Projects STRLCPY Osmedeus Commits 8127be3d
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  • j3ssie committed 2 years ago
Showing first 30 files as there are too many
  • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
     1 +.DS_STORE
     2 +.idea
     3 +out*
     4 +osmedeus
     5 +dist/*
     6 + 
  • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
     1 +TARGET ?= osmedeus
     2 +GO ?= go
     3 +GOFLAGS ?=
     4 + 
     5 +build:
     6 + go install
     7 + rm -rf ./dist/* ~/myGit/premium-osmedeus-base/dist/* ~/org-osmedeus/osmedeus-base/dist/*
     8 +# GOOS=darwin GOARCH=amd64 $(GO) build $(GOFLAGS) -o dist/osmedeus
     9 +# zip -j dist/ dist/osmedeus
     10 +# rm -rf ./dist/osmedeus
     11 + # for linux build on mac
     12 + GOOS=linux GOARCH=amd64 CC="/usr/local/bin/x86_64-linux-musl-gcc" CGO_ENABLED=1 go build -ldflags "-linkmode external -extldflags -static" -o dist/osmedeus
     13 + zip -j dist/ dist/osmedeus
     14 + rm -rf ./dist/osmedeus
     15 + cp dist/* ~/myGit/premium-osmedeus-base/dist/
     16 + cp dist/* ~/org-osmedeus/osmedeus-base/dist/
     17 +run:
     18 + $(GO) $(GOFLAGS) run *.go
     19 + 
     20 +fmt:
     21 + $(GO) $(GOFLAGS) fmt ./...; \
     22 + echo "Done."
     23 + 
     24 +test:
     25 + $(GO) $(GOFLAGS) test ./... -v%
  • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
     1 +# Osmedeus Core Engine
     2 + 
     3 +<p align="center">
     4 + <img alt="Osmedeus" src="" height="140" />
     5 + <br />
     6 + <strong>Osmedeus - A Workflow Engine for Offensive Security</strong>
     7 + <p align="center">
     8 + <a href=""><img src=""></a>
     9 + <a href=""><img src=""></a>
     10 + <a href=""><img src=""></a>
     11 + <a href=""><img src=""></a>
     12 + </p>
     13 +</p>
     14 + 
     15 +***
     16 + 
     17 +## Installation
     18 + 
     19 +> NOTE that you need some essential tools like `curl, wget, git, zip` and login as **root** to start
     20 + 
     21 +```shell
     22 +bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"
     23 +```
     24 + 
     25 +## Usage
     26 + 
     27 +```shell
     28 +# Practical Usage:
     29 + osmedeus scan -f [flowName] -t [target]
     30 + osmedeus scan -f [flowName] -T [targetsFile]
     31 + osmedeus scan -f /path/to/flow.yaml -t [target]
     32 + osmedeus scan -m /path/to/module.yaml -t [target] --params 'port=9200'
     33 + osmedeus scan -m /path/to/module.yaml -t [target] -l /tmp/log.log
     34 + cat targets | osmedeus scan -f sample
     35 + 
     36 +# Example Commands:
     37 + osmedeus scan -t
     38 + osmedeus scan -T list_of_targets.txt -W custom_workspaces
     39 + osmedeus scan -t -w workspace_name --debug
     40 + osmedeus scan -f single -t
     41 + osmedeus scan -f ovuln-T list_of_target.txt
     42 + osmedeus scan -m ~/osmedeus-base/workflow/test/dirbscan.yaml -t list_of_urls.txt
     43 + osmedeus health
     44 + ls ~/.osmedeus/storages/summary/ | osmedeus scan -m ~/osmedeus-base/workflow/test/dirbscan.yaml
     45 + ls ~/.osmedeus/storages/summary/ | osmedeus scan -m ~/osmedeus-base/workflow/test/busting.yaml -D
     46 + 
     47 +# Start Web UI at https://localhost:8000/ui/
     48 +osmedeus server
     49 +# login with credentials from `~/.osmedeus/config.yaml`
     50 + 
     51 +# Delete workspace
     52 +osmedeus config delete -w workspace_name
     53 +```
     54 + 
     55 +## 💬 Community & Discussion
     56 + 
     57 +Join Our Discord server [here](
     58 + 
     59 +## 💎 Donation
     60 + 
     61 +Please check out [this page]( for couple donation methods here
     62 + 
     63 + 
     64 +## License
     65 + 
     66 +`Osmedeus` is made with ♥ by [@j3ssiejjj]( and it is released under the MIT license.
     67 + 
  • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
     1 +package cmd
     2 + 
     3 +import (
     4 + "fmt"
     5 + ""
     6 + "io"
     7 + "os"
     8 + "path"
     9 + "strings"
     10 + 
     11 + ""
     12 + ""
     13 + ""
     14 + ""
     15 +)
     16 + 
     17 +func init() {
     18 + var cloudCmd = &cobra.Command{
     19 + Use: "cloud",
     20 + Short: "Run scan in Distributed Cloud mode",
     21 + Long: core.Banner(),
     22 + RunE: runCloud,
     23 + }
     24 + 
     25 + // core options
     26 + cloudCmd.Flags().StringVarP(&options.Cloud.Module, "module", "m", "", "module name for running")
     27 + cloudCmd.Flags().StringVarP(&options.Cloud.Flow, "flow", "f", "general", "Flow name for running (default: general)")
     28 + cloudCmd.Flags().StringVarP(&options.Cloud.Workspace, "workspace", "w", "", "Name of workspace (default is same as target)")
     29 + cloudCmd.Flags().StringSliceVarP(&options.Cloud.Params, "params", "p", []string{}, "Custom params -p='foo=bar' (Multiple -p flags are accepted)")
     30 + 
     31 + // chunk inputs
     32 + cloudCmd.Flags().BoolVar(&options.Cloud.EnablePrivateIP, "privateIP", false, "Enable Private IP")
     33 + cloudCmd.Flags().BoolVar(&options.Cloud.TargetAsFile, "as-file", false, "Run target as file (use -T targets.txt file instead of -t targets.txt at cloud instance)")
     34 + cloudCmd.Flags().StringVar(&options.Cloud.LocalSyncFolder, "rfolder", fmt.Sprintf("/root/.%s/workspaces/", libs.BINARY), "Remote Folder to sync back to local")
     35 + 
     36 + // commands on cloud
     37 + cloudCmd.Flags().IntVar(&options.Cloud.Threads, "threads", 1, "Concurrency level on remote cloud")
     38 + cloudCmd.Flags().StringVar(&options.Cloud.Extra, "extra", "", "append raw command after the command builder")
     39 + cloudCmd.Flags().StringVar(&options.Cloud.RawCommand, "cmd", "", "specific raw command and override everything (eg: --cmd 'curl {{.Target}}')")
     40 + cloudCmd.Flags().StringVar(&options.Cloud.CloudWait, "wait", "30m", "time to wait before next queue check")
     41 + cloudCmd.Flags().StringVar(&options.Cloud.ClearTime, "clear", "10m", "time to wait before next clear check")
     42 + cloudCmd.Flags().StringVar(&options.Cloud.TempTarget, "tempTargets", "/tmp/osm-tmp-inputs/", "Temp Folder to store targets file")
     43 + 
     44 + // mics option
     45 + cloudCmd.Flags().BoolVarP(&options.Cloud.CopyWorkspaceToGit, "gws", "G", false, "Enable Copy Workspace to Git (run -f sync after done)")
     46 + cloudCmd.Flags().BoolVarP(&options.Cloud.DisableLocalSync, "no-lsync", "z", false, "Disable sync back data to local machine")
     47 + cloudCmd.Flags().BoolVar(&options.Cloud.BackgroundRun, "bg", false, "Send command to instance without checking if process is done or not")
     48 + cloudCmd.Flags().BoolVar(&options.Cloud.EnableTerraform, "tf", false, "Use terraform to create cloud instance")
     49 + cloudCmd.Flags().BoolVar(&options.Cloud.NoDelete, "no-del", false, "Don't delete instance after done")
     50 + cloudCmd.Flags().IntVar(&options.Cloud.Retry, "retry", 10, "Number of retry when command is error")
     51 + cloudCmd.SetHelpFunc(CloudHelp)
     52 + RootCmd.AddCommand(cloudCmd)
     53 + 
     54 +}
     55 + 
     56 +func runCloud(cmd *cobra.Command, _ []string) error {
     57 + DBInit()
     58 + // parse some argument
     59 + threads, _ := cmd.Flags().GetInt("thread")
     60 + if threads > 1 || options.Cloud.Threads <= 1 {
     61 + options.Cloud.Threads = threads
     62 + }
     63 + utils.InforF("%v %v by %v", strings.Title(libs.BINARY), libs.VERSION, libs.AUTHOR)
     64 + utils.InforF("Store log file to: %v", options.LogFile)
     65 + 
     66 + // get pre run commands
     67 + getPreRun(&options)
     68 + 
     69 + // change targets list if chunk mode enable
     70 + if options.Cloud.EnableChunk {
     71 + utils.InforF("Running cloud scan in chunk mode")
     72 + for _, target := range options.Scan.Inputs {
     73 + chunkTargets := HandleChunksInputs(target)
     74 + if len(chunkTargets) == 0 {
     75 + continue
     76 + }
     77 + 
     78 + distribute.InitCloud(options, chunkTargets)
     79 + // remove chunk inputs
     80 + utils.DebugF("Remove chunk inputs file")
     81 + for _, ctarget := range chunkTargets {
     82 + os.RemoveAll(ctarget)
     83 + }
     84 + }
     85 + return nil
     86 + }
     87 + 
     88 + distribute.InitCloud(options, options.Scan.Inputs)
     89 + return nil
     90 +}
     91 + 
     92 +func HandleChunksInputs(target string) []string {
     93 + var chunkTargets []string
     94 + utils.MakeDir(options.Cloud.ChunkInputs)
     95 + 
     96 + if !utils.FileExists(target) {
     97 + utils.ErrorF("error to split input file: %v", target)
     98 + return chunkTargets
     99 + }
     100 + 
     101 + if options.Cloud.NumberOfParts == 0 {
     102 + options.Cloud.NumberOfParts = options.Concurrency
     103 + }
     104 + 
     105 + utils.DebugF("Splitting %v to %v part", target, options.Cloud.NumberOfParts)
     106 + rawChunks, err := utils.SplitLineChunks(target, options.Cloud.NumberOfParts)
     107 + if err != nil || len(rawChunks) == 0 {
     108 + utils.ErrorF("error to split input file: %v", target)
     109 + return chunkTargets
     110 + }
     111 + fp, err := os.Open(target)
     112 + if err != nil {
     113 + utils.ErrorF("error to open input file: %v", target)
     114 + return chunkTargets
     115 + }
     116 + for index, offset := range rawChunks {
     117 + targetName := fmt.Sprintf("%s-chunk-%v", utils.CleanPath(target), index)
     118 + targetName = path.Join(options.Cloud.ChunkInputs, targetName)
     119 + 
     120 + sectionReader := io.NewSectionReader(fp, offset.Start, offset.Stop-offset.Start)
     121 + targetFile, err := os.OpenFile(targetName, os.O_RDWR|os.O_CREATE|os.O_TRUNC, 0644)
     122 + if err != nil {
     123 + utils.ErrorF("error when create chunk file: %v", target)
     124 + continue
     125 + }
     126 + 
     127 + _, err = io.Copy(targetFile, sectionReader)
     128 + if err != nil {
     129 + utils.ErrorF("error to read chunk file: %s", err)
     130 + continue
     131 + }
     132 + targetFile.Close()
     133 + chunkTargets = append(chunkTargets, targetName)
     134 + }
     135 + 
     136 + return chunkTargets
     137 +}
     138 + 
     139 +func getPreRun(options *libs.Options) {
     140 + if options.Cloud.Module != "" {
     141 + module := core.DirectSelectModule(*options, options.Cloud.Module)
     142 + if module == "" {
     143 + utils.ErrorF("Error to select module: %s", options.Cloud.Module)
     144 + return
     145 + }
     146 + parsedModule, err := core.ParseModules(module)
     147 + if err == nil {
     148 + options.Cloud.RemotePreRun = parsedModule.RemotePreRun
     149 + options.Cloud.LocalPostRun = parsedModule.LocalPostRun
     150 + options.Cloud.LocalPreRun = parsedModule.LocalPreRun
     151 + options.Cloud.LocalSteps = parsedModule.LocalSteps
     152 + }
     153 + return
     154 + }
     155 + 
     156 + if options.Cloud.Flow != "" {
     157 + flows := core.SelectFlow(options.Cloud.Flow, *options)
     158 + for _, flow := range flows {
     159 + parseFlow, err := core.ParseFlow(flow)
     160 + if err == nil {
     161 + options.Cloud.RemotePreRun = parseFlow.RemotePreRun
     162 + options.Cloud.LocalPostRun = parseFlow.LocalPostRun
     163 + options.Cloud.LocalPreRun = parseFlow.LocalPreRun
     164 + }
     165 + }
     166 + }
     167 +}
     168 + 
  • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
     1 +package cmd
     2 + 
     3 +import (
     4 + "fmt"
     5 + ""
     6 + ""
     7 + "os"
     8 + "sort"
     9 + 
     10 + ""
     11 + ""
     12 + ""
     13 +)
     14 + 
     15 +func init() {
     16 + var configCmd = &cobra.Command{
     17 + Use: "config",
     18 + Short: "Do some config stuff",
     19 + Long: core.Banner(),
     20 + RunE: runConfig,
     21 + }
     22 + 
     23 + configCmd.Flags().StringP("action", "a", "", "Action")
     24 + configCmd.Flags().StringP("pluginsRepo", "p", "[email protected]:j3ssie/osmedeus-plugins.git", "Osmedeus Plugins repository")
     25 + // for cred action
     26 + configCmd.Flags().String("user", "", "Username")
     27 + configCmd.Flags().String("pass", "", "Password")
     28 + configCmd.Flags().StringP("workspace", "w", "", "Name of workspace")
     29 + 
     30 + configCmd.SetHelpFunc(ConfigHelp)
     31 + RootCmd.AddCommand(configCmd)
     32 +}
     33 + 
     34 +func runConfig(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error {
     35 + sort.Strings(args)
     36 + action, _ := cmd.Flags().GetString("action")
     37 + //pluginsRepo, _ := cmd.Flags().GetString("pluginsRepo")
     38 + workspace, _ := cmd.Flags().GetString("workspace")
     39 + DBInit()
     40 + 
     41 + // backward compatible
     42 + if action == "" && len(args) > 0 {
     43 + action = args[0]
     44 + }
     45 + 
     46 + switch action {
     47 + case "init":
     48 + if utils.FolderExists(fmt.Sprintf("%vcore", options.Env.RootFolder)) {
     49 + utils.GoodF("Look like you got properly setup.")
     50 + }
     51 + break
     52 + case "cred":
     53 + username, _ := cmd.Flags().GetString("user")
     54 + password, _ := cmd.Flags().GetString("pass")
     55 + //database.CreateUser(username, password)
     56 + utils.GoodF("Create new credentials %v:%v \n", username, password)
     57 + break
     58 + 
     59 + case "reload":
     60 + core.ReloadConfig(options)
     61 + break
     62 + 
     63 + case "delete":
     64 + options.Scan.Input = workspace
     65 + options.Scan.ROptions = core.ParseInput(options.Scan.Input, options)
     66 + utils.InforF("Delete Workspace: %v", options.Scan.ROptions["Workspace"])
     67 + os.RemoveAll(options.Scan.ROptions["Output"])
     68 + //ws := database.SelectScan(options.Scan.ROptions["Workspace"])
     69 + //database.DeleteScan(int(ws.ID))
     70 + break
     71 + 
     72 + case "pull":
     73 + for repo := range options.Storages {
     74 + execution.PullResult(repo, options)
     75 + }
     76 + break
     77 + 
     78 + case "update":
     79 + core.Update(options)
     80 + break
     81 + 
     82 + case "clean", "cl", "c":
     83 + database.ClearDB()
     84 + break
     85 + }
     86 + 
     87 + return nil
     88 +}
     89 + 
  • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
     1 +package cmd
     2 + 
     3 +import (
     4 + ""
     5 + ""
     6 + ""
     7 + "os"
     8 +)
     9 + 
     10 +func init() {
     11 + var execCmd = &cobra.Command{
     12 + Use: "exec",
     13 + Short: "Execute inline osmedeus scripts",
     14 + Long: core.Banner(),
     15 + RunE: runExec,
     16 + }
     17 + 
     18 + execCmd.Flags().String("script", "", "Scripts to run (Multiple -s flags are accepted)")
     19 + execCmd.Flags().StringP("scriptFile", "S", "", "File contain list of scripts")
     20 + RootCmd.AddCommand(execCmd)
     21 +}
     22 + 
     23 +func runExec(cmd *cobra.Command, _ []string) error {
     24 + script, _ := cmd.Flags().GetString("script")
     25 + scriptFile, _ := cmd.Flags().GetString("scriptFile")
     26 + 
     27 + var scripts []string
     28 + if script != "" {
     29 + scripts = append(scripts, script)
     30 + }
     31 + if scriptFile != "" {
     32 + moreScripts := utils.ReadingFileUnique(scriptFile)
     33 + if len(moreScripts) > 0 {
     34 + scripts = append(scripts, moreScripts...)
     35 + }
     36 + }
     37 + 
     38 + if len(scripts) == 0 {
     39 + utils.ErrorF("No scripts provided")
     40 + os.Exit(0)
     41 + }
     42 + runner, _ := core.InitRunner("", options)
     43 + 
     44 + for _, t := range options.Scan.Inputs {
     45 + // start to run scripts
     46 + options.Scan.ROptions = core.ParseInput(t, options)
     47 + for _, script := range scripts {
     48 + script = core.ResolveData(script, options.Scan.ROptions)
     49 + utils.InforF("Script: %v", script)
     50 + runner.RunScript(script, options)
     51 + }
     52 + }
     53 + 
     54 + return nil
     55 +}
     56 + 
  • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
     1 +package cmd
     2 + 
     3 +import (
     4 + "fmt"
     5 + ""
     6 + ""
     7 + ""
     8 + ""
     9 + ""
     10 + ""
     11 + "path"
     12 +)
     13 + 
     14 +func init() {
     15 + var execCmd = &cobra.Command{
     16 + Use: "health",
     17 + Aliases: []string{"hea", "heal", "health", "healht"},
     18 + Short: "Run diagnostics to check configurations",
     19 + Long: core.Banner(),
     20 + RunE: runHealth,
     21 + }
     22 + RootCmd.AddCommand(execCmd)
     23 +}
     24 + 
     25 +func runHealth(_ *cobra.Command, _ []string) error {
     26 + if options.PremiumPackage {
     27 + fmt.Printf("💠 Osmedeus %s: Run diagnostics to check if everything okay\n", libs.VERSION)
     28 + } else {
     29 + fmt.Printf("🚀 Osmedeus %s: Run diagnostics to check if everything okay\n", libs.VERSION)
     30 + }
     31 + 
     32 + err := checkCorePrograms(options)
     33 + if err != nil {
     34 + fmt.Printf("‼️ There is might be something wrong with your setup: %v\n", err)
     35 + return nil
     36 + }
     37 + 
     38 + err = listFlows(options)
     39 + if err != nil {
     40 + fmt.Printf("‼️ There is might be something wrong with your setup: %v\n", err)
     41 + return nil
     42 + }
     43 + 
     44 + fmt.Printf(color.GreenString("\n🦾 It’s all good. Happy Hacking 🦾\n"))
     45 + return nil
     46 +}
     47 + 
     48 +func checkCorePrograms(options libs.Options) error {
     49 + exist := utils.FolderExists(options.Env.BaseFolder)
     50 + if !exist {
     51 + color.Red("[-] Core folder setup incorrect: %v", options.Env.BaseFolder)
     52 + return fmt.Errorf("error running diagnostics")
     53 + }
     54 + 
     55 + // check core programs
     56 + var err error
     57 + _, err = utils.RunCommandWithErr("jaeles -h")
     58 + if err != nil {
     59 + color.Red("[-] Core program setup incorrectly")
     60 + return fmt.Errorf("error checking core programs: %v", "jaeles")
     61 + 
     62 + }
     63 + _, err = utils.RunCommandWithErr("amass -h")
     64 + if err != nil {
     65 + color.Red("[-] Core program setup incorrectly")
     66 + return fmt.Errorf("error checking core programs: %v", "amass")
     67 + 
     68 + }
     69 + _, err = utils.RunCommandWithErr(fmt.Sprintf("%s -h", path.Join(options.Env.BinariesFolder, "httprobe")))
     70 + if err != nil {
     71 + color.Red("[-] Core program setup incorrectly")
     72 + return fmt.Errorf("error checking core programs: %v", fmt.Sprintf("%s -h", path.Join(options.Env.BinariesFolder, "httprobe")))
     73 + 
     74 + }
     75 + fmt.Printf("[+] Health Check Core Programs: %s\n", color.GreenString("✔"))
     76 + 
     77 + // Check core signatures
     78 + okVuln := false
     79 + if utils.DirLength("~/.jaeles/base-signatures/") > 0 || utils.DirLength("~/pro-signatures/") > 0 {
     80 + okVuln = true
     81 + }
     82 + 
     83 + if utils.DirLength("~/nuclei-templates") > 0 {
     84 + okVuln = true
     85 + }
     86 + 
     87 + if okVuln {
     88 + fmt.Printf("[+] Health Check Vulnerability scanning config: %s\n", color.GreenString("✔"))
     89 + } else {
     90 + color.Red("vulnerability scanning config setup incorrectly")
     91 + return fmt.Errorf("vulnerability scanning config setup incorrectly")
     92 + }
     93 + 
     94 + // check data folder
     95 + if utils.FolderExists(options.Env.DataFolder) {
     96 + fmt.Printf("[+] Health Check Data Config: %s\n", color.GreenString("✔"))
     97 + } else {
     98 + color.Red("[-] Data setup incorrectly: %v", options.Env.DataFolder)
     99 + return fmt.Errorf("[-] Data setup incorrectly: %v", options.Env.DataFolder)
     100 + }
     101 + 
     102 + // check cloud config
     103 + var okCloud bool
     104 + if utils.FileExists(path.Join(options.Env.CloudConfigFolder, "config.yaml")) {
     105 + okCloud = true
     106 + if utils.DirLength(path.Join(options.Env.CloudConfigFolder, "providers")) == 0 {
     107 + okCloud = false
     108 + }
     109 + if utils.DirLength(path.Join(options.Env.CloudConfigFolder, "ssh")) < 2 {
     110 + okCloud = false
     111 + }
     112 + if okCloud {
     113 + fmt.Printf("[+] Health Check Cloud Config: %s\n", color.GreenString("✔"))
     114 + } else {
     115 + fmt.Printf(color.YellowString("%s If you install osmedeus on a single machine then it's okay to ignore the cloud setup\n", "[!] Cloud config setup incorrectly."))
