Projects STRLCPY Taipan Commits a54ca17c
  • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
    skipped 364 lines
    365 365   // this is a very dirty trick. By setting the authentication
    366 366   // to Enabled and the type to NoAuthentication,
    367 367   // I avoid to follow the Journey path for this specific case.
    368  - instantiateCrawlers([new AuthenticationInfo(Enabled = true); scanContext.Template.HttpRequestorSettings.Authentication])
     368 + instantiateCrawlers([
     369 + scanContext.Template.HttpRequestorSettings.Authentication
     370 +
     371 + // TODO, until the plugin for differential analysis isn't readym this settings is not useful
     372 + // new AuthenticationInfo(Enabled = true)
     373 + ])
    369 374   else
    370 375   instantiateCrawlers([new AuthenticationInfo()])
    371 376   
    skipped 23 lines
    395 400   // try to get the IP and verify if the host is reachable
    396 401   ip <- Some(Dns.GetHostAddresses(uri.Host) |> Seq.head)
    397 402   let webRequestor = _container.Value.Resolve<IWebPageRequestor>()
     403 + webRequestor.HttpRequestor.Settings.PermanentDisableAuthentication()
    398 404   let mutable webResponse = webRequestor.RequestInitialWebPage(new WebRequest(uri))
    399 405   
    400 406   // check for redirect
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  • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
    skipped 31 lines
    32 32   ]
    33 33  
    34 34   let crawl startUrl limit (httpRequestor: IHttpRequestor) =
     35 + // disable Auth since we don't need it for fingerpriting
     36 + httpRequestor.Settings.PermanentDisableAuthentication()
     37 +
    35 38   // Concurrent queue for saving collected urls.
    36 39   let q = ConcurrentQueue<string>()
    37 40  
    skipped 116 lines
  • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
    skipped 159 lines
    160 160   <Compile Include="Network\HeuristicPageNotFoundIdentifier.fs" />
    161 161   <Compile Include="Network\DefaultWebPageRequestor.fs" />
    162 162   <Compile Include="Network\CacheableWebPageRequestor.fs" />
    163  - <Compile Include="Network\WebProxy.fs" />
    164 163   <Compile Include="Network\WebUtility.fs" />
    165 164   <Content Include="Network\Javascript\SendRequest.js">
    166 165   <CopyToOutputDirectory>Always</CopyToOutputDirectory>
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    skipped 18 lines
    19 19   
    20 20  type DefaultHttpRequestor(defaultSettings: HttpRequestorSettings, logProvider: ILogProvider) as this =
    21 21   let _requestGateTimeout = 1000 * 60 * 60 * 10 // 10 minutes
     22 + let _authenticationLock = new Object()
    22 23   let _maxParallelism = 100
    23 24   let _requestGate = new RequestGate(_maxParallelism)
    24 25   let _certificationValidate = new Event<CertificationValidateEventArgs>()
    skipped 23 lines
    48 49   let headerName = kv.Key
    49 50   let headerValue = kv.Value
    50 51   let headerAlredyPresent =
    51  - httpRequest.Headers |> Seq.toList
     52 + httpRequest.Headers
     53 + |> Seq.toList
    52 54   |> List.exists (fun hdr -> hdr.Name.Equals(headerName, StringComparison.Ordinal))
    53 55   if not headerAlredyPresent then
    54  - httpRequest.Headers.Add(new HttpHeader(Name=headerName, Value=headerValue))
     56 + if headerName.Equals("cookie", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) then
     57 + httpRequest.Cookies.AddRange(HttpUtility.parseCookieHeaderValue(headerValue, httpRequest.Uri.Host))
     58 + else
     59 + httpRequest.Headers.Add(new HttpHeader(Name=headerName, Value=headerValue))
    55 60   
    56 61   // add cookies
    57 62   for kv in _settings.AdditionalCookies do
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    123 128   match _seleniumDriver with
    124 129   | Some _ -> ()
    125 130   | None ->
     131 + if _settings.ProxyUrl.IsSome then
     132 + let proxyUri = new Uri(_settings.ProxyUrl.Value)
