Projects STRLCPY PCredz Commits 657bfd2a
  • Added hashdumping in the logs folder + minor bug.

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  • lgandx committed 3 years ago
    1 parent b27f7746
  • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
    skipped 39 lines
    40 40  from threading import Thread
    41 41   
    42 42  def ShowWelcome():
    43  - Message = 'Pcredz 2.0.0\nAuthor: Laurent Gaffie\nPlease send bugs/comments/pcaps to: [email protected]\nThis script will extract NTLM (http,ldap,smb,sql,etc), Kerberos,\nFTP, HTTP Basic and credit card data from a given pcap file or from a live interface.\n'
     43 + Message = 'Pcredz 2.0.1\nAuthor: Laurent Gaffie\nPlease send bugs/comments/pcaps to: [email protected]\nThis script will extract NTLM (http,ldap,smb,sql,etc), Kerberos,\nFTP, HTTP Basic and credit card data from a given pcap file or from a live interface.\n'
    44 44   print(Message)
    45 45   
    46 46  parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Pcredz 1.0.0\nAuthor: Laurent Gaffie')
    skipped 35 lines
    82 82  l= logging.getLogger('Credential-Session')
    83 83  l.addHandler(logging.FileHandler(Filename,'a'))
    84 84   
     85 +# Function used to write captured hashs to a file.
     86 +def WriteData(outfile, data, user):
     87 + if type(user) is str:
     88 + user = user.encode('latin-1')
     89 + if not os.path.isfile(outfile):
     90 + with open(outfile,"w") as outf:
     91 + outf.write(data + '\n')
     92 + return
     93 + with open(outfile,"r") as filestr:
     94 + if,'hex'), codecs.encode('latin-1'),'hex')):
     95 + return False
     96 + elif'$'), user):
     97 + return False
     98 + with open(outfile,"a") as outf2:
     99 + outf2.write(data + '\n')
     100 + 
    85 101  if activate_cc:
    86 102   print("CC number scanning activated\n")
    87 103  else:
    skipped 70 lines
    158 174   return pc
    159 175   
    160 176   x = re.sub('[^A-P]', '', data.upper())
     177 + WriteData("logs/CTX1-Plaintext.txt", Message, Message)
    161 178   return str(decrypt(x))
    162 179   
    163 180  def ParseNTLMHash(data,Challenge):
    skipped 15 lines
    179 196   UserOffset = struct.unpack('<H',data[40:42])[0]
    180 197   User = SSPIStart[UserOffset:UserOffset+UserLen].strip(b"\x00")
    181 198   writehash = '%s::%s:%s:%s:%s' % (User.decode('latin-1'),Domain.decode('latin-1'), LMHash.decode('latin-1'), NtHash.decode('latin-1'), Challenge.decode('latin-1'))
     199 + WriteData("logs/NTLMv1.txt", writehash, User)
    182 200   return "NTLMv1 complete hash is: %s\n"%(writehash), User.decode('latin-1')+"::"+Domain.decode('latin-1')
    183 201   
    184 202   if NthashLen > 60:
    skipped 5 lines
    190 208   UserOffset = struct.unpack('<H',data[40:42])[0]
    191 209   User = SSPIStart[UserOffset:UserOffset+UserLen].strip(b"\x00")
    192 210   writehash = '%s::%s:%s:%s:%s' % (User.decode('latin-1'),Domain.decode('latin-1'), Challenge.decode('latin-1'), NtHash[:32].decode('latin-1'), NtHash[32:].decode('latin-1'))
     211 + WriteData("logs/NTLMv2.txt", writehash, User)
    193 212   return "NTLMv2 complete hash is: %s\n"%(writehash),User.decode('latin-1')+"::"+Domain.decode('latin-1')
    194 213   else:
    195 214   return False
    skipped 13 lines
    209 228   DomainLen = struct.unpack('<b',Data[154+NameLen+3:154+NameLen+4])[0]
    210 229   Domain = Data[154+NameLen+4:154+NameLen+4+DomainLen]
    211 230   BuildHash = '$krb5pa$23$%s%s%s%s%s' % (Name.decode('latin-1'), "$", Domain.decode('latin-1'), "$dummy$", codecs.encode(SwitchHash,'hex').decode('latin-1'))