     116 + }
     117 + 
     118 + }
     119 + 
     120 + if execution.ValidGitURL(options.Storages["summary_repo"]) {
     121 + if utils.DirLength(options.Storages["summary_storage"]) > 1 {
     122 + fmt.Printf("[+] Health Check Storages Config: %s\n", color.GreenString("✔"))
     123 + }
     124 + }
     125 + 
     126 + return nil
     127 +}
     128 + 
     129 +func listFlows(options libs.Options) error {
     130 + flows := core.ListFlow(options)
     131 + if len(flows) == 0 {
     132 + color.Red("[-] Error to list workflows: %s", options.Env.WorkFlowsFolder)
     133 + return fmt.Errorf("[-] Error to list workflows: %s", options.Env.WorkFlowsFolder)
     134 + }
     135 + fmt.Printf("[+] Health Check Workflows: %s\n", color.GreenString("✔"))
     136 + 
     137 + fmt.Printf("\nChecking available workflow at: %s \n\n", color.HiBlueString(options.Env.WorkFlowsFolder))
     138 + for _, flow := range flows {
     139 + parsedFlow, err := core.ParseFlow(flow)
     140 + if err != nil {
     141 + utils.ErrorF("Error parsing flow: %v", flow)
     142 + }
     143 + fmt.Printf("%10s - %s\n", parsedFlow.Name, parsedFlow.Desc)
     144 + }
     145 + h := "\nUsage:\n"
     146 + h += " osmedeus scan -f [flowName] -t [target] \n"
     147 + fmt.Printf(h)
     148 + return nil
     149 +}
     150 + 
  • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
     1 +package cmd
     2 + 
     3 +import (
     4 + "fmt"
     5 + ""
     6 + ""
     7 + ""
     8 + ""
     9 + ""
     10 + "sort"
     11 +)
     12 + 
     13 +func init() {
     14 + var providerCmd = &cobra.Command{
     15 + Use: "provider",
     16 + Short: "Cloud utils for Distributed Mode",
     17 + Long: core.Banner(),
     18 + RunE: runProvider,
     19 + }
     20 + 
     21 + providerCmd.PersistentFlags().StringVar(&options.Cloud.RawCommand, "cmd", "", "raw command")
     22 + providerCmd.PersistentFlags().StringVar(&options.Cloud.CloudWait, "wait", "30m", "timeout to wait before next queue check")
     23 + providerCmd.PersistentFlags().BoolVar(&options.Cloud.CheckingLimit, "check", false, "Only check for limit of config")
     24 + providerCmd.PersistentFlags().StringVar(&options.Cloud.InstanceName, "name", "", "override instance name")
     25 + providerCmd.PersistentFlags().BoolVar(&options.Cloud.BackgroundRun, "bg", false, "Send command to instance and run it in background")
     26 + providerCmd.PersistentFlags().BoolVar(&options.Cloud.IgnoreConfigFile, "ic", false, "Ignore token in the config file")
     27 + providerCmd.PersistentFlags().IntVar(&options.Cloud.Retry, "retry", 8, "Number of retry when command is error")
     28 + 
     29 + var providerBuild = &cobra.Command{
     30 + Use: "build",
     31 + Short: "Build cloud image",
     32 + Long: core.Banner(),
     33 + RunE: runProviderBuild,
     34 + }
     35 + var providerCreate = &cobra.Command{
     36 + Use: "create",
     37 + Short: "Create cloud instance based on image",
     38 + Long: core.Banner(),
     39 + RunE: runProviderCreate,
     40 + }
     41 + 
     42 + var healthCmd = &cobra.Command{
     43 + Use: "health",
     44 + Short: "Cloud Utility to check cloud instance health",
     45 + Long: core.Banner(),
     46 + RunE: runCloudHealth,
     47 + }
     48 + 
     49 + var providerValidate = &cobra.Command{
     50 + Use: "validate",
     51 + Short: "Run various action on cloud provider",
     52 + Long: core.Banner(),
     53 + RunE: runProviderValidate,
     54 + }
     55 + providerCmd.AddCommand(providerValidate)
     56 + 
     57 + providerCmd.AddCommand(healthCmd)
     58 + providerCmd.AddCommand(providerCreate)
     59 + providerCmd.AddCommand(providerBuild)
     60 + providerCmd.AddCommand(providerValidate)
     61 + providerCmd.SetHelpFunc(CloudHelp)
     62 + RootCmd.AddCommand(providerCmd)
     63 +}
     64 + 
     65 +func runCloudHealth(_ *cobra.Command, _ []string) error {
     66 + DBInit()
     67 + distribute.CheckingCloudInstance(options)
     68 + return nil
     69 +}
     70 + 
     71 +func runProvider(_ *cobra.Command, args []string) error {
     72 + DBInit()
     73 + if len(args) == 0 {
     74 + fmt.Println(CloudUsage())
     75 + }
     76 + return nil
     77 +}
     78 + 
     79 +func runProviderBuild(_ *cobra.Command, _ []string) error {
     80 + options.Cloud.OnlyCreateDroplet = true
     81 + options.Cloud.ReBuildBaseImage = true
     82 + distribute.InitCloud(options, options.Scan.Inputs)
     83 + return nil
     84 +}
     85 + 
     86 +func runProviderCreate(_ *cobra.Command, _ []string) error {
     87 + options.Cloud.OnlyCreateDroplet = true
     88 + if len(options.Scan.Inputs) == 0 {
     89 + options.Scan.Inputs = append(options.Scan.Inputs, utils.RandomString(4))
     90 + }
     91 + 
     92 + distribute.InitCloud(options, options.Scan.Inputs)
     93 + return nil
     94 +}
     95 + 
     96 +func runProviderValidate(_ *cobra.Command, actions []string) error {
     97 + //options.Cloud.IgnoreSetup = true
     98 + clouds := distribute.GetClouds(options)
     99 + sort.Strings(actions)
     100 + 
     101 + for _, cloud := range clouds {
     102 + for _, action := range actions {
     103 + err := cloud.Provider.Action(provider.ListInstance)
     104 + if err != nil {
     105 + utils.ErrorF("error running %v ", action)
     106 + }
     107 + for _, instance := range cloud.Provider.Instances {
     108 + fmt.Printf("[%v]: %v -- %v", instance.ProviderName, instance.InstanceID, instance.IPAddress)
     109 + }
     110 + }
     111 + }
     112 + return nil
     113 +}
     114 + 
  • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
     1 +package cmd
     2 + 
     3 +import (
     4 + "bufio"
     5 + "fmt"
     6 + ""
     7 + "os"
     8 + "strings"
     9 + 
     10 + ""
     11 + ""
     12 + ""
     13 + ""
     14 + ""
     15 +)
     16 + 
     17 +var options = libs.Options{}
     18 + 
     19 +// DB database variables
     20 +var DB *gorm.DB
     21 + 
     22 +var RootCmd = &cobra.Command{
     23 + Use: fmt.Sprintf("%s", libs.BINARY),
     24 + Short: fmt.Sprintf("%s - %s", libs.BINARY, libs.DESC),
     25 + Long: core.Banner(),
     26 +}
     27 + 
     28 +// Execute main function
     29 +func Execute() {
     30 + if err := RootCmd.Execute(); err != nil {
     31 + fmt.Println(err)
     32 + os.Exit(1)
     33 + }
     34 +}
     35 + 
     36 +func init() {
     37 + RootCmd.PersistentFlags().StringVar(&options.Env.RootFolder, "rootFolder", fmt.Sprintf("~/.%s/", libs.BINARY), "Root Folder to store Result")
     38 + RootCmd.PersistentFlags().StringVar(&options.Env.BaseFolder, "baseFolder", fmt.Sprintf("~/%s-base/", libs.BINARY), "Base Folder which is store data, binaries and workflows")
     39 + RootCmd.PersistentFlags().StringVar(&options.ConfigFile, "configFile", fmt.Sprintf("~/.%s/config.yaml", libs.BINARY), "Config File")
     40 + RootCmd.PersistentFlags().StringVar(&options.LogFile, "log", "", "Log File")
     41 + RootCmd.PersistentFlags().IntVarP(&options.Concurrency, "concurrency", "c", 1, "Concurrency level (recommend to keep it as 1 on machine has RAM smaller than 2GB)")
     42 + 
     43 + // parse target as global flag
     44 + RootCmd.PersistentFlags().StringSliceVarP(&options.Scan.Inputs, "target", "t", []string{}, "Target to running")
     45 + RootCmd.PersistentFlags().StringVarP(&options.Scan.InputList, "targets", "T", "", "List of target as a file")
     46 + 
     47 + // cloud flags
     48 + RootCmd.PersistentFlags().BoolVar(&options.Cloud.EnableChunk, "chunk", false, "Enable chunk mode")
     49 + RootCmd.PersistentFlags().IntVarP(&options.Cloud.NumberOfParts, "chunk-parts", "P", 0, "Number of chunks file to split (default: equal with concurrency)")
     50 + RootCmd.PersistentFlags().StringVar(&options.Cloud.ChunkInputs, "chunkFolder", "/tmp/chunk-inputs/", "Temp Folder to store chunk inputs")
     51 + RootCmd.PersistentFlags().StringVar(&options.Timeout, "timeout", "", "Global timeout for each step (e.g: 60s, 30m, 2h)")
     52 + RootCmd.PersistentFlags().StringVar(&options.Cloud.Size, "size", "", "Override Size of cloud instance (default will get from 'cloud/config.yaml')")
     53 + RootCmd.PersistentFlags().StringVar(&options.Cloud.Region, "region", "", "Override Region of cloud instance (default will get from 'cloud/config.yaml')")
     54 + RootCmd.PersistentFlags().StringVar(&options.Cloud.Token, "token", "", "Override token of cloud instance (default will get from 'cloud/config.yaml')")
     55 + RootCmd.PersistentFlags().StringVar(&options.Cloud.Provider, "provider", "", "Override provider of cloud instance (default will get from 'cloud/config.yaml')")
     56 + RootCmd.PersistentFlags().BoolVar(&options.Cloud.ReBuildBaseImage, "rebuild", false, "Forced to rebuild the images event though the version didn't change")
     57 + 
     58 + // mics option
     59 + RootCmd.PersistentFlags().StringVarP(&options.ScanID, "sid", "s", "", "Scan ID to continue the scan without create new scan record")
     60 + RootCmd.PersistentFlags().BoolVarP(&options.Resume, "resume", "R", false, "Enable Resume")
     61 + RootCmd.PersistentFlags().BoolVar(&options.Debug, "debug", false, "Enable Debug output")
     62 + RootCmd.PersistentFlags().BoolVarP(&options.Quite, "quite", "q", false, "Show only essential information")
     63 + RootCmd.PersistentFlags().BoolVar(&options.WildCardCheck, "ww", false, "Check for wildcard target")
     64 + RootCmd.PersistentFlags().BoolVar(&options.DisableValidateInput, "nv", false, "Disable Validate Input")
     65 + RootCmd.PersistentFlags().BoolVar(&options.Update.NoUpdate, "nu", false, "Disable Update options")
     66 + RootCmd.PersistentFlags().BoolVarP(&options.Verbose, "verbose", "V", false, "Show stat info too")
     67 + RootCmd.PersistentFlags().BoolVarP(&options.EnableFormatInput, "format-input", "J", false, "Enable special input format")
     68 + 
     69 + // disable options
     70 + RootCmd.PersistentFlags().BoolVar(&options.NoNoti, "nn", false, "No notification")
     71 + RootCmd.PersistentFlags().BoolVar(&options.NoBanner, "nb", false, "No banner")
     72 + RootCmd.PersistentFlags().BoolVarP(&options.NoDB, "no-db", "D", false, "No store DB record")
     73 + RootCmd.PersistentFlags().BoolVarP(&options.NoGit, "no-git", "N", false, "No git storage")
     74 + RootCmd.PersistentFlags().BoolVarP(&options.NoClean, "no-clean", "C", false, "No clean junk output")
     75 + RootCmd.PersistentFlags().StringSliceVarP(&options.Exclude, "exclude", "x", []string{}, "Exclude module name (Multiple -x flags are accepted)")
     76 + RootCmd.PersistentFlags().BoolVarP(&options.CustomGit, "git", "g", false, "Use custom Git repo")
     77 + 
     78 + // sync options
     79 + RootCmd.PersistentFlags().BoolVar(&options.EnableDeStorage, "des", false, "Enable Dedicated Storages")
     80 + RootCmd.PersistentFlags().BoolVar(&options.GitSync, "sync", false, "Enable Sync Check before doing git push")
     81 + RootCmd.PersistentFlags().IntVar(&options.SyncTimes, "sync-timee", 15, "Number of times to check before force push")
     82 + RootCmd.PersistentFlags().IntVar(&options.PollingTime, "poll-timee", 100, "Number of seconds to sleep before do next sync check")
     83 + RootCmd.PersistentFlags().BoolVar(&options.NoCdn, "no-cdn", false, "Disable CDN feature")
     84 + RootCmd.PersistentFlags().BoolVarP(&options.EnableBackup, "backup", "b", false, "Enable Backup after done")
     85 + RootCmd.PersistentFlags().BoolVar(&options.JsonOutput, "json", false, "Output as JSON")
     86 + 
     87 + // update options
     88 + RootCmd.PersistentFlags().BoolVar(&options.Update.IsUpdateBin, "bin", false, "Update binaries too")
     89 + RootCmd.PersistentFlags().BoolVar(&options.Update.EnableUpdate, "update", false, "Enable auto update")
     90 + RootCmd.PersistentFlags().StringVar(&options.Update.UpdateFolder, "update-folder", "/tmp/osm-update", "Folder to clone the update folder")
     91 + 
     92 + RootCmd.SetHelpFunc(RootHelp)
     93 + cobra.OnInitialize(initConfig)
     94 +}
     95 + 
     96 +// initConfig reads in config file and ENV variables if set.
     97 +func initConfig() {
     98 + if options.JsonOutput {
     99 + options.Quite = true
     100 + }
     101 + 
     102 + /* Really Start the program */
     103 + utils.InitLog(&options)
     104 + core.InitConfig(&options)
     105 + 
     106 + // parse inputs
     107 + if options.Scan.InputList != "" {
     108 + if utils.FileExists(options.Scan.InputList) {
     109 + options.Scan.Inputs = append(options.Scan.Inputs, utils.ReadingFileUnique(options.Scan.InputList)...)
     110 + }
     111 + }
     112 + 
     113 + // detect if anything came from stdin
     114 + stat, _ := os.Stdin.Stat()
     115 + if (stat.Mode() & os.ModeCharDevice) == 0 {
     116 + sc := bufio.NewScanner(os.Stdin)
     117 + for sc.Scan() {
     118 + target := strings.TrimSpace(sc.Text())
     119 + if err := sc.Err(); err == nil && target != "" {
     120 + options.Scan.Inputs = append(options.Scan.Inputs, target)
     121 + }
     122 + }
     123 + }
     124 + 
     125 + if options.Update.EnableUpdate && options.Update.NoUpdate == false {
     126 + core.Update(options)
     127 + }
     128 +}
     129 + 
     130 +// DBInit init database connection
     131 +func DBInit() {
     132 + var err error
     133 + DB, err = database.InitDB(options)
     134 + if err != nil {
     135 + // simple retry
     136 + DB, err = database.InitDB(options)
     137 + if err != nil {
     138 + fmt.Printf("[panic] Can't connect to DB at %v\n", options.Server.DBPath)
     139 + os.Exit(-1)
     140 + }
     141 + }
     142 +}
     143 + 
  • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
     1 +package cmd
     2 + 
     3 +import (
     4 + ""
     5 + ""
     6 + ""
     7 + ""
     8 + ""
     9 + "strings"
     10 + "sync"
     11 +)
     12 + 
     13 +func init() {
     14 + var scanCmd = &cobra.Command{
     15 + Use: "scan",
     16 + Short: "Do Scan based on predefined flow",
     17 + Long: core.Banner(),
     18 + RunE: runScan,
     19 + }
     20 + 
     21 + scanCmd.Flags().StringSliceVarP(&options.Scan.Modules, "module", "m", []string{}, "Target to running")
     22 + scanCmd.Flags().StringVarP(&options.Scan.Flow, "flow", "f", "general", "Flow name for running (default: general)")
     23 + scanCmd.Flags().StringVarP(&options.Scan.CustomWorkspace, "workspace", "w", "", "Name of workspace (default is same as target)")
     24 + scanCmd.Flags().StringSliceVarP(&options.Scan.Params, "params", "p", []string{}, "Custom params -p='foo=bar' (Multiple -p flags are accepted)")
     25 + scanCmd.SetHelpFunc(ScanHelp)
     26 + RootCmd.AddCommand(scanCmd)
     27 +}
     28 + 
     29 +func runScan(_ *cobra.Command, _ []string) error {
     30 + DBInit()
     31 + utils.InforF("%v %v by %v", strings.Title(libs.BINARY), libs.VERSION, libs.AUTHOR)
     32 + utils.InforF("Store log file to: %v", options.LogFile)
     33 + 
     34 + var wg sync.WaitGroup
     35 + p, _ := ants.NewPoolWithFunc(options.Concurrency, func(i interface{}) {
     36 + // really start to scan
     37 + CreateRunner(i)
     38 + wg.Done()
     39 + }, ants.WithPreAlloc(true))
     40 + defer p.Release()
     41 + 
     42 + if options.Cloud.EnableChunk {
     43 + for _, target := range options.Scan.Inputs {
     44 + chunkTargets := HandleChunksInputs(target)
     45 + for _, chunkTarget := range chunkTargets {
     46 + wg.Add(1)
     47 + _ = p.Invoke(chunkTarget)
     48 + }
     49 + }
     50 + } else {
     51 + for _, target := range options.Scan.Inputs {
     52 + wg.Add(1)
     53 + _ = p.Invoke(strings.TrimSpace(target))
     54 + }
     55 + }
     56 + 
     57 + wg.Wait()
     58 + return nil
     59 +}
     60 + 
     61 +func CreateRunner(j interface{}) {
     62 + target := j.(string)
     63 + runner, err := core.InitRunner(target, options)
     64 + if err != nil {
     65 + utils.ErrorF("Error init runner with: %s", target)
     66 + return
     67 + }
     68 + runner.Start()
     69 +}
     70 + 
  • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
     1 +package cmd
     2 + 
     3 +import (
     4 + "fmt"
     5 + 
     6 + ""
     7 + ""
     8 + ""
     9 +)
     10 + 
     11 +func init() {
     12 + var serverCmd = &cobra.Command{
     13 + Use: "server",
     14 + Short: "Start Web Server",
     15 + Long: core.Banner(),
     16 + RunE: runServer,
     17 + }
     18 + serverCmd.Flags().String("host", "", "IP address to bind the server")
     19 + serverCmd.Flags().String("port", "8000", "Port")
     20 + serverCmd.Flags().IntVar(&options.Server.PollingTime, "poll-time", 60, "Polling time to check next task")
     21 + serverCmd.Flags().BoolVar(&options.Server.DisableSSL, "disable-ssl", false, "Disable workspaces directory listing")
     22 + serverCmd.Flags().BoolVar(&options.Server.DisableWorkspaceListing, "disable-listing", false, "Disable workspaces directtory listing")
     23 + serverCmd.Flags().BoolVar(&options.Server.PreFork, "prefork", false, "Enable Prefork mode for api server")
     24 + RootCmd.AddCommand(serverCmd)
     25 +}
     26 + 
     27 +func runServer(cmd *cobra.Command, _ []string) error {
     28 + host, _ := cmd.Flags().GetString("host")
     29 + port, _ := cmd.Flags().GetString("port")
     30 + options.Server.Bind = fmt.Sprintf("%v:%v", host, port)
     31 + DBInit()
     32 + 
     33 + // create default user
     34 + //database.CreateUser(options.Client.Username, options.Client.Password)
     35 + 
     36 + server.StartServer(options)
     37 + return nil
     38 +}
     39 + 
  • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
     1 +package cmd
     2 + 
     3 +import (
     4 + ""
     5 + ""
     6 +)
     7 + 
     8 +func init() {
     9 + var updateCmd = &cobra.Command{
     10 + Use: "update",
     11 + Short: "Check latest Update",
     12 + Long: core.Banner(),
     13 + RunE: runUpdate,
     14 + }
     15 + updateCmd.Flags().String("repo", "", "Update repository URL")
     16 + RootCmd.AddCommand(updateCmd)
     17 +}
     18 + 
     19 +func runUpdate(cmd *cobra.Command, _ []string) error {
     20 + repo, _ := cmd.Flags().GetString("repo")
     21 + if repo != "" {
     22 + options.Update.UpdateURL = repo
     23 + }
     24 + 
     25 + core.Update(options)
     26 + return nil
     27 +}
     28 + 
  • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
     1 +package cmd
     2 + 
     3 +import (
     4 + "fmt"
     5 + ""
     6 + ""
     7 + ""
     8 + ""
     9 +)
     10 + 
     11 +// RootUsage base help
     12 +func RootUsage() {
     13 + var h string
     14 + h += ScanUsage()
     15 + h += CloudUsage()
     16 + h += UtilsUsage()
     17 + 
     18 + fmt.Println(h)
     19 +}
     20 + 
     21 +func ScanUsage() string {
     22 + h := color.HiCyanString("\nScan Usage:\n")
     23 + h += " osmedeus scan -f [flowName] -t [target] \n"
     24 + h += " osmedeus scan -m [modulePath] -T [targetsFile] \n"
     25 + h += " osmedeus scan -f /path/to/flow.yaml -t [target] \n"
     26 + h += " osmedeus scan -m /path/to/module.yaml -t [target] --params 'port=9200'\n"
     27 + h += " osmedeus scan -m /path/to/module.yaml -t [target] -l /tmp/log.log\n"
     28 + h += " cat targets | osmedeus scan -f sample\n"
     29 + 
     30 + h += color.HiCyanString("\nPractical Scan Usage:\n")
     31 + h += " osmedeus scan -T list_of_targets.txt -W custom_workspaces\n"
     32 + h += " osmedeus scan -t -w workspace_name --debug\n"
     33 + h += " osmedeus scan -f general -t\n"
     34 + h += " osmedeus scan -f gdirb -T list_of_target.txt\n"
     35 + h += " osmedeus scan -m ~/.osmedeus/core/workflow/test/dirbscan.yaml -t list_of_urls.txt\n"
     36 + 
     37 + return h
     38 +}
     39 + 
     40 +func UtilsUsage() string {
     41 + h := color.HiCyanString("\nUtilities Usage:\n")
     42 + h += " osmedeus health \n"
     43 + h += " osmedeus version --json \n"
     44 + h += " osmedeus utils tmux ls \n"
     45 + h += " osmedeus utils tmux logs -A -l 10 \n"
     46 + h += " osmedeus utils ps \n"
     47 + h += " osmedeus utils ps --proc 'jaeles' \n"
     48 + h += " osmedeus utils cron --cmd 'osmdeus scan -t' --sch 60\n"
     49 + h += " osmedeus utils cron --for --cmd 'osmedeus scan -t'\n"
     50 + return h
     51 +}
     52 + 
     53 +func ConfigUsage() string {
     54 + h := color.HiCyanString("\nConfig Usage:\n")
     55 + h += " osmedeus config [action] [OPTIONS] \n"
     56 + h += " osmedeus config init -p\n"
     57 + h += " osmedeus config --user newusser --pass newpassword\n"
     58 + h += " osmedeus config reload \n"
     59 + h += " osmedeus config update \n"
     60 + h += " osmedeus config clean \n"
     61 + h += " osmedeus config delete -t woskapce \n"
     62 + h += " osmedeus config delete -w workspace_name \n"
     63 + return h
     64 +}
     65 + 
     66 +func CloudUsage() string {
     67 + h := color.HiCyanString("\nProvider Usage:\n")
     68 + h += " osmedeus provider build \n"
     69 + h += " osmedeus provider build --token xxx --rebuild --ic\n"
     70 + h += " osmedeus provider create --name 'sample' \n"
     71 + h += " osmedeus provider health --debug \n"
     72 + 
     73 + h += color.HiCyanString("\nCloud Usage:\n")
     74 + h += " osmedeus cloud -f [flowName] -t [target] \n"
     75 + h += " osmedeus cloud -m [modulePath] -t [target] \n"
     76 + h += " osmedeus cloud -c 10 -f [flowName] -T [targetsFile] \n"
     77 + h += " osmedeus cloud --token xxx -G -c 10 -f [flowName] -T [targetsFile] \n"
     78 + h += " osmedeus cloud --chunk -c 10 -f [flowName] -t [targetsFile] \n"
     79 + 
     80 + return h
     81 +}
     82 + 
     83 +// ScanHelp scan help message
     84 +func ScanHelp(cmd *cobra.Command, _ []string) {
     85 + fmt.Println(core.Banner())
     86 + fmt.Println(cmd.UsageString())
     87 + h := ScanUsage()
     88 + fmt.Println(h)
     89 + fmt.Printf("Documentation can be found here: %s\n", color.GreenString(libs.DOCS))
     90 +}
     91 + 
     92 +// CloudHelp scan help message
     93 +func CloudHelp(cmd *cobra.Command, _ []string) {
     94 + fmt.Println(core.Banner())
     95 + fmt.Println(cmd.UsageString())
     96 + h := CloudUsage()
     97 + fmt.Println(h)
