  • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
     1 +A Big Thank You to the Main-Contributors of the Repo:<br>
     2 +Securibee<br>
     3 +Nahamsec<br>
     4 +AshF0x<br>
     5 +Cody Brocious (@daeken)<br>
     6 + 
     7 +and of course everyone else who sends in suggestions for the repo itself <3
  • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
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    6 6   
    7 7  We understand that there are more resources other than the ones we have listed and we hope to cover more resources in the near future!<br>
    8 8   
    9  -## Current Version: 2020.04
     9 +## Current Version: 2020.05
    10 10   
    11 11  [Changelog: See what's new!](/assets/changelog.md) 📣
    12 12   
    skipped 11 lines
    24 24  - [Hardware & IoT](/assets/hardware.md)
    25 25  - [Blog posts & Talks](/assets/blogposts.md)
    26 26  - [Media Resources](/assets/media.md)
     27 +- [Certifications](/assets/certs.md)
     28 +- [Mindset & Mental Health](/assets/mind.md)
     29 + 
     30 +---
     31 +If you have more questions or suggestions, come the [Discord Server](https://discord.gg/9jZxjQ5) of nahamsec !
    27 32   
  • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
    1 1  # Resources-for-Beginner-Bug-Bounty-Hunters
    2 2   
    3  -## Table of Contents
     3 + 
     4 +## Basics 🤓
     5 + 
     6 +### Table of Contents
    4 7  1. [Stanford CS 253 Web Security](#Stanford-CS-253-Web-Security)
    5 8  2. [HTTP basics](#HTTP-basics)
    6 9  3. [Networking basics](#Networking-basics)
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    8 11  5. [Automation](#Automation)
    9 12   
    10 13   
    11  -## Stanford CS 253 Web Security
     14 +### Stanford CS 253 Web Security
    12 15   
    13 16  - [Stanford CS 253 Web Security](https://web.stanford.edu/class/cs253/) - by [@feross](https://twitter.com/feross)
    14 17   - "This course is a comprehensive overview of web security. The goal is to build an understanding of the most common web attacks and their countermeasures. Given the pervasive insecurity of the modern web landscape, there is a pressing need for programmers and system designers to improve their understanding of web security issues."
    15 18   
    16  -## HTTP basics
     19 +### HTTP basics
    17 20  In order to be able to learn what and how an application works, you need to be able to understand how you are communicating with it. This section is dedicated to all the resources to understand the HTTP basics.
    18 21  - All in one resource: https://www.hacker101.com/sessions/web_in_depth
    19  - HTTP basics
    20  - Cookie security
    21  - HTML parsing
    22  - MIME sniffing
    23  - Encoding sniffing
    24  - Same-Origin Policy
    25  - CSRF (Cross-Site Request Forgery)
     22 + - HTTP basics
     23 + - Cookie security
     24 + - HTML parsing
     25 + - MIME sniffing
     26 + - Encoding sniffing
     27 + - Same-Origin Policy
     28 + - CSRF (Cross-Site Request Forgery)
    26 29  - Request form
    27 30  https://www.tutorialspoint.com/http/http_requests.htm
    28 31  - Response form
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    33 36  https://www.tutorialspoint.com/http/http_url_encoding.htm
    34 37   
    35 38   
    36  -## Networking basics
     39 +### Networking basics
    37 40  Recon is a common terminology used in bug bounties. It’s great if you are already using tools to scan a range of IPs for open ports or find subdomain, however, you should first understand why these things matter and how they work.
    38 41  - Terminology
    39 42  https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/an-introduction-to-networking-terminology-interfaces-and-protocols
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    48 51  - [Network Fundamentals](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLDQaRcbiSnqF5U8ffMgZzS7fq1rHUI3Q8), A 19 part Video Series about Networking well explained for Beginners
    49 52   
    50 53   
    51  -## Programming Basics
     54 +### Programming Basics
    52 55  Being a great programmer is not a requirement to be a successful hacker. However, having the ability to make an educated guess, may increase your chances of successfully identifying and exploiting an issue. In a number of cases, you may need to automate your work or know more than just the “basics” in order to escalate a bug with a medium severity to high/critical.
