Projects STRLCPY SharPyShell Commits 0ba50b53
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    16 16   The calling process will wait until the end of the execution of the spawned process.
    17 17   The two processes will communicate through 2 pipeline files (1 for stdout and 1 for stderr).
    18 18   The default logon type is 3 (Network_Logon).
    19  - If you set Interactive (2) logon type you will face some restriction problems.
     19 + If you set Interactive (2) logon type you will face some UAC restriction problems.
     20 + You can make interactive login without restrictions by setting the following regkey to 0 and restart the server:
     21 +
     22 + HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System\EnableLUA
     23 +
    20 24   If you need to spawn a background or async process, i.e. spawning a reverse shell, set the argument
    21 25   'process_timeout_ms' to 0.
    22 26  
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