     98 + fmt.Printf("Documentation can be found here: %s\n", color.GreenString(libs.DOCS))
     99 +}
     100 + 
     101 +// ConfigHelp config help message
     102 +func ConfigHelp(cmd *cobra.Command, _ []string) {
     103 + fmt.Println(core.Banner())
     104 + fmt.Println(cmd.UsageString())
     105 + h := ConfigUsage()
     106 + fmt.Println(h)
     107 + fmt.Printf("Documentation can be found here: %s\n", color.GreenString(libs.DOCS))
     108 +}
     109 + 
     110 +// UtilsHelp utils help message
     111 +func UtilsHelp(cmd *cobra.Command, _ []string) {
     112 + fmt.Println(core.Banner())
     113 + fmt.Println(cmd.UsageString())
     114 + h := UtilsUsage()
     115 + fmt.Println(h)
     116 + fmt.Printf("Documentation can be found here: %s\n", color.GreenString(libs.DOCS))
     117 +}
     118 + 
     119 +// RootHelp print help message
     120 +func RootHelp(cmd *cobra.Command, _ []string) {
     121 + fmt.Println(core.Banner())
     122 + fmt.Println(cmd.UsageString())
     123 + RootUsage()
     124 + fmt.Printf("Documentation can be found here: %s\n", color.GreenString(libs.DOCS))
     125 +}
     126 + 
  • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
     1 +package cmd
     2 + 
     3 +import (
     4 + "fmt"
     5 + ""
     6 + ""
     7 + ""
     8 + ""
     9 + jsoniter ""
     10 + ""
     11 +)
     12 + 
     13 +func init() {
     14 + var utilsCmd = &cobra.Command{
     15 + Use: "utils",
     16 + Short: "Utils to get some information from the system",
     17 + Long: core.Banner(),
     18 + RunE: runProvider,
     19 + }
     20 + 
     21 + var psCmd = &cobra.Command{
     22 + Use: "ps",
     23 + Short: "Utility to get information about running process",
     24 + Long: core.Banner(),
     25 + RunE: runPs,
     26 + }
     27 + psCmd.Flags().StringSlice("proc", []string{}, "Process name")
     28 + 
     29 + var tmuxCmd = &cobra.Command{
     30 + Use: "tmux",
     31 + Short: "Utility to get info from tmux",
     32 + Long: core.Banner(),
     33 + RunE: runTmux,
     34 + }
     35 + 
     36 + tmuxCmd.Flags().BoolVarP(&options.Tmux.ApplyAll, "all", "A", false, "Apply for all tmux sessions")
     37 + tmuxCmd.Flags().StringVarP(&options.Tmux.SelectedWindow, "name", "n", "", "Apply for all tmux sessions")
     38 + tmuxCmd.Flags().StringVarP(&options.Tmux.Exclude, "exclude", "e", "server", "Exclude tmux session")
     39 + tmuxCmd.Flags().IntVarP(&options.Tmux.Limit, "limit", "l", 0, "Size of output content")
     40 + 
     41 + var cronCmd = &cobra.Command{
     42 + Use: "cron",
     43 + Short: "Utility to run command schedule",
     44 + Long: core.Banner(),
     45 + RunE: runCron,
     46 + }
     47 + cronCmd.Flags().IntVar(&options.Cron.Schedule, "sch", 0, "Number of minutes to schedule the job")
     48 + cronCmd.Flags().BoolVar(&options.Cron.Forever, "for", false, "Keep running forever right after the command done")
     49 + cronCmd.Flags().StringVar(&options.Cron.Command, "cmd", "", "Command to run")
     50 + 
     51 + // add command
     52 + utilsCmd.AddCommand(cronCmd)
     53 + utilsCmd.AddCommand(tmuxCmd)
     54 + utilsCmd.AddCommand(psCmd)
     55 + utilsCmd.SetHelpFunc(UtilsHelp)
     56 + RootCmd.AddCommand(utilsCmd)
     57 +}
     58 + 
     59 +func runPs(cmd *cobra.Command, _ []string) error {
     60 + processes, _ := cmd.Flags().GetStringSlice("process")
     61 + if len(processes) == 0 {
     62 + processes = append(processes, libs.BINARY)
     63 + }
     64 + 
     65 + for _, process := range processes {
     66 + pss := execution.GetOsmProcess(process)
     67 + for _, ps := range pss {
     68 + if options.JsonOutput {
     69 + if data, err := jsoniter.MarshalToString(ps); err == nil {
     70 + fmt.Println(data)
     71 + }
     72 + continue
     73 + }
     74 + fmt.Printf("pid:%v %s %v\n", color.HiCyanString("%v", ps.PID), color.HiMagentaString("--"), ps.Command)
     75 + }
     76 + }
     77 + 
     78 + return nil
     79 +}
     80 + 
     81 +func runTmux(_ *cobra.Command, args []string) error {
     82 + tmux, err := core.InitTmux(options)
     83 + if err != nil {
     84 + return err
     85 + }
     86 + 
     87 + for _, argument := range args {
     88 + switch argument {
     89 + case "l", "ls", "list":
     90 + tmux.ListTmux()
     91 + case "t", "log", "logs", "tai", "tail":
     92 + tmux.CatchSession()
     93 + }
     94 + }
     95 + return nil
     96 +}
     97 + 
     98 +func runCron(_ *cobra.Command, _ []string) error {
     99 + if options.Cron.Schedule == 0 && options.Cron.Forever == false {
     100 + return fmt.Errorf("missing '--sche' flag")
     101 + }
     102 + if options.Cron.Forever {
     103 + options.Cron.Schedule = -1
     104 + }
     105 + core.RunCron(options.Cron.Command, options.Cron.Schedule)
     106 + return nil
     107 +}
     108 + 
  • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
     1 +package cmd
     2 + 
     3 +import (
     4 + "fmt"
     5 + ""
     6 + ""
     7 + ""
     8 + jsoniter ""
     9 + ""
     10 + ""
     11 + ""
     12 + "os"
     13 + "strings"
     14 + "time"
     15 +)
     16 + 
     17 +func init() {
     18 + var execCmd = &cobra.Command{
     19 + Use: "version",
     20 + Short: "Show core version",
     21 + Long: core.Banner(),
     22 + RunE: runVersion,
     23 + }
     24 + RootCmd.AddCommand(execCmd)
     25 +}
     26 + 
     27 +func runVersion(_ *cobra.Command, _ []string) error {
     28 + if options.JsonOutput {
     29 + fmt.Println(PrintStat())
     30 + return nil
     31 + }
     32 + 
     33 + if !options.Verbose {
     34 + fmt.Printf("osmedeus %s by %s\n", libs.VERSION, libs.AUTHOR)
     35 + } else {
     36 + statInfo := PrintStat()
     37 + fmt.Printf("osmedeus %s by %s -- %s\n", libs.VERSION, libs.AUTHOR, statInfo)
     38 + }
     39 + return nil
     40 +}
     41 + 
     42 +// StatData overview struct
     43 +type StatData struct {
     44 + CPU string `json:"cpu"`
     45 + Mem string `json:"mem"`
     46 + Name string `json:"name"`
     47 + Version string `json:"verion"`
     48 +}
     49 + 
     50 +// PrintStat print status
     51 +func PrintStat() string {
     52 + data := GetStat()
     53 + if data.CPU.Idle == 0.0 {
     54 + return strings.TrimSpace(utils.Emojif(":thought_balloon:", "not responding"))
     55 + }
     56 + var cpu string
     57 + cpuUsage := 100.0 - data.CPU.Idle
     58 + if cpuUsage <= 20.0 {
     59 + cpu = utils.Emojif(":green_circle:", " cpu: %0.2f", cpuUsage)
     60 + } else if (cpuUsage > 20.0) && (cpuUsage <= 50.0) {
     61 + cpu = utils.Emojif(":green_circle:", " cpu: %0.2f", cpuUsage)
     62 + } else if (cpuUsage > 50.0) && (cpuUsage <= 80.0) {
     63 + cpu = utils.Emojif(":orange_circle:", " cpu: %0.2f", cpuUsage)
     64 + } else {
     65 + cpu = utils.Emojif(":red_circle:", " cpu: %0.2f", cpuUsage)
     66 + }
     67 + 
     68 + var mem string
     69 + memUsage := 100.0 - (data.Mem.Free/data.Mem.Total)*100
     70 + if memUsage <= 20.0 {
     71 + mem = utils.Emojif(":green_circle:", " mem: %0.2f", memUsage)
     72 + } else if (memUsage > 20.0) && (memUsage <= 50.0) {
     73 + mem = utils.Emojif(":green_circle:", " mem: %0.2f", memUsage)
     74 + } else if (memUsage > 50.0) && (memUsage <= 80.0) {
     75 + mem = utils.Emojif(":orange_circle:", " mem: %0.2f", memUsage)
     76 + } else {
     77 + mem = utils.Emojif(":red_circle:", " mem: %0.2f", memUsage)
     78 + }
     79 + 
     80 + name, _ := os.Hostname()
     81 + if options.JsonOutput {
     82 + stat := StatData{
     83 + CPU: fmt.Sprintf("%v", cpuUsage),
     84 + Mem: fmt.Sprintf("%v", memUsage),
     85 + Name: name,
     86 + Version: fmt.Sprintf("osmedeus %s by %s", libs.VERSION, libs.AUTHOR),
     87 + }
     88 + if data, err := jsoniter.MarshalToString(stat); err == nil {
     89 + return data
     90 + }
     91 + }
     92 + 
     93 + return fmt.Sprintf("%s: %12s - %s", name, strings.TrimSpace(cpu), strings.TrimSpace(mem))
     94 +}
     95 + 
     96 +type ServerStatData struct {
     97 + CPU struct {
     98 + System float64
     99 + User float64
     100 + Idle float64
     101 + }
     102 + Mem struct {
     103 + Total float64
     104 + Used float64
     105 + Free float64
     106 + Cached float64
     107 + }
     108 +}
     109 + 
     110 +// GetStat get stat data
     111 +func GetStat() ServerStatData {
     112 + var stat ServerStatData
     113 + 
     114 + before, err := cpu.Get()
     115 + if err != nil {
     116 + return stat
     117 + }
     118 + time.Sleep(time.Duration(1) * time.Second)
     119 + after, err := cpu.Get()
     120 + if err != nil {
     121 + return stat
     122 + }
     123 + total := float64(after.Total - before.Total)
     124 + stat.CPU.User = float64(after.User-before.User) / total * 100
     125 + stat.CPU.System = float64(after.System-before.System) / total * 100
     126 + stat.CPU.Idle = float64(after.Idle-before.Idle) / total * 100
     127 + // memory part
     128 + memory, err := memory.Get()
     129 + if err != nil {
     130 + return stat
     131 + }
     132 + stat.Mem.Total = float64(memory.Total+memory.SwapTotal) / (1024 * 1024 * 1024)
     133 + stat.Mem.Used = float64(memory.Used+memory.SwapUsed) / (1024 * 1024 * 1024)
     134 + stat.Mem.Used = float64(memory.Used+memory.SwapUsed) / (1024 * 1024 * 1024)
     135 + stat.Mem.Cached = float64(memory.Cached) / (1024 * 1024 * 1024)
     136 + stat.Mem.Free = float64(memory.Free+memory.SwapFree) / (1024 * 1024 * 1024)
     137 + return stat
     138 +}
     139 + 
  • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
     1 +package core
     2 + 
     3 +import (
     4 + "fmt"
     5 + ""
     6 + ""
     7 + "os"
     8 + "path"
     9 +)
     10 + 
     11 +func BackupWorkspace(options libs.Options) {
     12 + if !options.EnableBackup {
     13 + return
     14 + }
     15 + 
     16 + outputDir := options.Scan.ROptions["Output"]
     17 + dest := path.Join(options.Env.BackupFolder, options.Scan.ROptions["Workspace"]) + ".zip"
     18 + if utils.FileExists(dest) {
     19 + os.Remove(dest)
     20 + }
     21 + 
     22 + zipCommand := fmt.Sprintf("zip -9 -q -r %s %s", dest, outputDir)
     23 + utils.RunCmdWithOutput(zipCommand)
     24 + if utils.FileExists(dest) {
     25 + utils.GoodF("Backup workspace save at: %s", dest)
     26 + }
     27 +}
     28 + 
  • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
     1 +package core
     2 + 
     3 +import (
     4 + ""
     5 + ""
     6 +)
     7 + 
     8 +// Banner print ascii banner
     9 +func Banner() string {
     10 + version := color.HiWhiteString(libs.VERSION)
     11 + author := color.MagentaString(libs.AUTHOR)
     12 + //W := color.HiWhiteString(``)
     13 + b := color.GreenString(``)
     14 + 
     15 + b += color.GreenString(`
     16 +
     17 + .;1tfLCL1,
     18 + .,,..;i;f0G;
     19 + ,:,tCC. ...
     20 + ;i:fCL,1LLtf1i;,
     21 + .,::tCL1LC1::;, .,,
     22 + ;1:tCL,tLt,1:
     23 + ,::tLf, 1Lf;::.
     24 + .ii:tLt. .1Lf;i1.
     25 + ,:;tf1 1ft;::
     26 + .1;:tf1 `) + color.HiWhiteString(` ,i1t1, `) + color.GreenString(` ift;;1,
     27 + ,i:t;f.`) + color.HiWhiteString(` ,LLffLL: `) + color.GreenString(` tft;i:
     28 + .;:;fff `) + color.HiWhiteString(` .LCLLLf,`) + color.GreenString(` 1ffi:;.
     29 + :fi;Lff1. `) + color.HiWhiteString(`,;;:`) + color.GreenString(` ifffi;f;
     30 + .:::tCLLfi:,,:ifLfLt::;.
     31 + ,11:1CCCCCLLLLLLf1;1t:
     32 + .it;:;1fLLLLfft1;:;ti.
     33 + ,:;::;;;;;;;;;;,
     34 + .,::::::::,.
     35 + `)
     36 + 
     37 + //
     38 + //
     39 + //b += "\n\t" + color.GreenString(` @@@@@@`)
     40 + //b += "\n\t" + color.GreenString(` .@@' '@@.`)
     41 + //b += "\n\t" + color.GreenString(` :@ @:`)
     42 + //b += "\n\t" + color.GreenString(` :@ %v:@`, W) + color.GreenString(` @:`)
     43 + //b += "\n\t" + color.GreenString(` :@ %v:@`, W) + color.GreenString(` @:`)
     44 + //
     45 + //b += "\n\t" + color.GreenString(` :@ @:`)
     46 + //b += "\n\t" + color.GreenString(` '@@. .@@'`)
     47 + //b += "\n\t" + color.GreenString(` @@@@@@`)
     48 + //b += "\n\t" + color.GreenString(` @@`)
     49 + //b += "\n\t" + color.HiCyanString(` @ `) + color.GreenString(`@@`) + color.HiCyanString(` @`)
     50 + //b += "\n\t" + color.HiWhiteString(` +@@`) + color.GreenString(` @@ `) + color.HiWhiteString(` @@+`)
     51 + //b += "\n\t" + color.GreenString(` @@:@#@,@@,@#@:@@`)
     52 + //b += "\n\t" + color.GreenString(` ;@+@@'#@@@@#'@@+@;`)
     53 + //b += "\n\t" + color.GreenString(` @+ #@@ @@ @@# +@`)
     54 + //b += "\n\t" + color.GreenString(` @@ @+'@@@@@@'+@ @@`)
     55 + //b += "\n\t" + color.GreenString(` @. @ ;@@; @ .@`)
     56 + //b += "\n\t" + color.BlueString(` #@ '@ @; @#`)
     57 + 
     58 + b += "\n\n\t" + color.GreenString(` Osmedeus Next Generation %v`, version) + color.GreenString(` by %v`, author)
     59 + b += "\n\n" + color.HiCyanString(` %s`, libs.DESC) + "\n"
     60 + b += "\n" + color.HiWhiteString(` ¯\_(ツ)_/¯`) + "\n\n"
     61 + color.Unset()
     62 + return b
     63 +}
     64 + 
  • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
     1 +package core
     2 + 
     3 +import (
     4 + "fmt"
     5 + "net/url"
     6 + "os"
     7 + "path"
     8 + "path/filepath"
     9 + "strings"
     10 + 
     11 + ""
     12 + 
     13 + ""
     14 + ""
     15 + ""
     16 + 
     17 + ""
     18 +)
     19 + 
     20 +// InitConfig Init the config
     21 +func InitConfig(options *libs.Options) {
     22 + RootFolder := filepath.Dir(utils.NormalizePath(options.ConfigFile))
     23 + if !utils.FolderExists(RootFolder) {
     24 + os.MkdirAll(RootFolder, 0750)
     25 + }
     26 + 
     27 + // Base folder
     28 + BaseFolder := utils.NormalizePath(options.Env.BaseFolder)
     29 + if !utils.FolderExists(BaseFolder) {
     30 + os.MkdirAll(BaseFolder, 0750)
     31 + }
     32 + 
     33 + // init config
     34 + v := viper.New()
     35 + v.AddConfigPath(RootFolder)
     36 + v.SetConfigName("config")
     37 + v.SetConfigType("yaml")
     38 + 
     39 + if !utils.FileExists(options.ConfigFile) {
     40 + // Some default config if config file doesn't exist
     41 + secret := utils.GenHash(utils.RandomString(8) + utils.GetTS())
     42 + prefix := secret[len(secret)-20 : len(secret)-1]
     43 + 
     44 + v.SetDefault("Server", map[string]string{
     45 + "bind": "",
     46 + "cors": "*",
     47 + "secret": secret,
     48 + "prefix": prefix,
     49 + "ui": path.Join(RootFolder, "server/ui"),
     50 + "cert_file": path.Join(RootFolder, "server/ssl/cert.pem"),
     51 + "key_file": path.Join(RootFolder, "server/ssl/key.pem"),
     52 + "master_pass": "",
     53 + })
     54 + 
     55 + // DB connection config
     56 + dbPath := utils.NormalizePath(path.Join(RootFolder, "sqlite.db"))
     57 + v.SetDefault("Database", map[string]string{
     58 + "db_host": utils.GetOSEnv("DB_HOST", ""),
     59 + "db_port": utils.GetOSEnv("DB_PORT", "3306"),
     60 + "db_name": utils.GetOSEnv("DB_NAME", "osm-core"),
     61 + "db_user": utils.GetOSEnv("DB_USER", "root"),
     62 + "db_pass": utils.GetOSEnv("DB_PASS", ""),
     63 + // sqlite or mysql
     64 + "db_path": utils.GetOSEnv("DB_PATH", dbPath),
     65 + "db_type": utils.GetOSEnv("DB_TYPE", "sqlite"),
     66 + })
     67 + 
     68 + // default user
     69 + password := utils.GenHash(utils.GetTS())[:15]
     70 + v.SetDefault("Client", map[string]string{
     71 + "username": "osmedeus",
     72 + "password": password,
     73 + "jwt": "",
     74 + "dest": "",
     75 + })
     76 + 
     77 + v.SetDefault("Environments", map[string]string{
     78 + // RootFolder --> ~/.osmedeus/
     79 + "storages": path.Join(RootFolder, "storages"),
     80 + "workspaces": path.Join(RootFolder, "workspaces"),
     81 + "backups": path.Join(RootFolder, "backups"),
     82 + "cloud_data": path.Join(RootFolder, "clouds"),
     83 + "provider_config": path.Join(RootFolder, "provider"),
     84 + 
     85 + // this update casually
     86 + // BaseFolder --> ~/osmedeus-base/
     87 + "workflows": path.Join(BaseFolder, "workflow"),
     88 + "binaries": path.Join(BaseFolder, "binaries"),
     89 + "data": path.Join(BaseFolder, "data"),
     90 + "cloud_config": path.Join(BaseFolder, "cloud"),
     91 + })
     92 + 
     93 + // things should be reloaded by env
     94 + v.SetDefault("Storages", map[string]string{
     95 + // path of secret key for push result
     96 + // the repo format should be like this "[email protected]:j3ssie/example.git",
     97 + "secret_key": utils.GetOSEnv("SECRET_KEY", "SECRET_KEY"),
     98 + "summary_storage": path.Join(options.Env.RootFolder, "storages/summary"),
     99 + "summary_repo": utils.GetOSEnv("SUMMARY_REPO", "SUMMARY_REPO"),
     100 + "subdomain_storage": path.Join(options.Env.RootFolder, "storages/subdomain"),
     101 + "subdomain_repo": utils.GetOSEnv("SUBDOMAIN_REPO", "SUBDOMAIN_REPO"),
     102 + "assets_storage": path.Join(options.Env.RootFolder, "storages/assets"),
     103 + "assets_repo": utils.GetOSEnv("ASSETS_REPO", "ASSETS_REPO"),
     104 + "ports_storage": path.Join(options.Env.RootFolder, "storages/ports"),
     105 + "ports_repo": utils.GetOSEnv("PORTS_REPO", "PORTS_REPO"),
     106 + "http_storage": path.Join(options.Env.RootFolder, "storages/http"),
     107 + "http_repo": utils.GetOSEnv("HTTP_REPO", "HTTP_REPO"),
     108 + "vuln_storage": path.Join(options.Env.RootFolder, "storages/vuln"),
     109 + "vuln_repo": utils.GetOSEnv("VULN_REPO", "VULN_REPO"),
     110 + "paths_storage": path.Join(options.Env.RootFolder, "storages/paths"),
     111 + "paths_repo": utils.GetOSEnv("PATHS_REPO", "PATHS_REPO"),
     112 + "mics_storage": path.Join(options.Env.RootFolder, "storages/mics"),
     113 + "mics_repo": utils.GetOSEnv("MICS_REPO", "MICS_REPO"),
     114 + })
     115 + 
     116 + v.SetDefault("Tokens", map[string]string{
     117 + "slack": utils.GetOSEnv("SLACK_API_TOKEN", "SLACK_API_TOKEN"),
     118 + "telegram": utils.GetOSEnv("TELEGRAM_API_TOKEN", "TELEGRAM_API_TOKEN"),
     119 + "gitlab": utils.GetOSEnv("GITLAB_API_TOKEN", "GITLAB_API_TOKEN"),
     120 + "github": utils.GetOSEnv("GITHUB_API_KEY", "GITHUB_API_KEY"),
     121 + "discord": utils.GetOSEnv("DISCORD_API_TOKEN", "DISCORD_API_TOKEN"),
     122 + })
     123 + 
     124 + // dedicated storages
     125 + v.SetDefault("Git", map[string]string{
     126 + "base_url": utils.GetOSEnv("GITLAB_BASE_URL", ""),
     127 + "api": utils.GetOSEnv("GITLAB_API_TOKEN", "GITLAB_API_TOKEN"),
     128 + "username": utils.GetOSEnv("GITLAB_USER", "GITLAB_USER"),
     129 + "password": utils.GetOSEnv("GITLAB_PASS", "GITLAB_PASS"),
     130 + "group": utils.GetOSEnv("GITLAB_GROUP", "GITLAB_GROUP"),
     131 + "prefix_name": utils.GetOSEnv("GITLAB_PREFIX_NAME", "deosm"),
     132 + "default_tag": utils.GetOSEnv("GITLAB_DEFAULT_TAG", "osmd"),
     133 + "default_user": utils.GetOSEnv("GITLAB_DEFAULT_USER", "j3ssie"),
     134 + "default_uid": utils.GetOSEnv("GITLAB_DEFAULT_UID", "3537075"),
     135 + "destorage": path.Join(options.Env.RootFolder, "destorage"),
     136 + })
     137 + 
     138 + v.Set("Notification", map[string]string{
     139 + "client_name": utils.GetOSEnv("CLIENT_NAME", "CLIENT_NAME"),
     140 + "slack_status_channel": utils.GetOSEnv("SLACK_STATUS_CHANNEL", "SLACK_STATUS_CHANNEL"),
     141 + "slack_report_channel": utils.GetOSEnv("SLACK_REPORT_CHANNEL", "SLACK_REPORT_CHANNEL"),
     142 + "slack_diff_channel": utils.GetOSEnv("SLACK_DIFF_CHANNEL", "SLACK_DIFF_CHANNEL"),
     143 + "slack_webhook": utils.GetOSEnv("SLACK_WEBHOOK", "SLACK_WEBHOOK"),
     144 + "discord_channel": utils.GetOSEnv("DISCORD_CHANNEL", "DISCORD_CHANNEL"),
     145 + "telegram_channel": utils.GetOSEnv("TELEGRAM_CHANNEL", "TELEGRAM_CHANNEL"),
     146 + "telegram_status_channel": utils.GetOSEnv("TELEGRAM_STATUS_CHANNEL", "TELEGRAM_STATUS_CHANNEL"),
     147 + "telegram_report_channel": utils.GetOSEnv("TELEGRAM_REPORT_CHANNEL", "TELEGRAM_REPORT_CHANNEL"),
     148 + "telegram_sensitive_channel": utils.GetOSEnv("TELEGRAM_SENSITIVE_CHANNEL", "TELEGRAM_SENSITIVE_CHANNEL"),
     149 + "telegram_dirb_channel": utils.GetOSEnv("TELEGRAM_DIRB_CHANNEL", "TELEGRAM_DIRB_CHANNEL"),
     150 + "telegram_mics_channel": utils.GetOSEnv("TELEGRAM_MICS_CHANNEL", "TELEGRAM_MICS_CHANNEL"),
     151 + })
     152 + 
     153 + // used for scaling
     154 + //v.SetDefault("Master", map[string]string{
     155 + // "host": utils.GetOSEnv("MASTER_HOST", "MASTER_HOST"),
     156 + // "cred": utils.GetOSEnv("MASTER_CRED", "MASTER_CRED"),
     157 + //})
     158 + //v.SetDefault("Pool", map[string]string{
     159 + // "host": utils.GetOSEnv("POOL_HOST", "POOL_HOST"),
     160 + // "cred": utils.GetOSEnv("POOL_CRED", "POOL_CRED"),
     161 + //})
     162 + // enable sync
     163 + //v.SetDefault("Sync", map[string]string{
     164 + // "firebase_url": utils.GetOSEnv("FIREBASE_URL", "FIREBASE_URL"),
     165 + // "firebase_prefix": utils.GetOSEnv("FIREBASE_PREFIX", "FIREBASE_PREFIX"),
     166 + // "firebase_pool": utils.GetOSEnv("FIREBASE_POOL", "FIREBASE_POOL"),
     167 + //})
     168 + 
     169 + v.SetDefault("Cdn", map[string]string{
     170 + "osm_cdn_url": utils.GetOSEnv("OSM_CDN_URL", "OSM_CDN_URL"),
     171 + "osm_cdn_wsurl": utils.GetOSEnv("OSM_CDN_WSURL", "OSM_CDN_WSURL"),
     172 + "osm_cdn_auth": utils.GetOSEnv("OSM_CDN_AUTH", "OSM_CDN_AUTH"),
     173 + "osm_cdn_prefix": utils.GetOSEnv("OSM_CDN_PREFIX", "OSM_CDN_PREFIX"),
     174 + "osm_cdn_index": utils.GetOSEnv("OSM_CDN_INDEX", "OSM_CDN_INDEX"),
     175 + "osm_cdn_secret": utils.GetOSEnv("OSM_CDN_SECRET", "OSM_CDN_SECRET"),
     176 + })
     177 + 
     178 + v.SetDefault("Cloud", map[string]string{
     179 + "cloud_public_key": utils.GetOSEnv("CLOUD_PUBLIC_KEY", "CLOUD_PUBLIC_KEY"),
     180 + "cloud_secret_key": utils.GetOSEnv("CLOUD_SECRET_KEY", "CLOUD_SECRET_KEY"),
     181 + "build_repo": utils.GetOSEnv("CLOUD_BUILD_REPO", "CLOUD_BUILD_REPO"),
     182 + })
     183 + 
     184 + v.SetDefault("Update", map[string]string{
     185 + "update_type": "git",
     186 + "update_url": utils.GetOSEnv("UPDATE_BASE_URL", "UPDATE_BASE_URL"),
     187 + "update_date": utils.GetOSEnv("UPDATE_DATE", "UPDATE_DATE"),
     188 + "update_meta": utils.GetOSEnv("META_URL", "META_URL"),