     133 + _seleniumDriver.Value.ProxyUrl <- Some(String.Format("{0}:{1}", proxyUri.Host, proxyUri.Port))
     134 + 
    126 135   _seleniumDriver <- Some(new SeleniumDriver(logProvider))
    127  - _seleniumDriver.Value.ProxyUrl <- _settings.ProxyUrl
    128 136   _seleniumDriver.Value.Initialize()
    129 137   )
    130 138   
    skipped 4 lines
    135 143   let rec sendJourneyTransaction (path: JourneyPath) (transaction: JourneyTransaction) : HttpResponse option =
    136 144   let httpRequest = transaction.BuildBaseHttpRequest()
    137 145   
    138  - // add to setting also the headers of the template request
    139  - httpRequest.Headers
    140  - |> Seq.filter(fun hdr ->
    141  - ["Content"]
    142  - |> List.exists(fun pattern -> hdr.Name.StartsWith(pattern, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
    143  - |> not
    144  - )
    145  - |> Seq.iter(fun hdr -> _settings.AdditionalHttpHeaders.[hdr.Name] <- hdr.Value)
    146  - 
    147 146   // manage parameters
    148 147   let data = new StringBuilder()
    149 148   let query = new StringBuilder()
    skipped 34 lines
    184 183   this.SessionState.Value.RetrieveSessionParametersFromResponse(httpRequest, httpResponse.Value)
    185 184  
    186 185   httpResponse
     186 + 
     187 + let isStatusCodeValidForauthenticationCheck(httpResponse: HttpResponse option) =
     188 + match httpResponse with
     189 + | None -> false
     190 + | Some _ ->
     191 + let sc = int httpResponse.Value.StatusCode
     192 + sc >= 200 && sc < 400
    187 193   
    188 194   let followPathNavigation() =
    189 195   match _settings.Journey.Paths |> Seq.tryHead with
    skipped 201 lines
    391 397   httpResponse.Headers
    392 398   |> Seq.filter(fun hdr -> hdr.Name.Equals("set-cookie", StringComparison.Ordinal))
    393 399   |> Seq.iter(fun hdr ->
    394  - let cookies = HttpRequestorUtility.parseCookieHeaderValue(hdr.Value, httpResponse.ResponseUri.Value.Host)
     400 + let cookies = HttpUtility.parseCookieHeaderValue(hdr.Value, httpResponse.ResponseUri.Value.Host)
    395 401   this.SessionState.Value.AddCookieToSession(httpRequest, cookies)
    396 402   )
    397 403   
    skipped 16 lines
    414 420   
    415 421   member private this.VerifyIfIsNeededToAuthenticate(httpRequest: HttpRequest, httpResponse: HttpResponse option) =
    416 422   if not _skipAuthenticationProcess && _settings.Authentication.Enabled then
    417  - let savedValue = _skipAuthenticationProcess
    418  - _skipAuthenticationProcess <- true
     423 + lock _authenticationLock (fun () ->
     424 + let savedValue = _skipAuthenticationProcess
     425 + _skipAuthenticationProcess <- true
    419 426   
    420  - let httpResponseResult = ref httpResponse
    421  - match _settings.Authentication.Type with
    422  - | HttpDigest ->
    423  - if httpResponse.IsSome && _httpDigestInfo.IsNone && httpResponse.Value.StatusCode = HttpStatusCode.Unauthorized then
    424  - // retrieve the Auth digest info and re-send the request with the correct token
    425  - _httpDigestInfo <- HttpDigestAuthenticationUtility.retrieveAuthenticationInfo(httpResponse.Value)
    426  - httpResponseResult := this.SendRequestDirect(httpRequest)
     427 + let httpResponseResult = ref httpResponse
     428 + match _settings.Authentication.Type with
     429 + | HttpDigest ->
     430 + if httpResponse.IsSome && _httpDigestInfo.IsNone && httpResponse.Value.StatusCode = HttpStatusCode.Unauthorized then
     431 + // retrieve the Auth digest info and re-send the request with the correct token
     432 + _httpDigestInfo <- HttpDigestAuthenticationUtility.retrieveAuthenticationInfo(httpResponse.Value)
     433 + httpResponseResult := this.SendRequestDirect(httpRequest)
    427 434  
    428  - | WebForm when httpResponse.IsSome && httpResponse.Value.StatusCode = HttpStatusCode.OK ->
    429  - match this.SessionState with
    430  - | Some _ ->
    431  - if not(this.AuthenticationSuccessful([|httpResponse.Value|])) then
    432  - // a specific logout condition was found, need to re-authenticate by following the Authentication Journey path
