Projects STRLCPY Tor Commits 605851cc
  • Updated code quality and added support for python (2 and 3) both.

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  • r0oth3x49 committed 6 years ago
    1 parent 5cf84b3b
Revision indexing in progress... (symbol navigation in revisions will be accurate after indexed)
  • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
    1  -## Tor
    2  -Tor is a python based module for using tor proxy/network services on windows, osx, linux with just one click.
    3  -Tor can also be configured with other scripts/tools by import the **proxy** module.
     1 +# Tor
     2 +
     3 +**Tor is a python based module for using tor proxy (an anonymous network) services. you can run tor on windows with double click.
     4 +Tor can also be configured with other scripts and tools by just a simple import of the proxy module that is created using python.**
     5 +
     6 +[![tor.png](](
     7 +
     8 +### ***Requirements***
     9 +- Python (2 or 3)
    4 10  
    5  -**Requirements**
    6  -- Python27
     11 +### ***Tested on***
     12 +- Windows 7/8/8.1/10.
    7 13  
    8  -**Installation**
     14 +### ***Installation***
    9 15  You can download the latest version of Tor by cloning the GitHub repository:
    10 16  <pre><code>git clone</pre></code>
    11 17  
    12  -**Usage**
     18 +### ***Usage***
    13 19  - Run the ****** file to establish a Tor circuit.
    14 20  
    15 21  **Usage within the another python tool**
    16 22  - <a href="">Using proxy module within your code</a>
    17 23  
    18  -**Tested on**
    19  -- Windows 7
    20  - [![win.png](](
    21 24  
    22  -- Windows 8.1
    23  - [![win8.png](](
    24 25  
    25  -- Kali Linux
    26  - [![kali.png](](
    27  -
    28  -- OSx Mavericks
    29  - [![osx.png](](
    30  -
    31  -- Ubuntu
    32  - [![ubuntu.png](](
    33 26   
  • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
     1 +import os as _os
     2 +from colorama import init as _init
     3 +from colorama import Fore as _Fore
     4 +from colorama import Back as _Back
     5 +from colorama import Style as _Style
     6 + 
     7 +if == "posix":
     8 + # colors foreground text:
     9 + fc = "\033[0;96m"
     10 + fg = "\033[0;92m"
     11 + fw = "\033[0;97m"
     12 + fr = "\033[0;91m"
     13 + fb = "\033[0;94m"
     14 + fy = "\033[0;33m"
     15 + fm = "\033[0;35m"
     16 + 
     17 + # colors background text:
     18 + bc = "\033[46m"
     19 + bg = "\033[42m"
     20 + bw = "\033[47m"
     21 + br = "\033[41m"
     22 + bb = "\033[44m"
     23 + by = "\033[43m"
     24 + bm = "\033[45m"
     25 + 
     26 + # colors style text:
     27 + sd = _Style.DIM
     28 + sn = _Style.NORMAL
     29 + sb = _Style.BRIGHT
     30 +else:
     31 + ## ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ##
     32 + _init(autoreset=True)
     33 + # colors foreground text:
     34 + fc = _Fore.CYAN
     35 + fg = _Fore.GREEN
     36 + fw = _Fore.WHITE
     37 + fr = _Fore.RED
     38 + fb = _Fore.BLUE
     39 + fy = _Fore.YELLOW
     40 + fm = _Fore.MAGENTA
     41 +
     42 + 
     43 + # colors background text:
     44 + bc = _Back.CYAN
     45 + bg = _Back.GREEN
     46 + bw = _Back.WHITE
     47 + br = _Back.RED
     48 + bb = _Back.BLUE
     49 + by = _Back.YELLOW
     50 + bm = _Back.MAGENTA
     51 + 
     52 + # colors style text:
     53 + sd = _Style.DIM
     54 + sn = _Style.NORMAL
     55 + sb = _Style.BRIGHT
     56 + ## ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ##
     57 + 
  • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
     1 +import os
     2 +import sys
     3 +from . import proxy
     4 + 
     5 +from requests import get as compat_get
     6 +from time import strftime as compat_strftime
     7 +from time import sleep as compat_sleep
     8 + 
     9 + 