    53 56   
    54 57  - HTML: HTML is very easy to learn and there are a ton of free resources for it. If you are interested in learning about XSS this should be your first step.
    skipped 9 lines
    64 67  https://www.codecademy.com/learn/learn-sql
    65 68  http://www.sqlcourse.com/
    66 69   
    67  -## Automation
     70 +### Automation
    68 71  You are welcome to skip this section if you think you’ll never need any automation or in depth web application knowledge. However I think learning bash in addition to one the following four languages may help you work smarter rather than harder.
    69 72  - Bash
    70 73   - https://www.learnshell.org/
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  • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
    1 1  # Resources-for-Beginner-Bug-Bounty-Hunters
    2 2   
    3  -## Blog posts ��
     3 +## Blog posts & Disclosed Reports ��
    4 4  A collection of Blog Posts ordered by Vulnerability Types
     5 +- [Starting out & Tips](#Starting-Out-&-Questions)
    5 6  - [XSS](#XSS)
    6 7   - [DOM XSS](#DOM-XSS)
    7  - - [Sored XSS](#Stored-XSS)
    8  - - [CSP Bypass](#CSP-Bypass)
     8 + - [Stored XSS](#Stored-XSS)
    9 9  - [SSRF](#SSRF)
    10 10  - [Vulnerability Scanning](#Vulnerability-Scanning)
    11 11  - [Token / Authentication](#Token-/-Authentication)
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    25 25  - [API](#API)
    26 26  - [Misc](#Misc)
    27 27  ---
     28 +## Starting out & Tips
     29 +- [Basic Bug Bounty FAQ](http://blog.oath.ninja/basic-bug-bounty-faq/) - by [@thedawgyg](https://twitter.com/thedawgyg)
     30 +- [Getting started in Cyber Security in 2019 – The Complete Guide](https://www.ceos3c.com/hacking/getting-started-cyber-security-complete-guide/) - by ceos3c
     31 +- [WTF is a Bug Bounty?](https://www.ceos3c.com/hacking/ethical-hacking-diaries-1-wtf-is-a-bug-bounty/) - by ceos3c
     32 +- [How to Set up Certificate-Based SSH for Bug Hunting](https://medium.com/@c0ldbr3w/how-to-set-up-certificate-based-ssh-for-bug-hunting-bonus-ef4af95fca05) - by Mack Staples
     33 +- [XSS in Google Colaboratory + CSP bypass](https://blog.bentkowski.info/2018/06/xss-in-google-colaboratory-csp-bypass.html) by Michał Bentkowski
     34 +- [Zseano’s notes on hacking & mentoring](https://blog.intigriti.com/2020/04/29/bug-business-3-zseanos-notes-on-hacking-mentoring/) by Intigriti & Zseano
    28 35  ## XSS
    29 36  You can find a ton of awesome XSS reports by searching through the HackerOne Hacktivity Page (https://hackerone.com/hacktivity?querystring=XSS). Here are some more complex and some of my favorite XSS related blog posts:
    30 37   
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    35 42  - [Microsoft Edge (Chromium) - EoP via XSS to Potential RCE](https://leucosite.com/Edge-Chromium-EoP-RCE/) - [@Qab](https://twitter.com/qab)
    36 43  - [Reflected XSS in https://blocked.myndr.net](https://hackerone.com/reports/824433) - Thilakesh
    37 44  - [Google Bug Bounty Writeup- XSS Vulnerability](https://pethuraj.com/blog/google-bug-bounty-writeup/) - [@itsmepethu](https://twitter.com/itsmepethu)
     45 +- [How to solve the INTIGRITI Easter XSS challenge using only Chrome Devtools](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IhPsBMBDFcg) - by STÖK
    38 46   
    39 47   
    40 48  ### DOM XSS
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    50 58  - [Yahoo Mail stored XSS](https://klikki.fi/adv/yahoo.html) - Jouko Pynnönen
    51 59  - [Yahoo Mail stored XSS #2](https://klikki.fi/adv/yahoo2.html) - Jouko Pynnönen
    52 60  - [Account Recovery XSS](https://sites.google.com/site/bughunteruniversity/best-reports/account-recovery-xss) - Gábor Molnár
    53  -### CSP Bypass
    54  -- https://blog.bentkowski.info/2018/06/xss-in-google-colaboratory-csp-bypass.html
    55 61   
    56 62  ## SSRF