    433  - if this.AuthenticationSuccessful(followPathNavigation()) then
    434  - // finally re-do the request in an authentication context
    435  - httpResponseResult := this.SendRequestDirect(httpRequest)
    436  - else
    437  - _logger.AuthenticationFailed()
     435 + | WebForm when isStatusCodeValidForauthenticationCheck(httpResponse) ->
     436 + match this.SessionState with
     437 + | Some _ ->
     438 + if not(this.AuthenticationSuccessful([|httpResponse.Value|])) then
     439 + // a specific logout condition was found, need to re-authenticate by following the Authentication Journey path
     440 + if this.AuthenticationSuccessful(followPathNavigation()) then
     441 + // finally re-do the request in an authentication context
     442 + httpResponseResult := this.SendRequestDirect(httpRequest)
     443 + else
     444 + _logger.AuthenticationFailed()
    438 445   
    439  - | None -> _logger.SessionStateNullOnWebAuth()
    440  - | _ ->
    441  - // no authentication process needed
    442  - ()
     446 + | None -> _logger.SessionStateNullOnWebAuth()
     447 + | _ ->
     448 + // no authentication process needed
     449 + ()
    443 450   
    444  - // restore value
    445  - _skipAuthenticationProcess <- savedValue
    446  - !httpResponseResult
     451 + // restore value
     452 + _skipAuthenticationProcess <- savedValue
     453 + !httpResponseResult
     454 + )
    447 455  
    448 456   else
    449 457   httpResponse
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    skipped 37 lines
    38 38   /// This property specify if the Javascript engine should be used to send requests
    39 39   member val UseJavascriptEngineForRequest = true with get, set
    40 40   
     41 + member this.PermanentDisableAuthentication() =
     42 + this.Authentication.Enabled <- false
     43 + this.Journey.Paths.Clear()
     44 +
    41 45   member this.ToXml() =
    42 46   let additionalHttpHeaders = new XElement(x"AdditionalHttpHeaders")
    43 47   this.AdditionalHttpHeaders
    skipped 10 lines
    54 58   new XElement(x"AllowAutoRedirect", this.AllowAutoRedirect),
    55 59   new XElement(x"UseJavascriptEngineForRequest", this.UseJavascriptEngineForRequest),
    56 60   new XElement(x"Proxy",
    57  - if this.ProxyUrl.IsSome && Uri.IsWellFormedUriString(this.ProxyUrl.Value, UriKind.Absolute) then this.ProxyUrl.Value
     61 + if this.ProxyUrl.IsSome
     62 + then this.ProxyUrl.Value
    58 63   else String.Empty
    59 64   ),
    60 65   new XElement(x"StaticExtensions", String.Join(",", this.StaticExtensions)),
    skipped 21 lines
    82 87   
    83 88   let proxyElement = root.Element(x"Proxy")
    84 89   this.ProxyUrl <-
    85  - if proxyElement <> null then Some <| proxyElement.Value.Trim()
     90 + if proxyElement <> null && not(String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(proxyElement.Value.Trim()))
     91 + then Some <| proxyElement.Value.Trim()
    86 92   else None
    87 93   
    88 94   root.Element(x"AdditionalHttpHeaders").Elements(x"HttpHeader")
    skipped 20 lines
  • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
    1 1  namespace ES.Taipan.Infrastructure.Network
    2 2   
    3 3  open System
    4  -open System.Collections.Generic
    5  -open System.IO
    6 4  open System.Net
    7  -open Brotli
    8 5   
    9 6  module internal HttpRequestorUtility =
    10 7  
    11  - let parseCookieHeaderValue(hdrValue: String, host: String) =
    12  - let cookies = new List<Cookie>()
    13  - let attributes = [
    14  - "comment"; "domain"; "max-age"
    15  - "path"; "secure"; "version";
    16  - "httponly"
    17  - ]
    18  -
    19  - let mutable isSecure = false
    20  - let mutable isHttpOnly = false
    21  - 
    22  - hdrValue.Split(';')
    23  - |> Array.rev
    24  - |> item ->
    25  - let keyValue =
    26  - item.Split('=')
    27  - |> s -> s.Trim())
    28  - |>
    29  - |>
    30  - 
    31  - if keyValue.Length > 1