     10 +class Tor:
     11 + 
     12 + @property
     13 + def compat_proxy_connect(self):
     14 + url = ""
     15 + Proxy = proxy.Proxy()
     16 + Proxy.SetDefaultProxy
     17 + response = compat_get(url).json()
     18 + sys.stdout.write(proxy.fg + + "["+compat_strftime("%H:%M:%S")+"] [INFO] TOR: configuring tor proxy .. \r\r")
     19 + Proxy.ConfigureProxy
     20 + try:
     21 + response_tor = compat_get(url).json()
     22 + except:
     23 + compat_sleep(2)
     24 + sys.stdout.write(proxy.fg + + "["+compat_strftime("%H:%M:%S")+"] [INFO] TOR: configuring tor proxy .. (" + + + "failed" + proxy.fg + + ")\t\t\r\r\n")
     25 + sys.stdout.write(proxy.fg + + "["+compat_strftime("%H:%M:%S")+"] [INFO] TOR: make sure tor services are running. \t\t\t\r\r\n")
     26 + Proxy.SetDefaultProxy
     27 + proxy_ip = response.get('ip') or None
     28 + else:
     29 + proxy_ip = response_tor.get('ip') or None
     30 + default_ip = response.get('ip') or None
     31 + if default_ip != proxy_ip:
     32 + compat_sleep(2)
     33 + sys.stdout.write(proxy.fg + + "["+compat_strftime("%H:%M:%S")+"] [INFO] TOR: configuring tor proxy .. (" + proxy.fg + + "done" + proxy.fg + + ")\t\t\r\r\n")
     34 + else:
     35 + compat_sleep(2)
     36 + sys.stdout.write(proxy.fg + + "["+compat_strftime("%H:%M:%S")+"] [INFO] TOR: configuring tor proxy .. (" + + + "failed" + proxy.fg + + ")\t\t\r\r\n")
     37 + 
     38 + @property
     39 + def compat_proxy_newid(self):
     40 + url = ""
     41 + Proxy = proxy.Proxy()
     42 + Proxy.SetDefaultProxy
     43 + response = compat_get(url).json()
     44 + sys.stdout.write(proxy.fg + + "["+compat_strftime("%H:%M:%S")+"] [INFO] TOR: requesting new identity .. \r\r")
     45 + compat_sleep(2)
     46 + _resp = Proxy.NewIdentity
     47 + if '250 OK' in _resp:
     48 + compat_sleep(2)
     49 + sys.stdout.write(proxy.fg + + "["+compat_strftime("%H:%M:%S")+"] [INFO] TOR: requesting new identity .. (" + proxy.fg + + "done" + proxy.fg + + ")\t\t\r\r\n")
     50 + Proxy.ConfigureProxy
     51 + try:
     52 + response_tor = compat_get(url).json()
     53 + except:
     54 + Proxy.SetDefaultProxy
     55 + proxy_ip = response.get('ip') or None
     56 + else:
     57 + proxy_ip = response_tor.get('ip') or None
     58 + sys.stdout.write(proxy.fg + + "["+compat_strftime("%H:%M:%S")+"] [INFO] TOR: configuring tor proxy .. \r\r")
     59 + default_ip = response.get('ip') or None
     60 + if default_ip != proxy_ip:
     61 + compat_sleep(2)
     62 + sys.stdout.write(proxy.fg + + "["+compat_strftime("%H:%M:%S")+"] [INFO] TOR: configuring tor proxy .. (" + proxy.fg + + "done" + proxy.fg + + ")\t\t\r\r\n")
     63 + else:
     64 + compat_sleep(2)
     65 + sys.stdout.write( + + "["+compat_strftime("%H:%M:%S")+"] [INFO] TOR: configuring tor proxy .. (" + + + "failed" + proxy.fg + + ")\t\t\r\r\n")
     66 + else:
     67 + sys.stdout.write(proxy.fg + + "["+compat_strftime("%H:%M:%S")+"] [INFO] TOR: requesting new identity .. (" + + + "failed" + proxy.fg + + ")\t\t\r\r\n")
     68 + sys.stdout.write(proxy.fg + + "["+compat_strftime("%H:%M:%S")+"] [INFO] TOR: make sure tor services are running .. \t\t\t\r\r\n")
     69 + Proxy.SetDefaultProxy
     70 + 
  • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
    1  -#!/usr/bin/python
    2  -#######################################################
    3  -# Author: Nasir khan (r0ot h3x49) #
    4  -#######################################################
    5  - 
    6  -from proxy import Proxy
    7  -from proxy_errors import(
     1 +from .proxy import Proxy
     2 +from .Tor import Tor
     3 +from .proxy_errors import(
    8 4   ProxyConnectionError,
    9 5   ProxyError,
    10 6   AuthError,
    skipped 4 lines
  • ■ ■ ■ ■
    1  -import win_inet_pton
     1 +from . import win_inet_pton
    2 2   
  • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
    1 1  #!/usr/bin/python
    2  -#######################################################
    3  -# Author: Nasir khan (r0ot h3x49) #
    4  -#######################################################
    5  - 
    6  -import os,sys,time
    7  -import socks
     2 +import os
     3 +import re
     4 +import sys
     5 +import time
    8 6  import socket
    9 7  import subprocess
    10  -from tor_paths import check_path
     8 + 
     9 +from . import socks
     10 +from .Color import *
     11 +from .tor_paths import check_path
    11 12  if == "nt":
    12  - import inet_pton
     13 + from . import inet_pton
    13 14  else:
    14 15   pass
    15 16   
     17 +def clean(value):
     18 + if sys.version_info[:2] >= (3, 0):
     19 + return value.decode('utf-8')
     20 + else:
     21 + return value
     22 +
    16 23  class Proxy:
    17 24   
    18 25   def __init__(self):
    skipped 4 lines
    23 30   
    24 31   @property
    25 32   def ConfigureTor(self):
    26  - if sys.platform == 'win32':
    27  -
    28  - search_torrc = os.getcwd()+'\\proxy\\tor_configs\\win\\*torrc'
    29  - search_torexe = os.getcwd()+'\\proxy\\tor_configs\\win\\*tor.exe'
    30  - search_geoip = os.getcwd()+'\\proxy\\tor_configs\\win\\*geoip'
    31  - search_geoip6 = os.getcwd()+'\\proxy\\tor_configs\\win\\*geoip6'
    32  - 
    33  - torexe = check_path(search_torexe)
    34  - torrc = check_path(search_torrc)
    35  - geoip = check_path(search_geoip)
    36  - geoip6 = check_path(search_geoip6)
    37  - write_dd = 'DataDirectory %s\n' % (geoip.replace('\geoip',''))
    38  - write_geoip = 'GeoIPFile %s\n' % (geoip)
    39  - write_geoip6 = 'GeoIPv6File %s\n' % (geoip6)
    40  -
    41  - fd = open(torrc)
    42  - torrc_read = fd.readlines()
    43  - fd.close()
    44  -
    45  - torrc_file = open(torrc, 'w')
    46  - torrc_read[4] = write_geoip
    47  - torrc_read[5] = write_geoip6
    48  - torrc_read[6] = write_dd
    49  - torrc_file.writelines(torrc_read)
    50  - torrc_file.close()
    51  -
    52  - cmd = subprocess.Popen([torexe, '-f', torrc], stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
    53  - while True:
    54  - try:
    55  - line = cmd.stdout.readline()
    56  - if line != '':
    57  - print line.strip()
    58  - except KeyboardInterrupt:
    59  - print '[-] -- User interrupted closing the services..'
    60  - time.sleep(3)
    61  - break
    62  -
    63  - elif sys.platform == 'darwin':
    64  -
    65  - search_torexe = os.getcwd()+'/proxy/tor_configs/mac/*tor'
    66  - search_torrc = os.getcwd()+'/proxy/tor_configs/mac/*torrc'
    67  - search_geoip = os.getcwd()+'/proxy/tor_configs/mac/*geoip'
    68  - search_geoip6 = os.getcwd()+'/proxy/tor_configs/mac/*geoip6'
    69  - 
    70  - torexe = check_path(search_torexe)
    71  - torrc = check_path(search_torrc)
    72  - geoip = check_path(search_geoip)
    73  - geoip6 = check_path(search_geoip6)
    74  -
    75  - write_dd = 'DataDirectory %s\n' % (geoip.replace('/geoip',''))
    76  - write_geoip = 'GeoIPFile %s\n' % (geoip)
    77  - write_geoip6 = 'GeoIPv6File %s\n' % (geoip6)
    78  - 
    79  - fd = open(torrc)
    80  - torrc_read = fd.readlines()
    81  - fd.close()
    82  -
    83  - torrc_file = open(torrc, 'w')
    84  - torrc_read[4] = write_geoip
    85  - torrc_read[5] = write_geoip6
    86  - torrc_read[6] = write_dd
    87  - torrc_file.writelines(torrc_read)
    88  - torrc_file.close()
    89 33   
    90  - cmd = subprocess.Popen([torexe, '-f', torrc], stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
    91  - while True:
    92  - try:
    93  - line = cmd.stdout.readline()
    94  - if line != '':
    95  - print line.strip()
    96  - except KeyboardInterrupt:
    97  - print '[-] -- User interrupted closing the services..'
