Revision indexing in progress... (symbol navigation in revisions will be accurate after indexed)
  • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
     1 +REM Author: UNC0V3R3D (UNC0V3R3D#8662 on Discord)
     2 +REM Description: Changes the Windows 10 username to the name of your choice.
     3 +REM Version: 1.0
     4 +REM Category: Execution
     5 +DELAY 750
     6 +WINDOWS d
     7 +DELAY 1500
     8 +WINDOWS r
     9 +DELAY 1500
     10 +STRING powershell Start-Process powershell -Verb runAs
     11 +ENTER
     12 +DELAY 560
     13 +LEFTARROW
     14 +DELAY 500
     15 +ENTER
     16 +DELAY 700
     17 +STRING $User = ([Environment]::UserName)
     18 +DELAY 300
     19 +ENTER
     20 +DELAY 500
     21 +STRING Rename-LocalUser -Name $User -NewName "New Name"
     22 +DELAY 300
     23 +ENTER
     24 +DELAY 500
     25 +exit
     26 + 
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