    57 63  - [DEF CON 27 Conference - Ben Sadeghipour - Owning The Clout Through Server Side Request Forgery](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o-tL9ULF0KI)<br>- Nahamsec & daeken | DEFCON 2019
    58 64  - [Piercing The Veil: Server Side Request Forgery Attacks On Internal Networks](https://peertube.opencloud.lu/videos/watch/40f39bfe-6d3c-40f5-bcab-43f20944ca6a)<br>- Alyssa Herrera | Hack.lu 2019
    59 65  - [Vimeo upload function SSRF](https://medium.com/@dPhoeniixx/vimeo-upload-function-ssrf-7466d8630437) - Sayed Abdelhafiz
     66 +- [Piercing the Veal](https://medium.com/@d0nut/piercing-the-veal-short-stories-to-read-with-friends-4aa86d606fc5) - by d0nut
    60 67   
    61 68   
    62 69  ## Vulnerability Scanning
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    66 73  - [Abusing feature to steal your tokens](https://medium.com/@rootxharsh_90844/abusing-feature-to-steal-your-tokens-f15f78cebf74) - Harsh Jaiswal
    67 74  - [How I was able to bypass OTP code requirement in Razer [The story of a critical bug]](https://medium.com/bugbountywriteup/how-i-was-able-to-bypass-otp-token-requirement-in-razer-the-story-of-a-critical-bug-fc63a94ad572?) - Ananda Dhakal
    68 75  - [Bypassing GitHub's OAuth flow](https://blog.teddykatz.com/2019/11/05/github-oauth-bypass.html) - [@not_aardvark](https://twitter.com/not_aardvark)
     76 +- [Subdomain Takeover to Authentication bypass](https://hackerone.com/reports/335330) - by geekboy
    69 77   
    70 78   
    71 79  ## SQL Injection
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    137 145  - [Cracking reCAPTCHA, Turbo Intruder style](https://portswigger.net/research/cracking-recaptcha-turbo-intruder-style) - James Kettle
    138 146  - [Abusing ImageMagick to obtain RCE](https://strynx.org/imagemagick-rce/) - [strynx](https://strynx.org/)
    139 147  - [How to Get a Finger on the Pulse of Corporate Networks via the SSL VPN](https://blog.detectify.com/2019/09/19/alyssa-herrera-pulse-corporate-networks-ssl-vpn/) - [Alyssa Herrera](https://twitter.com/Alyssa_Herrera_)
    140  -- [2 Cases of Path Traversal](https://jlajara.gitlab.io/posts/2020/03/29/Path_Traversal.html) - by [@leonishan_](https://twitter.com/leonishan_)
    141  -- [Top 10 web hacking techniques of 2019](https://portswigger.net/research/top-10-web-hacking-techniques-of-2019) - by [James Kettle](https://twitter.com/albinowax)
    142  -- [Understanding Search Syntax on Github](https://help.github.com/en/github/searching-for-information-on-github/understanding-the-search-syntax#exclude-certain-results) - by Github
     148 +- [2 Cases of Path Traversal](https://jlajara.gitlab.io/posts/2020/03/29/Path_Traversal.html) by [@leonishan_](https://twitter.com/leonishan_)
     149 +- [Top 10 web hacking techniques of 2019](https://portswigger.net/research/top-10-web-hacking-techniques-of-2019) by [James Kettle](https://twitter.com/albinowax)
     150 +- [Understanding Search Syntax on Github](https://help.github.com/en/github/searching-for-information-on-github/understanding-the-search-syntax#exclude-certain-results) by Github
     151 +- [URL link spoofing (Slack)](https://hackerone.com/reports/481472) by Akaki Tsunoda (akaki)
     152 +- [Abusing HTTP Path Normalization and Cache Poisoning to steal Rocket League accounts](https://samcurry.net/abusing-http-path-normalization-and-cache-poisoning-to-steal-rocket-league-accounts/) by Sam Curry
    143 153   
    144 154   
    145 155  ---
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  • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
     1 +# Resources-for-Beginner-Bug-Bounty-Hunters
     2 + 
     3 +## Certifications 📜
     4 + 
     5 +Quite a lot of beginners ask about certifications and if they can help in Bug Bounty. Similar to Coding itself it is a nice thing to have but not a necessity to be successful.<br>
     6 +Due to the fact that a lot more Hunters are trying to get better in different fields, and are curious about the certifications, I wanted to add some Info and Notes about some of them.