    98  - time.sleep(3)
    99  - break
     34 + search_torrc = os.getcwd()+'\\proxy\\tor_configs\\win\\*torrc'
     35 + search_torexe = os.getcwd()+'\\proxy\\tor_configs\\win\\*tor.exe'
     36 + search_geoip = os.getcwd()+'\\proxy\\tor_configs\\win\\*geoip'
     37 + search_geoip6 = os.getcwd()+'\\proxy\\tor_configs\\win\\*geoip6'
    100 38   
    101  - else:
     39 + torexe = check_path(search_torexe)
     40 + torrc = check_path(search_torrc)
     41 + geoip = check_path(search_geoip)
     42 + geoip6 = check_path(search_geoip6)
     43 + write_dd = 'DataDirectory %s\n' % (geoip.replace('\geoip',''))
     44 + write_geoip = 'GeoIPFile %s\n' % (geoip)
     45 + write_geoip6 = 'GeoIPv6File %s\n' % (geoip6)
    102 46  
    103  - search_torexe = os.getcwd()+'/proxy/tor_configs/linux/*tor'
    104  - search_torrc = os.getcwd()+'/proxy/tor_configs/linux/*torrc'
    105  - search_geoip = os.getcwd()+'/proxy/tor_configs/linux/*geoip'
    106  - search_geoip6 = os.getcwd()+'/proxy/tor_configs/linux/*geoip6'
     47 + fd = open(torrc)
     48 + torrc_read = fd.readlines()
     49 + fd.close()
    107 50  
    108  - torexe = check_path(search_torexe)
    109  - torrc = check_path(search_torrc)
    110  - geoip = check_path(search_geoip)
    111  - geoip6 = check_path(search_geoip6)
    112  -
    113  - write_dd = 'DataDirectory %s\n' % (geoip.replace('/geoip',''))
    114  - write_geoip = 'GeoIPFile %s\n' % (geoip)
    115  - write_geoip6 = 'GeoIPv6File %s\n' % (geoip6)
    116  - 
    117  - fd = open(torrc)
    118  - torrc_read = fd.readlines()
    119  - fd.close()
    120  -
    121  - torrc_file = open(torrc, 'w')
    122  - torrc_read[4] = write_geoip
    123  - torrc_read[5] = write_geoip6
    124  - torrc_read[6] = write_dd
    125  - torrc_file.writelines(torrc_read)
    126  - torrc_file.close()
     51 + torrc_file = open(torrc, 'w')
     52 + torrc_read[4] = write_geoip
     53 + torrc_read[5] = write_geoip6
     54 + torrc_read[6] = write_dd
     55 + torrc_file.writelines(torrc_read)
     56 + torrc_file.close()
    127 57  
    128  - cmd = subprocess.Popen([torexe, '-f', torrc], stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
    129  - while True:
    130  - try:
    131  - line = cmd.stdout.readline()
    132  - if line != '':
    133  - print line.strip()
    134  - except KeyboardInterrupt:
    135  - print '[-] -- User interrupted closing the services..'
    136  - time.sleep(3)
    137  - break
     58 + cmd = subprocess.Popen([torexe, '-f', torrc], stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
     59 + req, umsg = 1, "User requested new identity.."