     231 + WriteData("logs/MSKerb.txt", BuildHash, Name)
    212 232   return 'MSKerb hash found: %s\n'%(BuildHash),"$krb5pa$23$"+Name.decode('latin-1')+"$"+Domain.decode('latin-1')+"$dummy$"
    213 233   if Data[44:48] == b"\xa2\x36\x04\x34" or Data[44:48] == b"\xa2\x35\x04\x33":
    214 234   HashLen = struct.unpack('<b',Data[47:48])[0]
    skipped 4 lines
    219 239   DomainLen = struct.unpack('<b',Data[HashLen+97+NameLen+3:HashLen+97+NameLen+4])[0]
    220 240   Domain = Data[HashLen+97+NameLen+4:HashLen+97+NameLen+4+DomainLen]
    221 241   BuildHash = '$krb5pa$23$%s%s%s%s%s' % (Name.decode('latin-1'), "$", Domain.decode('latin-1'), "$dummy$", codecs.encode(SwitchHash,'hex').decode('latin-1'))
     242 + WriteData("logs/MSKerb.txt", BuildHash, Name)
    222 243   return 'MSKerb hash found: %s\n'%(BuildHash),"$krb5pa$23$"+Name.decode('latin-1')+"$"+Domain.decode('latin-1')+"$dummy$"
    223 244   
    224 245   else:
    skipped 4 lines
    229 250   DomainLen = struct.unpack('<b',Data[149+NameLen+3:149+NameLen+4])[0]
    230 251   Domain = Data[149+NameLen+4:149+NameLen+4+DomainLen]
    231 252   BuildHash = '$krb5pa$23$%s%s%s%s%s' % (Name.decode('latin-1'), "$", Domain.decode('latin-1'), "$dummy$", codecs.encode(SwitchHash,'hex').decode('latin-1'))
     253 + WriteData("logs/MSKerb.txt", BuildHash, Name)
    232 254   return 'MSKerb hash found: %s\n'%(BuildHash),"$krb5pa$23$"+Name.decode('latin-1')+"$"+Domain.decode('latin-1')+"$dummy$"
    233 255   else:
    234 256   return False
    skipped 12 lines
    247 269   DomainLen = struct.unpack('<b',Data[145+NameLen+3:145+NameLen+4])[0]
    248 270   Domain = Data[145+NameLen+4:145+NameLen+4+DomainLen]
    249 271   BuildHash = '$krb5pa$23$%s%s%s%s%s' % (Name.decode('latin-1'), "$", Domain.decode('latin-1'), "$dummy$", codecs.encode(SwitchHash,'hex').decode('latin-1'))
     272 + WriteData("logs/MSKerb.txt", BuildHash, Name)
    250 273   return 'MSKerb hash found: %s\n'%(BuildHash),"$krb5pa$23$"+Name.decode('latin-1')+"$"+Domain.decode('latin-1')+"$dummy$"
    251 274   if HashLen == 53:
    252 275   Hash = Data[44:95]
    skipped 3 lines
    256 279   DomainLen = struct.unpack('<b',Data[144+NameLen+3:144+NameLen+4])[0]
    257 280   Domain = Data[144+NameLen+4:144+NameLen+4+DomainLen]
    258 281   BuildHash = '$krb5pa$23$%s%s%s%s%s' % (Name.decode('latin-1'), "$", Domain.decode('latin-1'), "$dummy$", codecs.encode(SwitchHash,'hex').decode('latin-1'))
     282 + WriteData("logs/MSKerb.txt", BuildHash, Name)
    259 283   return 'MSKerb hash found: %s\n'%(BuildHash),"$krb5pa$23$"+Name.decode('latin-1')+"$"+Domain.decode('latin-1')+"$dummy$"
    260 284   
    261 285   else:
    skipped 5 lines
    267 291   DomainLen = struct.unpack('<b',Data[HashLen+98+NameLen+3:HashLen+98+NameLen+4])[0]
    268 292   Domain = Data[HashLen+98+NameLen+4:HashLen+98+NameLen+4+DomainLen]
    269 293   BuildHash = '$krb5pa$23$%s%s%s%s%s' % (Name.decode('latin-1'), "$", Domain.decode('latin-1'), "$dummy$", codecs.encode(SwitchHash,'hex').decode('latin-1'))
     294 + WriteData("logs/MSKerb.txt", BuildHash, Name)
    270 295   return 'MSKerb hash found: %s\n'%(BuildHash),"$krb5pa$23$"+Name.decode('latin-1')+"$"+Domain.decode('latin-1')+"$dummy$"
    271 296   
    272 297   else:
    skipped 4 lines
    277 302   SNMPVersion = data[4:5]
    278 303   if SNMPVersion == b"\x00":
    279 304   StrLen = struct.unpack('<b',data[6:7])[0]
