  • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
    Check System.bat
     1 +@echo off
     2 +echo Checking your system info, Please waiting...
     3 +systeminfo | findstr /c:"Host Name"
     4 +systeminfo | findstr /c:"Domain"
     5 +systeminfo | findstr /c:"OS Name"
     6 +systeminfo | findstr /c:"OS Version"
     7 +systeminfo | findstr /c:"System Manufacturer"
     8 +systeminfo | findstr /c:"System Model"
     9 +systeminfo | findstr /c:"System type"
     10 +systeminfo | findstr /c:"Total Physical Memory"
     11 +ipconfig | findstr IPv4
     12 +
     13 +echo.
     14 +
     15 +echo Hard Drive Space:
     16 +wmic diskdrive get size
     17 +
     18 +echo.
     19 +echo Check Full Diagnostic Tool:
     20 +dxdiag /t dxdiag.txt
     21 +if exist dxdiag.txt (echo File exists & type dxdiag.txt >> fullreport.txt) else echo File Does Not Exist & goto end
     22 +if exist fullreport.txt echo File Safely appended to fullreport.txt
     23 +:end
     24 +
     25 +echo Service Tag:
     26 +wmic bios get serialnumber
     27 +echo.
     28 +echo CPU:
     29 +wmic cpu get name
     30 +
     31 +echo Task Completed!
     32 +
     33 +pause
  • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
     1 +echo off
     2 +cls
     3 +:start
     4 +echo Ethernet
     5 +echo 1. Do you want to enable?
     6 +echo 2. Do you want to disable?
     7 +echo 3. Do you want to exit?
     8 +
     9 +echo Press: 1
     10 +echo Press: 2
     11 +echo Press: 3
     12 +
     13 +set /p press= Press:
     14 +
     15 +if '%Press%'=='1' goto :press1
     16 +if '%Press%'=='2' goto :press2
     17 +if '%Press%'=='3' goto :press3
     18 +echo "%Press%" is not a valid option. Please, try again.
     19 +echo
     20 +
     21 +goto start
     22 +:press1
     23 +netsh interface set interface "Ethernet" admin=Enable
     24 +goto end
     25 +:end
     26 +pause
     27 +goto start
     28 +:press2
     29 +netsh interface set interface "Ethernet" admin=disable
     30 +goto end
     31 +:end
     32 +goto start
     33 +:press3
     34 +exit
     35 + 
  • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
    IP Renew & full Information.bat
     1 +@echo off
     2 +
     3 +ipconfig /release
     4 +pause
     5 +
     6 +ipconfig /renew
     7 +pause
     8 +
     9 +ipconfig /flushdns
     10 +pause
     11 +
     12 +ipconfig /registerdns
     13 +pause
     14 +
     15 +netsh dump
     16 +pause
     17 +
     18 +nbtstat -R
     19 +pause
     20 +
     21 +netsh int ip reset reset.log
     22 +pause
     23 +
     24 +netsh winsock reset
     25 +pause
     26 +
     27 +:start
     28 +@echo.
     29 +@echo INFORMATION
     30 +
     31 +@ipconfig /all | find "IP Address"
     32 +@ipconfig /all | find "IPv4 Address"
     33 +@ipconfig /all | find "Subnet Mask"
     34 +@ipconfig /all | find "Default Gateway"
     35 +@ipconfig /all | find "Host Name"
     36 +@ipconfig /all | find "DNS Suffix Search List"
     37 +@ipconfig /all | find "Physical Address"
     38 +@ipconfig /all | find "DHCP Enabled"
     39 +@ipconfig /all | find "DHCP Server"
     40 +@ping
     41 +@echo.
     42 +@pause
     43 + 
  • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
    Reset Ethernet.bat
     1 +@echo off
     2 +echo Rest Ethernet Network!
     3 +
     4 +net session >nul
     5 +if %errorlevel% neq 0 goto elevate >nul
     6 +goto :start
     7 +
     8 +:elevate
     9 +cd /d %~dp0
     10 +mshta "javascript: var shell = new ActiveXObject('shell.application'); shell.ShellExecute('%~nx0', '', '', 'runas', 1);close();" >nul
     11 +exit
     12 +
     13 +:start
     14 +ipconfig /release >nul
     15 +ipconfig /renew >nul
     16 +netsh int ip delete arpcache >nul
     17 +netsh int ip reset >nul
     18 +netsh winsock reset >nul
     19 +netsh winsock reset proxy >nul
     20 +
     21 +for /F "skip=3 tokens=1,2,3* delims= " %%G in ('netsh interface show interface') DO (
     22 + IF "%%H"=="Connected" netsh interface set interface "%%J" disabled
     23 +) >nul
     24 +
     25 +for /F "skip=3 tokens=1,2,3* delims= " %%G in ('netsh interface show interface') DO (
     26 + IF "%%H"=="Disconnected" netsh interface set interface "%%J" enabled
     27 +) >nul
     28 + 
  • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
    Undo Ethernet.bat
     1 +@echo off
     2 +echo Undo Ethernet!
     3 +
     4 +net session >nul
     5 +if %errorlevel% neq 0 goto elevate >nul
     6 +goto :start
     7 +
     8 +:elevate
     9 +cd /d %~dp0
     10 +mshta "javascript: var shell = new ActiveXObject('shell.application'); shell.ShellExecute('%~nx0', '', '', 'runas', 1);close();" >nul
     11 +exit
     12 +
     13 +:start
     14 +for /F "skip=3 tokens=1,2,3* delims= " %%G in ('netsh interface show interface') DO (
     15 + IF "%%H"=="Connected" netsh interface ip set address "%%J" dhcp
     16 +) >nul
     17 +
     18 +for /F "skip=3 tokens=1,2,3* delims= " %%G in ('netsh interface show interface') DO (
     19 + IF "%%H"=="Connected" netsh interface ip set dns "%%J" dhcp
     20 +) >nul
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