Projects STRLCPY aardwolf Commits 8115bd4f
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    53 53   
    54 54   # file path of the ducky file (if used)
    55 55   self.ducky_file = None
     56 + # ducky script start delay, None means that typing will not start automatically
     57 + self.ducky_autostart_delay = 5
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    10 10  from aardwolf.commons.url import RDPConnectionURL
    11 11  from aardwolf.commons.iosettings import RDPIOSettings
    12 12  from aardwolf.commons.queuedata import RDPDATATYPE
    13  -from aardwolf.commons.queuedata.keyboard import RDP_KEYBOARD_SCANCODE
     13 +from aardwolf.commons.queuedata.keyboard import RDP_KEYBOARD_SCANCODE, RDP_KEYBOARD_UNICODE
    14 14  from aardwolf.commons.queuedata.mouse import RDP_MOUSE
    15 15  from aardwolf.extensions.RDPECLIP.protocol.formatlist import CLIPBRD_FORMAT
    16 16  from aardwolf.commons.queuedata.clipboard import RDP_CLIPBOARD_DATA_TXT
    17 17  from aardwolf.commons.queuedata.constants import MOUSEBUTTON, VIDEO_FORMAT
     18 +from import RDPConnectionDialect
    18 19   
    19 20  from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QApplication, QMainWindow, qApp, QLabel
    20 21  from PyQt5.QtCore import QObject, pyqtSignal, pyqtSlot, QThread, Qt
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    47 48  
    48 49   def __init__(self, parent=None, **kwargs):
    49 50   super().__init__(parent, **kwargs)
    50  - self.settings = None
     51 + self.settings:RDPClientConsoleSettings = None
    51 52   self.conn = None
    52 53   self.input_evt = None
    53 54   self.in_q = None
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    71 72   async def ducky_keyboard_sender(self, scancode, is_pressed, as_char = False):
    72 73   ### Callback function for the duckyexecutor to dispatch scancodes/characters to the remote end
    73 74   try:
    74  - print('SCANCODE: %s' % scancode)
    75  - print('is_pressed: %s' % is_pressed)
    76  - print('as_char: %s' % as_char)
     75 + #print('SCANCODE: %s' % scancode)
     76 + #print('is_pressed: %s' % is_pressed)
     77 + #print('as_char: %s' % as_char)
    77 78   if as_char is False:
    78 79   ki = RDP_KEYBOARD_SCANCODE()
    79 80   ki.keyCode = scancode
    80 81   ki.is_pressed = is_pressed
    81  - ki.modifiers = []
     82 + ki.modifiers = VK_MODIFIERS(0)
     83 + await self.conn.ext_in_queue.put(ki)
     84 + else:
     85 + ki = RDP_KEYBOARD_UNICODE()
     86 + ki.char = scancode
     87 + ki.is_pressed = is_pressed
    82 88   await self.conn.ext_in_queue.put(ki)
    83  - await asyncio.sleep(0.5)
    84 89   except Exception as e:
    85 90   traceback.print_exc()
    86 91   
    87 92   async def ducky_exec(self):
    88 93   try:
    89  - await asyncio.sleep(5)
    90 94   from aardwolf.keyboard.layoutmanager import KeyboardLayoutManager
    91 95   from aardwolf.utils.ducky import DuckyExecutorBase, DuckyReaderFile
     96 + if self.settings.iosettings.ducky_autostart_delay is not None:
     97 + await asyncio.sleep(self.settings.iosettings.ducky_autostart_delay)
     98 +
    92 99   layout = KeyboardLayoutManager().get_layout_by_shortname('enus')
    93  - executor = DuckyExecutorBase(layout, self.ducky_keyboard_sender)
     100 + executor = DuckyExecutorBase(layout, self.ducky_keyboard_sender, send_as_char = True if == RDPConnectionDialect.VNC else False)
    94 101   reader = DuckyReaderFile.from_file(self.settings.iosettings.ducky_file, executor)
    95 102   await reader.parse()
    96 103   except Exception as e:
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    185 192   self.is_rdp = True if settings.url.lower().startswith('rdp') is True else False
    186 193   
    187 194   # setting up the main window with the requested resolution
    188  - self.setGeometry(0,0, self.settings.iosettings.video_width, self.settings.iosettings.video_height)
     195 + self.setGeometry(0, 0, self.settings.iosettings.video_width, self.settings.iosettings.video_height)
    189 196   # this buffer will hold the current frame and will be contantly updated
    190 197   # as new rectangle info comes in from the server
    191 198   self._buffer = QImage(self.settings.iosettings.video_width, self.settings.iosettings.video_height, QImage.Format_RGB32)
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    411 418   iosettings.video_bpp_max = args.bpp
    412 419   iosettings.video_out_format = VIDEO_FORMAT.QT5
    413 420   iosettings.ducky_file = args.ducky
     421 + iosettings.ducky_autostart_delay = 5
    414 422  
    415 423   settings = RDPClientConsoleSettings(args.url, iosettings)
    416 424   settings.mhover = args.no_mouse_hover
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    9 9  from aardwolf.keyboard import KeyboardLayout, VK_MODIFIERS
    10 10   
    11 11  class DuckyExecutorBase:
    12  - def __init__(self, keyboard_layout:KeyboardLayout, key_sender):
     12 + def __init__(self, keyboard_layout:KeyboardLayout, key_sender, send_as_char = False):
    13 13   self.keyboard_layout = keyboard_layout
    14 14   self.key_sender = key_sender
     15 + self.send_as_char = send_as_char
    15 16   self.default_delay = 100
    16 17   self.default_chardelay = 50/1000
    17 18   self.aliases = {
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    113 114   await asyncio.sleep(delay)
    114 115   
    115 116   async def do_string(self, data:str):
    116  - print(data)
    117 117   data = ' '.join(data)
    118  - for c in data:
    119  - await self.keydispatch(c)
    120  - #await asyncio.sleep(self.default_delay)
    121  - #print(data)
     118 + if self.send_as_char is True:
     119 + for c in data:
     120 + await self.key_sender(c, True, True)
     121 + await asyncio.sleep(self.default_chardelay)
     122 + else:
     123 + for c in data:
     124 + await self.keydispatch(c)
    122 125   
    123 126   async def do_gui(self, data = []):
    124 127   if len(data) > 0:
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    257 260   await asyncio.sleep(self.default_chardelay)
    258 261   await self.key_sender(code, False)
    259 262  
    260  - async def keydispatch(self, key, modifiers = 0):
    261  - #print(self.keyboard_layout.char_to_sc)
    262  - #print(self.keyboard_layout.sc_to_char)
     263 + async def keydispatch(self, key, modifiers = VK_MODIFIERS(0)):
    263 264   if key in '0123456789':
    264 265   key = 'VK_%s' % key
    265 266   if len(key) == 1:
    266 267   try:
    267 268   scancode, mo = self.keyboard_layout.char_to_scancode(key)
    268  - print('key : %s' % key)
    269  - print('scancode: %s' % scancode)
    270  - print('mo : %s' % mo)
     269 + #print('key : %s' % key)
     270 + #print('scancode: %s' % scancode)
     271 + #print('mo : %s' % mo)
    271 272   
    272 273   except KeyError:
    273 274   # this is bad...
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