     7 +### OSCP
     8 +- OSCP Videos from John Hammond:
     9 + - [OSCP - Taking Notes & Resources](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MQGozZzHUwQ)
     10 + - [100% OSCP: Offensive Security Certified Professional](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kdobdnQ2sGw)
     11 + - [ALL NEW OSCP - REVAMPED 2020](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wjTt-5mfyhY)
     12 +- [OSCP Preparation](https://github.com/superhero1/OSCP-Prep) by sup3rhero1
     13 +- [TJnull’s Preparation Guide for PWK/OSCP](https://www.netsecfocus.com/oscp/2019/03/29/The_Journey_to_Try_Harder-_TJNulls_Preparation_Guide_for_PWK_OSCP.html)
     14 + 
     15 +---
     16 +back to [Intro Page](/README.md)
  • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
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    5 5  Updates to this repo will be pushed monthly. You can read about the latest changes below.
    6 6   
    7 7  ---
    8  -## Update 2020.04
     8 +## ___Update 2020.05___
     9 +### Added
     10 +- [Media](/assets/media.md):
     11 + - New curated **Bug Bounty List** (Twitter)
     12 + - **Curated List of YT Channels** by TCM
     13 +- [Labs](/assets/labs.md):
     14 + - **Kontra Application Security Training**
     15 + - **Cyberseclabs**
     16 +- [Coding](/assets/coding.md):
     17 + - **Exercism**
     18 + - **CodeCademy**
     19 + - **Khan Academy**
     20 + - **Learn Python the Hard Way**
     21 + - **Udacity**
     22 + - **Bug Bounty with Bash**
     23 +- [Setup](/assets/setup.md):
     24 + - New Video by nahamsec: **Creating Wordlists for Pentesting & Bug Bounty**
     25 +- [Blogposts & Disclosed Reports](/assets/blogposts.md):
     26 + - **Piercing the Veal** by d0nut
     27 + - **Basic Bug Bounty FAQ** by dawgyg
     28 + - **How to Set up Certificate-Based SSH for Bug Hunting** by Mack Staples
     29 + - **Getting started in Cyber Security in 2019 – The Complete Guide** by ceos3c
     30 + - **WTF is a Bug Bounty?** by ceos3c
     31 + - **How to solve the INTIGRITI Easter XSS challenge using only Chrome Devtools** by STÖK
     32 + - **URL link spoofing (Slack)** by Akaki Tsunoda (akaki)
     33 + - **Subdomain Takeover to Authentication bypass** by geekboy
     34 + - **Zseano’s notes on hacking & mentoring** by Intigriti & Zseano
     35 + - **Abusing HTTP Path Normalization and Cache Poisoning to steal Rocket League accounts** by Sam Curry
     36 +- [Mobile](/assets/mobile):
     37 + - **Android App Reverse Engineering 101** by Maddie Stone
     38 +- [Tools](/assets/tools.md):
     39 + - **Ghidra** -> Mobile
     40 + - **jadx** -> Mobile
     41 + - **nuclei** -> Recon & OSINT
     42 +- New Category: [Certifications](/assets/certs.md)
     43 + - Fot the moment one Cert: **OSCP**
     44 +- New Category: [Mindset & Mental Health](/assets/mind.md)
     45 +### Changes
     46 +- Changed the formating of the Changelog starting this month to make it cleaner
     47 +- Removed the links for every new addition to its article.<br>
     48 +The headers for every category now links to their page instead.