     189 + "workflow": utils.GetOSEnv("UPDATE_URL", "UPDATE_URL"),
     190 + })
     191 + 
     192 + v.SetDefault("Mics", map[string]string{
     193 + "docs": utils.GetOSEnv("OSM_DOCS", libs.DOCS),
     194 + })
     195 + 
     196 + v.WriteConfigAs(options.ConfigFile)
     197 + }
     198 + 
     199 + GetEnv(options)
     200 + GetStorages(options)
     201 + GetNotification(options)
     202 + GetServer(options)
     203 + GetClient(options)
     204 + GetRemote(options)
     205 + GetGit(options)
     206 + //GetSync(options)
     207 + GetCdn(options)
     208 + SetupOpt(options)
     209 + 
     210 +}
     211 + 
     212 +// LoadConfig load config
     213 +func LoadConfig(options libs.Options) (*viper.Viper, error) {
     214 + options.ConfigFile, _ = homedir.Expand(options.ConfigFile)
     215 + RootFolder := filepath.Dir(options.ConfigFile)
     216 + v := viper.New()
     217 + v.SetConfigName("config")
     218 + v.SetConfigType("yaml")
     219 + v.AddConfigPath(RootFolder)
     220 + // InitConfig(&options)
     221 + if err := v.ReadInConfig(); err != nil {
     222 + InitConfig(&options)
     223 + return v, nil
     224 + }
     225 + return v, nil
     226 +}
     227 + 
     228 +// GetEnv get environment options
     229 +func GetEnv(options *libs.Options) {
     230 + v, _ := LoadConfig(*options)
     231 + envs := v.GetStringMapString("Environments")
     232 + 
     233 + // config
     234 + options.Env.BinariesFolder = utils.NormalizePath(envs["binaries"])
     235 + utils.MakeDir(options.Env.BinariesFolder)
     236 + 
     237 + options.Env.DataFolder = utils.NormalizePath(envs["data"])
     238 + utils.MakeDir(options.Env.DataFolder)
     239 + // ose folder
     240 + options.Env.OseFolder = path.Join(options.Env.BaseFolder, "ose")
     241 + utils.MakeDir(options.Env.DataFolder)
     242 + 
     243 + options.Env.ScriptsFolder = path.Join(options.Env.BaseFolder, "scripts")
     244 + options.Env.UIFolder = path.Join(options.Env.BaseFolder, "ui")
     245 + 
     246 + // local data
     247 + options.Env.StoragesFolder = utils.NormalizePath(envs["storages"])
     248 + utils.MakeDir(options.Env.StoragesFolder)
     249 + options.Env.WorkspacesFolder = utils.NormalizePath(envs["workspaces"])
     250 + utils.MakeDir(options.Env.WorkspacesFolder)
     251 + options.Env.WorkFlowsFolder = utils.NormalizePath(envs["workflows"])
     252 + 
     253 + if utils.FileExists(path.Join(options.Env.WorkFlowsFolder, "")) {
     254 + options.PremiumPackage = true
     255 + }
     256 + 
     257 + // backup data
     258 + options.Env.BackupFolder = utils.NormalizePath(envs["backups"])
     259 + utils.MakeDir(options.Env.BackupFolder)
     260 + 
     261 + // cloud stuff
     262 + options.Env.ProviderFolder = utils.NormalizePath(envs["provider_config"])
     263 + utils.MakeDir(options.Env.ProviderFolder)
     264 + options.Env.CloudDataFolder = utils.NormalizePath(envs["cloud_data"])
     265 + utils.MakeDir(options.Env.CloudDataFolder)
     266 + options.Env.CloudConfigFolder = utils.NormalizePath(envs["cloud_config"])
     267 + 
     268 + cloud := v.GetStringMapString("Cloud")
     269 + options.Cloud.BuildRepo = cloud["build_repo"]
     270 + 
     271 + // load the config file here
     272 + options.Cloud.SecretKey = utils.NormalizePath(cloud["cloud_secret_key"])
     273 + options.Cloud.PublicKey = utils.NormalizePath(cloud["cloud_public_key"])
     274 + if utils.FileExists(options.Cloud.SecretKey) {
     275 + options.Cloud.SecretKeyContent = strings.TrimSpace(utils.GetFileContent(options.Cloud.SecretKey))
     276 + options.Cloud.PublicKeyContent = strings.TrimSpace(utils.GetFileContent(options.Cloud.PublicKey))
     277 + }
     278 + 
     279 + //
     280 + //options.Env.RootFolder = utils.NormalizePath(options.Env.RootFolder)
     281 + //options.Env.BaseFolder = utils.NormalizePath(options.Env.BaseFolder)
     282 + 
     283 + update := v.GetStringMapString("Update")
     284 + options.Update.UpdateURL = update["update_url"]
     285 + options.Update.UpdateType = update["update_type"]
     286 + options.Update.UpdateDate = update["update_date"]
     287 + options.Update.UpdateKey = update["update_key"]
     288 + options.Update.MetaDataURL = update["update_meta"]
     289 + UpdateMetadata(*options)
     290 +}
     291 + 
     292 +// SetupOpt get storage repos
     293 +func SetupOpt(options *libs.Options) {
     294 + // auto append PATH with Plugin folder
     295 + osPATH := utils.GetOSEnv("PATH", "PATH")
     296 + if !strings.Contains(osPATH, options.Env.BinariesFolder) {
     297 + utils.DebugF("Append $PATH with: %s", options.Env.BinariesFolder)
     298 + os.Setenv("PATH", fmt.Sprintf("%s:%s", osPATH, options.Env.BinariesFolder))
     299 + }
     300 + 
     301 + /* some special conditions below */
     302 + 
     303 + // change {{.Storage}} from ~/.osmedeus/storages to ~/.osmedeus/destorages
     304 + if options.EnableDeStorage {
     305 + utils.DebugF("Dedicated Storage Enabled")
     306 + options.Env.StoragesFolder = options.Git.DeStorage
     307 + if !utils.FolderExists(options.Env.StoragesFolder) {
     308 + utils.MakeDir(options.Env.StoragesFolder)
     309 + }
     310 + }
     311 +}
     312 + 
     313 +func GetStorages(options *libs.Options) {
     314 + v, _ := LoadConfig(*options)
     315 + storages := v.GetStringMapString("Storages")
     316 + 
     317 + for k, v := range storages {
     318 + storages[k], _ = homedir.Expand(v)
     319 + }
     320 + storagesOptions := make(map[string]string)
     321 + // cloning stuff
     322 + // path to private to push result
     323 + storagesOptions["secret_key"] = storages["secret_key"]
     324 + options.Storages = storagesOptions
     325 + 
     326 + // load default existing key if it exists
     327 + if options.Storages["secret_key"] == "" || options.Storages["secret_key"] == "SECRET_KEY" {
     328 + // ~/.osmedeus/secret_key.private
     329 + secretKey := path.Join(options.Env.RootFolder, "secret_key.private")
     330 + if utils.FileExists(secretKey) {
     331 + options.Storages["secret_key"] = secretKey
     332 + } else {
     333 + secretKey = path.Join(options.Env.BaseFolder, "secret/secret_key.private")
     334 + if utils.FileExists(secretKey) {
     335 + options.Storages["secret_key"] = secretKey
     336 + }
     337 + }
     338 + }
     339 + 
     340 + // disable git feature or no secret key found
     341 + if options.NoGit {
     342 + options.Storages["secret_key"] = ""
     343 + }
     344 + if options.Storages["secret_key"] == "" {
     345 + options.NoGit = true
     346 + }
     347 + 
     348 + if options.CustomGit {
     349 + // in case custom repo is set
     350 + for _, env := range os.Environ() {
     351 + // the ENV should be OSM_SUMMARY_STORAGE, OSM_SUMMARY_REPO
     352 + if strings.HasSuffix(env, "OSM_") {
     353 + data := strings.Split(env, "=")
     354 + key := strings.ToLower(data[0])
     355 + value := strings.Replace(env, data[0]+"=", "", -1)
     356 + 
     357 + if strings.HasSuffix(key, "summary_storage") {
     358 + storagesOptions["summary_storage"] = value
     359 + }
     360 + if strings.HasSuffix(key, "summary_repo") {
     361 + storagesOptions["summary_repo"] = value
     362 + }
     363 + 
     364 + if strings.HasSuffix(key, "assets_storage") {
     365 + storagesOptions["assets_storage"] = value
     366 + }
     367 + if strings.HasSuffix(key, "assets_repo") {
     368 + storagesOptions["assets_repo"] = value
     369 + }
     370 + 
     371 + if strings.HasSuffix(key, "ports_storage") {
     372 + storagesOptions["ports_storage"] = value
     373 + }
     374 + if strings.HasSuffix(key, "ports_repo") {
     375 + storagesOptions["ports_repo"] = value
     376 + }
     377 + }
     378 + }
     379 + }
     380 + 
     381 + storagesOptions[storages["summary_storage"]] = storages["summary_repo"]
     382 + storagesOptions[storages["subdomain_storage"]] = storages["subdomain_repo"]
     383 + storagesOptions[storages["http_storage"]] = storages["http_repo"]
     384 + storagesOptions[storages["assets_storage"]] = storages["assets_repo"]
     385 + storagesOptions[storages["mics_storage"]] = storages["mics_repo"]
     386 + storagesOptions[storages["ports_storage"]] = storages["ports_repo"]
     387 + storagesOptions[storages["paths_storage"]] = storages["paths_repo"]
     388 + storagesOptions[storages["vuln_storage"]] = storages["vuln_repo"]
     389 + 
     390 + options.Storages = storagesOptions
     391 + if options.NoGit {
     392 + return
     393 + }
     394 + 
     395 + execution.CloneRepo(storages["summary_repo"], storages["summary_storage"], *options)
     396 + execution.CloneRepo(storages["http_repo"], storages["http_storage"], *options)
     397 + execution.CloneRepo(storages["assets_repo"], storages["assets_storage"], *options)
     398 + execution.CloneRepo(storages["subdomain_repo"], storages["subdomain_storage"], *options)
     399 + execution.CloneRepo(storages["ports_repo"], storages["ports_storage"], *options)
     400 + execution.CloneRepo(storages["mics_repo"], storages["mics_storage"], *options)
     401 + execution.CloneRepo(storages["paths_repo"], storages["paths_storage"], *options)
     402 + execution.CloneRepo(storages["vuln_repo"], storages["vuln_storage"], *options)
     403 +}
     404 + 
     405 +// GetNotification get storge repos
     406 +func GetNotification(options *libs.Options) {
     407 + v, _ := LoadConfig(*options)
     408 + noti := v.GetStringMapString("Notification")
     409 + tokens := v.GetStringMapString("Tokens")
     410 + 
     411 + options.Noti.SlackToken = tokens["slack"]
     412 + options.Noti.TelegramToken = tokens["telegram"]
     413 + options.Noti.DiscordToken = tokens["discord"]
     414 + options.Noti.ClientName = noti["client_name"]
     415 + 
     416 + options.Noti.SlackStatusChannel = noti["slack_status_channel"]
     417 + options.Noti.SlackReportChannel = noti["slack_report_channel"]
     418 + options.Noti.SlackDiffChannel = noti["slack_diff_channel"]
     419 + options.Noti.SlackWebHook = noti["slack_webhook"]
     420 + options.Noti.TelegramChannel = noti["telegram_channel"]
     421 + options.Noti.TelegramSensitiveChannel = noti["telegram_sensitive_channel"]
     422 + options.Noti.TelegramReportChannel = noti["telegram_report_channel"]
     423 + options.Noti.TelegramStatusChannel = noti["telegram_status_channel"]
     424 + options.Noti.TelegramDirbChannel = noti["telegram_dirb_channel"]
     425 + options.Noti.TelegramMicsChannel = noti["telegram_mics_channel"]
     426 +}
     427 + 
     428 +// GetServer get server options
     429 +func GetServer(options *libs.Options) {
     430 + v, _ := LoadConfig(*options)
     431 + server := v.GetStringMapString("Server")
     432 + 
     433 + options.Server.Bind = server["bind"]
     434 + options.Server.Cors = server["cors"]
     435 + options.Server.JWTSecret = server["secret"]
     436 + options.Server.StaticPrefix = server["prefix"]
     437 + options.Server.UIPath = utils.NormalizePath(server["ui"])
     438 + utils.MakeDir(path.Dir(options.Server.UIPath))
     439 + 
     440 + options.Server.MasterPassword = server["master_pass"]
     441 + options.Server.CertFile = utils.NormalizePath(server["cert_file"])
     442 + options.Server.KeyFile = utils.NormalizePath(server["key_file"])
     443 + utils.MakeDir(path.Dir(options.Server.CertFile))
     444 + 
     445 + db := v.GetStringMapString("Database")
     446 + 
     447 + options.Server.DBPath = utils.NormalizePath(db["db_path"])
     448 + options.Server.DBType = db["db_type"]
     449 + // this should be remote one
     450 + if options.Server.DBType == "mysql" {
     451 + options.Server.DBUser = db["db_user"]
     452 + options.Server.DBPass = db["db_pass"]
     453 + options.Server.DBHost = db["db_host"]
     454 + options.Server.DBPort = db["db_port"]
     455 + options.Server.DBName = db["db_name"]
     456 + 
     457 + // “user:password@/dbname?charset=utf8&parseTime=True&loc=Local”
     458 + cred := fmt.Sprintf("%v:%v", options.Server.DBUser, options.Server.DBPass)
     459 + dest := fmt.Sprintf("%v:%v", options.Server.DBHost, options.Server.DBPort)
     460 + dbURL := fmt.Sprintf("%v@tcp(%v)/%v?charset=utf8&parseTime=True&loc=Local", cred, dest, options.Server.DBName)
     461 + options.Server.DBConnection = dbURL
     462 + }
     463 +}
     464 + 
     465 +// GetRemote get server remote options
     466 +func GetRemote(options *libs.Options) {
     467 + v, _ := LoadConfig(*options)
     468 + master := v.GetStringMapString("Master")
     469 + pool := v.GetStringMapString("Pool")
     470 + 
     471 + options.Remote.MasterHost = master["host"]
     472 + options.Remote.MasterCred = master["cred"]
     473 + options.Remote.PoolHost = pool["host"]
     474 + options.Remote.PoolCred = pool["cred"]
     475 +}
     476 + 
     477 +// GetClient get options for client
     478 +func GetClient(options *libs.Options) map[string]string {
     479 + v, _ := LoadConfig(*options)
     480 + client := v.GetStringMapString("Client")
     481 + options.Client.Username = client["username"]
     482 + options.Client.Password = client["password"]
     483 + return client
     484 +}
     485 + 
     486 +// GetGit get options for client
     487 +func GetGit(options *libs.Options) {
     488 + v, _ := LoadConfig(*options)
     489 + git := v.GetStringMapString("Git")
     490 + options.Git.BaseURL = git["base_url"]
     491 + options.Git.DeStorage = git["destorage"]
     492 + options.Git.Token = git["api"]
     493 + options.Git.Username = git["username"]
     494 + options.Git.Password = git["password"]
     495 + options.Git.Group = git["group"]
     496 + options.Git.DefaultPrefix = git["prefix_name"]
     497 + options.Git.DefaultTag = git["default_tag"]
     498 + options.Git.DefaultUser = git["default_user"]
     499 + options.Git.DefaultUID = utils.StrToInt(git["default_uid"])
     500 +}
     501 + 
     502 +// GetSync get options for client
     503 +func GetSync(options *libs.Options) {
     504 + v, _ := LoadConfig(*options)
     505 + fb := v.GetStringMapString("Sync")
     506 + options.Sync.BaseURL = fb["firebase_url"]
     507 + options.Sync.Prefix = fb["firebase_prefix"]
     508 + options.Sync.Pool = fb["firebase_pool"]
     509 +}
     510 + 
     511 +// GetCdn get options for client
     512 +func GetCdn(options *libs.Options) {
     513 + v, _ := LoadConfig(*options)
     514 + cdn := v.GetStringMapString("Cdn")
     515 + options.Cdn.URL = cdn["osm_cdn_url"]
     516 + options.Cdn.WSURL = cdn["osm_cdn_wsurl"]
     517 + options.Cdn.Prefix = cdn["osm_cdn_prefix"]
     518 + options.Cdn.Index = cdn["osm_cdn_index"]
     519 + 
     520 + // in case we have prefix
     521 + if options.Cdn.Prefix != "OSM_CDN_PREFIX" {
     522 + u, err := url.Parse(options.Cdn.URL)
     523 + if err == nil {
     524 + u.Path = path.Join(u.Path, options.Cdn.Prefix)
     525 + options.Cdn.URL = u.String()
     526 + }
     527 + 
     528 + u, err = url.Parse(options.Cdn.WSURL)
     529 + if err == nil {
     530 + u.Path = path.Join(u.Path, options.Cdn.Prefix)
     531 + options.Cdn.WSURL = u.String()
     532 + }
     533 + }
     534 + 
     535 + options.Cdn.Auth = cdn["osm_cdn_auth"]
     536 +}
     537 + 
     538 +// ReloadConfig get credentials
     539 +func ReloadConfig(options libs.Options) {
     540 + utils.InforF("Reload Env for config file: %v", options.ConfigFile)
     541 + v, _ := LoadConfig(options)
     542 + 
     543 + // options.ConfigFile, _ = homedir.Expand(options.ConfigFile)
     544 + RootFolder := filepath.Dir(utils.NormalizePath(options.ConfigFile))
     545 + if !utils.FolderExists(RootFolder) {
     546 + os.MkdirAll(RootFolder, 0750)
     547 + }
     548 + // Base folder
     549 + BaseFolder := utils.NormalizePath(options.Env.BaseFolder)
     550 + if !utils.FolderExists(BaseFolder) {
     551 + os.MkdirAll(BaseFolder, 0750)
     552 + }
     553 + 
     554 + v.Set("Environments", map[string]string{
     555 + // RootFolder --> ~/.osmedeus/
     556 + "storages": path.Join(RootFolder, "storages"),
     557 + "workspaces": path.Join(RootFolder, "workspaces"),
     558 + "backups": path.Join(RootFolder, "backups"),
     559 + "cloud_data": path.Join(RootFolder, "clouds"),
     560 + "provider_config": path.Join(RootFolder, "provider"),
     561 + 
     562 + // this update casually
     563 + // BaseFolder --> ~/osmedeus-base/
     564 + "workflows": path.Join(BaseFolder, "workflow"),
     565 + "binaries": path.Join(BaseFolder, "binaries"),
     566 + "data": path.Join(BaseFolder, "data"),
     567 + "cloud_config": path.Join(BaseFolder, "cloud"),
     568 + })
     569 + 
     570 + //
     571 + //v.Set("Environments", map[string]string{
     572 + // //"workflows": path.Join(RootFolder, "core/workflow"),
     573 + // "workflows": path.Join(BaseFolder, "core/workflow"),
     574 + // "binaries": path.Join(BaseFolder, "binaries"),
     575 + // "storages": path.Join(RootFolder, "storages"),
     576 + // "workspaces": path.Join(RootFolder, "workspaces"),
     577 + // "plugins": path.Join(BaseFolder, "plugins"),
     578 + // "data": path.Join(BaseFolder, "data"),
     579 + // "cloud_data": path.Join(RootFolder, "clouds"),
     580 + // "provider_config": path.Join(RootFolder, "provider"),
     581 + // "cloud_config": path.Join(BaseFolder, "cloud"),
     582 + // //
     583 + // "backups": path.Join(RootFolder, "backups"),
     584 + //})
     585 + 
     586 + v.Set("Cloud", map[string]string{
     587 + "cloud_secret_key": utils.GetOSEnv("CLOUD_SECRET_KEY", "CLOUD_SECRET_KEY"),
     588 + "cloud_public_key": utils.GetOSEnv("CLOUD_PUBLIC_KEY", "CLOUD_PUBLIC_KEY"),
     589 + "build_repo": utils.GetOSEnv("CLOUD_BUILD_REPO", "CLOUD_BUILD_REPO"),
     590 + })
     591 + 
     592 + // things should be reload by env
     593 + v.Set("Storages", map[string]string{
     594 + // path of secret key for push result
     595 + // the repo format should be like this "[email protected]:j3ssie/example.git",
     596 + "secret_key": utils.GetOSEnv("SECRET_KEY", "SECRET_KEY"),
     597 + "summary_storage": path.Join(options.Env.RootFolder, "storages/summary"),
     598 + "summary_repo": utils.GetOSEnv("SUMMARY_REPO", "SUMMARY_REPO"),
     599 + "subdomain_storage": path.Join(options.Env.RootFolder, "storages/subdomain"),
     600 + "subdomain_repo": utils.GetOSEnv("SUBDOMAIN_REPO", "SUBDOMAIN_REPO"),
     601 + "assets_storage": path.Join(options.Env.RootFolder, "storages/assets"),
     602 + "assets_repo": utils.GetOSEnv("ASSETS_REPO", "ASSETS_REPO"),
     603 + "ports_storage": path.Join(options.Env.RootFolder, "storages/ports"),
     604 + "ports_repo": utils.GetOSEnv("PORTS_REPO", "PORTS_REPO"),
     605 + "http_storage": path.Join(options.Env.RootFolder, "storages/http"),
     606 + "http_repo": utils.GetOSEnv("HTTP_REPO", "HTTP_REPO"),
     607 + "vuln_storage": path.Join(options.Env.RootFolder, "storages/vuln"),
     608 + "vuln_repo": utils.GetOSEnv("VULN_REPO", "VULN_REPO"),
     609 + "paths_storage": path.Join(options.Env.RootFolder, "storages/paths"),
     610 + "paths_repo": utils.GetOSEnv("PATHS_REPO", "PATHS_REPO"),
     611 + "mics_storage": path.Join(options.Env.RootFolder, "storages/mics"),
     612 + "mics_repo": utils.GetOSEnv("MICS_REPO", "MICS_REPO"),
     613 + })
     614 + 
     615 + v.Set("Tokens", map[string]string{
     616 + "slack": utils.GetOSEnv("SLACK_API_TOKEN", "SLACK_API_TOKEN"),
     617 + "gitlab": utils.GetOSEnv("GITLAB_API_TOKEN", "GITLAB_API_TOKEN"),
     618 + "github": utils.GetOSEnv("GITHUB_API_KEY", "GITHUB_API_KEY"),
     619 + "discord": utils.GetOSEnv("DISCORD_API_TOKEN", "DISCORD_API_TOKEN"),
     620 + "telegram": utils.GetOSEnv("TELEGRAM_API_TOKEN", "TELEGRAM_API_TOKEN"),
     621 + })
     622 + 
     623 + v.Set("Git", map[string]string{
     624 + "base_url": utils.GetOSEnv("GITLAB_BASE_URL", ""),
     625 + "api": utils.GetOSEnv("GITLAB_API_TOKEN", "GITLAB_API_TOKEN"),
     626 + "username": utils.GetOSEnv("GITLAB_USER", "GITLAB_USER"),
     627 + "password": utils.GetOSEnv("GITLAB_PASS", "GITLAB_PASS"),
     628 + "group": utils.GetOSEnv("GITLAB_GROUP", "GITLAB_GROUP"),
     629 + "prefix_name": utils.GetOSEnv("GITLAB_PREFIX_NAME", "deosm"),
     630 + "default_tag": utils.GetOSEnv("GITLAB_DEFAULT_TAG", "osmd"),
     631 + "default_user": utils.GetOSEnv("GITLAB_DEFAULT_USER", "j3ssie"),
     632 + "default_uid": utils.GetOSEnv("GITLAB_DEFAULT_UID", "3537075"),
     633 + "destorage": path.Join(options.Env.RootFolder, "destorage"),
     634 + })
     635 + 
     636 + v.Set("Notification", map[string]string{
     637 + "client_name": utils.GetOSEnv("CLIENT_NAME", "CLIENT_NAME"),
     638 + "slack_status_channel": utils.GetOSEnv("SLACK_STATUS_CHANNEL", "SLACK_STATUS_CHANNEL"),
     639 + "slack_report_channel": utils.GetOSEnv("SLACK_REPORT_CHANNEL", "SLACK_REPORT_CHANNEL"),
     640 + "slack_diff_channel": utils.GetOSEnv("SLACK_DIFF_CHANNEL", "SLACK_DIFF_CHANNEL"),
     641 + "slack_webhook": utils.GetOSEnv("SLACK_WEBHOOK", "SLACK_WEBHOOK"),
     642 + "discord_channel": utils.GetOSEnv("DISCORD_CHANNEL", "DISCORD_CHANNEL"),
     643 + "telegram_channel": utils.GetOSEnv("TELEGRAM_CHANNEL", "TELEGRAM_CHANNEL"),
     644 + "telegram_status_channel": utils.GetOSEnv("TELEGRAM_STATUS_CHANNEL", "TELEGRAM_STATUS_CHANNEL"),
     645 + "telegram_report_channel": utils.GetOSEnv("TELEGRAM_REPORT_CHANNEL", "TELEGRAM_REPORT_CHANNEL"),
     646 + "telegram_sensitive_channel": utils.GetOSEnv("TELEGRAM_SENSITIVE_CHANNEL", "TELEGRAM_SENSITIVE_CHANNEL"),
     647 + "telegram_dirb_channel": utils.GetOSEnv("TELEGRAM_DIRB_CHANNEL", "TELEGRAM_DIRB_CHANNEL"),
     648 + "telegram_mics_channel": utils.GetOSEnv("TELEGRAM_MICS_CHANNEL", "TELEGRAM_MICS_CHANNEL"),
     649 + })
     650 + 
     651 + v.Set("Cdn", map[string]string{
     652 + "osm_cdn_url": utils.GetOSEnv("OSM_CDN_URL", "OSM_CDN_URL"),
     653 + "osm_cdn_wsurl": utils.GetOSEnv("OSM_CDN_WSURL", "OSM_CDN_WSURL"),
     654 + "osm_cdn_auth": utils.GetOSEnv("OSM_CDN_AUTH", "OSM_CDN_AUTH"),
     655 + "osm_cdn_prefix": utils.GetOSEnv("OSM_CDN_PREFIX", "OSM_CDN_PREFIX"),
     656 + "osm_cdn_index": utils.GetOSEnv("OSM_CDN_INDEX", "OSM_CDN_INDEX"),
