traversal
     402 +Joomla Ext zhbaidumap sql inject
     403 +DedeCMS 5.7 Web Path Disclosure
     404 +Joomla SQL Inject
     405 +uWSGI PHP Plugin Directory Traversal
     406 +Drupal Drupalgeddon 2 RCE
     407 +Couchcms 2.0 Dictionary Disclosure
     408 +Dedecms V5.7 后台任意代码执行
     409 +Apache OFBiz XXE
     410 +Cobub Razor 0.8.0 Physical path Leakage Vulnerability
     411 +DVR Authentication Bypass
     412 +Apache Solr Remote Code Execution
     413 +Mongo-Express Remote Code Execution - CVE-2019-10758
     414 +Pulse Connect Secure SSL VPN Arbitrary File Read
     415 +Jira 未授权服务端模板注入
     416 +Zeroshell 3.9.0 Remote Command Execution
     417 +Webmin <= 1.920 Unauthenticated Remote Command Execution
     418 +Harbor Enables Privilege Escalation From Zero to admin
     419 +Nostromo 1.9.6 - Remote Code Execution
     420 +ifw8 Router ROM v4.31 Credential Discovery
     421 +rConfig v3.9.2 RCE
     422 +vBulletin v5.0.0-v5.5.4 Remote Command Execution
     423 +D-Link Unauthenticated remote code
     424 +Metinfo 7.0.0beta SQL Inject
     425 +Metinfo sql inject
     426 +Metinfo sql inject
     427 +D-Link authentication
     428 +Apache Solr Velocity Template RCE
     429 +Openfire Full Read SSRF
     430 +Citrix Application Delivery Controller (ADC) and Gateway Directory Traversal.
     431 +WordPress Plugin Email Subscribers & Newsletters 4.2.2 - Unauthenticated File Download
     432 +TVT NVMS 1000 - Directory Traversal
     433 +Pandora v7.0NG Post-auth Remote Code Execution
     434 +Oracle WebLogic Remote Code Execution
     435 +Oracle WebLogic Remote Code Execution
     436 +Atlassian Confluence Path Traversal
     437 +Spring Cloud Config Server Directory Traversal
     438 +youphptube-encoder-cve-2019-5128
     439 +Drupal 8 core RESTful Web Services RCE
     440 +QNAP PhotoStation Unauthorizated File Read
     441 +NEXUS < 3.14.0 Remote Code Execution
     442 +Atlassian Jira webroot leak
     443 +Jira Information Disclosure
     444 +Jira SSRF
     445 +Zimbra Collaboration XXE
     446 +SolarWinds Orion Platform Authentication Bypass
     447 +Nexus Repository before 3.21.2 allows JavaEL Injection
     448 +Nexus Repository before 3.21.2 Remote Code Execution
     449 +LimeSurvey 4.1.11 - Path Traversal
     450 +Kong API Gateway Unauthorized
     451 +Apache Kylin Exposed Configuration File
     452 +Jira Information Disclosure
     453 +Jira Unauthorized User Enumeration
     454 +Oracle Weblogic Remote Command Execution
     455 +TerraMaster TOS v4.1.24 RCE
     456 +SaltStack Shell Injection
     457 +Apache Flink RESTful API Arbitrary File Read
     458 +Inspur ClusterEngine V4.0 Remote Code Execution
     459 +NexusDB v4.50.22 Path Traversal
     460 +DLink Account Disclosure
     461 +GitLab Information Disclosure
     462 +SonarQube unauth
     463 +TerraMaster TOS 用户枚举漏洞
     464 +TerraMaster TOS 后台任意文件读取漏洞 CVE-2020-28187
     465 +TerraMaster TOS Unauthenticated Remote Command Execution
     466 +Cisco Read-Only Path Traversal
     467 +OpenTSDB 2.4.0 Remote Code Execution
     468 +GateOne Arbitrary File Download
     469 +Next.js .next limited path traversal
     470 +Spring Cloud Directory Traversal
     471 +Spring Cloud Config Server Directory Traversal
     472 +Gila CMS 1.11.8 SQL Injection.
