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AARDWOLF - Asynchronous RDP client in Python

This project is aimed to play around the RDP protocol.

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Porchetta Industries


  • Supports credssp auth via NTLM/Kerberos.
  • Built-in proxy client allows SOCKS/HTTP proxy tunneling without 3rd part software
  • PtH via CredSSP+Restricted admin mode
  • Scriptable Keyboard, Mouse input and Clipboard input/output
  • Can run in headless mode, no GUI required (read: no need for Qt)

Example scripts

  • aardpclient Basic RDP client running on top of Qt5. Can copy-paste text, handles keyboard and mouse.
  • aardpscreenshot RDP ?screenshotter? scans the given target/s or network ranges for open RDP clients, tries to log in either with or without credentials and takes a screemshot
  • aardpcapscan RDP login capability scanner identifies the supported login protocols on a target or network ranges.

URL format

As usual the scripts take the target/scredentials in URL format. Below some examples

  • rdp+kerberos-password://TEST\Administrator:[email protected]/?dc=
    CredSSP (aka HYBRID) auth using Kerberos auth + password via socks5 to win2016ad.test.corp, the domain controller (kerberos service) is at The socks proxy is on
  • rdp+ntlm-password://TEST\Administrator:[email protected]
    CredSSP (aka HYBRID) auth using NTLM auth + password connecting to RDP server
  • rdp+ntlm-password://TEST\Administrator:<NThash>@
    CredSSP (aka HYBRID) auth using Pass-the-Hash (NTLM) auth connecting to RDP server


  • Citronneur's rdpy. The decompression code and the QT image magic was really valuable.
  • Marc-André Moreau (@awakecoding) for providing suggestions on fixes

Additional info for Qt install.

  • installing in venv will require installing Qt5 outside of venv, then installing 'wheel' and 'vext.pyqt5' in the venv via pip first. then install pyqt5 in the venv
  • installing Qt5 can be a nightmare
  • generally on ubuntu you can use apt install python3-pyqt5 before installing aardwolf and it will (should) work
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