Projects STRLCPY aardwolf Commits 43e38851
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    skipped 38 lines
    40 40   
    41 41  class RDPAuthProtocol(enum.Enum):
     42 + NONE = 'NONE'
    42 43   PLAIN = 'PLAIN'
    43 44   NTLM = 'NTLM'
    44 45   KERBEROS = 'KERBEROS'
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  • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
    skipped 88 lines
    89 89   except Exception as e:
    90 90   traceback.print_exc()
    91 91   
    92  - async def ducky_exec(self):
     92 + async def ducky_exec(self, bypass_delay = False):
    93 93   try:
    94 94   from aardwolf.keyboard.layoutmanager import KeyboardLayoutManager
    95 95   from aardwolf.utils.ducky import DuckyExecutorBase, DuckyReaderFile
    96  - if self.settings.iosettings.ducky_autostart_delay is not None:
    97  - await asyncio.sleep(self.settings.iosettings.ducky_autostart_delay)
     96 + if bypass_delay is False:
     97 + if self.settings.iosettings.ducky_autostart_delay is not None:
     98 + await asyncio.sleep(self.settings.iosettings.ducky_autostart_delay)
     99 + else:
     100 + return
    98 101  
    99  - layout = KeyboardLayoutManager().get_layout_by_shortname('enus')
     102 + layout = KeyboardLayoutManager().get_layout_by_shortname(self.settings.iosettings.client_keyboard)
    100 103   executor = DuckyExecutorBase(layout, self.ducky_keyboard_sender, send_as_char = True if == RDPConnectionDialect.VNC else False)
    101 104   reader = DuckyReaderFile.from_file(self.settings.iosettings.ducky_file, executor)
    102 105   await reader.parse()
    skipped 1 lines
    104 107   traceback.print_exc()
    105 108  
    106 109   async def rdpconnection(self):
     110 + input_handler_thread = None
     111 + 
    107 112   try:
    108 113   rdpurl = RDPConnectionURL(self.settings.url)
    109 114   self.conn = rdpurl.get_connection(self.settings.iosettings)
    skipped 35 lines
    145 150   finally:
    146 151   if self.conn is not None:
    147 152   await self.conn.terminate()
    148  - input_handler_thread.cancel()
     153 + if input_handler_thread is not None:
     154 + input_handler_thread.cancel()
    149 155   if not self.gui_stopped_evt.is_set():
    150  - print(self.connection_terminated)
    151 156   self.connection_terminated.emit()
    152 157   
    153 158   def starter(self):
    skipped 17 lines
    171 176   @pyqtSlot()
    172 177   def stop(self):
    173 178   self.gui_stopped_evt.set()
    174  - if self.conn is not None:
    175  - asyncio.run_coroutine_threadsafe(self.conn.terminate(), self.loop)
     179 + if self.conn is not None and self.loop.is_running():
     180 + try:
     181 + asyncio.run_coroutine_threadsafe(self.conn.terminate(), self.loop)
     182 + except:
     183 + pass
    176 184   time.sleep(0.1) # waiting connection to terminate
    177 185   self.rdp_connection_task.cancel()
    178 186   self.loop.stop()
    179 187  
     188 + @pyqtSlot()
     189 + def startducky(self):
     190 + time.sleep(0.1) # waiting for keyboard flush
     191 + asyncio.run_coroutine_threadsafe(self.ducky_exec(bypass_delay = True), self.loop)
     192 + 
    180 193   
    181 194  class RDPClientQTGUI(QMainWindow):
    182 195   #inputevent=pyqtSignal()
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    184 197   def __init__(self, settings:RDPClientConsoleSettings):
    185 198   super().__init__()
    186 199   self.settings = settings
     200 + self.ducky_key_ctr = 0
    187 201   
    188 202   # enabling this will singificantly increase the bandwith
    189 203   self.mhover = settings.mhover
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    275 289   self.in_q.put(None)
    276 290   self._threaded.stop()
    277 291   self._thread.quit()
     292 + self.close()
    278 293  
    279 294   def updateImage(self, event):
    280 295   if event.width == self.settings.iosettings.video_width and event.height == self.settings.iosettings.video_height:
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    316 331   
    317 332   def send_key(self, e, is_pressed):
    318 333   #
     334 +
     335 + # ducky script starter
     336 + if is_pressed is True:
     337 + if e.key()==Qt.Key_Escape:
     338 + self.ducky_key_ctr += 1
     339 + if self.ducky_key_ctr == 3:
     340 + self.ducky_key_ctr = 0
     341 + self._threaded.startducky()
     342 + else:
     343 + self.ducky_key_ctr = 0
     344 + 
    319 345   if self.keyboard is False:
    320 346   return
    321 347   #print(self.keyevent_to_string(e))
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    390 416  def main():
    391 417   import logging
    392 418   import argparse
    393  - parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Async RDP Client')
     419 + parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Async RDP Client. Duckyscript will be executed by pressing ESC 3 times')
    394 420   parser.add_argument('-v', '--verbose', action='count', default=0, help='Verbosity, can be stacked')
    395 421   parser.add_argument('--no-mouse-hover', action='store_false', help='Disables sending mouse hovering data. (saves bandwith)')
    396 422   parser.add_argument('--no-keyboard', action='store_false', help='Disables keyboard input. (whatever)')
    397 423   parser.add_argument('--res', default = '1024x768', help='Resolution in "WIDTHxHEIGHT" format. Default: "1024x768"')
    398 424   parser.add_argument('--bpp', choices = [15, 16, 24, 32], default = 32, type=int, help='Bits per pixel.')