     60 + while True:
     61 + try:
     62 + line = cmd.stdout.readline()
     63 + if line != '':
     64 + line = clean(line)
     65 + if '' in line:
     66 + t, v = (line.strip().split('running')[0].split('[notice]')[1]).split()
     67 + print ('{}{}[{}{}*{}{}] {:<4} : {}'.format(fg, sd, fm, sb, fg, sd, t, v))
     68 + if 'Bootstrapped' in line:
     69 + per, msg = ((line.strip())[42:]).split(":")
     70 + print ('{}{}[{}{}*{}{}] {:<4} : {}'.format(fg, sd, fm, sb, fg, sd, per, msg))
     71 + if 'Done' in msg:
     72 + print (fg + sb + '\n----------------------------------------------------------------------------\n')
     73 + if 'opened from' in line:
     74 + print ('{}{}[{}{}*{}{}] {req:02d} : {umsg!s}'.format(fg, sd, fm, sb, fg, sd, req=req, umsg=umsg))
     75 + req += 1
     76 + except KeyboardInterrupt:
     77 + print ('\n{}{}[{}{}-{}{}] -- User interrupted closing the services..'.format(fg, sd, fr, sb, fg, sd))
     78 + time.sleep(1)
     79 + break
    138 80  
    139 81  
    140 82  
    skipped 32 lines
  • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
    1  -#!/usr/bin/python
    2  -#######################################################
    3  -# Author: Nasir khan (r0ot h3x49) #
    4  -#######################################################
    5  -import socks
    6 1  import socket
     2 +from . import socks
    7 3  ProxyConnectionError = socks.ProxyConnectionError
    8 4  GeneralProxyError = socks.GeneralProxyError
    9 5  ProxyError = socks.ProxyError
    skipped 5 lines
  • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
    1  -from socks import *
    2  -from sockshandler import *
     1 +from .socks import *
     2 +from .sockshandler import *
    3 3   
  • proxy/tor_configs/linux/Data/Tor/geoip
    Unable to diff as the file is too large.
  • proxy/tor_configs/linux/Data/Tor/geoip6
    Diff is too large to be displayed.
  • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
    1  -# This file was generated by Tor; if you edit it, comments will not be preserved
    2  -# The old torrc file was renamed to torrc.orig.1 or similar, and Tor will ignore it
    3  - 
    4  -ControlPort 9051
    5  -GeoIPFile /root/tor/proxy/tor_configs/linux/Data/Tor/geoip
    6  -GeoIPv6File /root/tor/proxy/tor_configs/linux/Data/Tor/geoip6
    7  -DataDirectory /root/tor/proxy/tor_configs/linux/Data/Tor
    8  -HashedControlPassword 16:9498BFA3B7CFC4DE607FE788AB55A0061EA2CC0EE78781B2F8C1FAE203
    9  -HiddenServiceStatistics 0
    10  -Log notice stdout
    11  -SocksPort 9050
    12  - 
  • proxy/tor_configs/linux/Tor/tor
    Binary file.
  • proxy/tor_configs/mac/Data/Tor/geoip
    Unable to diff as the file is too large.
  • proxy/tor_configs/mac/Data/Tor/geoip6
    Diff is too large to be displayed.
  • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
    1  -# This file was generated by Tor; if you edit it, comments will not be preserved
    2  -# The old torrc file was renamed to torrc.orig.1 or similar, and Tor will ignore it
    3  - 
    4  -ControlPort 9051
    5  -GeoIPFile /Users/r0ot/tor/proxy/tor_configs/mac/Data/Tor/geoip
    6  -GeoIPv6File /Users/r0ot/tor/proxy/tor_configs/mac/Data/Tor/geoip6
    7  -DataDirectory /Users/r0ot/tor/proxy/tor_configs/mac/Data/Tor
    8  -HashedControlPassword 16:9498BFA3B7CFC4DE607FE788AB55A0061EA2CC0EE78781B2F8C1FAE203
    9  -HiddenServiceStatistics 0
    10  -Log notice stdout
    11  -SocksPort 9050
    12  - 
  • proxy/tor_configs/mac/Tor/tor
    Binary file.
  • proxy/tor_configs/win/Data/Tor/geoip
    Unable to diff as the file is too large.
  • proxy/tor_configs/win/Data/Tor/geoip6
    Unable to diff as the file is too large.
  • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
    skipped 1 lines
    2 2  # The old torrc file was renamed to torrc.orig.1 or similar, and Tor will ignore it
    3 3   
    4 4  ControlPort 9051
    5  -GeoIPFile C:\Users\r0ot_h3x49\Desktop\temp\tor\proxy\tor_configs\win\Data\Tor\geoip
    6  -GeoIPv6File C:\Users\r0ot_h3x49\Desktop\temp\tor\proxy\tor_configs\win\Data\Tor\geoip6
    7  -DataDirectory C:\Users\r0ot_h3x49\Desktop\temp\tor\proxy\tor_configs\win\Data\Tor
     5 +GeoIPFile C:\Users\r0ot_h3x49\Desktop\package\Tor\proxy\tor_configs\win\Data\Tor\geoip
     6 +GeoIPv6File C:\Users\r0ot_h3x49\Desktop\package\Tor\proxy\tor_configs\win\Data\Tor\geoip6
     7 +DataDirectory C:\Users\r0ot_h3x49\Desktop\package\Tor\proxy\tor_configs\win\Data\Tor
    8 8  HashedControlPassword 16:9498BFA3B7CFC4DE607FE788AB55A0061EA2CC0EE78781B2F8C1FAE203
    9 9  HiddenServiceStatistics 0
    10 10  Log notice stdout
    skipped 2 lines
  • proxy/tor_configs/win/Tor/libeay32.dll
    Binary file.
  • proxy/tor_configs/win/Tor/libevent-2-0-5.dll
    Binary file.
  • proxy/tor_configs/win/Tor/libevent_core-2-0-5.dll
    Binary file.
  • proxy/tor_configs/win/Tor/libevent_extra-2-0-5.dll
    Binary file.
  • proxy/tor_configs/win/Tor/libgcc_s_sjlj-1.dll
    Binary file.
  • proxy/tor_configs/win/Tor/libssp-0.dll
    Binary file.
  • proxy/tor_configs/win/Tor/ssleay32.dll
    Binary file.
  • proxy/tor_configs/win/Tor/tor-gencert.exe
    Binary file.
  • proxy/tor_configs/win/Tor/tor.exe
    Binary file.
  • proxy/tor_configs/win/Tor/zlib1.dll
    Binary file.
  • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
    1 1  #!/usr/bin/env python
    2  -#######################################################
    3  -# Author: Nasir khan (r0ot h3x49) #
    4  -#######################################################
    5  - 
    6 2  import os
    7 3   
    8 4  def check_path(filename):
    skipped 7 lines
  • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
    1  -#!/usr/bin/python
     1 +from proxy import Proxy
     2 +from proxy.Color import *
     3 +torBanner = '''
     4 +%s%s----------------------------------------------------------------------------
     5 +%s%s _____ ___ ___ _
     6 +|_ _|__ _ _ | _ \_ _ _____ ___ _ / __| ___ _ ___ _(_)__ ___ ___
     7 + | |/ _ \ '_| | _/ '_/ _ \ \ / || | \__ \/ -_) '_\ V / / _/ -_|_-<
     8 +%s%s |_|\___/_| |_| |_| \___/_\_\\_, | |___/\___|_| \_/|_\__\___/__/
     9 + |__/
     10 + %s%s:-%s%s by Nasir Khan (r0ot h3x49)
     11 +%s%s----------------------------------------------------------------------------
     12 +''' % (fg, sb, fc, sb, fg, sb, fw, sb, fg, sb, fg, sb)
     13 +class TorServiceSetup(object):
     14 + """class to setup and start tor sevices"""
     15 + 
     16 + def StartService(self):
     17 + TorProxy = Proxy()
     18 + print(torBanner)
     19 + TorProxy.ConfigureTor
     20 +
     21 +def main():
     22 + Service = TorServiceSetup()
     23 + Service.StartService()
    2 24  
    3  -#######################################################
    4  -# Tor proxy/network circuit builder #
    5  -# Author: Nasir khan (r0ot h3x49) #
    6  -#######################################################
    7  -#######################################################
    8  -import proxy #
    9  -p = proxy.Proxy() #
    10  -p.ConfigureTor #
    11  -#######################################################
     25 +if __name__ == '__main__':
     26 + main()
    12 27   
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