Projects STRLCPY Taipan Commits e0dc72de
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    skipped 182 lines
    183 183   _driver.Value.Quit()
    184 184   
    185 185   member this.ExecuteScript(httpRequest: HttpRequest, scriptSrc: String, args: Object) =
    186  - let a = GC.GetTotalMemory(true)
    187 186   lock _syncRoot (fun () ->
    188 187   let mutable result: Dictionary<String, Object> option = None
    189 188   let urlData = Uri.UnescapeDataString(httpRequest.Source.Value.DocumentHtml)
    skipped 63 lines
    253 252   
    254 253   // some unknow error :\
    255 254   result.Value.["error"] <- "Unknow error"
     255 + result.Value.["html"] <- String.Empty
     256 + result.Value.["output"] <- new Dictionary<String, Object>()
    256 257   executionCompleted <- true
    257 258   with
    258 259   | :? UnhandledAlertException as e ->
    skipped 17 lines
    276 277   // save a screenshot if specified
    277 278   if this.TakeScreenShot then
    278 279   let screenshot = _driver.Value.GetScreenshot()
    279  - let filename = Guid.NewGuid().ToString("N")
    280  - screenshot.SaveAsFile(filename, OpenQA.Selenium.ScreenshotImageFormat.Gif)
    281  - result.Value.["gif"] <- File.ReadAllBytes(filename)
    282  - File.Delete(filename)
     280 + result.Value.["gif"] <- screenshot.AsByteArray
    283 281   
    284 282   // add cookies
    285 283   let cookies = new List<System.Net.Cookie>()
    skipped 13 lines
    299 297   with _ as ex ->
    300 298   _log?Exception(ex.Message, ex.StackTrace)
    301 299   
    302  - Console.WriteLine("Used memory: {0}", GC.GetTotalMemory(true) - a)
    303 300   result
    304 301   )
    305 302  
    skipped 3 lines
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