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    3 3  ## Intro
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    5  -There are a number of new hackers joining the community on a regular basis and this raises the question of "How do I get started and what are some good resources?" and we hope to help with those questions using this repository.
    6  -As a hacker, there a ton of techniques, terminologies, and topics you need to familiarize yourself with to understand how an application works. Cody Brocious [(@daeken)](http://twitter.com/daeken) and I put these resources together in order to help new hackers with resources to learn the basics of Web Application Security.
     5 +There are a number of new hackers joining the community on a regular basis and more than often the first thing they ask is "How do I get started and what are some good resources?". As a hacker, there a ton of techniques, terminologies, and topics you need to familiarize yourself with to understand how an application works. Cody Brocious [(@daeken)](http://twitter.com/daeken), I put these resources together in order to help new hackers with resources to learn the basics of Web Application Security.
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    8 7  We understand that there are more resources other than the ones we have listed and we hope to cover more resources in the near future!
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    11 10  ## Table of Contents
    12  -| Topic | Description |
    13  -| ------------------------------ | ----------- |
    14  -|1. [Basics](/assets/basics.md)|A quick guide about Networking, Programming & Automation|
    15  -|2. [Setup](/assets/setup.md)|Tips on how to get started/setting up your environment|
    16  -|3. [Tools](/assets/tools.md)|A curated list of usefull Tools, organized by use case|
    17  -|4. [Labs & Testing Environments](/assets/labs.md)|List with Labs & Platforms to test your skills and learn how to exploit common web app vulnerabilities|
    18  -|5. [Vulnerability Types](/assets/vulns.md)|A list with resources, describing vulnerabilities & how to find/exploit them|
    19  -|6. [Mobile Hacking](/assets/mobile.md)|Helpful content focusing especially on Mobile Application Hacking|
    20  -|6. [Blog posts & Talks](/assets/blogposts.md)|Published Blogposts & Writeups organized by Vulnerability Types|
    21  -|7. [Media Resources](/assets/media.md)|A collection of lists, featuring YouTubers, Streamers, Twitter Accounts, Books, Podcasts etc.|
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     12 +1. [Basics](/assets/basics.md)
     13 +2. [Setup](/assets/setup.md)
     14 +3. [Tools](/assets/tools.md)
     15 +4. [Labs & Testing Environments](/assets/labs.md)
     16 +5. [Vulnerability Types](/assets/vulns.md)
     17 +6. [Mobile Hacking](/assets/mobile.md)
     18 +6. [Blog posts & Talks](/assets/blogposts.md)
     19 +7. [Media Resources](/assets/media.md)
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