     657 + "osm_cdn_secret": utils.GetOSEnv("OSM_CDN_SECRET", "OSM_CDN_SECRET"),
     658 + })
     659 + 
     660 + v.Set("Update", map[string]string{
     661 + "update_url": utils.GetOSEnv("UPDATE_BASE_URL", "UPDATE_BASE_URL"),
     662 + "update_date": utils.GetOSEnv("UPDATE_DATE", "UPDATE_DATE"),
     663 + "update_meta": utils.GetOSEnv("META_URL", "META_URL"),
     664 + "workflow": utils.GetOSEnv("UPDATE_URL", "UPDATE_URL"),
     665 + })
     666 + 
     667 + //
     668 + //v.Set("Sync", map[string]string{
     669 + // "firebase_url": utils.GetOSEnv("FIREBASE_URL", "FIREBASE_URL"),
     670 + // "firebase_prefix": utils.GetOSEnv("FIREBASE_PREFIX", "FIREBASE_PREFIX"),
     671 + // "firebase_pool": utils.GetOSEnv("FIREBASE_POOL", "FIREBASE_POOL"),
     672 + //})
     673 + //
     674 + //v.Set("Master", map[string]string{
     675 + // "host": utils.GetOSEnv("MASTER_HOST", "MASTER_HOST"),
     676 + // "cred": utils.GetOSEnv("MASTER_CRED", "MASTER_CRED"),
     677 + //})
     678 + //v.Set("Pool", map[string]string{
     679 + // "host": utils.GetOSEnv("POOL_HOST", "POOL_HOST"),
     680 + // "cred": utils.GetOSEnv("POOL_CRED", "POOL_CRED"),
     681 + //})
     682 + 
     683 + v.WriteConfig()
     684 +}
     685 + 
  • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
     1 +package core
     2 + 
     3 +import (
     4 + ""
     5 + ""
     6 + ""
     7 + ""
     8 +)
     9 + 
     10 +func taskWithParams(cmd string) {
     11 + utils.InforF("Exec: %v", color.HiMagentaString(cmd))
     12 + utils.RunOSCommand(cmd)
     13 +}
     14 + 
     15 +func RunCron(cmd string, schedule int) {
     16 + 
     17 + if schedule == -1 {
     18 + utils.InforF("Run command forever: %v", cmd)
     19 + for {
     20 + taskWithParams(cmd)
     21 + }
     22 + }
     23 + 
     24 + utils.InforF("Start cron job with %v seconds: %v", schedule, color.HiCyanString(cmd))
     25 + gocron.Every(cast.ToUint64(schedule)).Minutes().Do(taskWithParams, cmd)
     26 + <-gocron.Start()
     27 +}
     28 + 
  • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
     1 +package core
     2 + 
     3 +import (
     4 + ""
     5 + ""
     6 + ""
     7 + jsoniter ""
     8 + ""
     9 + ""
     10 + "os"
     11 + "path"
     12 + "strings"
     13 +)
     14 + 
     15 +func (r *Runner) LoadDBScripts() string {
     16 + var output string
     17 + 
     18 + r.VM.Set("TotalSubdomain", func(call otto.FunctionCall) otto.Value {
     19 + length := utils.FileLength(call.Argument(0).String())
     20 + r.TargetObj.TotalAssets = length
     21 + return otto.Value{}
     22 + })
     23 + 
     24 + r.VM.Set("TotalDns", func(call otto.FunctionCall) otto.Value {
     25 + length := utils.FileLength(call.Argument(0).String())
     26 + r.TargetObj.TotalDns = length
     27 + return otto.Value{}
     28 + })
     29 + 
     30 + r.VM.Set("TotalScreenShot", func(call otto.FunctionCall) otto.Value {
     31 + length := utils.FileLength(call.Argument(0).String())
     32 + r.TargetObj.TotalScreenShot = length
     33 + return otto.Value{}
     34 + })
     35 + 
     36 + r.VM.Set("TotalTech", func(call otto.FunctionCall) otto.Value {
     37 + length := utils.FileLength(call.Argument(0).String())
     38 + r.TargetObj.TotalTech = length
     39 + return otto.Value{}
     40 + })
     41 + 
     42 + r.VM.Set("TotalVulnerability", func(call otto.FunctionCall) otto.Value {
     43 + data := utils.ReadingFileUnique(call.Argument(0).String())
     44 + var length int
     45 + for _, line := range data {
     46 + if !strings.Contains(line, "-info") {
     47 + length += 1
     48 + }
     49 + }
     50 + r.TargetObj.TotalVulnerability = length
     51 + return otto.Value{}
     52 + })
     53 + 
     54 + r.VM.Set("TotalArchive", func(call otto.FunctionCall) otto.Value {
     55 + length := utils.FileLength(call.Argument(0).String())
     56 + r.TargetObj.TotalArchive = length
     57 + return otto.Value{}
     58 + })
     59 + 
     60 + r.VM.Set("TotalLink", func(call otto.FunctionCall) otto.Value {
     61 + length := utils.FileLength(call.Argument(0).String())
     62 + r.TargetObj.TotalLink = length
     63 + return otto.Value{}
     64 + })
     65 + 
     66 + r.VM.Set("TotalDirb", func(call otto.FunctionCall) otto.Value {
     67 + length := utils.FileLength(call.Argument(0).String())
     68 + r.TargetObj.TotalDirb = length
     69 + return otto.Value{}
     70 + })
     71 + 
     72 + // CreateReport('report', 'subdomain')
     73 + r.VM.Set("CreateReport", func(call otto.FunctionCall) otto.Value {
     74 + args := call.ArgumentList
     75 + report := args[0].String()
     76 + if utils.FileExists(report) {
     77 + return otto.Value{}
     78 + }
     79 + moduleName := "inline"
     80 + if len(args) > 1 {
     81 + moduleName = args[1].String()
     82 + }
     83 + 
     84 + reportObj := database.Report{
     85 + ReportName: path.Base(report),
     86 + Module: moduleName,
     87 + ReportPath: report,
     88 + ReportType: "",
     89 + TargetRefer: r.TargetObj.ID,
     90 + }
     91 + database.NewReport(&reportObj)
     92 + return otto.Value{}
     93 + })
     94 + 
     95 + return output
     96 +}
     97 + 
     98 +func (r *Runner) DBNewTarget() {
     99 + if r.Opt.NoDB {
     100 + return
     101 + }
     102 + 
     103 + //// this is just sample org
     104 + //org := database.Org{
     105 + // Name: "Sample Org",
     106 + // Desc: "Sample Desc",
     107 + // //Targets: nil,
     108 + //}
     109 + //database.NewOrg(&org)
     110 + 
     111 + r.TargetObj = database.Target{
     112 + InputName: r.Input,
     113 + Workspace: r.Workspace,
     114 + InputType: r.InputType,
     115 + //OrgRefer: org.ID,
     116 + }
     117 + database.DBUpdateTarget(&r.TargetObj)
     118 +}
     119 + 
     120 +func (r *Runner) DBNewScan() {
     121 + if r.Opt.NoDB {
     122 + return
     123 + }
     124 + 
     125 + r.ScanObj = database.Scan{
     126 + TaskType: r.RoutineType,
     127 + TaskName: path.Base(r.RoutineName),
     128 + 
     129 + // this should be user id as uuid
     130 + //UID: r.RunnerSource,
     131 + 
     132 + TotalSteps: r.TotalSteps,
     133 + InputName: r.Input,
     134 + InputType: r.InputType,
     135 + 
     136 + LogFile: r.Opt.LogFile,
     137 + Target: r.TargetObj,
     138 + ProcessID: os.Getpid(),
     139 + IsRunning: true,
     140 + IsDone: false,
     141 + IsPrepared: true,
     142 + }
     143 + 
     144 + if r.Opt.ScanID != "" {
     145 + utils.InforF("Continue scanning on scan id: %v", r.Opt.ScanID)
     146 + r.ScanObj.ID = cast.ToUint(r.Opt.ScanID)
     147 + }
     148 + 
     149 + if r.RunnerType == "cloud" {
     150 + r.ScanObj.IsCloud = true
     151 + }
     152 + 
     153 + database.DBNewScan(&r.ScanObj)
     154 +}
     155 + 
     156 +func (r *Runner) DBUpdateScan() {
     157 + r.ScanObj.DoneStep = r.DoneStep
     158 + r.ScanObj.CurrentModule = r.CurrentModule
     159 + r.ScanObj.RunningTime = r.RunningTime
     160 + r.ScanObj.ProcessID = os.Getpid()
     161 + 
     162 + if r.ScanObj.DoneStep == r.ScanObj.TotalSteps {
     163 + r.ScanObj.IsDone = true
     164 + r.ScanObj.IsRunning = false
     165 + } else {
     166 + r.ScanObj.IsRunning = true
     167 + r.ScanObj.IsDone = false
     168 + }
     169 + 
     170 + utils.DebugF("[DB] Done module %v with %v/%v steps ", r.CurrentModule, r.DoneStep, r.TotalSteps)
     171 + database.DBUpdateScan(&r.ScanObj)
     172 + 
     173 + r.ScanObj.Target = r.TargetObj
     174 + runtimeData, err := jsoniter.MarshalToString(r.ScanObj)
     175 + if err == nil {
     176 + utils.WriteToFile(r.RuntimeFile, runtimeData)
     177 + }
     178 +}
     179 + 
     180 +func (r *Runner) DBDoneScan() {
     181 + r.ScanObj.CurrentModule = "done"
     182 + r.ScanObj.RunningTime = r.RunningTime
     183 + 
     184 + r.ScanObj.DoneStep = r.TotalSteps
     185 + r.ScanObj.IsDone = true
     186 + r.ScanObj.IsRunning = false
     187 + 
     188 + utils.DebugF("[DB] Done the scan: %v -- %v", r.ScanObj.InputName, r.ScanObj.TaskName)
     189 + database.DBUpdateScan(&r.ScanObj)
     190 +}
     191 + 
     192 +func (r *Runner) DBUpdateTarget() {
     193 + database.DBUpdateTarget(&r.TargetObj)
     194 +}
     195 + 
     196 +func (r *Runner) DBNewReports(module libs.Module) {
     197 + if r.Opt.NoDB {
     198 + return
     199 + }
     200 + 
     201 + r.ScanObj.CurrentModule = r.CurrentModule
     202 + r.ScanObj.RunningTime = r.RunningTime
     203 + database.DBUpdateScan(&r.ScanObj)
     204 + 
     205 + var reports []string
     206 + reports = append(reports, module.Report.Final...)
     207 + reports = append(reports, module.Report.Noti...)
     208 + reports = append(reports, module.Report.Diff...)
     209 + 
     210 + utils.DebugF("Updating reports")
     211 + for _, report := range reports {
     212 + reportObj := database.Report{
     213 + ReportName: path.Base(report),
     214 + ModulePath: module.ModulePath,
     215 + Module: module.Name,
     216 + ReportPath: report,
     217 + ReportType: "",
     218 + TargetRefer: r.TargetObj.ID,
     219 + }
     220 + 
     221 + database.NewReport(&reportObj)
     222 + r.TargetObj.Reports = append(r.TargetObj.Reports, reportObj)
     223 + }
     224 +}
     225 + 
  • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
     1 +package core
     2 + 
     3 +import (
     4 + "fmt"
     5 + ""
     6 + ""
     7 + ""
     8 + "path"
     9 + "time"
     10 +)
     11 + 
     12 +func (r *Runner) LoadExternalScripts() string {
     13 + var output string
     14 + vm := r.VM
     15 + 
     16 + // special scripts
     17 + vm.Set(Cleaning, func(call otto.FunctionCall) otto.Value {
     18 + execution.Cleaning(call.Argument(0).String(), r.Opt)
     19 + return otto.Value{}
     20 + })
     21 + 
     22 + // scripts for cleaning modules
     23 + vm.Set(CleanAmass, func(call otto.FunctionCall) otto.Value {
     24 + src := call.Argument(0).String()
     25 + dest := call.Argument(1).String()
     26 + execution.CleanAmass(src, dest)
     27 + return otto.Value{}
     28 + })
     29 + 
     30 + vm.Set(CleanRustScan, func(call otto.FunctionCall) otto.Value {
     31 + src := call.Argument(0).String()
     32 + dest := call.Argument(1).String()
     33 + execution.CleanRustScan(src, dest)
     34 + return otto.Value{}
     35 + })
     36 + 
     37 + vm.Set(CleanGoBuster, func(call otto.FunctionCall) otto.Value {
     38 + src := call.Argument(0).String()
     39 + dest := call.Argument(1).String()
     40 + execution.CleanGoBuster(src, dest)
     41 + return otto.Value{}
     42 + })
     43 + vm.Set(CleanMassdns, func(call otto.FunctionCall) otto.Value {
     44 + src := call.Argument(0).String()
     45 + dest := call.Argument(1).String()
     46 + execution.CleanMassdns(src, dest)
     47 + return otto.Value{}
     48 + })
     49 + 
     50 + vm.Set(CleanSWebanalyze, func(call otto.FunctionCall) otto.Value {
     51 + src := call.Argument(0).String()
     52 + dest := call.Argument(1).String()
     53 + execution.CleanSWebanalyze(src, dest)
     54 + return otto.Value{}
     55 + })
     56 + vm.Set(CleanJSONDnsx, func(call otto.FunctionCall) otto.Value {
     57 + src := call.Argument(0).String()
     58 + dest := call.Argument(1).String()
     59 + execution.CleanJSONDnsx(src, dest)
     60 + return otto.Value{}
     61 + })
     62 + 
     63 + vm.Set(CleanJSONHttpx, func(call otto.FunctionCall) otto.Value {
     64 + src := call.Argument(0).String()
     65 + dest := call.Argument(1).String()
     66 + execution.CleanJSONHttpx(src, dest)
     67 + return otto.Value{}
     68 + })
     69 + 
     70 + // Deprecated
     71 + vm.Set(CleanWebanalyze, func(call otto.FunctionCall) otto.Value {
     72 + src := call.Argument(0).String()
     73 + dest := call.Argument(1).String()
     74 + args := call.ArgumentList
     75 + 
     76 + techSum := path.Join(path.Dir(dest), fmt.Sprintf("tech-overview-%v.txt", r.Target["Workspace"]))
     77 + if len(args) > 3 {
     78 + techSum = args[2].String()
     79 + }
     80 + execution.CleanWebanalyze(src, dest, techSum)
     81 + return otto.Value{}
     82 + })
     83 + 
     84 + vm.Set(CleanArjun, func(call otto.FunctionCall) otto.Value {
     85 + // src mean folder contain arjun output
     86 + src := call.Argument(0).String()
     87 + dest := call.Argument(1).String()
     88 + execution.CleanArjun(src, dest)
     89 + return otto.Value{}
     90 + })
     91 + 
     92 + vm.Set(GenNucleiReport, func(call otto.FunctionCall) otto.Value {
     93 + src := call.Argument(0).String()
     94 + dest := call.Argument(1).String()
     95 + args := call.ArgumentList
     96 + 
     97 + templateFile := ""
     98 + if len(args) >= 3 {
     99 + templateFile = args[2].String()
     100 + }
     101 + execution.GenNucleiReport(r.Opt, src, dest, templateFile)
     102 + return otto.Value{}
     103 + })
     104 + 
     105 + return output
     106 +}
     107 + 
     108 +func (r *Runner) LoadGitScripts() string {
     109 + var output string
     110 + vm := r.VM
     111 + options := r.Opt
     112 + 
     113 + // Clone("[email protected]", "/tmp/dest")
     114 + vm.Set(Clone, func(call otto.FunctionCall) otto.Value {
     115 + execution.GitClone(call.Argument(0).String(), call.Argument(1).String(), false, options)
     116 + return otto.Value{}
     117 + })
     118 + // like clone but delete the destination folder first
     119 + vm.Set(FClone, func(call otto.FunctionCall) otto.Value {
     120 + execution.GitClone(call.Argument(0).String(), call.Argument(1).String(), true, options)
     121 + return otto.Value{}
     122 + })
     123 + 
     124 + vm.Set(PushResult, func(call otto.FunctionCall) otto.Value {
     125 + for folder := range options.Storages {
     126 + execution.PullResult(folder, options)
     127 + time.Sleep(3 * time.Second)
     128 + execution.PullResult(folder, options)
     129 + commitMess := fmt.Sprintf("%v|%v|%v", options.Module.Name, options.Scan.ROptions["Workspace"], utils.GetCurrentDay())
     130 + execution.PushResult(folder, commitMess, options)
     131 + }
     132 + return otto.Value{}
     133 + })
     134 + // push result but specific folder
     135 + vm.Set(PushFolder, func(call otto.FunctionCall) otto.Value {
     136 + folder := call.Argument(0).String()
     137 + execution.PullResult(folder, options)
     138 + time.Sleep(3 * time.Second)
     139 + execution.PullResult(folder, options)
     140 + commitMess := fmt.Sprintf("%v|%v|%v", options.Module.Name, options.Scan.ROptions["Workspace"], utils.GetCurrentDay())
     141 + execution.PushResult(folder, commitMess, options)
     142 + return otto.Value{}
     143 + })
     144 + 
     145 + // push result but specific folder
     146 + vm.Set(PullFolder, func(call otto.FunctionCall) otto.Value {
     147 + folder := call.Argument(0).String()
     148 + execution.PullResult(folder, options)
     149 + time.Sleep(3 * time.Second)
     150 + execution.PullResult(folder, options)
     151 + return otto.Value{}
     152 + })
     153 + 
     154 + vm.Set(DiffCompare, func(call otto.FunctionCall) otto.Value {
     155 + src := call.Argument(0).String()
     156 + dest := call.Argument(1).String()
     157 + output := call.Argument(2).String()
     158 + execution.DiffCompare(src, dest, output, options)
     159 + return otto.Value{}
     160 + })
     161 + 
     162 + vm.Set(GitDiff, func(call otto.FunctionCall) otto.Value {
     163 + args := call.ArgumentList
     164 + src := args[0].String()
     165 + output := call.Argument(1).String()
     166 + history := "1"
     167 + if len(args) < 2 {
     168 + history = call.Argument(2).String()
     169 + }
     170 + execution.GitDiff(src, output, history, options)
     171 + return otto.Value{}
     172 + })
     173 + vm.Set(LoopGitDiff, func(call otto.FunctionCall) otto.Value {
     174 + args := call.ArgumentList
     175 + src := args[0].String()
     176 + output := call.Argument(1).String()
     177 + execution.LoopGitDiff(src, output, options)
     178 + return otto.Value{}
     179 + })
     180 + 
     181 + vm.Set(GetFileFromCDN, func(call otto.FunctionCall) otto.Value {
     182 + args := call.ArgumentList
     183 + src := args[0].String()
     184 + output := args[1].String()
     185 + execution.GetFileFromCDN(options, src, output)
     186 + return otto.Value{}
     187 + })
     188 + 
     189 + vm.Set(GetWSFromCDN, func(call otto.FunctionCall) otto.Value {
     190 + args := call.ArgumentList
     191 + src := args[0].String()
     192 + output := args[1].String()
     193 + execution.GetWSFromCDN(options, src, output)
     194 + return otto.Value{}
     195 + })
     196 + 
     197 + vm.Set(DownloadFile, func(call otto.FunctionCall) otto.Value {
     198 + args := call.ArgumentList
     199 + src := args[0].String()
     200 + output := args[1].String()
     201 + execution.DownloadFile(options, src, output)
     202 + return otto.Value{}
     203 + })
     204 + /* --- Gitlab API --- */
     205 + 
     206 + // CreateRepo("repo-name")
     207 + // CreateRepo("repo-name", "tags")
     208 + vm.Set(CreateRepo, func(call otto.FunctionCall) otto.Value {
     209 + args := call.ArgumentList
     210 + repoName := args[0].String()
     211 + tags := ""
     212 + if len(args) > 1 {
     213 + tags = args[1].String()
     214 + }
     215 + execution.CreateGitlabRepo(repoName, tags, options)
     216 + return otto.Value{}
     217 + })
     218 + 
     219 + vm.Set(DeleteRepo, func(call otto.FunctionCall) otto.Value {
     220 + args := call.ArgumentList
     221 + repoName := args[0].String()
     222 + execution.DeleteRepo(repoName, 0, options)
     223 + return otto.Value{}
     224 + })
     225 + vm.Set(DeleteRepoByPid, func(call otto.FunctionCall) otto.Value {
     226 + args := call.ArgumentList
     227 + pid, err := args[0].ToInteger()
     228 + if err != nil {
     229 + return otto.Value{}
     230 + }
     231 + execution.DeleteRepo("", int(pid), options)
     232 + return otto.Value{}
     233 + })
     234 + vm.Set(ListProjects, func(call otto.FunctionCall) otto.Value {
     235 + args := call.ArgumentList
     236 + if len(args) > 0 {
     237 + uid, err := args[0].ToInteger()
     238 + if err == nil {
     239 + execution.ListProjects(int(uid), options)
     240 + }
     241 + return otto.Value{}
     242 + }
     243 + execution.ListProjects(0, options)
     244 + return otto.Value{}
     245 + })
     246 + 
     247 + return output
     248 +}
     249 + 
  • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
     1 +package core
     2 + 
     3 +import (
     4 + "fmt"
     5 + ""
     6 + ""
     7 + "path"
     8 + "path/filepath"
     9 + "strings"
     10 + 
     11 + ""
     12 +)
     13 + 
     14 +// ListFlow list all available mode
     15 +func ListFlow(options libs.Options) (result []string) {
     16 + modePath := path.Join(options.Env.WorkFlowsFolder, "/*.yaml")
     17 + result, err := filepath.Glob(modePath)
     18 + if err != nil {
     19 + return result
     20 + }
     21 + return result
     22 +}
     23 + 
     24 +// SelectFlow select flow to run
     25 +func SelectFlow(flowName string, options libs.Options) []string {
     26 + flows := ListFlow(options)
     27 + var selectedFlow []string
     28 + 
     29 + // absolute path like -f customflows/general.yaml
     30 + if strings.HasSuffix(flowName, ".yaml") {
     31 + if utils.FileExists(flowName) {
     32 + selectedFlow = append(selectedFlow, flowName)
     33 + return selectedFlow
     34 + }
     35 + }
     36 + 
     37 + // -f test
     38 + if !strings.Contains(flowName, ",") {
     39 + selectedFlow = append(selectedFlow, singleMode(flowName, flows)...)
     40 + }
     41 + 
     42 + // -f test1,test2
     43 + flowNames := strings.Split(flowName, ",")
     44 + for _, item := range flowNames {
     45 + selectedFlow = append(selectedFlow, singleMode(item, flows)...)
     46 + }
     47 + 
     48 + // default custom flow folder
     49 + if !utils.FileExists(flowName) {
     50 + flowName = path.Join(options.Env.WorkFlowsFolder, "default-flows", flowName)
     51 + if utils.FileExists(flowName) {
     52 + selectedFlow = append(selectedFlow, flowName)
     53 + } else if utils.FileExists(flowName + ".yaml") {
     54 + flowName = flowName + ".yaml"
     55 + selectedFlow = append(selectedFlow, flowName)
     56 + }
     57 + }
     58 + 
     59 + selectedFlow = funk.UniqString(selectedFlow)
     60 + return selectedFlow
     61 +}
     62 + 
     63 +func singleMode(modeName string, modes []string) (selectedMode []string) {
     64 + for _, mode := range modes {
     65 + basemodeName := strings.TrimRight(strings.TrimRight(filepath.Base(mode), "yaml"), ".")
     66 + // select workflow file in workflow directory
     67 + if strings.ToLower(basemodeName) == strings.ToLower(modeName) {
     68 + selectedMode = append(selectedMode, mode)
     69 + }
     70 + }
     71 + return selectedMode
     72 +}
     73 + 
     74 +// ListModules list all available module
     75 +func ListModules(options libs.Options) (modules []string) {
     76 + modePath := path.Join(options.Env.WorkFlowsFolder, "general/*.yaml")
     77 + if options.Flow.Type != "" {
     78 + modePath = path.Join(options.Env.WorkFlowsFolder, fmt.Sprintf("%v/*.yaml", options.Flow.Type))
     79 + }
     80 + if strings.HasSuffix(options.Scan.Flow, ".yaml") {
     81 + if options.Flow.Type == "" {
     82 + options.Flow.Type = "general"
     83 + }
     84 + modePath = path.Join(path.Dir(options.Scan.Flow), options.Flow.Type) + "/*.yaml"
     85 + }
     86 + modules, err := filepath.Glob(modePath)
     87 + if err != nil {
     88 + return modules
     89 + }
     90 + return modules
     91 +}
     92 + 
     93 +// SelectModules return list of modules name
     94 +func SelectModules(moduleNames []string, options libs.Options) []string {
     95 + if strings.Contains(options.Flow.Type, "{{.") {
     96 + options.Flow.Type = ResolveData(options.Flow.Type, options.Scan.ROptions)
     97 + }
     98 + modules := ListModules(options)
     99 + var selectedModules []string
     100 + for _, item := range moduleNames {
     101 + selectedModules = append(selectedModules, singleSelectModule(item, modules)...)