    32  - then (keyValue.[0], keyValue.[1])
    33  - else (item, String.Empty)
    34  - )
    35  - |> Array.iter(fun (name, value) ->
    36  - try
    37  - if attributes |> List.contains(name.Trim().ToLower()) then
    38  - // it is an attribute
    39  - match name.Trim().ToLower() with
    40  - | "secure" -> isSecure <- true
    41  - | "httponly" -> isHttpOnly <- true
    42  - | _ -> ()
    43  - else
    44  - // create a new cookie
    45  - let cookie = new Cookie(name, value, "/", host, Secure = isSecure, HttpOnly = isHttpOnly)
    46  - cookies.Add(cookie)
    47  - with _ -> ()
    48  - )
    49  - cookies
    50  - 
    51  - let addPostData(data: String, webRequest: HttpWebRequest) =
    52  - try
    53  - use streamWriter = new StreamWriter(webRequest.GetRequestStream())
    54  - streamWriter.Write(data)
    55  - with
    56  - | _ -> ()
    57  - 
    58  - let getCookiesFromHeader(httpWebResponse: HttpWebResponse) =
    59  - let cookies = new List<Cookie>()
    60  - if httpWebResponse.Headers.AllKeys |> Seq.contains "Set-Cookie" then
    61  - for hdrValue in httpWebResponse.Headers.GetValues("Set-Cookie") do
    62  - cookies.AddRange(parseCookieHeaderValue(hdrValue, httpWebResponse.ResponseUri.Host))
    63  - cookies
    64  -
    65  - let addHttpHeader(header: HttpHeader, webRequest: HttpWebRequest) =
    66  - let headerName = header.Name.Replace("-", String.Empty).ToLower()
    67  - match headerName with
    68  - | "useragent" -> webRequest.UserAgent <- header.Value
    69  - | "accept" -> webRequest.Accept <- header.Value
    70  - | "referer" -> webRequest.Referer <- header.Value
    71  - | "host" -> webRequest.Host <- header.Value
    72  - | "contenttype" -> webRequest.ContentType <- header.Value
    73  - | "contentlength" ->
    74  - let contentLen = ref 0L
    75  - if Int64.TryParse(header.Value, contentLen) then webRequest.ContentLength <- !contentLen
    76  - | "connection"
    77  - | "proxyconnection" ->
    78  - if header.Value.Equals("Keep-Alive", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) then
    79  - webRequest.KeepAlive <- true
    80  - else
    81  - webRequest.Connection <- header.Value
    82  - webRequest.KeepAlive <- false
    83  - | "date" ->
    84  - let date = ref DateTime.Now
    85  - if DateTime.TryParse(header.Value, date) then webRequest.Date <- !date
    86  - | "expect" ->
    87  - // 100-Continue must be setted with the System.Net.ServicePointManager.Expect100Continue Setted to true
    88  - // see
    89  - if not <| header.Value.Equals("", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) then webRequest.Expect <- header.Value
    90  - | "ifmodifiedsince" ->
    91  - let date = ref DateTime.Now
    92  - if DateTime.TryParse(header.Value, date) then webRequest.IfModifiedSince <- !date
    93  - | "transferencoding" ->
    94  - webRequest.SendChunked <- true
    95  - webRequest.TransferEncoding <- header.Value
    96  - | "cookie" ->
    97  - if webRequest.CookieContainer = null then
    98  - webRequest.CookieContainer <- new CookieContainer()
    99  - 
    100  - let cookieValue = header.Value
    101  - parseCookieHeaderValue(cookieValue, webRequest.RequestUri.Host)
    102  - |> Seq.iter(webRequest.CookieContainer.Add)
    103  - | _ -> webRequest.Headers.[header.Name] <- header.Value
    104  -
    105 8   let createHttpWebRequest(settings: HttpRequestorSettings, httpRequest: HttpRequest) =
    106 9   let httpWebRequest = WebRequest.Create( httpRequest.Uri ) :?> HttpWebRequest
    107 10   
    skipped 18 lines
    126 29  
    127 30   // set the headers
    128 31   for header in httpRequest.Headers do
    129  - addHttpHeader(header, httpWebRequest)
     32 + HttpUtility.addHttpHeader(header, httpWebRequest)
    130 33   
    131 34   // set the cookies
    132 35   if httpWebRequest.CookieContainer = null then
    133 36   httpWebRequest.CookieContainer <- new CookieContainer()
     37 + 
    134 38   for cookie in httpRequest.Cookies do
