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    65 65   bool initialized;
    66 66   CallStackFrame spoofedFrame[MaxStackFramesToSpoof];
    67 67   size_t spoofedFrames;
    68  - ULONG_PTR legitTebBaseLow;
    69  - ULONG_PTR legitTebBaseHigh;
    70  - ULONG_PTR origTebBaseLow;
    71  - ULONG_PTR origTebBaseHigh;
    72 68  };
    73 69   
    74 70  struct HookedSleep
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  • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
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    11 11   const volatile DWORD dwMilliseconds = _dwMilliseconds;
    12 12   
    13 13   // Perform this (current) thread call stack spoofing.
    14  - //spoofCallStack(true);
     14 + spoofCallStack(true);
    15 15   
    16 16   log("\n===> MySleep(", std::dec, dwMilliseconds, ")\n");
    17 17   
    18  - PULONG_PTR ptr = (PULONG_PTR)_AddressOfReturnAddress();
    19  - ptr--;
    20  - 
    21  - 
    22  - Start_Of_TEB* teb = (Start_Of_TEB*)NtCurrentTeb();
    23  - g_stackTraceSpoofing.origTebBaseLow = (ULONG_PTR)teb->StackBase;
    24  - g_stackTraceSpoofing.origTebBaseHigh = (ULONG_PTR)teb->StackLimit;
    25  - 
    26  - teb->StackBase = (void*)g_stackTraceSpoofing.legitTebBaseLow;
    27  - teb->StackLimit = (void*)g_stackTraceSpoofing.legitTebBaseHigh;
    28  - 
    29 18   // Perform sleep emulating originally hooked functionality.
    30 19   ::SleepEx(dwMilliseconds, false);
    31 20   
    32  - 
    33  - teb->StackBase = (void*)g_stackTraceSpoofing.origTebBaseLow;
    34  - teb->StackLimit = (void*)g_stackTraceSpoofing.origTebBaseHigh;
    35  -
    36 21   // Restore original thread's call stack.
    37  - //spoofCallStack(false);
     22 + spoofCallStack(false);
    38 23  }
    39 24   
    40 25  bool fastTrampoline(bool installHook, BYTE* addressToHook, LPVOID jumpAddress, HookTrampolineBuffers* buffers /*= NULL*/)
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    461 446   return (NULL != thread.get());
    462 447  }
    463 448   
    464  - 
    465  -void WINAPI _acquireLegitimateThreadStack(LPVOID param)
    466  -{
    467  - Start_Of_TEB* teb = (Start_Of_TEB*)NtCurrentTeb();
    468  - g_stackTraceSpoofing.legitTebBaseLow = (ULONG_PTR)teb->StackBase;
    469  - g_stackTraceSpoofing.legitTebBaseHigh = (ULONG_PTR)teb->StackLimit;
    470  - 
    471  - ::SleepEx(INFINITE, false);
    472  -}
    473  - 
    474  -bool acquireLegitimateThreadStack()
    475  -{
    476  - CallStackFrame frames[MaxStackFramesToSpoof] = { 0 };
    477  - size_t numOfFrames = 0;
    478  - 
    479  - HandlePtr secondThread(::CreateThread(
    480  - NULL,
    481  - 0,
    482  - //(LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE)::Sleep,
    483  - (LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE)_acquireLegitimateThreadStack,
    484  - (LPVOID)INFINITE,
    485  - 0,
    486  - 0
    487  - ), &::CloseHandle);
    488  - 
    489  - Sleep(1000);
    490  - 
    491  - return true;
    492  -}
    493  - 
    494 449  int main(int argc, char** argv)
    495 450  {
    496 451   if (argc < 3)
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    515 470   if (!initStackSpoofing())
    516 471   {
    517 472   log("[!] Could not initialize stack spoofing!");
    518  - return 1;
    519  - }
    520  - 
    521  - if (!acquireLegitimateThreadStack())
    522  - {
    523  - log("[!] Could not acquire legitimate thread's stack.");
    524 473   return 1;
    525 474   }
    526 475   
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