     102 + }
     103 + selectedModules = funk.UniqString(selectedModules)
     104 + 
     105 + utils.DebugF("Select module name %v: %v", moduleNames, selectedModules)
     106 + return selectedModules
     107 +}
     108 + 
     109 +func singleSelectModule(moduleName string, modules []string) (selectedModules []string) {
     110 + for _, module := range modules {
     111 + baseModuleName := strings.Trim(strings.TrimRight(filepath.Base(module), "yaml"), ".")
     112 + if strings.ToLower(baseModuleName) == strings.ToLower(moduleName) {
     113 + selectedModules = append(selectedModules, module)
     114 + }
     115 + }
     116 + return selectedModules
     117 +}
     118 + 
     119 +// DirectSelectModule select module from ~/.osmedeus/core/workflow/plugins/
     120 +func DirectSelectModule(options libs.Options, moduleName string) string {
     121 + // got absolutely path
     122 + if utils.FileExists(moduleName) {
     123 + return moduleName
     124 + }
     125 + 
     126 + // select in cloud folder first if we're running the cloud scan
     127 + // ~/.osmedeus/core/workflow/cloud-modules/
     128 + basePlugin := path.Join(options.Env.WorkFlowsFolder, "cloud-modules")
     129 + modulePath := path.Join(basePlugin, moduleName)
     130 + if utils.FileExists(modulePath) {
     131 + utils.DebugF("Load module path: %v", modulePath)
     132 + return modulePath
     133 + }
     134 + 
     135 + modulePath = path.Join(basePlugin, moduleName+".yaml")
     136 + if utils.FileExists(modulePath) {
     137 + utils.DebugF("Load module path: %v", modulePath)
     138 + return modulePath
     139 + }
     140 + 
     141 + // ~/.osmedeus/core/workflow/default-modules/
     142 + basePlugin = path.Join(options.Env.WorkFlowsFolder, "default-modules")
     143 + modulePath = path.Join(basePlugin, moduleName)
     144 + utils.DebugF("Load module path: %v", modulePath)
     145 + if utils.FileExists(modulePath) {
     146 + return modulePath
     147 + }
     148 + 
     149 + modulePath = path.Join(basePlugin, moduleName+".yaml")
     150 + utils.DebugF("Load module path: %v", modulePath)
     151 + if utils.FileExists(modulePath) {
     152 + return modulePath
     153 + }
     154 + utils.DebugF("No plugin found with: %v", moduleName)
     155 + return ""
     156 +}
     157 + 
     158 +// ListScripts list all available mode
     159 +func ListScripts(options libs.Options) (result []string) {
     160 + modePath := path.Join(options.Env.OseFolder, "/*.js")
     161 + result, err := filepath.Glob(modePath)
     162 + if err != nil {
     163 + return result
     164 + }
     165 + 
     166 + modePath = path.Join(options.Env.OseFolder, "/*/*.js")
     167 + DepthResult, err := filepath.Glob(modePath)
     168 + if err == nil {
     169 + result = append(result, DepthResult...)
     170 + }
     171 + return result
     172 +}
     173 + 
     174 +func SelectScript(scriptName string, options libs.Options) string {
     175 + scripts := ListScripts(options)
     176 + for _, script := range scripts {
     177 + if strings.Contains(scriptName, "/") {
     178 + if strings.HasSuffix(script, scriptName) || strings.HasSuffix(script, scriptName+".js") {
     179 + return script
     180 + }
     181 + }
     182 + 
     183 + compareName := path.Base(script)
     184 + if compareName == scriptName {
     185 + return script
     186 + }
     187 + if compareName == fmt.Sprintf("%s.js", scriptName) {
     188 + return script
     189 + }
     190 + }
     191 + return ""
     192 +}
     193 + 
  • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
     1 +package core
     2 + 
     3 +import (
     4 + "fmt"
     5 + ""
     6 + ""
     7 + ""
     8 + jsoniter ""
     9 + ""
     10 + ""
     11 + "path"
     12 + "path/filepath"
     13 + "strings"
     14 +)
     15 + 
     16 +func (r *Runner) LoadImportScripts() string {
     17 + var output string
     18 + 
     19 + // DB scripts
     20 + 
     21 + r.VM.Set("ImportSubdomain", func(call otto.FunctionCall) otto.Value {
     22 + src := call.Argument(0).String()
     23 + r.ImportSubdomain(src)
     24 + return otto.Value{}
     25 + })
     26 + 
     27 + r.VM.Set("ImportDns", func(call otto.FunctionCall) otto.Value {
     28 + src := call.Argument(0).String()
     29 + r.ImportDns(src)
     30 + return otto.Value{}
     31 + })
     32 + 
     33 + r.VM.Set("ImportTech", func(call otto.FunctionCall) otto.Value {
     34 + src := call.Argument(0).String()
     35 + r.ImportTech(src)
     36 + return otto.Value{}
     37 + })
     38 + 
     39 + r.VM.Set("ImportHTTPJson", func(call otto.FunctionCall) otto.Value {
     40 + src := call.Argument(0).String()
     41 + r.ImportHTTPJson(src)
     42 + return otto.Value{}
     43 + })
     44 + 
     45 + r.VM.Set("ImportScreenShotJson", func(call otto.FunctionCall) otto.Value {
     46 + src := call.Argument(0).String()
     47 + r.ImportScreenShotJson(src)
     48 + return otto.Value{}
     49 + })
     50 + 
     51 + r.VM.Set("ImportPortJson", func(call otto.FunctionCall) otto.Value {
     52 + src := call.Argument(0).String()
     53 + r.ImportPortJson(src)
     54 + return otto.Value{}
     55 + })
     56 + 
     57 + r.VM.Set("ImportJaelesVulnJson", func(call otto.FunctionCall) otto.Value {
     58 + src := call.Argument(0).String()
     59 + r.ImportJaelesVulnJson(src)
     60 + return otto.Value{}
     61 + })
     62 + 
     63 + r.VM.Set("ImportNucleiVulnJson", func(call otto.FunctionCall) otto.Value {
     64 + src := call.Argument(0).String()
     65 + r.ImportNucleiVulnJson(src)
     66 + return otto.Value{}
     67 + })
     68 + 
     69 + r.VM.Set("ImportDirectoryJson", func(call otto.FunctionCall) otto.Value {
     70 + src := call.Argument(0).String()
     71 + r.ImportDirectoryJson(src)
     72 + return otto.Value{}
     73 + })
     74 + 
     75 + r.VM.Set("ImportLinks", func(call otto.FunctionCall) otto.Value {
     76 + src := call.Argument(0).String()
     77 + r.ImportLinks(src)
     78 + return otto.Value{}
     79 + })
     80 + 
     81 + r.VM.Set("ImportArchive", func(call otto.FunctionCall) otto.Value {
     82 + src := call.Argument(0).String()
     83 + r.ImportArchive(src)
     84 + return otto.Value{}
     85 + })
     86 + 
     87 + r.VM.Set("ImportIPRange", func(call otto.FunctionCall) otto.Value {
     88 + src := call.Argument(0).String()
     89 + r.ImportIPRange(src)
     90 + return otto.Value{}
     91 + })
     92 + 
     93 + r.VM.Set("ImportCred", func(call otto.FunctionCall) otto.Value {
     94 + src := call.Argument(0).String()
     95 + r.ImportCred(src)
     96 + return otto.Value{}
     97 + })
     98 + 
     99 + r.VM.Set("ImportCert", func(call otto.FunctionCall) otto.Value {
     100 + src := call.Argument(0).String()
     101 + r.ImportCert(src)
     102 + return otto.Value{}
     103 + })
     104 + 
     105 + r.VM.Set("ImportCloudBrute", func(call otto.FunctionCall) otto.Value {
     106 + src := call.Argument(0).String()
     107 + r.ImportCloudBrute(src)
     108 + return otto.Value{}
     109 + })
     110 + 
     111 + r.VM.Set("SummaryTarget", func(call otto.FunctionCall) otto.Value {
     112 + r.ScanObj.SummaryTarget()
     113 + return otto.Value{}
     114 + })
     115 + 
     116 + return output
     117 +}
     118 + 
     119 +func (r *Runner) ImportSubdomain(src string) {
     120 + if !utils.FileExists(src) {
     121 + utils.ErrorF("file not found: %v", src)
     122 + return
     123 + }
     124 + 
     125 + domains := utils.ReadingLines(src)
     126 + var objs []database.Asset
     127 + 
     128 + for _, domain := range domains {
     129 + domain = strings.TrimSpace(domain)
     130 + if domain == "" {
     131 + continue
     132 + }
     133 + 
     134 + obj := database.Asset{
     135 + AssetValue: domain,
     136 + //Dns: nil,
     137 + HTTP: nil,
     138 + Directory: nil,
     139 + Vulnerability: nil,
     140 + ScanRefer: r.ScanObj.ID,
     141 + TargetRefer: r.ScanObj.TargetRefer,
     142 + }
     143 + objs = append(objs, obj)
     144 + }
     145 + database.ImportAssets(objs)
     146 +}
     147 + 
     148 +func (r *Runner) ImportDns(src string) {
     149 + if !utils.FileExists(src) {
     150 + utils.ErrorF("file not found: %v", src)
     151 + return
     152 + }
     153 + 
     154 + content := utils.ReadingLines(src)
     155 + for _, line := range content {
     156 + line = strings.TrimSpace(line)
     157 + if line == "" || !strings.Contains(line, " ") {
     158 + continue
     159 + }
     160 + 
     161 + raw := strings.Split(line, " ")
     162 + domain := strings.Trim(raw[0], ".")
     163 + dnsType := strings.TrimSpace(raw[1])
     164 + dnsValue := strings.Trim(raw[2], ".")
     165 + 
     166 + if strings.TrimSpace(domain) == "" || strings.TrimSpace(dnsValue) == "" {
     167 + continue
     168 + }
     169 + 
     170 + dnsChecksum := utils.GenHash(fmt.Sprintf("%s-%s-%s", domain, dnsType, dnsValue))
     171 + 
     172 + obj := database.Dns{
     173 + Domain: domain,
     174 + DnsType: dnsType,
     175 + DnsValue: dnsValue,
     176 + DnsChecksum: dnsChecksum,
     177 + ScanRefer: r.ScanObj.ID,
     178 + TargetRefer: r.ScanObj.TargetRefer,
     179 + }
     180 + obj.Create()
     181 + }
     182 +}
     183 + 
     184 +func (r *Runner) ImportTech(src string) {
     185 + if !utils.FileExists(src) {
     186 + utils.ErrorF("file not found: %v", src)
     187 + return
     188 + }
     189 + 
     190 + content := utils.ReadingLines(src)
     191 + for _, line := range content {
     192 + if !strings.Contains(line, ";;") {
     193 + utils.ErrorF("Invalid format: %v", line)
     194 + continue
     195 + }
     196 + 
     197 + // data should be domain|%v;;techs|%v
     198 + domain := strings.TrimPrefix(strings.Split(line, ";;")[0], "domain|")
     199 + techs := strings.TrimPrefix(strings.Split(line, ";;")[1], "techs|")
     200 + if strings.TrimSpace(techs) == "" {
     201 + utils.ErrorF("Invalid format: %v", line)
     202 + continue
     203 + }
     204 + 
     205 + obj := database.Asset{
     206 + AssetValue: domain,
     207 + Technology: techs,
     208 + IsAlive: true,
     209 + ScanRefer: r.ScanObj.ID,
     210 + TargetRefer: r.ScanObj.TargetRefer,
     211 + }
     212 + 
     213 + obj.UpdateTech()
     214 + }
     215 +}
     216 + 
     217 +func (r *Runner) ImportHTTPJson(src string) {
     218 + if !utils.FileExists(src) {
     219 + utils.ErrorF("file not found: %v", src)
     220 + return
     221 + }
     222 + 
     223 + content := utils.ReadingLines(src)
     224 + 
     225 + baseResult, _ := filepath.Abs(src)
     226 + baseResult = path.Dir(baseResult)
     227 + utils.DebugF("Set Base Dir for content: %v", baseResult)
     228 + 
     229 + for _, line := range content {
     230 + if strings.TrimSpace(line) == "" {
     231 + continue
     232 + }
     233 + jsonParsed, err := gabs.ParseJSON([]byte(line))
     234 + if err != nil {
     235 + continue
     236 + }
     237 + 
     238 + // {"url":"","title":"Blank Title","checksum":"527ef0b39a78caf74f54ca5b2ffb59bcfe688685","content_file":"overview/contents/","status":"302","time":"0.046268348","length":"90","redirect":""}
     239 + URL := jsonParsed.S("url").Data().(string)
     240 + title := jsonParsed.S("title").Data().(string)
     241 + checksum := jsonParsed.S("checksum").Data().(string)
     242 + contentPath := jsonParsed.S("content_file").Data().(string)
     243 + status := jsonParsed.S("status").Data().(string)
     244 + length := jsonParsed.S("length").Data().(string)
     245 + redirect := jsonParsed.S("redirect").Data().(string)
     246 + 
     247 + if !utils.FileExists(contentPath) {
     248 + contentPath = path.Join(baseResult, contentPath)
     249 + }
     250 + 
     251 + // base64 content
     252 + data := "No-Content"
     253 + if !strings.Contains(contentPath, "No-Content") {
     254 + //utils.DebugF("Reading HTML content: %v", contentPath)
     255 + data = utils.ImageAsBase64(contentPath)
     256 + }
     257 + 
     258 + obj := database.HTTP{
     259 + URL: URL,
     260 + Title: title,
     261 + Checksum: checksum,
     262 + StatusCode: cast.ToInt(status),
     263 + ContentLength: cast.ToInt(length),
     264 + HTTPContent: data,
     265 + Redirect: redirect,
     266 + ScanRefer: r.ScanObj.ID,
     267 + TargetRefer: r.ScanObj.TargetRefer,
     268 + }
     269 + obj.CreateHTTP()
     270 + }
     271 +}
     272 + 
     273 +func (r *Runner) ImportScreenShotJson(src string) {
     274 + if !utils.FileExists(src) {
     275 + utils.ErrorF("file not found: %v", src)
     276 + return
     277 + }
     278 + 
     279 + baseResult, _ := filepath.Abs(src)
     280 + baseResult = path.Dir(baseResult)
     281 + content := utils.ReadingLines(src)
     282 + utils.DebugF("Set Base Dir for screenshot: %v", baseResult)
     283 + 
     284 + for _, line := range content {
     285 + if strings.TrimSpace(line) == "" {
     286 + continue
     287 + }
     288 + jsonParsed, err := gabs.ParseJSON([]byte(line))
     289 + if err != nil {
     290 + continue
     291 + }
     292 + 
     293 + URL := jsonParsed.S("url").Data().(string)
     294 + imgPath := jsonParsed.S("image").Data().(string)
     295 + tech := jsonParsed.S("tech").Data().(string)
     296 + if tech != "" {
     297 + //domain, _ := utils.GetDomain(URL)
     298 + utils.DebugF("more tech: %v", tech)
     299 + //database.NewTech(wsObj, domain, tech)
     300 + }
     301 + 
     302 + if !utils.FileExists(imgPath) {
     303 + imgPath = path.Join(baseResult, imgPath)
     304 + }
     305 + imgData := utils.ImageAsBase64(imgPath)
     306 + 
     307 + //database.NewScreenshot(wsObj, URL, data)
     308 + 
     309 + obj := database.HTTP{
     310 + URL: URL,
     311 + //Title: tittle,
     312 + //Checksum: "",
     313 + //StatusCode: 0,
     314 + //ContentLength: 0,
     315 + //HTTPContent: "",
     316 + ScreenShotData: imgData,
     317 + ScanRefer: r.ScanObj.ID,
     318 + TargetRefer: r.ScanObj.TargetRefer,
     319 + }
     320 + obj.CreateScreenShot()
     321 + }
     322 +}
     323 + 
     324 +type PortObj struct {
     325 + Protocol string
     326 + PortID string
     327 + State string
     328 + Service struct {
     329 + Name string
     330 + Product string
     331 + Cpe string
     332 + }
     333 + Script struct {
     334 + ID string
     335 + Output string
     336 + }
     337 +}
     338 + 
     339 +func (r *Runner) ImportPortJson(src string) {
     340 + if !utils.FileExists(src) {
     341 + utils.ErrorF("file not found: %v", src)
     342 + return
     343 + }
     344 + content := utils.ReadingLines(src)
     345 + 
     346 + for _, line := range content {
     347 + if strings.TrimSpace(line) == "" {
     348 + continue
     349 + }
     350 + jsonParsed, err := gabs.ParseJSON([]byte(line))
     351 + if err != nil {
     352 + continue
     353 + }
     354 + 
     355 + var portObj []PortObj
     356 + 
     357 + ipAddress := jsonParsed.S("IPAddress").Data().(string)
     358 + rawPorts := jsonParsed.S("Ports").Bytes()
     359 + err = jsoniter.Unmarshal(rawPorts, &portObj)
     360 + if err != nil || len(portObj) == 0 {
     361 + continue
     362 + }
     363 + 
     364 + var ports []string
     365 + for _, p := range portObj {
     366 + info := fmt.Sprintf("%v/%v/%v", p.PortID, p.Protocol, p.Service.Product)
     367 + ports = append(ports, strings.Trim(info, "/"))
     368 + }
     369 + if len(ports) == 0 {
     370 + continue
     371 + }
     372 + 
     373 + obj := database.Dns{
     374 + DnsValue: ipAddress,
     375 + DnsType: "A",
     376 + Ports: strings.Join(ports, ","),
     377 + ScanRefer: r.ScanObj.ID,
     378 + TargetRefer: r.ScanObj.TargetRefer,
     379 + }
     380 + obj.UpdatePort()
     381 + }
     382 +}
     383 + 
     384 +// ImportJaelesVulnJson import new asset to DB
     385 +func (r *Runner) ImportJaelesVulnJson(src string) {
     386 + if !utils.FileExists(src) {
     387 + utils.ErrorF("file not found: %v", src)
     388 + return
     389 + }
     390 + content := utils.ReadingLines(src)
     391 + baseDir := path.Dir(src)
     392 + for _, line := range content {
     393 + if strings.TrimSpace(line) == "" {
     394 + continue
     395 + }
     396 + 
     397 + jsonParsed, err := gabs.ParseJSON([]byte(line))
     398 + if err != nil {
     399 + utils.ErrorF("Error parse JSON Data")
     400 + continue
     401 + }
     402 + raw := jsonParsed.S("OutputFile").Data().(string)
     403 + reportPath := raw
     404 + if !utils.FileExists(reportPath) {
     405 + reportPath = path.Join(baseDir, raw)
     406 + if !utils.FileExists(reportPath) {
     407 + reportPath = path.Join(path.Dir(baseDir), raw)
     408 + }
     409 + }
     410 + vulnContent := utils.GetFileContent(reportPath)
     411 + 
     412 + // parse Data as JSON
     413 + jsonParsed, err = gabs.ParseJSON([]byte(vulnContent))
     414 + if err != nil {
     415 + utils.ErrorF("Error parse JSON Data")
     416 + continue
     417 + }
     418 + 
     419 + obj := database.Vulnerability{
     420 + URL: jsonParsed.S("URL").Data().(string),
     421 + VulnRequest: jsonParsed.S("Req").Data().(string),
     422 + VulnResponse: jsonParsed.S("Res").Data().(string),
     423 + DetectionString: jsonParsed.S("DetectionString").Data().(string),
     424 + VulnerabilityTitle: jsonParsed.S("SignName").Data().(string),
     425 + SignatureID: jsonParsed.S("SignID").Data().(string),
     426 + Confidence: jsonParsed.S("Confidence").Data().(string),
     427 + Severity: jsonParsed.S("Risk").Data().(string),
     428 + Source: "Jaeles",
     429 + //VulnChecksum: utils.GenHash(vulnData),
     430 + //PluginScan: SelectScanID(workspace, pluginName, scanID),
     431 + //Target: SelectScanByWS(workspace),
     432 + //Asset: SelectAssetByData(domain),
     433 + ScanRefer: r.ScanObj.ID,
     434 + TargetRefer: r.ScanObj.TargetRefer,
     435 + }
     436 + obj.Create()
     437 + }
     438 +}
     439 + 
     440 +// ImportNucleiVulnJson import new asset to DB
     441 +func (r *Runner) ImportNucleiVulnJson(src string) {
     442 + if !utils.FileExists(src) {
     443 + utils.ErrorF("file not found: %v", src)
     444 + return
     445 + }
     446 + content := utils.ReadingLines(src)
     447 + for _, line := range content {
     448 + if strings.TrimSpace(line) == "" {
     449 + continue
     450 + }
     451 + jsonParsed, err := gabs.ParseJSON([]byte(line))
     452 + if err != nil {
     453 + utils.ErrorF("Error parse JSON Data")
     454 + continue
     455 + }
     456 + 
     457 + obj := database.Vulnerability{
     458 + URL: jsonParsed.S("host").Data().(string),
     459 + VulnRequest: utils.Base64Encode(jsonParsed.S("request").Data().(string)),
     460 + VulnResponse: utils.Base64Encode(jsonParsed.S("response").Data().(string)),
     461 + DetectionString: jsonParsed.S("matched").Data().(string),
     462 + 
     463 + SignatureID: jsonParsed.S("templateID").Data().(string),
     464 + Confidence: "Tentative",
     465 + VulnerabilityTitle: jsonParsed.S("info", "name").Data().(string),
     466 + Severity: jsonParsed.S("info", "severity").Data().(string),
     467 + Source: "Nuclei",
     468 + TargetRefer: r.ScanObj.TargetRefer,
     469 + 
     470 + ScanRefer: r.ScanObj.ID,
     471 + }
     472 + obj.Create()
     473 + }
     474 +}
     475 + 
     476 +// ImportDirectoryJson import new asset to DB
     477 +func (r *Runner) ImportDirectoryJson(src string) {
     478 + if !utils.FileExists(src) {
     479 + utils.ErrorF("file not found: %v", src)
     480 + return
     481 + }
     482 + content := utils.ReadingLines(src)
     483 + for _, line := range content {
     484 + if strings.TrimSpace(line) == "" || !strings.Contains(line, "url") {
     485 + continue
     486 + }
     487 + 
     488 + jsonParsed, err := gabs.ParseJSON([]byte(line))
     489 + if err != nil {
     490 + utils.ErrorF("Error parse JSON Data")
     491 + continue
     492 + }
     493 + 
     494 + // some parser here
     495 + URL := jsonParsed.S("url").Data().(string)
     496 + redirect, ok := jsonParsed.S("redirectlocation").Data().(string)
     497 + if ok {
     498 + redirect = ""
     499 + }
     500 + 
     501 + obj := database.Directory{
     502 + URL: URL,
     503 + Status: cast.ToInt(jsonParsed.S("status").Data()),
     504 + ContentLength: cast.ToInt(jsonParsed.S("length").Data()),
     505 + Words: cast.ToInt(jsonParsed.S("words").Data()),
     506 + RedirectURL: redirect,
     507 + ScanRefer: r.ScanObj.ID,
     508 + TargetRefer: r.ScanObj.TargetRefer,
     509 + }
     510 + obj.Create()
     511 + }
     512 +}
     513 + 
     514 +//
     515 +//// UpdateJSONDns update dns in db
     516 +//func UpdateJSONDns(src string, options libs.Options) {
     517 +// content := utils.ReadingLines(src)
     518 +// if len(content) == 0 {
     519 +// utils.ErrorF("File not found: %v", src)
     520 +// return
     521 +// }
     522 +//
     523 +// utils.DebugF("Update JSON DNS: %v", src)
     524 +// //wsObj := database.SelectScanByWS(options.Scan.ROptions["Workspace"])
     525 +// target := options.Scan.ROptions["Workspace"]
     526 +//
     527 +// for _, line := range content {
     528 +// jsonParsed, err := gabs.ParseJSON([]byte(line))
     529 +// if err != nil {
     530 +// continue
     531 +// }
     532 +//
     533 +// domain, ok := jsonParsed.S("host").Data().(string)
     534 +// if !ok {
     535 +// continue
     536 +// }
     537 +//
     538 +// // filtered some unrelated domain
     539 +// if !strings.HasSuffix(domain, fmt.Sprintf(".%s", target)) {
     540 +// if domain != target {
     541 +// continue
     542 +// }
     543 +// }
     544 +//
     545 +// data := "N/A"
     546 +// isError := jsonParsed.S("status_code").Data().(string)
     547 +// if isError == "NXDOMAIN" {
     548 +// //database.NewAssetWithDns(wsObj, domain, data)
     549 +// continue
     550 +// }
     551 +// var results []string
     552 +// a := jsonParsed.S("a")
     553 +// if a != nil {
     554 +// for _, record := range a.Children() {
     555 +// data := fmt.Sprintf("A/%s", cast.ToString(record.Data()))
     556 +// results = append(results, data)
     557 +// }
     558 +// }
     559 +//
     560 +// cname := jsonParsed.S("cname")
     561 +// if cname != nil {
     562 +// for _, record := range cname.Children() {
     563 +// data := fmt.Sprintf("CNAME/%s", cast.ToString(record.Data()))
     564 +// results = append(results, data)
     565 +// }
     566 +// }
     567 +//
     568 +// mx := jsonParsed.S("mx")
     569 +// if mx != nil {
     570 +// for _, record := range mx.Children() {
     571 +// data := fmt.Sprintf("MX/%s", cast.ToString(record.Data()))
     572 +// results = append(results, data)
     573 +// }
     574 +// }
     575 +//
     576 +// ns := jsonParsed.S("ns")
     577 +// if ns != nil {
     578 +// for _, record := range ns.Children() {
     579 +// data := fmt.Sprintf("NS/%s", cast.ToString(record.Data()))
     580 +// results = append(results, data)
     581 +// }
     582 +// }
     583 +// results = funk.UniqString(results)
     584 +// data = strings.Join(results, ";;")
     585 +// //database.NewAssetWithDns(wsObj, domain, data)
     586 +// }
     587 +//}
     588 + 
  • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
     1 +package core
     2 + 
     3 +import (
     4 + "fmt"
     5 + ""
     6 + ""
     7 + ""
     8 + jsoniter ""
     9 + ""
     10 + ""
     11 + "net/url"
     12 + "strings"
     13 +)
     14 + 
     15 +func (r *Runner) StartScanNoti() error {
     16 + data, err := jsoniter.Marshal(&r.ScanObj)
     17 + if err != nil {
     18 + return fmt.Errorf("err marshal object: %v", err)
     19 + }
     20 + noti := database.Notification{
     21 + NotificationType: "start",
     22 + NotificationSource: "scan",
     23 + NewData: datatypes.JSON(data),
     24 + ObjRefer: r.ScanObj.ID,
     25 + ScanRefer: r.ScanObj.ID,
     26 + TargetRefer: r.TargetObj.ID,
     27 + }
     28 + return noti.Create()
     29 +}
     30 + 
     31 +func (r *Runner) ScanDoneNoti() error {
     32 + data, err := jsoniter.Marshal(&r.ScanObj)
     33 + if err != nil {
     34 + return fmt.Errorf("err marshal object: %v", err)
     35 + }
     36 + noti := database.Notification{
     37 + NotificationType: "done",
     38 + NotificationSource: "scan",
     39 + NewData: datatypes.JSON(data),
     40 + ObjRefer: r.ScanObj.ID,
     41 + ScanRefer: r.ScanObj.ID,
     42 + TargetRefer: r.TargetObj.ID,
     43 + }
     44 + return noti.Create()
     45 +}
     46 + 
     47 +// ImportLinks import new link to DB
     48 +func (r *Runner) ImportLinks(src string) {
     49 + if !utils.FileExists(src) {
     50 + utils.ErrorF("file not found: %v", src)
     51 + return
     52 + }
     53 + 
     54 + content := utils.ReadingLines(src)
     55 + for _, line := range content {
     56 + if strings.TrimSpace(line) == "" {
     57 + continue
     58 + }
     59 + // {"input":"","source":"body","type":"url","output":"","status":307,"length":7}
     60 + jsonParsed, err := gabs.ParseJSON([]byte(line))
     61 + if err != nil {
     62 + utils.ErrorF("Error parse JSON Data")
     63 + continue
     64 + }
     65 + 
     66 + obj := database.Link{
     67 + LinkValue: jsonParsed.S("output").Data().(string),
     68 + LinkSource: jsonParsed.S("source").Data().(string),
     69 + URL: jsonParsed.S("input").Data().(string),
     70 + LinkType: jsonParsed.S("type").Data().(string),
     71 + ScanRefer: r.ScanObj.ID,
     72 + TargetRefer: r.TargetObj.ID,
     73 + }
     74 + obj.Create()
     75 + }
     76 +}
     77 + 
     78 +func (r *Runner) ImportArchive(src string) {
     79 + if !utils.FileExists(src) {
     80 + utils.ErrorF("file not found: %v", src)
     81 + return
     82 + }
     83 + 
     84 + content := utils.ReadingLines(src)
     85 + for _, line := range content {
     86 + if strings.TrimSpace(line) == "" {
     87 + continue
     88 + }
     89 + 
     90 + // ignore root domain
     91 + u, err := url.Parse(line)
     92 + if err != nil || u.Path == "" || u.Path == "/" {
     93 + continue
     94 + }
     95 + 
     96 + obj := database.Archive{
     97 + ArchiveValue: line,
     98 + ArchiveChecksum: utils.GenHash(line),
     99 + ScanRefer: r.ScanObj.ID,
     100 + TargetRefer: r.TargetObj.ID,
     101 + }
     102 + obj.Create()
     103 + }
     104 +}
     105 + 
     106 +func (r *Runner) ImportIPRange(src string) {
     107 + if !utils.FileExists(src) {
     108 + utils.ErrorF("file not found: %v", src)
     109 + return
     110 + }
     111 + 
     112 + content := utils.ReadingLines(src)
     113 + for _, line := range content {
     114 + if strings.TrimSpace(line) == "" {
     115 + continue
     116 + }
     117 + jsonParsed, err := gabs.ParseJSON([]byte(line))
     118 + if err != nil {
     119 + utils.ErrorF("Error parse JSON Data")
     120 + continue
     121 + }
     122 + 
     123 + utils.DebugF("Processing: %v", line)
     124 + obj := database.IPRange{
     125 + ASNumber: cast.ToString(jsonParsed.S("Number").Data()),
     126 + Country: cast.ToString(jsonParsed.S("CountryCode").Data()),
     127 + Value: cast.ToString(jsonParsed.S("CIDR").Data()),
     128 + Info: cast.ToString(jsonParsed.S("Description").Data()),
     129 + Amount: cast.ToUint(jsonParsed.S("Count").Data()),
     130 + ScanRefer: r.ScanObj.ID,
     131 + TargetRefer: r.TargetObj.ID,
     132 + }
     133 + obj.Create()
     134 + }
     135 +}
     136 + 
     137 +func (r *Runner) ImportCert(src string) {
     138 + if !utils.FileExists(src) {
     139 + utils.ErrorF("file not found: %v", src)
     140 + return
     141 + }
     142 + 
     143 + content := utils.ReadingLines(src)
     144 + for _, line := range content {
     145 + if strings.TrimSpace(line) == "" {
     146 + continue
     147 + }
     148 + jsonParsed, err := gabs.ParseJSON([]byte(line))
     149 + if err != nil {
     150 + utils.ErrorF("Error parse JSON Data")
     151 + continue
     152 + }
     153 + 
     154 + domain := cast.ToString(jsonParsed.S("Domain").Data())
     155 + isWildCard := false
     156 + if strings.Contains(domain, "*.") {
     157 + isWildCard = true
     158 + domain = strings.TrimLeft(domain, "*.")