    135 39   httpWebRequest.CookieContainer.Add(cookie)
    136 40   
    137 41   // set the post data if present
    138 42   if not <| String.IsNullOrEmpty(httpRequest.Data) then
    139  - addPostData(httpRequest.Data, httpWebRequest)
     43 + HttpUtility.addPostData(httpRequest.Data, httpWebRequest)
    140 44   
    141 45   httpWebRequest
    142 46  
    skipped 27 lines
    170 74   
    171 75   // add cookies to httpResponse by parsing the Set-Cookie header. This since the container doesn't manage cookie on different path very well
    172 76   // for more info see:
    173  - for cookie in getCookiesFromHeader(httpWebResponse) do
     77 + for cookie in HttpUtility.getCookiesFromHeader(httpWebResponse) do
    174 78   httpResponseResult.Cookies.Add(cookie)
    175 79  
    176 80   httpResponseResult
  • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
    1 1  namespace ES.Taipan.Infrastructure.Network
    2 2   
    3 3  open System
     4 +open System.IO
    4 5  open System.Collections.Generic
    5 6  open System.Net
    6 7   
    7 8  module HttpUtility =
     9 + let parseCookieHeaderValue(hdrValue: String, host: String) =
     10 + let cookies = new List<Cookie>()
     11 + let attributes = [
     12 + "comment"; "domain"; "max-age"
     13 + "path"; "secure"; "version";
     14 + "httponly"
     15 + ]
     16 +
     17 + let mutable isSecure = false
     18 + let mutable isHttpOnly = false
     19 + 
     20 + hdrValue.Split(';')
     21 + |> Array.rev
     22 + |> item ->
     23 + let keyValue =
     24 + item.Split('=')
     25 + |> s -> s.Trim())
     26 + |>
     27 + |>
     28 + 
     29 + if keyValue.Length > 1
     30 + then (keyValue.[0], keyValue.[1])
     31 + else (item, String.Empty)
     32 + )
     33 + |> Array.iter(fun (name, value) ->
     34 + try
     35 + if attributes |> List.contains(name.Trim().ToLower()) then
     36 + // it is an attribute
     37 + match name.Trim().ToLower() with
     38 + | "secure" -> isSecure <- true
     39 + | "httponly" -> isHttpOnly <- true
     40 + | _ -> ()
     41 + else
     42 + // create a new cookie
     43 + let cookie = new Cookie(name, value, "/", host, Secure = isSecure, HttpOnly = isHttpOnly)
     44 + cookies.Add(cookie)
     45 + with _ -> ()
     46 + )
     47 + cookies
     48 + 
     49 + let addPostData(data: String, webRequest: HttpWebRequest) =
     50 + try
     51 + use streamWriter = new StreamWriter(webRequest.GetRequestStream())
     52 + streamWriter.Write(data)
     53 + with
     54 + | _ -> ()
     55 + 
     56 + let getCookiesFromHeader(httpWebResponse: HttpWebResponse) =
     57 + let cookies = new List<Cookie>()
     58 + if httpWebResponse.Headers.AllKeys |> Seq.contains "Set-Cookie" then
     59 + for hdrValue in httpWebResponse.Headers.GetValues("Set-Cookie") do
     60 + cookies.AddRange(parseCookieHeaderValue(hdrValue, httpWebResponse.ResponseUri.Host))
     61 + cookies
     62 +
     63 + let addHttpHeader(header: HttpHeader, webRequest: HttpWebRequest) =
     64 + let headerName = header.Name.Replace("-", String.Empty).ToLower()
     65 + match headerName with
     66 + | "useragent" -> webRequest.UserAgent <- header.Value
     67 + | "accept" -> webRequest.Accept <- header.Value
     68 + | "referer" -> webRequest.Referer <- header.Value
     69 + | "host" -> webRequest.Host <- header.Value
     70 + | "contenttype" -> webRequest.ContentType <- header.Value
     71 + | "contentlength" ->
     72 + let contentLen = ref 0L
     73 + if Int64.TryParse(header.Value, contentLen) then webRequest.ContentLength <- !contentLen
     74 + | "connection"
     75 + | "proxyconnection" ->
     76 + if header.Value.Equals("Keep-Alive", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) then
     77 + webRequest.KeepAlive <- true
     78 + else
     79 + webRequest.Connection <- header.Value
     80 + webRequest.KeepAlive <- false
     81 + | "date" ->
     82 + let date = ref DateTime.Now
     83 + if DateTime.TryParse(header.Value, date) then webRequest.Date <- !date