     49 +- Changed the formatting of the **HTTP** Section in the **Basics** Category
     50 +- Changed **Blogposts** to -> **Blogposts & Disclosed Reports**
     51 +- Changed some of the formatting in the XSS Blogposts, cleaner now
     52 +### Fixes
     53 +- Fixed some layout errors
     54 +- Added missing Header in **Basics** Category
     55 +- Fixed Typos
     56 +---
     57 +## ___Update 2020.04___
    9 58  ### Added
    10 59  - New in [Basics](/assets/basics.md)
    11 60   - Added **Stanford CS 253 Web Security**
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    66 115  ### Fixed
    67 116   
    68 117   
    69  - 
    70 118  ---
    71  -## Update 2020.03
     119 +## ___Update 2020.03___
    72 120  ### Added
    73 121  - New: [Smart Contracts](/assets/smartcon.md) (special thanks to [@0xatul](https://twitter.com/0xatul))
    74 122   - New White-/yellowpapers in [Smart Contracts](/assets/smartcon.md):
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    99 147  - Format Issue in [Changelog](/assets/changelog.md)
    100 148  - Changed Format in [README](/assets/README.md)
    101 149   
    102  - 
    103 150  ---
    104  -## Update 2020.02
     151 +## ___Update 2020.02___
    105 152  ### Added
    106 153  - New XSS Lab: **XSS Labs from PwnFunction**
    107 154  - New Recon & OSINT Tool: **Reconness**
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    119 166   
    120 167  ### Fixed
    121 168  - Typos in [Media](/assets/media.md) (contributed by [securibee](https://github.com/securibee))
    122  - 
    123 169  ---
    124 170   
    125  -## Update 2020.01
     171 +## ___Update 2020.01___
    126 172  ### Added
    127 173  - New changelog page
    128 174  - New content in [Blogposts](/assets/blogposts.md)
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    3 3  ## Coding & Scripting 🤖
    4 4   
    5 5  ### Info
    6  -Many Beginners often ask if Coding is a necessaty for Bug Bounty.<br>
     6 +Many Beginners often ask if Coding is a necessity for Bug Bounty.<br>
    7 7  Short Answer: No.<br>
    8  -But as often discussed on @nahamsec Twitch Channel, it is a good Tool to have in General. Coding can help you a lot with understanding stuff that you will encounter on your Hacking Sessions, but it is also generally a good skill to have in the current times. You can automate your own Tools with Python for example, or write completely new ones if you have a specific task for it in mind. We will add a lot more in here over the next updates and also reorganize the Resources by Languages and so on.
     8 +But as often discussed on @nahamsec Twitch Channel, it is a good tool to have in General. Coding can help you a lot with understanding stuff that you will encounter on your Hacking Sessions, but it is also generally a good skill to have in the current times. You can automate your Tools with Python for example, or write completely new ones if you have a specific task for it in mind. We will add a lot more in here over the next updates and also reorganize the Resources by Languages and so on.
    9 9   
     10 +TL,DR: ___Python___ and ___Bash___ are really good skills to have and start out with.
    10 11  ### Resources
    11 12  - [Bash Scripting Full Course 3 Hours](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e7BufAVwDiM)
    12 13  - [Explainshell](https://explainshell.com/)
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    14 15  - [Text Processing in the Shell](https://blog.balthazar-rouberol.com/text-processing-in-the-shell)
    15 16  - [Subdomain Enumeration Script](https://twitter.com/Sin_Khe/status/1242785016884625409)
    16 17  - [ShellCheck](https://www.shellcheck.net/) - for finding Bugs in your Shell Scripts
    17  - 
     18 +- [Bug Bounty with Bash](https://medium.com/cyberverse/bug-bounty-with-bash-438596ff72f5) - by Aditya Soni
     19 +### Learning Platforms
     20 +- [Exercism](https://exercism.io/) - "Code Practice and Mentorship.."