     159 + }
     160 + 
     161 + obj := database.CertInfo{
     162 + Domain: domain,
     163 + CertInfo: cast.ToString(jsonParsed.S("CertInfo").Data()),
     164 + OrgInfo: cast.ToString(jsonParsed.S("OrgInfo").Data()),
     165 + IsWildcard: isWildCard,
     166 + TargetRefer: r.TargetObj.ID,
     167 + }
     168 + obj.Create()
     169 + }
     170 +}
     171 + 
     172 +func (r *Runner) ImportCred(src string) {
     173 + if !utils.FileExists(src) {
     174 + utils.ErrorF("file not found: %v", src)
     175 + return
     176 + }
     177 + 
     178 + content := utils.ReadingLines(src)
     179 + for _, line := range content {
     180 + if strings.TrimSpace(line) == "" {
     181 + continue
     182 + }
     183 + 
     184 + jsonParsed, err := gabs.ParseJSON([]byte(line))
     185 + if err != nil {
     186 + utils.ErrorF("Error parse JSON Data")
     187 + continue
     188 + }
     189 + 
     190 + email := cast.ToString(jsonParsed.S("email").Data())
     191 + credID := cast.ToString(jsonParsed.S("id").Data())
     192 + username := cast.ToString(jsonParsed.S("username").Data())
     193 + password := cast.ToString(jsonParsed.S("password").Data())
     194 + hashedPassword := cast.ToString(jsonParsed.S("hashed_password").Data())
     195 + name := cast.ToString(jsonParsed.S("name").Data())
     196 + ipAddress := cast.ToString(jsonParsed.S("ip_address").Data())
     197 + phone := cast.ToString(jsonParsed.S("phone").Data())
     198 + source := cast.ToString(jsonParsed.S("database_name").Data())
     199 + 
     200 + obj := database.Credential{
     201 + CredID: credID,
     202 + Email: email,
     203 + Username: username,
     204 + Password: password,
     205 + HashedPassword: hashedPassword,
     206 + Name: name,
     207 + Phone: phone,
     208 + IPAddress: ipAddress,
     209 + Source: source,
     210 + TargetRefer: r.TargetObj.ID,
     211 + ScanRefer: r.ScanObj.ID,
     212 + }
     213 + obj.Create()
     214 + }
     215 +}
     216 + 
     217 +func (r *Runner) ImportCloudBrute(src string) {
     218 + if !utils.FileExists(src) {
     219 + utils.ErrorF("file not found: %v", src)
     220 + return
     221 + }
     222 + 
     223 + content := utils.ReadingLines(src)
     224 + for _, line := range content {
     225 + if strings.TrimSpace(line) == "" {
     226 + continue
     227 + }
     228 + 
     229 + if !strings.Contains(line, " - ") {
     230 + continue
     231 + }
     232 + 
     233 + cloudDomain := strings.Split(line, " - ")[1]
     234 + status := strings.Split(line, " - ")[0]
     235 + if strings.Contains(status, ": ") {
     236 + status = strings.Split(strings.Split(line, " - ")[0], ": ")[1]
     237 + }
     238 + 
     239 + obj := database.CloudBrute{
     240 + Status: status,
     241 + CloudDomain: cloudDomain,
     242 + RawData: line,
     243 + ScanRefer: r.ScanObj.ID,
     244 + TargetRefer: r.TargetObj.ID,
     245 + }
     246 + obj.Create()
     247 + }
     248 +}
     249 + 
  • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
     1 +package core
     2 + 
     3 +import (
     4 + "fmt"
     5 + "testing"
     6 + 
     7 + ""
     8 +)
     9 + 
     10 +func TestListMode(t *testing.T) {
     11 + var options libs.Options
     12 + options.Env.WorkFlowsFolder = "~/go/src/"
     13 + result := ListFlow(options)
     14 + fmt.Println(result)
     15 + if len(result) == 0 {
     16 + t.Errorf("Error ListMode")
     17 + }
     18 + 
     19 + selectedMode := SelectFlow("general", options)
     20 + fmt.Println(selectedMode)
     21 + if len(selectedMode) == 0 {
     22 + t.Errorf("Error selectedMode")
     23 + }
     24 +}
     25 + 
  • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
     1 +package core
     2 + 
     3 +import (
     4 + "bytes"
     5 + "fmt"
     6 + ""
     7 + ""
     8 + ""
     9 + "io/ioutil"
     10 + "net/url"
     11 + "os"
     12 + "path"
     13 + "path/filepath"
     14 + "strings"
     15 + "text/template"
     16 + "time"
     17 + 
     18 + ""
     19 + ""
     20 + ""
     21 +)
     22 + 
     23 +// ResolveData resolve template from signature file
     24 +func ResolveData(format string, data map[string]string) string {
     25 + t := template.Must(template.New("").Parse(format))
     26 + buf := &bytes.Buffer{}
     27 + err := t.Execute(buf, data)
     28 + if err != nil {
     29 + return format
     30 + }
     31 + return buf.String()
     32 +}
     33 + 
     34 +// ParseFlow parse mode file
     35 +func ParseFlow(flowFile string) (libs.Flow, error) {
     36 + utils.DebugF("Parsing workflow at: %v", flowFile)
     37 + var flow libs.Flow
     38 + yamlFile, err := ioutil.ReadFile(flowFile)
     39 + if err != nil {
     40 + utils.ErrorF("YAML parsing err: %v -- #%v ", flowFile, err)
     41 + return flow, err
     42 + }
     43 + err = yaml.Unmarshal(yamlFile, &flow)
     44 + if err != nil {
     45 + utils.ErrorF("Error unmarshal: %v -- %v", flowFile, err)
     46 + return flow, err
     47 + }
     48 + 
     49 + if flow.Usage != "" && strings.Contains(flow.Usage, "{{.this_file}}") {
     50 + flow.Usage = strings.ReplaceAll(flow.Usage, "{{.this_file}}", flowFile)
     51 + }
     52 + return flow, nil
     53 +}
     54 + 
     55 +// ParseModules parse module file
     56 +func ParseModules(moduleFile string) (libs.Module, error) {
     57 + utils.DebugF("Parsing module at: %v", moduleFile)
     58 + 
     59 + var module libs.Module
     60 + 
     61 + yamlFile, err := ioutil.ReadFile(moduleFile)
     62 + if err != nil {
     63 + utils.ErrorF("YAML parsing err: %v -- #%v ", moduleFile, err)
     64 + return module, err
     65 + }
     66 + err = yaml.Unmarshal(yamlFile, &module)
     67 + if err != nil {
     68 + utils.ErrorF("Error unmarshal: %v -- %v", moduleFile, err)
     69 + return module, err
     70 + }
     71 + module.ModulePath = moduleFile
     72 + if module.Usage != "" && strings.Contains(module.Usage, "{{.this_file}}") {
     73 + module.Usage = strings.ReplaceAll(module.Usage, "{{.this_file}}", moduleFile)
     74 + }
     75 + return module, err
     76 +}
     77 + 
     78 +// ParseInputFormat format input
     79 +func ParseInputFormat(raw string, options libs.Options) map[string]string {
     80 + target := make(map[string]string)
     81 + target["RawFormat"] = raw
     82 + 
     83 + jsonParsed, err := gabs.ParseJSON([]byte(raw))
     84 + if err != nil {
     85 + return target
     86 + }
     87 + 
     88 + // parse Target first if found one
     89 + rawURL, ok := jsonParsed.ChildrenMap()["Target"]
     90 + if !ok {
     91 + panic("missing Target in special input")
     92 + }
     93 + 
     94 + target = ParseInput(cast.ToString(rawURL.Data()), options)
     95 + 
     96 + // override the whole thing
     97 + for k, v := range jsonParsed.ChildrenMap() {
     98 + target[k] = fmt.Sprintf("%v", v.Data())
     99 + }
     100 + 
     101 + return target
     102 +}
     103 + 
     104 +// ParseInput parse input for routine
     105 +func ParseInput(raw string, options libs.Options) map[string]string {
     106 + ROptions := ParseTarget(raw)
     107 + if options.EnableFormatInput {
     108 + // avoid loop hole
     109 + options.EnableFormatInput = false
     110 + ROptions = ParseInputFormat(raw, options)
     111 + return ROptions
     112 + }
     113 + // some data stuff
     114 + dir, err := os.Getwd()
     115 + if err == nil {
     116 + ROptions["CWD"] = dir
     117 + }
     118 + ROptions["WSCDN"] = options.Cdn.WSURL
     119 + ROptions["CDN"] = options.Cdn.URL
     120 + ROptions["Date"] = time.Now().Format("2006-01-02")
     121 + ROptions["TS"] = utils.GetCurrentDay()
     122 + 
     123 + /* --- start to load default Env --- */
     124 + // ~/osmedeus-base
     125 + ROptions["BaseFolder"] = utils.NormalizePath(strings.TrimLeft(options.Env.BaseFolder, "/"))
     126 + ROptions["Plugins"] = options.Env.BinariesFolder
     127 + ROptions["Binaries"] = options.Env.BinariesFolder
     128 + 
     129 + ROptions["Data"] = options.Env.DataFolder
     130 + ROptions["Workflow"] = options.Env.WorkFlowsFolder
     131 + ROptions["Scripts"] = options.Env.WorkFlowsFolder
     132 + ROptions["Cloud"] = options.Env.CloudConfigFolder
     133 + 
     134 + // ~/.osmedeus/clouds
     135 + ROptions["CWorkspaces"] = options.Env.CloudDataFolder
     136 + ROptions["Workspaces"] = options.Env.WorkspacesFolder
     137 + if options.Scan.BaseWorkspace != "" {
     138 + ROptions["Workspaces"] = options.Scan.BaseWorkspace
     139 + }
     140 + ROptions["Storages"] = options.Env.StoragesFolder
     141 + /* --- end of load default Env --- */
     142 + 
     143 + ROptions["Workspace"] = utils.CleanPath(raw)
     144 + if options.Scan.CustomWorkspace != "" {
     145 + ROptions["Workspace"] = utils.CleanPath(options.Scan.CustomWorkspace)
     146 + }
     147 + ROptions["Output"] = path.Join(ROptions["Workspaces"], ROptions["Workspace"])
     148 + 
     149 + // params in workflow file
     150 + if len(options.Flow.Params) > 0 {
     151 + for _, param := range options.Flow.Params {
     152 + for k, v := range param {
     153 + v = ResolveData(v, ROptions)
     154 + if strings.HasPrefix(v, "~/") {
     155 + v = utils.NormalizePath(v)
     156 + }
     157 + ROptions[k] = v
     158 + }
     159 + }
     160 + }
     161 + 
     162 + return ROptions
     163 +}
     164 + 
     165 +// MoreParams get more params from module or cli
     166 +func MoreParams(module libs.Module, options *libs.Options) {
     167 + ROptions := options.Scan.ROptions
     168 + if len(ROptions) == 0 {
     169 + ROptions = make(map[string]string)
     170 + }
     171 + // params from module
     172 + if len(module.Params) > 0 {
     173 + for _, param := range module.Params {
     174 + for k, v := range param {
     175 + // skip params if override: false
     176 + _, exist := ROptions[k]
     177 + if module.Permanent && exist {
     178 + utils.DebugF("Skip Override param: %v", k)
     179 + continue
     180 + }
     181 + 
     182 + v = ResolveData(v, ROptions)
     183 + if strings.HasPrefix(v, "~/") {
     184 + v = utils.NormalizePath(v)
     185 + }
     186 + ROptions[k] = v
     187 + }
     188 + }
     189 + }
     190 + 
     191 + // more params
     192 + if len(options.Scan.Params) > 0 {
     193 + params := ParseParams(options.Scan.Params)
     194 + if len(params) > 0 {
     195 + for k, v := range params {
     196 + v = ResolveData(v, ROptions)
     197 + ROptions[k] = v
     198 + }
     199 + }
     200 + }
     201 + 
     202 + options.Scan.ROptions = ROptions
     203 +}
     204 + 
     205 +// ParseParams parse more params from cli
     206 +func ParseParams(rawParams []string) map[string]string {
     207 + params := make(map[string]string)
     208 + for _, item := range rawParams {
     209 + if strings.Contains(item, "=") {
     210 + data := strings.Split(item, "=")
     211 + params[data[0]] = strings.Replace(item, data[0]+"=", "", -1)
     212 + }
     213 + }
     214 + return params
     215 +}
     216 + 
     217 +// ParseTarget parsing target and some variable for template
     218 +func ParseTarget(raw string) map[string]string {
     219 + target := make(map[string]string)
     220 + if raw == "" {
     221 + return target
     222 + }
     223 + target["Target"] = raw
     224 + u, err := url.Parse(raw)
     225 + 
     226 + // something wrong so parsing it again
     227 + if err != nil || u.Scheme == "" || strings.Contains(u.Scheme, ".") {
     228 + raw = fmt.Sprintf("https://%v", raw)
     229 + u, err = url.Parse(raw)
     230 + if err != nil {
     231 + return target
     232 + }
     233 + // fmt.Println("parse again")
     234 + }
     235 + var hostname string
     236 + var query string
     237 + port := u.Port()
     238 + // var domain string
     239 + domain := u.Hostname()
     240 + 
     241 + query = u.RawQuery
     242 + if u.Port() == "" {
     243 + if strings.Contains(u.Scheme, "https") {
     244 + port = "443"
     245 + } else {
     246 + port = "80"
     247 + }
     248 + 
     249 + hostname = u.Hostname()
     250 + } else {
     251 + // ignore common port in Host
     252 + if u.Port() == "443" || u.Port() == "80" {
     253 + hostname = u.Hostname()
     254 + } else {
     255 + hostname = u.Hostname() + ":" + u.Port()
     256 + }
     257 + }
     258 + 
     259 + target["Scheme"] = u.Scheme
     260 + target["Path"] = u.Path
     261 + target["Domain"] = domain
     262 + 
     263 + target["Org"] = domain
     264 + suffix, ok := publicsuffix.PublicSuffix(domain)
     265 + if ok {
     266 + target["Org"] = strings.Replace(domain, fmt.Sprintf(".%s", suffix), "", -1)
     267 + } else {
     268 + if strings.Contains(domain, ".") {
     269 + parts := strings.Split(domain, ".")