     305 + WriteData("logs/SNMPv1.txt", data[7:7+StrLen].decode('latin-1'), data[7:7+StrLen].decode('latin-1'))
    280 306   return 'Found SNMPv1 Community string: %s\n'%(data[7:7+StrLen].decode('latin-1'))
    281 307   if data[3:5] == b"\x01\x01":
    282 308   StrLen = struct.unpack('<b',data[6:7])[0]
     309 + WriteData("logs/SNMPv2.txt", data[7:7+StrLen].decode('latin-1'), data[7:7+StrLen].decode('latin-1'))
    283 310   return 'Found SNMPv2 Community string: %s\n'%(data[7:7+StrLen].decode('latin-1'))
    284 311   
    285 312   
    skipped 5 lines
    291 318   Basestr = b64decode(basic)
    292 319   if len(Basestr)>1:
    293 320   if Basestr.decode('ascii'):
     321 + WriteData("logs/SMTP-Plaintext.txt", Basestr.decode('latin-1'), Basestr.decode('latin-1'))
    294 322   return 'SMTP decoded Base64 string: %s\n'%(Basestr.decode('latin-1'))
    295 323   except:
    296 324   pass
    skipped 14 lines
    311 339   UsernameLen = PwdOffset-UsernameOffset
    312 340   PwdStr = ParseSqlClearTxtPwd(data[8+PwdOffset:8+PwdOffset+PwdLen])
    313 341   UserName = data[8+UsernameOffset:8+UsernameOffset+UsernameLen].decode('utf-16le')
     342 + WriteData("logs/MSSQL-Plaintext.txt", "MSSQL Username: %s Password: %s"%(UserName, PwdStr), UserName)
    314 343   return "MSSQL Username: %s Password: %s"%(UserName, PwdStr)
    315 344   
    316 345  def Decode_Ip_Packet(s):
    skipped 78 lines
    395 424   HeadMessage = Print_Packet_Details(decoded,SrcPort,DstPort)
    396 425   try:
    397 426   Message = 'Found HTTP Basic authentication: %s\n'%(b64decode(basic).decode('latin-1'))
     427 + WriteData("logs/HTTP-Basic.txt", Message, Message)
    398 428   if PrintPacket(Filename,Message):
    399 429   l.warning(HeadMessage)
    400 430   l.warning(Message)
    skipped 41 lines
    442 472   if IMAPAuth:
    443 473   HeadMessage = Print_Packet_Details(decoded,SrcPort,DstPort)
    444 474   Message = 'Found IMAP login: "%s"\n'%(''.join(IMAPAuth[0].decode('latin-1')))
     475 + WriteData("logs/IMAP-Plaintext.txt", Message, Message)
    445 476   if PrintPacket(Filename,Message):
    446 477   l.warning(HeadMessage)
    447 478   l.warning(Message)
    skipped 8 lines
    456 487   POPUser
    457 488   HeadMessage = Print_Packet_Details(decoded,SrcPort,DstPort)
    458 489   Message = 'Found POP credentials %s:%s\n'%(POPUser.decode('latin-1'), b''.join(FTPPass).decode('latin-1'))
     490 + WriteData("logs/POP-Plaintext.txt", Message, Message)
    459 491   del POPUser
    460 492   if PrintPacket(Filename,Message):
    461 493   l.warning(HeadMessage)
    skipped 10 lines
    472 504   post_path = re.findall(b"(POST [^\n]+)", decoded['data'])
    473 505   HeadMessage = Print_Packet_Details(decoded,SrcPort,DstPort)
    474 506   Message = 'Found possible HTTP authentication %s:%s\n' % (HTTPUser[0].decode('latin-1'), HTTPass[0].decode('latin-1'))
     507 + WriteData("logs/HTTP-Login-Forms.txt", Message, Message)
     508 + 
    475 509   if host:
    476 510   Message += '%s\n' % host[0].decode('latin-1').strip('\r')
    477 511   if get_path:
    skipped 34 lines
    512 546   HeadMessage = Print_Packet_Details(decoded,SrcPort,DstPort)
    513 547   Message = 'FTP User: %s\n'%(UserID.decode('latin-1'))
    514 548   Message+= 'FTP Pass: %s\n'%(b''.join(FTPPass).decode('latin-1'))
     549 + WriteData("logs/FTP-Plaintext.txt", Message, Message)
    515 550   del UserID
    516 551   if PrintPacket(Filename,Message):
    517 552   l.warning(HeadMessage)
    skipped 34 lines
    552 587   try:
    553 588   NTLMPacket = b''.join(NTLMSSP3)
