Projects STRLCPY Synergy-httpx Files
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Synergy Httpx

Python License


A Python http(s) server designed to assist in red teaming activities such as receiving intercepted data via POST requests and serving content dynamically (e.g. payloads).

I find this tool handy when working with rubber ducky / bad USB / ATtiny85, etc based attacks. Check out the ATtiny85_templates folder for some handy .ino templates to load on your microcontroller. Credits: My templates are inspired by this repo -> CedArctic/DigiSpark-Scripts.




pip3 install -r requirements.txt


python3 [-h] [-c CERT] [-k KEY] [-p PORT] [-q] [-i INTERFACE]
  • If you provide cert.pem and key.pem files when you execute, it will run with SSL. You can use the "serve" and "release" prompt commands to associate server path names with local files to be used as a response body to GET/POST requests, while the server is running.

  • You can predifine endpoints (server paths mapped to local files) by editting the user_defined_endpoints dict in (there are examples).

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