     84 + | "expect" ->
     85 + // 100-Continue must be setted with the System.Net.ServicePointManager.Expect100Continue Setted to true
     86 + // see
     87 + if not <| header.Value.Equals("", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) then webRequest.Expect <- header.Value
     88 + | "ifmodifiedsince" ->
     89 + let date = ref DateTime.Now
     90 + if DateTime.TryParse(header.Value, date) then webRequest.IfModifiedSince <- !date
     91 + | "transferencoding" ->
     92 + webRequest.SendChunked <- true
     93 + webRequest.TransferEncoding <- header.Value
     94 + | "cookie" ->
     95 + if webRequest.CookieContainer = null then
     96 + webRequest.CookieContainer <- new CookieContainer()
     97 + 
     98 + let cookieValue = header.Value
     99 + parseCookieHeaderValue(cookieValue, webRequest.RequestUri.Host)
     100 + |> Seq.iter(webRequest.CookieContainer.Add)
     101 + | _ -> webRequest.Headers.[header.Name] <- header.Value
    8 102   
    9 103   /// Return the absolute path directory. Some examples:
    10 104   /// -> /a/b/c
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  • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
    1 1  namespace ES.Taipan.Infrastructure.Network
    2 2   
    3 3  open System
     4 +open System.Net
    4 5  open System.Text
    5 6  open System.IO
    6 7  open System.Collections.Generic
    skipped 53 lines
    60 61   
    61 62   // add headers
    62 63   this.TemplateRequest.Headers
    63  - |> List.iter(fun (name, value) -> httpRequest.Headers.Add(new HttpHeader(Name = name, Value = value)))
     64 + |> List.iter(fun (name, value) ->
     65 + if name.Equals("cookie", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) then
     66 + httpRequest.Cookies.AddRange(HttpUtility.parseCookieHeaderValue(value, httpRequest.Uri.Host))
     67 + else
     68 + httpRequest.Headers.Add(new HttpHeader(Name = name, Value = value))
     69 + )
    64 70  
    65 71   httpRequest
    66 72  
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  • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
    1  -namespace ES.Taipan.Infrastructure.Network
    2  - 
    3  -// TODO: remove this class it is only used in server part
    4  -open System
    5  -open System.Linq
    6  -open System.IO
    7  -open System.Collections.Generic
    8  -open System.Collections.Concurrent
    9  -open System.Net
    10  -open ES.Fslog
    11  - 
    12  -type WebProxy(remoteAddr: Uri, httpRequestor: IHttpRequestor, logProvider: ILogProvider) =
    13  - let _recordedRequests = new ConcurrentQueue<HttpRequest>()
    14  - let _whitelistedHeaders = new List<String>()
    15  - let _extensionToIgnore = new List<String>()
    16  - let _injectors = new List<String * HttpRequest * HttpResponse -> unit>()
    17  - 
    18  - let isHeaderAllowed(httpHeader: HttpHeader) =
    19  - _whitelistedHeaders |> Seq.exists(fun whiteListPrefix -> httpHeader.Name.StartsWith(whiteListPrefix, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
    20  -
    21  - new(remoteAddr: Uri) =
    22  - let settings = new HttpRequestorSettings()
    23  - settings.AllowAutoRedirect <- false
    24  - let httpRequestor = new DefaultHttpRequestor(settings, LogProvider.GetDefault())
    25  - new WebProxy(remoteAddr, httpRequestor, LogProvider.GetDefault())
    26  - 
    27  - member val Id = Guid.NewGuid() with get
    28  -
    29  - abstract AnalyzeResponse : String * HttpRequest * HttpResponse -> unit
    30  - default this.AnalyzeResponse(destPath: String, httpRequest: HttpRequest, httpResponse: HttpResponse) =
    31  - // filter headers
    32  - let copyOfHeaders = httpResponse.Headers.ToList()
    33  - httpResponse.Headers.Clear()
    34  - copyOfHeaders |> Seq.filter isHeaderAllowed |> Seq.iter httpResponse.Headers.Add
    35  -
    36  - // do modification
    37  - _injectors |> Seq.iter(fun injector -> injector(destPath, httpRequest, httpResponse))
    38  - 
    39  - member this.AddInjector(codeInjector: String * HttpRequest * HttpResponse -> unit) =