    554 589   if Is_Anonymous(NTLMPacket):
    555  -
    556 590   HeadMessage = Print_Packet_Details(decoded,SrcPort,DstPort)
    557 591   Message = ParseNTLMHash(NTLMPacket,Chall)
    558 592   del Chall
    skipped 5 lines
    564 598   pass
    565 599   
    566 600   if HTTPNTLM2:
     601 + print("yep")
    567 602   try:
    568 603   Packet = b64decode(b''.join(HTTPNTLM2))
    569 604   global HTTPChall
    570 605   if re.findall(b'NTLMSSP\x00\x02\x00\x00\x00.*[^EOF]*', Packet,re.DOTALL):
    571 606   HTTPChall = codecs.encode(Packet[24:32],'hex')
    572 607   except:
     608 + raise
    573 609   pass
    574 610   
    575 611   if HTTPNTLM3:
    skipped 14 lines
    590 626   l.warning(Message[0])
    591 627   print(HeadMessage+'\n'+Message[0])
    592 628   except:
     629 + raise
    593 630   pass
    594 631   
    595 632   if CC:
    skipped 52 lines
    648 685  def decode_file(fname,res):
    649 686   if interface != None:
    650 687   try:
    651  - from pylibpcap.pcap import sniff
     688 + from pylibpcap.pcap import Sniff
    652 689   Message = "Pcredz live capture started, using:%s\nStarting timestamp (%s) corresponds to %s"%(interface, time.time(), time.strftime('%x %X'))
    653 690   print(Message)
    654 691   l.warning(Message)
    655  - p = sniff(interface, filters="", count=-1, promisc=1)
    656  - while p:
    657  - thread = Thread(target = loop_packets, args = (p, Print_Packet_Tcpdump))
    658  - thread.daemon=True
    659  - thread.start()
    660  - try:
    661  - while thread.is_alive():
    662  - thread.join(timeout=1)
    663  - except:
    664  - raise
     692 + p = Sniff(interface, count=-1, promisc=1)
     693 + for plen, t, buf in p.capture():
     694 + Print_Packet_Tcpdump(plen, t, buf)
     695 + 
    665 696   except (KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit):
    666 697   print("\n\nCRTL-C hit..Cleaning up...")
    667 698   threading.Event().set()
    skipped 88 lines
  • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
    skipped 10 lines
    11 11   - IMAP
    12 12   - SNMP community string
    13 13   - FTP
    14  - - HTTP
     14 + - HTTP (NTLM/Basic/HTTP Forms)
    15 15   - NTLMv1/v2 (DCE-RPC,SMBv1/2,LDAP, MSSQL, HTTP, etc)
    16 16   - Kerberos (AS-REQ Pre-Auth etype 23) hashes.
    17 17   
    18 18  - All hashes are displayed in a hashcat format (use -m 7500 for kerberos, -m 5500 for NTLMv1, -m 5600 for NTLMv2).
    19  -- Log all credentials to a file (CredentialDump-Session.log).
     19 +- Log all credentials and information to a file (CredentialDump-Session.log).
     20 +- Log credentials in the logs/ folder. MSKerb.txt, NTLMv1.txt and NTLMv2.txt can be directly fed to hashcat.
    20 21   
    21 22  ## Install
    22 23   
    skipped 9 lines
    32 33  
    33 34   ```
    34 35   # extract credentials from a pcap file
    35  -./Pcredz -f file-to-parse.pcap
     36 +python3 ./Pcredz -f file-to-parse.pcap
    36 37   
    37 38  # extract credentials from all pcap files in a folder
    38  -./Pcredz -d /tmp/pcap-directory-to-parse/
     39 +python3 ./Pcredz -d /tmp/pcap-directory-to-parse/
    39 40   
    40  -# extract credentials from a live packet capture on a network interface
    41  -./Pcredz -i eth0 -v
     41 +# extract credentials from a live packet capture on a network interface (need root privileges)
     42 +python3 ./Pcredz -i eth0 -v
    42 43  ```
    43 44   
    44 45  ### Options
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