Projects STRLCPY Taipan Commits 25c30a96
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    84 84   <Compile Include="WebApplicationVulnerability\WebApplicationVulnerabilityAddOn.fs" />
    85 85   <Compile Include="WebFormBruteforcer\BruteforceHelper.fs" />
    86 86   <Compile Include="WebFormBruteforcer\WebFormBruteforcerAddOn.fs" />
     87 + <Compile Include="XMLExternalEntity\XMLExternalEntityAddOn.fs" />
    87 88   <None Include="paket.references" />
    88 89   </ItemGroup>
    89 90   <ItemGroup>
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  • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
    skipped 198 lines
    199 199   let resultVerifier(falseResponse: WebResponse) (testResponse: WebResponse) =
    200 200   if falseResponse.HttpResponse.StatusCode = testResponse.HttpResponse.StatusCode then
    201 201   if HttpUtility.isRedirect(falseResponse.HttpResponse.StatusCode) then
    202  - // if it is a relocation, check if the destinations are different
     202 + // if it is a relocation, check if the destinations are different. If they are different
     203 + // then a login has been successfully executed
    203 204   let templateLocation = HttpUtility.tryGetHeader("Location", falseResponse.HttpResponse.Headers)
    204 205   let testLocation = HttpUtility.tryGetHeader("Location", testResponse.HttpResponse.Headers)
    205 206   
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  • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
     1 +namespace ES.Taipan.Inspector.AddOns.XMLExternalEntity
     2 + 
     3 +open System
     4 +open System.Collections.Generic
     5 +open ES.Taipan.Inspector
     6 +open ES.Taipan.Inspector.AddOns
     7 +open ES.Taipan.Infrastructure.Service
     8 +open ES.Taipan.Infrastructure.Messaging
     9 +open ES.Taipan.Infrastructure.Network
     10 +open ES.Taipan.Infrastructure.Text
     11 + 
     12 +// Info:
     13 +type XMLExternalEntityAddOn() as this =
     14 + inherit BaseStatelessAddOn("XML External Entity AddOn", string XMLExternalEntityAddOn.Id, 1)
     15 + 
     16 + let _analyzedPages = new HashSet<String>()
     17 + 
     18 + let _logger =
     19 + log "XMLExternalEntityAddOn"
     20 + |> build
     21 + 
     22 + let reportSecurityIssue(entryPoint: EntryPoint, webRequest: WebRequest, webResponse: WebResponse) =
     23 + let securityIssue =
     24 + new SecurityIssue(
     25 + HttpBruteforcerAddOn.Id,
     26 + Name = "XML External Entity (XXE)",
     27 + Uri = webRequest.HttpRequest.Uri,
     28 + EntryPoint = EntryPoint.Header
     29 + )
     30 + 
     31 + securityIssue.Transactions.Add(webRequest, webResponse)
     32 + this.Context.Value.AddSecurityIssue(securityIssue)
     33 + 
     34 + static member Id = Guid.Parse("77F5F5A9-EEA3-4622-BAD4-3EDBE8830E73")
     35 + 
     36 + default this.Initialize(context: Context, webRequestor: IWebPageRequestor, messageBroker: IMessageBroker, logProvider: ILogProvider) =
     37 + let initResult = base.Initialize(context, webRequestor, messageBroker, logProvider)
     38 + logProvider.AddLogSourceToLoggers(_logger)
     39 + // TODO load attack string template
     40 + 
     41 + initResult
     42 +
     43 + default this.Scan(testRequest: TestRequest, stateController: ServiceStateController) =
     44 + if testRequest.RequestType = TestRequestType.CrawledPage && _analyzedPages.Add(testRequest.WebRequest.HttpRequest.Uri.AbsolutePath) then
     45 + ()
  • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
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    48 48   <Reference Include="System.IO.Compression.FileSystem" />
    49 49   <Reference Include="System.Numerics" />
    50 50   <Reference Include="System.Transactions" />
     51 + <Reference Include="System.Xml" />
     52 + <Reference Include="System.Xml.Linq" />
    51 53   </ItemGroup>
    52 54   <ItemGroup>
    53 55   <Compile Include="AssemblyInfo.fs" />
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    skipped 4 lines
    5 5  open System.IO.Compression
    6 6  open System.Reflection
    7 7  open System.Collections.Generic
     8 +open System.Xml
     9 +open System.Xml.Linq
     10 +open System.Xml.Schema
     11 +open System.Text
    8 12  open Suave
    9 13  open Suave.Filters
    10 14  open Suave.Successful
    skipped 4 lines
    15 19  open Suave.Operators
    16 20  open Suave.Cookie
    17 21  open Suave.RequestErrors
    18  -open Suave.Authentication