     21 +- [CodeCademy](https://www.codecademy.com/)
     22 +- [Khan Academy](https://www.khanacademy.org/computing/computer-programming)
     23 +- [Learn Python the Hard Way](https://learnpythonthehardway.org/)
     24 +- [Udacity](https://www.udacity.com/)
    18 25  ---
    19 26  back to [Intro Page](/README.md)
  • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
     1 +# Resources-for-Beginner-Bug-Bounty-Hunters
     2 + 
     3 +## Mindset & Mental Health 🧘‍♂️
     4 + 
     5 +Bug Bounties is a task that can be very challenging and competitive and it can also hard to find the "right" entry point for some beginners. I wanted to have a small dedicated category where we can gather resources for you all to keep a healthy and good mindset to get the ball rolling, but also not to burn out too often.
     6 + 
     7 +(Thanks STÖK for putting out great videos regarding this point)
     8 +Getting in the right Mindset:
     9 +- [Mental Hacking 4 Better Bounties:](https://youtu.be/roVg_wgGgxQ) by STÖK
     10 + 
     11 + 
     12 +---
     13 +back to [Intro Page](/README.md)
  • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
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    15 15  - [0l4bs - Cross-site scripting labs for web application security enthusiasts](https://github.com/tegal1337/0l4bs) - by tegal1337
    16 16  - [TryHackMe](https://tryhackme.com) | Cool Hacking & Pentesting Labs with Web Challenges
    17 17   - Videos: [TryHackMe! Basic Penetration Testing](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xl2Xx5YOKcI) // [TryHackMe! EternalBlue/MS17-010 in Metasploit](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s6rwS7UuMt8) // [TryHackMe! OhSINT - METADATA & Research](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oF0TQQmFu4w)
     18 +- [Cyberseclabs](https://www.cyberseclabs.co.uk/)
     19 +- [Kontra Application Security Training](https://application.security/free-application-security-training)
    18 20   
    19 21  ---
    20 22  back to [Intro Page](/README.md)
  • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
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    11 11  ---
    12 12   
    13 13  ## Youtube Channels
     14 +- [Curated List of YT Channels](https://threader.app/thread/1248351836672872456) by TCM
    14 15  - [Nahamsec](https://www.youtube.com/nahamsec) - Educational Videos and VODs of his Stream, Vlogs
    15 16  - [STÖK](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCQN2DsjnYH60SFBIA6IkNwg) - Videos About Hacking, Live Events, Bug Bounty Tips & Vlogs
    16 17  - [LiveOverflow](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UClcE-kVhqyiHCcjYwcpfj9w) - Educational Videos about CTFs, Hacking in General
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    50 51  In general ["no starch press"](https://nostarch.com/catalog/security) offers great books in the hacking category. [Humble Bundle](https://www.humblebundle.com) sometimes offfers great book deals for an awesome price, so have a eye out for those.
    51 52   
    52 53  ## Twitter
    53  -This List does not exclusively contains Bug Bounty themed Accounts but a broad variety of InfoSec and Hacking.<br>
     54 + 
     55 +### Curated Bug-Bounty List on Twitter by [@securibee](https://twitter.com/securibee): [Link](https://twitter.com/i/lists/1253517962272743424)<br>
     56 + 
     57 +The following list does not exclusively contains Bug Bounty themed Accounts but a broad variety of InfoSec and Hacking.<br>
    54 58   
    55 59  | Name | Topics |
    56 60  | ------------------------------------------------------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
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  • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
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    10 10  - [The Mobile Hacking CheatSheet](https://github.com/randorisec/MobileHackingCheatSheet) - Randorisec
    11 11  - [Introduction to Android Hacking ](https://www.hackerone.com/blog/androidhackingmonth-intro-to-android-hacking) - [@0xteknogeek](https://twitter.com/0xteknogeek)
    12 12  - [Android Pentesting](https://github.com/riddhi-shree/nullCommunity/tree/master/Android) (Github repo containing hands-on training content for conducting Android app pentesting using some of the common Android pentesting tools)
     13 +- [Android App Reverse Engineering 101](https://maddiestone.github.io/AndroidAppRE/) by [@maddiestone](https://twitter.com/maddiestone)
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    14 15  ## Tools
    15 16  Tools specific for mobile hacking can be found [here](/assets/tools.md#mobile-hacking).
