Projects STRLCPY Synergy-httpx Files
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Synergy Httpx

Python License


A Python http(s) server designed to assist in red teaming activities such as receiving intercepted data via POST requests and serving content dynamically (e.g. payloads).

I find this tool handy when working with rubber ducky / bad USB / ATtiny85, etc based attacks. Check out the ATtiny85_templates folder for some handy .ino templates to load on your microcontroller. Credits: My templates are inspired by this repo -> CedArctic/DigiSpark-Scripts.




This tool was explicitly developed and tested on kali linux. I doubt it will work properly on Windows.

pip3 install -r requirements.txt


python3 [-h] [-c CERT] [-k KEY] [-p PORT] [-q] [-i INTERFACE]
  • If you provide cert.pem and key.pem files when you execute, the server will run with SSL (https).
  • You can use the "serve" and "release" prompt commands to associate/disassociate server path names with local files to be used as a response body to GET/POST requests, while the server is running. There are two standard hardcoded endpoints, 1 x GET mainly for connectivity tests and 1 x POST that will print the request body to the stdout, useful for intercepting data and sending them to your server via http(s).
  • You can predifine endpoints (server paths mapped to local files) by editting the user_defined_endpoints dict in (there are examples).
  • Use the "endpoints" prompt command to list all of the server's active endpoints.
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