     473 +F5 BIG-IP TMUI RCE
     474 +Satellian 1.12 Remote Code Execution
     475 +citrix-cve-2020-8191-xss
     476 +Citrix unauthenticated LFI
     477 +Citrix XenMobile Server Path Traversal
     478 +DrayTek pre-auth RCE
     479 +DLink dir610 credentials dump
     480 +SSkyWalking SQLI
     481 +Apache OFBiz XML-RPC Java Deserialization
     482 +SEOmatic < 3.3.0 Server-Side Template Injection
     483 +Prometheus v2.23.0 to v2.26.0, and v2.27.0 Open Redirect
     484 +Lanproxy Directory Traversal
     486 +Pentahoa uthentication bypass
     487 +Apache Struts2 S2-062 RCE
     488 +Node RED Dashboard - Directory Traversal
     489 +Dahua IPC/VTH/VTO devices Authentication Bypass
     490 +noVNC Open Redirect
     491 +Apache Druid Authentication Restrictions Bypass
     492 +Apache ShenYu Admin JWT authentication bypass
     493 +Apache <= 2.4.48 Mod_Proxy SSRF
     494 +Microsoft Exchange Server Pre-Auth POST Based Reflected Cross-Site Scripting
     495 +Apache 2.4.49 - Path Traversal and Remote Code Execution
     496 +Pre-Auth Takeover of Build Pipelines in GoCD
     497 +Apache Superset Default Password
     498 +Atlassian Jira - Authentication bypass in Seraph
     499 +F5 BIG-IP iControl REST Auth Bypass RCE
     500 +Oracle WebLogic Server Local File Inclusion
     501 +Spring Cloud Gateway Code Injection
     502 +VMware Workspace ONE Access SSTI
     503 +Zabbix - SAML SSO Authentication Bypass
     504 +Zabbix Setup Configuration Authentication Bypass
     505 +Crestron Device - Credentials Disclosure
     506 +Apache APISIX apisix/batch-requests RCE
     507 +Casdoor 1.13.0 - Unauthenticated SQL Injection
     508 +VoipMonitor - Pre-Auth SQL Injection
     509 +TerraMaster TOS 信息泄漏漏洞 CVE-2022-24990
     510 +TOTOLink T6 V5.9c.4085_B20190428 Command Injection
     511 +Dynamicweb 9.5.0 - 9.12.7 Unauthenticated Admin User Creation
     512 +MotionEye 视频监控组件 list 信息泄漏
     513 +DotCMS Arbitrary File Upload
     514 +WSO2 fileupload 任意文件上传漏洞
     515 +Apache OFBiz Log4j JNDI RCE
     516 +Ivanti MobileIron Log4J JNDI RCE
     517 +Spring Boot Log4j Remote Code Injection
     518 +Spring Framework RCE JDK 9+
     519 +```
  • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
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    74 74  ### [查看教程](
    75 75   
     76 +# PoC 列表
     77 +### [查看 PoC 列表](
     78 + 
    76 79  # 免责声明
    77 80   
    78 81  本工具仅面向**合法授权**的企业安全建设行为,如您需要测试本工具的可用性,请自行搭建靶机环境。
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  • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
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    75 75  ### [View tutorial](
    76 76   
     77 +# PoC List
     78 +### [View PoC List](
     79 + 
    77 80  # Disclaimer
    78 81   
    79 82  This tool is only for **legally authorized** enterprise security construction behavior. If you need to test the usability of this tool, please build a target environment by yourself.
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    Binary file.
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    8 8  )
    9 9   
    10 10  func main() {
    11  - c := catalog.New("./afrog-pocs")
    12  - allPocsYamlSlice, err := c.GetPocPath("./afrog-pocs")
     11 + c := catalog.New("./pocs/afrog-pocs")
     12 + allPocsYamlSlice, err := c.GetPocPath("./pocs/afrog-pocs")
    13 13   if err != nil && len(allPocsYamlSlice) == 0 {
    14 14   fmt.Println("未找到可执行脚本(POC),请检查`默认脚本`或指定新の脚本(POC)")
    15 15   }
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