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    3 3  ## Setup 💻
    4 4  This section will help you set up your testing environement.
    5  -- [Setting Up Your Ubuntu Box for Pentest and Bug Bounty Automation](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YhUiAH5SIqk) by nahamsec
     5 +- [Setting Up Your Ubuntu Box for Pentest and Bug Bounty Automation](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YhUiAH5SIqk) - by nahamsec
    6 6  - [Setting up your own web server on a VPS](https://www.linux.com/learn/easy-lamp-server-installation)
    7 7  - [Setting up virtualbox + linux](https://linuxconfig.org/how-to-install-kali-linux-on-virtualbox)
    8 8  - [Docker For Pentesting And Bug Bounty Hunting](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5G6tA8Q9AuQ)
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    11 11  - [Finding your First Bug and Getting a Bounty - Personal Story by @InsiderPhD](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iEDoIEBD7gM) - YouTube Discussion
    12 12  - [Introduction to Docker for CTFs](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cPGZMt4cJ0I) (Works for Bug Bounty too) - by LiveOverflow
    13 13  - [Docker Tutorial for Beginners - A Full DevOps Course on How to Run Applications in Containers](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fqMOX6JJhGo) - freecodecamp
     14 +- [Creating Wordlists for Pentesting & Bug Bounty](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QGbTaxtEQlg) - by nahamsec
    14 15  ## Burp Suite
    15 16  This section should help you get familiar with BurpSuite.
    16 17  - [Setting up Burp (Video Series)](https://www.hacker101.com/playlists/burp_suite) by Hacker101
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    48 48  |[Reconness](https://github.com/reconness)|A Web App Tool to Run and Keep all your #recon in the same place.|C#|[@reconness](https://twitter.com/reconness)|
    49 49  |[Knockpy](https://github.com/guelfoweb/knock)|A python tool designed to enumerate subdomains on a target domain through a wordlist|Python|[@guelforweb](http://twitter.com/guelfoweb)|
    50 50  |[crithit](https://github.com/codingo/crithit)|Takes a single wordlist item and tests it one by one over a large collection of hosts before moving onto the next. Create signatures to cross-check vulnerabilities over multiple hosts.|C++|[codingo](https://github.com/codingo)|
     51 +|[nuclei](https://github.com/projectdiscovery/nuclei)|"Nuclei is a fast tool for configurable targeted scanning based on templates offering massive extensibility and ease of use."|Go|[ProjectDiscovery](https://github.com/projectdiscovery)|
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    53 54  #### OSINT Webpages
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    86 87  | Name | Description | Written in | Created by |
    87 88  |------ |------------- | ------------ |------------- |
    88 89  |Frida||||
     90 +|[jadx](https://github.com/skylot/jadx)|Dex to Java decompiler|Java|skylot|
     91 +|[Ghidra](https://ghidra-sre.org/)|"A software reverse engineering (SRE) suite of tools developed by NSA's Research Directorate in support of the Cybersecurity mission"|Java|NSA|
    89 92  |[dex2jar](https://github.com/pxb1988/dex2jar)|Useful to convert dex files into jar to decompile the application.|Java, Smali|Bob Pan|
    90 93  |[andriller](https://github.com/den4uk/andriller)|Andriller - is software utility with a collection of forensic tools for smartphones. It performs read-only, forensically sound, non-destructive acquisition from Android devices. [andriller.com](https://www.andriller.com/)|Python|[Denis Sazonov](https://github.com/den4uk)|
    91 94  |[Mobile Security Framework (MobSF)](https://github.com/MobSF/Mobile-Security-Framework-MobSF/)|Mobile Security Framework (MobSF) is an automated, all-in-one mobile application (Android/iOS/Windows) pen-testing, malware analysis and security assessment framework capable of performing static and dynamic analysis. MobSF support mobile app binaries (APK, IPA & APPX) along with zipped source code and provides REST APIs for seamless integration with your CI/CD or DevSecOps pipeline.The Dynamic Analyzer helps you to perform runtime security assessment and interactive instrumented testing.|Python|MobSF Team|
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