Projects STRLCPY RTSPbrute Commits 0231dc9d
  • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
     1 +from argparse import ArgumentTypeError
     2 + 
     3 +import pytest
     4 + 
     5 +from rtspbrute.modules.cli.input import file_path, port
     6 + 
     7 + 
     8 +def test_file_path(tmp_path):
     9 + assert file_path(tmp_path) == tmp_path
     10 + with pytest.raises(ArgumentTypeError) as excinfo:
     11 + non_existing_path = tmp_path / "file.txt"
     12 + file_path(non_existing_path)
     13 + assert str(non_existing_path) in str(excinfo.value)
     14 + 
     15 + 
     16 +def test_port():
     17 + assert port("554") == 554
     18 + with pytest.raises(ArgumentTypeError) as excinfo:
     19 + bad_port = 65536
     20 + port(bad_port)
     21 + assert str(bad_port) in str(excinfo.value)
     22 + 
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