    40  - _injectors.Add(codeInjector)
    41  - 
    42  - member this.AddExtensionToNotRecord(extension: String) =
    43  - _extensionToIgnore.Add(extension)
    44  - 
    45  - member this.AddWhitelistedHeader(headerPrefix: String) =
    46  - _whitelistedHeaders.Add(headerPrefix)
    47  -
    48  - member this.GetRecordedRequests() =
    49  - _recordedRequests
    50  - 
    51  - member private this.SendHttpRequest(httpRequest: HttpRequest, destPath: String) =
    52  - match httpRequestor.SendRequest(httpRequest) with
    53  - | Some httpResponse ->
    54  - if not <| _extensionToIgnore.Contains(Path.GetExtension(httpRequest.Uri.AbsolutePath)) then
    55  - _recordedRequests.Enqueue(httpRequest)
    56  - this.AnalyzeResponse(destPath, httpRequest, httpResponse)
    57  - Some httpResponse
    58  - | _ -> None
    59  - 
    60  - member this.ForwardPost(destPath: String, data: String) =
    61  - let destUri = new Uri(remoteAddr, destPath)
    62  - let httpRequest = new HttpRequest(destUri)
    63  - httpRequest.Method <- HttpMethods.Post
    64  - httpRequest.Data <- data
    65  - this.SendHttpRequest(httpRequest, destPath)
    66  - 
    67  - member this.ForwardGet(destPath: String) =
    68  - let destUri = new Uri(remoteAddr, destPath)
    69  - let httpRequest = new HttpRequest(destUri)
    70  - this.SendHttpRequest(httpRequest, destPath)
    71  - 
    72  - 
    73  - 
  • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
    skipped 9 lines
    10 10  (*
    11 11  This class is used in order to manage multiple Tasks in order to be Pause and/or Stopped
    12 12  in a coherent way. The task execyted through the manager, could be paused or stopped.
     13 +When Pause/Stop is called, it is guaranteed that all the managed tasks have paused/stopped.
    13 14  *)
    14 15   
    15 16  type TaskManager(statusToMonitor: ServiceStateController, releasePauseStatusMonitor: Boolean, releaseStopStatusMonitor: Boolean, concurrentLimit: Int32) as this =
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  • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
    1 1  namespace Taipan
    2 2   
    3  -open ES.Taipan.Application
    4 3  open System
     4 +open System.Reflection
    5 5  open System.Linq
    6 6  open System.IO
    7  -open Newtonsoft.Json
    8  -open ES.Taipan.Inspector
    9 7  open System.Collections.Generic
    10 8  open System.Text
     9 +open Newtonsoft.Json
     10 +open ES.Taipan.Application
    11 11   
    12 12  type ReportFormat =
    13 13   | Json
    skipped 80 lines
    94 94   reportContent.ToString()
    95 95   
    96 96   member this.Save(reportFilename: String option) =
    97  - let defaultName = String.Format("{0}_{1}{2}", scanResult.Scan.Context.StartRequest.HttpRequest.Uri.Host, Guid.NewGuid().ToString("N"), this.Type.ToString())
     97 + let baseName = String.Format("{0}_{1}{2}", scanResult.Scan.Context.StartRequest.HttpRequest.Uri.Host, Guid.NewGuid().ToString("N"), this.Type.ToString())
     98 + let reportDirectory = Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(Assembly.GetEntryAssembly().Location), "Report")
     99 + Directory.CreateDirectory(reportDirectory) |> ignore
     100 + let defaultName = Path.Combine(reportDirectory, baseName)
     101 + 
    98 102   let filename = defaultArg reportFilename defaultName
    99 103   
    100 104   let reportContent =
    skipped 6 lines
  • ■ ■ ■ ■
    skipped 62 lines
    63 63   
    64 64   // crawler settings
    65 65   defaultProfile.CrawlerSettings.ReCrawlPages <- true
    66  - defaultProfile.CrawlerSettings.MaxNumOfRequestsToTheSamePage <- 100
     66 + defaultProfile.CrawlerSettings.MaxNumOfRequestsToTheSamePage <- 5
    67 67   defaultProfile.CrawlerSettings.MaxNumberOfPagesToCrawl <- 2000
    68 68   defaultProfile.CrawlerSettings.Scope <- NavigationScope.EnteredPathAndBelow
    69 69   defaultProfile.CrawlerSettings.ActivateAllAddOns <- true
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