     425 + parser.add_argument('--keyboard', default = 'enus', help='Keyboard on the client side. Used for VNC and duckyscript')
    399 426   parser.add_argument('--ducky', help='Ducky script to be executed')
     427 + parser.add_argument('--duckydelay', type=int, default=-1, help='Ducky script autostart delayed')
    400 428   parser.add_argument('url', help="RDP connection url")
    401 429   
    402 430   args = parser.parse_args()
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    408 436   elif args.verbose > 2:
    409 437   logger.setLevel(1)
    410 438   
     439 + duckydelay = args.duckydelay
     440 + if args.duckydelay == -1:
     441 + duckydelay = None
     442 + 
    411 443   width, height = args.res.upper().split('X')
    412 444   height = int(height)
    413 445   width = int(width)
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    417 449   iosettings.video_bpp_min = 15 #servers dont support 8 any more :/
    418 450   iosettings.video_bpp_max = args.bpp
    419 451   iosettings.video_out_format = VIDEO_FORMAT.QT5
     452 + iosettings.client_keyboard = args.keyboard
    420 453   iosettings.ducky_file = args.ducky
    421  - iosettings.ducky_autostart_delay = 5
     454 + iosettings.ducky_autostart_delay = duckydelay
     455 + 
    422 456  
    423 457   settings = RDPClientConsoleSettings(args.url, iosettings)
    424 458   settings.mhover = args.no_mouse_hover
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  • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
     1 +STRING the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog
     2 +DELAY 1000
     3 +STRING 1234567890
     4 +DELAY 1000
     5 +STRING ',./;'\[]=-`<<>?:"|{}+_)(*&^%$#@!~>
     6 +DELAY 500
     7 +ENTER
     8 +SHIFT
     10 +UP
     11 +DOWN
     12 +LEFT
     13 +RIGHT
     14 +END
     15 +PAGEUP
     16 +PAGEDOWN
     17 +HOME
     18 +TAB
     19 +INSERT
     20 +PAUSE
     21 +DELAY 500
     22 +F1
     23 +F2
     24 +F3
     25 +F4
     26 +F5
     27 +F6
     28 +F7
     29 +F8
     30 +F9
     31 +F10
     32 +F11
     33 +F12
     34 +ESCAPE
     35 +GUI r
     36 +DELAY 100
     37 +STRING cmd.exe
     38 +ENTER
     39 + 
  • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
     1 +REM CONTROL-shift F1
     2 +GUI r
     3 + 
  • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
     1 +STRING 1234567890
     2 +STRING ',./;'\[]=-`<<>?:"|{}+_)(*&^%$#@!~>
     3 + 
  • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
    skipped 18 lines
    19 19  from aardwolf.crypto.symmetric import DES
    20 20  from aardwolf.crypto.BASE import cipherMODE
    21 21   
     22 +from import RDPTarget
     23 +from aardwolf.commons.credential import RDPCredential, RDPAuthProtocol
    22 24  from aardwolf.commons.queuedata import *
    23 25  from aardwolf.extensions.RDPECLIP.protocol.formatlist import CLIPBRD_FORMAT
    24 26  from aardwolf.protocol.vnc.keyboard import *
    skipped 24 lines
    49 51  ZRLE_ENCODING = 16
    50 52   
    51 53  class VNCConnection:
    52  - def __init__(self, target, credentials, iosettings:RDPIOSettings):
     54 + def __init__(self, target:RDPTarget, credentials:RDPCredential, iosettings:RDPIOSettings):
    53 55 = target
    54 56   self.credentials = credentials
    55 57   self.authapi = None
    skipped 4 lines
    60 62   self.server_name = None
    61 63   self.disconnected_evt = asyncio.Event() #this will be set if we disconnect for whatever reason
    62 64   self.server_supp_security_types = []
    63  - self.__selected_security_type = 2
     65 + self.__selected_security_type = 1 if self.credentials.authentication_type == RDPAuthProtocol.NONE else 2 #currently we only support these 2
    64 66   self.__refresh_screen_task = None
    65 67   self.__reader_loop_task = None
    66 68   self.__external_reader_task = None
    skipped 124 lines
    191 193   async def __aexit__(self, exc_type, exc, traceback):
    192 194   await asyncio.wait_for(self.terminate(), timeout = 5)
    193 195  
     196 + def get_extra_info(self):
     197 + # to have the same interface as RDP
     198 + return None
     199 +
    194 200   async def connect(self):
    195 201   """
    196 202   Performs the entire connection sequence
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    222 228   raise err
    223 229   logger.debug('Security handshake OK')
    224 230   
     231 + logger.debug('Authenticating')
     232 + _, err = await self.__authenticate()
     233 + if err is not None:
     234 + raise err
     235 + logger.debug('Authentication OK')
     236 + 
    225 237   logger.debug('Setting up clipboard')
    226 238   _, err = await self.__setup_clipboard()
    227 239   if err is not None:
    skipped 57 lines
    285 297   for sectype in sec_types:
    286 298   self.server_supp_security_types.append(sectype)
    287 299  
     300 + if self.__selected_security_type not in self.server_supp_security_types:
     301 + raise Exception('Clound\'t find common authentication type. Client supports: %s Server supports: %s' % (self.__selected_security_type, ','.join([str(x) for x in self.server_supp_security_types])))
     302 + 
     303 + 
     304 + return True, None
     305 + except Exception as e:
     306 + return None, e
     307 + 
     308 + async def __authenticate(self):
     309 + try:
    288 310   if self.__selected_security_type == 0:
    289 311   logger.debug('Invalid authentication type!!!')
    290 312   raise Exception('Invalid authentication type')
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