    19 22  open ES.Groviera.Utility
    20 23  open System.Data.SQLite
    21 24   
    22 25  module InspectorPages =
    23  - open System.Text
    24  - open System.Text
    25  - 
    26 26   let mutable private _test24Token = new List<String>()
    27 27   let mutable private _test25Token = new List<String>()
    28 28   let _baseDir = Path.GetDirectoryName(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location)
    skipped 53 lines
    82 82   <li>TEST38: <a href="/inspector/test38/">/inspector/test38/</a> RXSS on a password type parameter which implements check on password and retype password</li>
    83 83   <li>TEST39: <a href="/inspector/test39/">/inspector/test39/</a> An HTTP Basic protected page (admin:admin)</li>
    84 84   <li>TEST40: <a href="/inspector/test40/">/inspector/test40/</a> A Web Form only password protected page (admin)</li>
     85 + <li>TEST41: <a href="/inspector/test41/">/inspector/test41/</a> XXE Vulnerability</li>
    85 86   </ul><br/>
    86 87   </body>
    87 88  </html>""" ctx
    skipped 380 lines
    468 469   OK html ctx
    469 470   
    470 471   path "/inspector/test40/dashboard.php" >=> okContent "Welcome authenticated user"
     472 + 
     473 + path "/inspector/test41/" >=> okContent """
     474 + <html>
     475 + <head><title>Blind XXE vulnerability</title></head>
     476 + <body>
     477 + <a href="/inspector/test41/xml.php">This endpoint accept XML document if send with POST</a><br>
     478 + Test the endpoint:<br><br>
     479 + <textarea rows="10" cols="60" id="data">
     480 +<note>
     481 + <user>Antonio</user>
     482 + <message>Hello from XML message</message>
     483 +</note>
     484 + </textarea><br>
     485 + <button type="button" onclick="testEndpoint();">Test me</button>
     486 + 
     487 + <br><br>
     488 + <h2>Result</h2>
     489 + <div id="result"></div>
     490 + 
     491 + <script>
     492 + function testEndpoint()
     493 + {
     494 + var data = document.getElementById("data").value;
     495 + 
     496 + var xmlhttp = new XMLHttpRequest();
     497 +"POST","/inspector/test41/xml.php");
     498 + var xmlDoc;
     499 + xmlhttp.onreadystatechange = function() {
     500 + if (xmlhttp.readyState == 4 && xmlhttp.status == 200) {
     501 + document.getElementById("result").innerText += "\n" + xmlhttp.responseText;
     502 + }
     503 + };
     504 + xmlhttp.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', 'text/xml');
     505 + xmlhttp.send(data);
     506 + return true;
     507 + }
     508 + </script>
     509 + </body>
     510 + </html>
     511 + """
     512 + 
     513 + path "/inspector/test41/xml.php" >=> fun (ctx: HttpContext) ->
     514 + let xmlError = """
     515 + <result>
     516 + <errors>
     517 + <error>The request is invalid: The requested resource could not be found.</error>
     518 + </errors>
     519 + </result>
     520 + """
     521 + (NOT_FOUND xmlError >=> setHeader "Content-Type" "text/xml") ctx
     522 +
    471 523   ]
    472 524  
    473 525   // *************************
    skipped 118 lines
    592 644   Redirection.redirect "/inspector/test40/dashboard.php" ctx
    593 645   else
    594 646   OK "Sorry but the password that you inserted are not equals" ctx
     647 + 
     648 + path "/inspector/test41/xml.php" >=> fun (ctx: HttpContext) ->
     649 + try
     650 + let xmlRequest = Encoding.Default.GetString(ctx.request.rawForm)
     651 + let settings =
     652 + new XmlReaderSettings(
     653 + DtdProcessing = DtdProcessing.Parse,
     654 + IgnoreProcessingInstructions = false,
     655 + ValidationType = ValidationType.DTD,
     656 + ValidationFlags = (XmlSchemaValidationFlags.ProcessInlineSchema ||| XmlSchemaValidationFlags.ReportValidationWarnings)
     657 + 
     658 + )
     659 + settings.XmlResolver <- new XmlUrlResolver()
     660 + 
     661 + use reader = XmlReader.Create(new StringReader(xmlRequest), settings)
     662 + let root = XDocument.Load(reader).Root
     663 + let from = root.Element(XName.Get("user")).Value
     664 + let body = root.Element(XName.Get("message")).Value
     665 + let xmlResponse = String.Format("<response>{0} said: {1}</response>", from, body)
     666 + (OK xmlResponse >=> setHeader "Content-Type" "text/xml") ctx
     667 + with e ->
     668 + INTERNAL_ERROR (e.ToString()) ctx
    595 669   ]
    596 670   ]
    597 671   
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