Projects STRLCPY aardwolf Commits 0bcac7a0
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    22 22  from aardwolf.protocol.x224.constants import SUPP_PROTOCOLS, NEG_FLAGS
    23 23  from aardwolf.protocol.x224.server.connectionconfirm import RDP_NEG_RSP
    24 24   
    25  -from aardwolf.protocol.pdu.input.keyboard import TS_UNICODE_KEYBOARD_EVENT, TS_KEYBOARD_EVENT, KBDFLAGS
     25 +from aardwolf.protocol.pdu.input.keyboard import TS_KEYBOARD_EVENT, KBDFLAGS
     26 +from aardwolf.protocol.pdu.input.unicode import TS_UNICODE_KEYBOARD_EVENT
    26 27  from aardwolf.protocol.pdu.input.mouse import PTRFLAGS, TS_POINTER_EVENT
    27 28  from aardwolf.protocol.pdu.capabilities import CAPSTYPE
    28 29  from aardwolf.protocol.pdu.capabilities.general import TS_GENERAL_CAPABILITYSET, OSMAJORTYPE, OSMINORTYPE, EXTRAFLAG
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    233 233   async def process_user_data(self, data):
    234  - data = await self.in_queue.get()
    235 234   #print('monitor out! %s' % data)
    236 235   if data.type == RDPDATATYPE.CLIPBOARD_DATA_TXT:
    237 236   # data in, informing the server that our clipboard has changed
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    47 47   value = self.__dict__[k]
    48 48   t += '%s: %s\r\n' % (k, value)
    49 49   return t
    50  - 
    52  - def __init__(self):
    53  - self.keyboardFlags:KBDFLAGS = None # only KBDFLAGS_RELEASE allowed
    54  - self.unicodeCode:str = None #One unicode character
    55  - self.pad2Octets:bytes = b'\x00\x00'
    56  - 
    57  - def to_bytes(self):
    58  - t = self.keyboardFlags.to_bytes(2, byteorder='little', signed=False)
    59  - t += self.unicodeCode[0].encode('utf-16-le')
    60  - t += self.pad2Octets
    61  - return t
    62  - 
    63  - @staticmethod
    64  - def from_bytes(bbuff: bytes):
    65  - return TS_UNICODE_KEYBOARD_EVENT.from_buffer(io.BytesIO(bbuff))
    66  - 
    67  - @staticmethod
    68  - def from_buffer(buff: io.BytesIO):
    70  - msg.keyboardFlags = KBDFLAGS(int.from_bytes(, byteorder='little', signed=False))
    71  - msg.unicodeCode ='utf-16-le')
    72  - msg.pad2Octets =
    73  - return msg
    74  - 
    75  - def __repr__(self):
    76  - t = '==== TS_UNICODE_KEYBOARD_EVENT ====\r\n'
    77  - for k in self.__dict__:
    78  - if isinstance(self.__dict__[k], enum.IntFlag):
    79  - value = self.__dict__[k]
    80  - elif isinstance(self.__dict__[k], enum.Enum):
    81  - value = self.__dict__[k].name
    82  - else:
    83  - value = self.__dict__[k]
    84  - t += '%s: %s\r\n' % (k, value)
    85  - return t
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    53 53   
    54 54   install_requires=[
    55 55   'unicrypto>=0.0.9',
    56  - 'asyauth>=0.0.2',
    57  - 'asysocks>=0.2.1',
     56 + 'asyauth>=0.0.3',
     57 + 'asysocks>=0.2.2',
    58 58   'minikerberos>=0.3.1',
    59 59   'tqdm',
    60 60   'colorama',
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