     270 + if len(parts) == 2 {
     271 + target["Org"] = parts[0]
     272 + } else {
     273 + target["Org"] = parts[len(parts)-2]
     274 + }
     275 + }
     276 + }
     277 + 
     278 + target["Host"] = hostname
     279 + target["Port"] = port
     280 + target["RawQuery"] = query
     281 + 
     282 + if (target["RawQuery"] != "") && (port == "80" || port == "443") {
     283 + target["URL"] = fmt.Sprintf("%v://%v%v?%v", target["Scheme"], target["Host"], target["Path"], target["RawQuery"])
     284 + } else if port != "80" && port != "443" {
     285 + target["URL"] = fmt.Sprintf("%v://%v:%v%v?%v", target["Scheme"], target["Domain"], target["Port"], target["Path"], target["RawQuery"])
     286 + } else {
     287 + target["URL"] = fmt.Sprintf("%v://%v%v", target["Scheme"], target["Host"], target["Path"])
     288 + }
     289 + 
     290 + uu, _ := url.Parse(raw)
     291 + target["BaseURL"] = fmt.Sprintf("%v://%v", uu.Scheme, uu.Host)
     292 + target["Extension"] = filepath.Ext(target["BaseURL"])
     293 + 
     294 + return target
     295 +}
     296 + 
  • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
     1 +package core
     2 + 
     3 +import (
     4 + "fmt"
     5 + "testing"
     6 +)
     7 + 
     8 +func TestParseTarget(t *testing.T) {
     9 + fmt.Println("----> INPUT:", "")
     10 + result := ParseTarget("")
     11 + fmt.Println(result)
     12 + if len(result) == 0 {
     13 + t.Errorf("Error RunMasscan")
     14 + }
     15 + // case 2
     16 + fmt.Println("----> INPUT:", "")
     17 + result = ParseTarget("")
     18 + fmt.Println(result)
     19 + if len(result) == 0 {
     20 + t.Errorf("Error RunMasscan")
     21 + }
     22 + 
     23 + // case 2
     24 + fmt.Println("----> INPUT:", "")
     25 + result = ParseTarget("")
     26 + fmt.Println(result)
     27 + if len(result) == 0 {
     28 + t.Errorf("Error RunMasscan")
     29 + }
     30 + 
     31 + // case 2
     32 + fmt.Println("----> INPUT:", "")
     33 + result = ParseTarget("")
     34 + fmt.Println(result)
     35 + if len(result) == 0 {
     36 + t.Errorf("Error RunMasscan")
     37 + }
     38 + 
     39 + // case 2
     40 + fmt.Println("----> INPUT:", "")
     41 + result = ParseTarget("")
     42 + fmt.Println(result)
     43 + if len(result) == 0 {
     44 + t.Errorf("Error RunMasscan")
     45 + }
     46 +}
     47 + 
  • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
     1 +package core
     2 + 
     3 +/* File to store all the script for better reference */
     4 + 
     5 +const (
     6 + SetVar = "SetVar"
     7 + GetOSEnv = "GetOSEnv"
     8 +)
     9 + 
     10 +const (
     11 + RRSync = "RRSync"
     12 + Clone = "Clone"
     13 + FClone = "FClone"
     14 + PushResult = "PushResult"
     15 + PushFolder = "PushFolder"
     16 + PullFolder = "PullFolder"
     17 + DiffCompare = "DiffCompare"
     18 + GitDiff = "GitDiff"
     19 + LoopGitDiff = "LoopGitDiff"
     20 + GetFileFromCDN = "GetFileFromCDN"
     21 + GetWSFromCDN = "GetWSFromCDN"
     22 + DownloadFile = "DownloadFile"
     23 + // for gitlab API only
     24 + CreateRepo = "CreateRepo"
     25 + DeleteRepo = "DeleteRepo"
     26 + DeleteRepoByPid = "DeleteRepoByPid"
     27 + ListProjects = "ListProjects"
     28 +)
     29 + 
     30 +const (
     31 + Cleaning = "Cleaning"
     32 + CleanAmass = "CleanAmass"
     33 + CleanRustScan = "CleanRustScan"
     34 + CleanGoBuster = "CleanGoBuster"
     35 + CleanMassdns = "CleanMassdns"
     36 + CleanSWebanalyze = "CleanSWebanalyze"
     37 + CleanJSONDnsx = "CleanJSONDnsx"
     38 + CleanWebanalyze = "CleanWebanalyze"
     39 + CleanArjun = "CleanArjun"
     40 + GenNucleiReport = "GenNucleiReport"
     41 + CleanJSONHttpx = "CleanJSONHttpx"
     42 +)
     43 + 
     44 +const (
     45 + // noti for slack
     46 + StartNoti = "StartNoti"
     47 + DoneNoti = "DoneNoti"
     48 + ReportNoti = "ReportNoti"
     49 + DiffNoti = "DiffNoti"
     50 + CustomNoti = "CustomNoti"
     51 + NotiFile = "NotiFile"
     52 + WebHookNoti = "WebHookNoti"
     53 + // noti for telegram
     54 + TeleMess = "TeleMess"
     55 + TeleMessWrap = "TeleMessWrap"
     56 + TeleMessByFile = "TeleMessByFile"
     57 + TeleSendFile = "TeleSendFile"
     58 +)
     59 + 
     60 +const (
     61 + ExecCmd = "ExecCmd"
     62 + ExecCmdB = "ExecCmdB"
     63 + ExecCmdWithOutput = "ExecCmdWithOutput"
     64 + ExecContain = "ExecContain"
     65 +)
     66 + 
     67 +const (
     68 + Sleep = "Sleep"
     69 + Exit = "Exit"
     70 + CastToInt = "CastToInt"
     71 + StripSlash = "StripSlash"
     72 + Printf = "Printf"
     73 +)
     74 + 
     75 +const (
     76 + SortU = "SortU"
     77 + SplitFile = "SplitFile"
     78 + Append = "Append"
     79 + Copy = "Copy"
     80 + CreateFolder = "CreateFolder"
     81 + DeleteFile = "DeleteFile"
     82 + DeleteFolder = "DeleteFolder"
     83 + SplitFileByPart = "SplitFileByPart"
     84 + FileLength = "FileLength"
     85 + IsFile = "IsFile"
     86 + EmptyDir = "EmptyDir"
     87 + EmptyFile = "EmptyFile"
     88 + ReadLines = "ReadLines"
     89 +)
     90 + 
  • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
     1 +package core
     2 + 
     3 +import (
     4 + "context"
     5 + "errors"
     6 + "fmt"
     7 + "path"
     8 + "strings"
     9 + "sync"
     10 + "time"
     11 + 
     12 + ""
     13 + 
     14 + ""
     15 + ""
     16 + ""
     17 + ""
     18 + ""
     19 + ""
     20 +)
     21 + 
     22 +// RunModule run the module
     23 +func (r *Runner) RunModule(module libs.Module, options libs.Options) {
     24 + // get more params
     25 + MoreParams(module, &options)
     26 + // get reports path
     27 + options.Module = ResolveReports(module, options)
     28 + r.LoadEngineScripts()
     29 + 
     30 + // check if resume enable or not
     31 + if (options.Resume || module.Resume) && !module.Forced {
     32 + if CheckResume(options) {
     33 + utils.BlockF(module.Name, "Resume detected")
     34 + return
     35 + }
     36 + }
     37 + 
     38 + r.CurrentModule = module.Name
     39 + timeStart := time.Now()
     40 + utils.BannerF("MODULES", fmt.Sprintf("%v - %v", module.Name, options.Module.Desc))
     41 + 
     42 + // create report record first because I don't want to wait for them to show up in UI until the module done
     43 + r.DBNewReports(module)
     44 + 
     45 + // pre-run
     46 + utils.BlockF(module.Name, "Running prepare scripts")
     47 + r.RunScripts(module.PreRun, options)
     48 + 
     49 + // main part
     50 + utils.BlockF(module.Name, "Start run main steps")
     51 + err := r.RunSteps(module.Steps, options)
     52 + if err != nil {
     53 + utils.BadBlockF(module.Name, fmt.Sprintf("got exit call"))
     54 + }
     55 + 
     56 + // post-run
     57 + utils.BlockF(module.Name, "Running conclusion scripts")
     58 + r.RunScripts(module.PostRun, options)
     59 + 
     60 + // print the reports file
     61 + utils.PrintLine()
     62 + printReports(options)
     63 + 
     64 + // create report record first because we don't want to wait it show up in UI until the module done
     65 + r.DBNewReports(module)
     66 + 
     67 + // estimate time
     68 + elapsedTime := time.Since(timeStart).Seconds()
     69 + utils.BlockF("Elapsed Time", fmt.Sprintf("Done module %v in %v", color.HiCyanString(module.Name), color.HiMagentaString("%vs", elapsedTime)))
     70 + r.RunningTime += cast.ToInt(elapsedTime)
     71 + utils.PrintLine()
     72 + r.DBUpdateScan()
     73 + r.DBUpdateTarget()
     74 +}
     75 + 
     76 +// RunScripts run list of scripts
     77 +func (r *Runner) RunScripts(scripts []string, options libs.Options) string {
     78 + if options.Timeout != "" {
     79 + timeout := utils.CalcTimeout(options.Timeout)
     80 + utils.DebugF("Run scripts with %v seconds timeout", timeout)
     81 + r.RunScriptsWithTimeOut(options.Timeout, scripts, options)
     82 + return ""
     83 + }
     84 + 
     85 + for _, script := range scripts {
     86 + outScript := r.RunScript(script, options)
     87 + if strings.Contains(outScript, "exit") {
     88 + return outScript
     89 + }
     90 + }
     91 + return ""
     92 +}
     93 + 
     94 +// RunScriptsWithTimeOut run list of scripts with timeout
     95 +func (r *Runner) RunScriptsWithTimeOut(timeoutRaw string, scripts []string, options libs.Options) string {
     96 + timeout := utils.CalcTimeout(timeoutRaw)
     97 + utils.DebugF("Run scripts with %v seconds timeout", timeout)
     98 + 
     99 + c := context.Background()
     100 + deadline := time.Now().Add(time.Duration(timeout) * time.Second)
     101 + c, cancel := context.WithDeadline(c, deadline)
     102 + defer cancel()
     103 + 
     104 + go func() {
     105 + for _, script := range scripts {
     106 + outScript := r.RunScript(script, options)
     107 + if strings.Contains(outScript, "exit") {
     108 + return
     109 + }
     110 + }
     111 + cancel()
     112 + }()
     113 + 
     114 + select {
     115 + case <-c.Done():
     116 + utils.DebugF("Scripts done")
     117 + return ""
     118 + case <-time.After(time.Duration(timeout) * time.Second):
     119 + utils.BadBlockF("timeout", fmt.Sprintf("Scripts got timeout after %v", color.HiMagentaString(timeoutRaw)))
     120 + }
     121 + return ""
     122 +}
     123 + 
     124 +// RunScript really run a script
     125 +func (r *Runner) RunScript(script string, options libs.Options) string {
     126 + execScript := ResolveData(script, options.Scan.ROptions)
     127 + return r.ExecScript(execScript)
     128 +}
     129 + 
     130 +// RunSteps run list of steps
     131 +func (r *Runner) RunSteps(steps []libs.Step, options libs.Options) error {
     132 + var stepOut string
     133 + for _, step := range steps {
     134 + r.DoneStep += 1
     135 + if step.Timeout != "" {
     136 + step.Timeout = ResolveData(step.Timeout, options.Scan.ROptions)
     137 + // timeout should be: 30, 30m, 1h
     138 + timeout := utils.CalcTimeout(step.Timeout)
     139 + if timeout != 0 {
     140 + stepOut, _ = r.RunStepWithTimeout(timeout, step, options)
     141 + if strings.Contains(stepOut, "exit") {
     142 + return errors.New("got exit call")
     143 + }
     144 + continue
     145 + }
     146 + }
     147 + 
     148 + stepOut, _ = r.RunStep(step, options)
     149 + if strings.Contains(stepOut, "exit") {
     150 + return errors.New("got exit call")
     151 + }
     152 + }
     153 + return nil
     154 +}
     155 + 
     156 +// RunStepWithTimeout run step with timeout
     157 +func (r *Runner) RunStepWithTimeout(timeout int, step libs.Step, options libs.Options) (string, error) {
     158 + utils.DebugF("Run step with %v seconds timeout", timeout)
     159 + prefix := fmt.Sprintf("timeout -k 1m %vs ", timeout)
     160 + 
     161 + // prepare the os command with prefix timeout first
     162 + var preFixCommands []string
     163 + for _, command := range step.Commands {
     164 + preFixCommand := command
     165 + if !strings.Contains(command, "timeout") {
     166 + preFixCommand = prefix + command
     167 + }
     168 + preFixCommands = append(preFixCommands, preFixCommand)
     169 + }
     170 + step.Commands = preFixCommands
     171 + 
     172 + // override global timeout
     173 + options.Timeout = step.Timeout
     174 + output, _ := r.RunStep(step, options)
     175 + return output, nil
     176 +}
     177 + 
     178 +// RunStep really run a step
     179 +func (r *Runner) RunStep(step libs.Step, options libs.Options) (string, error) {
     180 + var output string
     181 + if step.Label != "" {
     182 + utils.BlockF("Start-Step", color.HiCyanString(step.Label))
     183 + }
     184 + 
     185 + // checking required file
     186 + err := r.CheckRequired(step.Required, r.Opt)
     187 + if err != nil {
     188 + return output, errors.New("missing requirements")
     189 + }
     190 + 
     191 + // check conditions and run reverse step
     192 + err = r.CheckCondition(step.Conditions, r.Opt)
     193 + if err != nil {
     194 + if len(step.RCommands) == 0 && len(step.RScripts) == 0 {
     195 + return output, errors.New("conditions not met")
     196 + }
     197 + 
     198 + // run reverse commands
     199 + utils.InforF("Condition false, run the reverse commands")
     200 + if len(step.RCommands) > 0 {
     201 + RunCommands(step.RCommands, step.Std, r.Opt)
     202 + }
     203 + // run reverse scripts
     204 + if len(step.RScripts) > 0 {
     205 + output = r.RunScripts(step.RScripts, r.Opt)
     206 + if strings.Contains(output, "exit") {
     207 + return output, nil
     208 + }
     209 + }
     210 + return output, nil
     211 + }
     212 + 
     213 + if step.Source == "" {
     214 + if len(step.Commands) > 0 {
     215 + RunCommands(step.Commands, step.Std, r.Opt)
     216 + }
     217 + if len(step.Scripts) > 0 {
     218 + output = r.RunScripts(step.Scripts, r.Opt)
     219 + if strings.Contains(output, "exit") {
     220 + return output, nil
     221 + }
     222 + }
     223 + 
     224 + // run ose here
     225 + if len(step.Ose) > 0 {
     226 + for _, ose := range step.Ose {
     227 + r.RunOse(ose)
     228 + }
     229 + }
     230 + 
     231 + // post scripts
     232 + if len(step.PConditions) > 0 || len(step.PScripts) > 0 {
     233 + err := r.CheckCondition(step.PConditions, r.Opt)
     234 + if err == nil {
     235 + if len(step.PScripts) > 0 {
     236 + r.RunScripts(step.PScripts, r.Opt)
     237 + }
     238 + }
     239 + }
     240 + if step.Label != "" {
     241 + utils.BlockF("Done-Step", color.HiCyanString(step.Label))
     242 + }
     243 + return output, nil
     244 + }
     245 + 
     246 + ////// Start to run step but in loop mode
     247 + 
     248 + source := ResolveData(step.Source, r.Target)
     249 + utils.DebugF("Run step with Source: %v", source)
     250 + data := utils.ReadingLines(source)
     251 + if len(data) <= 0 {
     252 + return output, errors.New("missing source")
     253 + }
     254 + if step.Threads != "" {
     255 + step.Threads = ResolveData(step.Threads, r.Target)
     256 + step.Parallel = cast.ToInt(step.Threads)
     257 + }
     258 + if step.Parallel == 0 {
     259 + step.Parallel = 1
     260 + }
     261 + 
     262 + // skip concurrency part
     263 + if step.Parallel == 1 {
     264 + for index, line := range data {
     265 + r.Target["line"] = line
     266 + r.Target["line_id"] = fmt.Sprintf("%v-%v", path.Base(line), index)
     267 + r.Target["_id_"] = fmt.Sprintf("%v", index)
     268 + r.Target["_line_"] = execution.StripName(line)
     269 + if len(step.Commands) > 0 {
     270 + RunCommands(step.Commands, step.Std, options)
     271 + }
     272 + 
     273 + if len(step.Ose) > 0 {
     274 + for _, ose := range step.Ose {
     275 + r.RunOse(ose)
     276 + }
     277 + }
     278 + 
     279 + if len(step.Scripts) > 0 {
     280 + r.RunScripts(step.Scripts, options)
     281 + }
     282 + 
     283 + // post scripts
     284 + if len(step.PConditions) > 0 || len(step.PScripts) > 0 {
     285 + err := r.CheckCondition(step.PConditions, options)
     286 + if err == nil {
     287 + if len(step.PScripts) > 0 {
     288 + r.RunScripts(step.PScripts, options)
     289 + }
     290 + }
     291 + }
     292 + 
     293 + }
     294 + 
     295 + if step.Label != "" {
     296 + utils.BlockF("Done-Step", color.HiCyanString(step.Label))
     297 + }
     298 + return output, nil
     299 + }
     300 + 
     301 + /////////////
     302 + // run multiple steps in concurrency mode
     303 + 
     304 + utils.DebugF("Run step in Parallel: %v", step.Parallel)
     305 + var wg sync.WaitGroup
     306 + p, _ := ants.NewPoolWithFunc(step.Parallel, func(i interface{}) {
     307 + r.startStepJob(i)
     308 + wg.Done()
     309 + }, ants.WithPreAlloc(true))
     310 + defer p.Release()
     311 + 
     312 + var mu sync.Mutex
     313 + for index, line := range data {
     314 + mu.Lock()
     315 + localOptions := libs.Options{}
     316 + copier.Copy(&localOptions, &options)
     317 + localOptions.Scan.ROptions["line"] = line
     318 + localOptions.Scan.ROptions["line_id"] = fmt.Sprintf("%v-%v", path.Base(line), index)
     319 + localOptions.Scan.ROptions["_id_"] = fmt.Sprintf("%v", index)
     320 + localOptions.Scan.ROptions["_line_"] = execution.StripName(line)
     321 + 
     322 + // make completely new Step
     323 + localStep := libs.Step{}
     324 + 
     325 + for _, cmd := range step.Commands {
     326 + localStep.Commands = append(localStep.Commands, ResolveData(cmd, localOptions.Scan.ROptions))
     327 + }
     328 + for _, cmd := range step.RCommands {
     329 + localStep.RCommands = append(localStep.RCommands, ResolveData(cmd, localOptions.Scan.ROptions))
     330 + }
     331 + 
     332 + if len(step.Ose) > 0 {
     333 + for _, ose := range step.Ose {
     334 + localStep.Ose = append(localStep.Ose, ResolveData(ose, localOptions.Scan.ROptions))
     335 + }
     336 + }
     337 + 
     338 + for _, script := range step.RScripts {
     339 + localStep.RScripts = append(localStep.RScripts, ResolveData(script, localOptions.Scan.ROptions))
     340 + }
     341 + 
     342 + for _, script := range step.Scripts {
     343 + localStep.Scripts = append(localStep.Scripts, ResolveData(script, localOptions.Scan.ROptions))
     344 + }
     345 + 
     346 + for _, script := range step.PConditions {
     347 + localStep.PConditions = append(localStep.PConditions, ResolveData(script, localOptions.Scan.ROptions))
     348 + }
     349 + for _, script := range step.PScripts {
     350 + localStep.PScripts = append(localStep.PScripts, ResolveData(script, localOptions.Scan.ROptions))
     351 + }
     352 + 
     353 + job := stepJob{
     354 + options: localOptions,
     355 + step: localStep,
     356 + }
     357 + wg.Add(1)
     358 + _ = p.Invoke(job)
     359 + mu.Unlock()
     360 + }
     361 + 
     362 + wg.Wait()
     363 + if step.Label != "" {
     364 + utils.BlockF("Done-Step", color.HiCyanString(step.Label))
     365 + }
     366 + return output, nil
     367 +}
     368 + 
     369 +type stepJob struct {
     370 + options libs.Options
     371 + step libs.Step
     372 +}
     373 + 
     374 +func (r *Runner) startStepJob(j interface{}) {
     375 + job := j.(stepJob)
     376 + localOptions := job.options
     377 + localStep := job.step
     378 + 
     379 + err := r.CheckCondition(localStep.Conditions, localOptions)
     380 + 
     381 + if err != nil {
     382 + // run reverse commands
     383 + if len(localStep.RCommands) > 0 {
     384 + RunCommands(localStep.RCommands, localStep.Std, localOptions)
     385 + }
     386 + if len(localStep.RScripts) > 0 {
     387 + r.RunScripts(localStep.RScripts, localOptions)
     388 + }
     389 + } else {
     390 + if len(localStep.Commands) > 0 {
     391 + RunCommands(localStep.Commands, localStep.Std, localOptions)
     392 + }
     393 + }
     394 + 
     395 + if len(localStep.Ose) > 0 {
     396 + for _, ose := range localStep.Ose {
     397 + r.RunOse(ose)
     398 + }
     399 + }
     400 + 
     401 + if len(localStep.Scripts) > 0 {
     402 + r.RunScripts(localStep.Scripts, localOptions)
     403 + }
     404 + 
     405 + // post scripts
     406 + if len(localStep.PConditions) > 0 || len(localStep.PScripts) > 0 {
     407 + err := r.CheckCondition(localStep.PConditions, localOptions)
     408 + if err == nil {
     409 + if len(localStep.PScripts) > 0 {
     410 + r.RunScripts(localStep.PScripts, localOptions)
     411 + }
     412 + }
     413 + }
     414 +}
     415 + 
  • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
     1 +package core
     2 + 
     3 +import (
     4 + "fmt"
     5 + ""
     6 + ""
     7 + ""
     8 + ""
     9 + ""
     10 + ""
     11 + ""
     12 + "os"
     13 + "strings"
     14 +)
     15 + 
     16 +// Runner runner struct to start a job
     17 +type Runner struct {
     18 + Input string
     19 + Workspace string
     20 + 
     21 + InputType string // domain, url, ip, cidr or domain-file, url-file, ip-file, cidr-file
     22 + RequiredInput string // this should match with InputType
     23 + IsInvalid bool
     24 + 
     25 + RoutineType string // module or flow
     26 + RoutineName string // general
     27 + RoutinePath string
     28 + RunnerSource string // cli or api
     29 + RunnerType string // local or cloud
     30 + 
     31 + Opt libs.Options
     32 + 
     33 + // use for analytics
     34 + DoneStep int
     35 + TotalSteps int
     36 + RunningTime int
     37 + CurrentModule string
     38 + 
     39 + DoneFile string
     40 + RuntimeFile string
     41 + 
     42 + RoutineModules []string
     43 + Routines []libs.Routine
     44 + 
     45 + // RunTime *otto.Otto
     46 + VM *otto.Otto
     47 + 
     48 + TargetObj database.Target
     49 + ScanObj database.Scan
     50 + 
     51 + Target map[string]string
     52 +}
     53 + 
     54 +// InitRunner init runner
     55 +func InitRunner(input string, opt libs.Options) (Runner, error) {
     56 + var runner Runner
     57 + runner.Input = input
     58 + runner.Opt = opt
     59 + runner.PrepareRoutine()
     60 + runner.InitVM()
     61 + 
     62 + runner.RunnerSource = "cli"
     63 + // @TODO check if running in cloud
     64 + runner.RunnerType = "local"
     65 + return runner, nil
     66 +}
     67 + 
     68 +// PrepareWorkflow prepare workflow file
     69 +func (r *Runner) PrepareWorkflow() {
     70 + r.RoutineType = "flow"
     71 + var err error
     72 + flows := SelectFlow(r.Opt.Scan.Flow, r.Opt)
     73 + for _, flow := range flows {
     74 + if strings.TrimSpace(flow) == "" {
     75 + continue
     76 + }
     77 + r.Opt.Flow, err = ParseFlow(flow)
     78 + r.RoutinePath = flow
     79 + if err != nil {
     80 + continue
     81 + }
     82 + 
     83 + if r.Opt.Flow.NoDB {
     84 + r.Opt.NoDB = true
     85 + }
     86 + 
     87 + if r.Opt.Flow.Type == "general" {
     88 + r.Opt.Flow.Input = r.Opt.Scan.Input
     89 + }
     90 + // default folder to look for module file if not specify
     91 + r.Opt.Flow.DefaultType = r.Opt.Flow.Type
     92 + 
     93 + r.Target["FlowPath"] = flow
     94 + r.RequiredInput = r.Opt.Flow.Validator
     95 + 
     96 + // get more params from flow
     97 + if len(r.Opt.Flow.Params) > 0 {
     98 + for _, params := range r.Opt.Flow.Params {
     99 + for k, v := range params {
     100 + r.Target[k] = v
     101 + }
     102 + }
     103 + }
     104 + }
     105 + 
     106 + // generate routines
     107 + for _, routine := range r.Opt.Flow.Routines {
     108 + // select module depend on the flow type
     109 + if routine.FlowFolder != "" {
     110 + r.Opt.Flow.Type = routine.FlowFolder
     111 + } else {
     112 + r.Opt.Flow.Type = r.Opt.Flow.DefaultType
     113 + }
     114 + 
     115 + modules := SelectModules(routine.Modules, r.Opt)
     116 + routine.RoutineName = fmt.Sprintf("flow-%s", r.Opt.Flow.Name)
     117 + 
     118 + for _, module := range modules {
     119 + parsedModule, err := ParseModules(module)
     120 + if err != nil || parsedModule.Name == "" {
     121 + continue
     122 + }
     123 + r.TotalSteps += len(parsedModule.Steps)
     124 + routine.ParsedModules = append(routine.ParsedModules, parsedModule)
     125 + }
     126 + r.Routines = append(r.Routines, routine)
     127 + }
     128 +}
     129 + 
     130 +func (r *Runner) PrepareModule() {
     131 + r.RoutineType = "module"
     132 + var err error
     133 + for _, rawModule := range r.Opt.Scan.Modules {
     134 + var routine libs.Routine
     135 + 
     136 + module := DirectSelectModule(r.Opt, rawModule)
     137 + r.RoutinePath = rawModule
     138 + r.Opt.Module, err = ParseModules(module)
     139 + if err != nil || r.Opt.Module.Name == "" {
     140 + continue
     141 + }
     142 + if r.Opt.Module.NoDB {
     143 + r.Opt.NoDB = true
     144 + }
     145 + 
     146 + r.Target["FlowPath"] = "direct-module"
     147 + routine.ParsedModules = append(routine.ParsedModules, r.Opt.Module)
     148 + routine.RoutineName = fmt.Sprintf("module-%s", r.Opt.Flow.Name)
     149 + r.Target["Module"] = module
     150 + 
     151 + r.Routines = append(r.Routines, routine)
     152 + 
     153 + r.TotalSteps += len(r.Opt.Module.Steps)
     154 + r.RequiredInput = r.Opt.Module.Validator
     155 + }
     156 +}
     157 + 
     158 +func (r *Runner) PrepareRoutine() {
     159 + // prepare targets
     160 + r.Target = ParseInput(r.Input, r.Opt)
     161 + r.Workspace = r.Target["Workspace"]
     162 + 
     163 + // take from -m flag
     164 + if len(r.Opt.Scan.Modules) > 0 {
     165 + r.RoutineName = strings.Join(r.Opt.Scan.Modules, "-")
     166 + r.PrepareModule()
     167 + return
     168 + }
     169 + 
     170 + // take from -f flag
     171 + if r.Opt.Scan.Flow != "" {
     172 + r.RoutineName = r.Opt.Scan.Flow
     173 + r.PrepareWorkflow()
     174 + }
     175 +}
     176 + 
     177 +func (r *Runner) Start() {
     178 + err := r.Validator()
     179 + if err != nil {
     180 + utils.ErrorF("Input does not match the require type: %v -- %v", r.RequiredInput, r.Input)
     181 + utils.InforF("Use '--nv' if you want to disable input validate")
     182 + return
     183 + }
     184 + 
     185 + r.Opt.Scan.ROptions = r.Target
     186 + utils.BlockF("Target", r.Input)
     187 + utils.BlockF("Routine", r.RoutineName)
     188 + 
     189 + // prepare some metadata files
     190 + utils.MakeDir(r.Target["Output"])
     191 + r.DoneFile = r.Target["Output"] + "/done"
     192 + r.RuntimeFile = r.Target["Output"] + "/runtime"
     193 + os.Remove(r.DoneFile)
     194 + 
     195 + execution.TeleSendMess(r.Opt, fmt.Sprintf("**%s** -- Start new scan: **%s** -- **%s**", r.Opt.Noti.ClientName, r.Opt.Scan.Flow, r.Target["Workspace"]), "#status", false)
     196 + 
     197 + r.DBNewTarget()
     198 + r.DBNewScan()
     199 + r.StartScanNoti()
     200 + 
     201 + /////
     202 + /* really start the scan here */
     203 + r.StartRoutine()
     204 + /////
     205 + 
     206 + BackupWorkspace(r.Opt)
     207 + r.DBDoneScan()
     208 + r.ScanDoneNoti()
     209 + 
     210 + utils.BlockF("Done", fmt.Sprintf("scan for %v -- %v", r.Input, color.HiMagentaString("%vs", r.RunningTime)))
     211 + utils.WriteToFile(r.DoneFile, "done")
     212 +}
     213 + 
     214 +// StartRoutine start the scan
     215 +func (r *Runner) StartRoutine() {
     216 + for _, routine := range r.Routines {
     217 + for _, module := range routine.ParsedModules {
     218 + module = ResolveReports(module, r.Opt)
     219 + r.Opt.Module = module
     220 + 
     221 + // check exclude options
     222 + if funk.ContainsString(r.Opt.Exclude, module.Name) {
     223 + utils.BadBlockF(module.Name, fmt.Sprintf("Module Got Excluded"))
     224 + continue
     225 + }
     226 + 
     227 + rTimeout := r.Opt.Timeout
     228 + if module.MTimeout != "" {
     229 + rTimeout = ResolveData(module.MTimeout, r.Target)
     230 + }
     231 + 
     232 + if rTimeout != "" {
     233 + timeout := utils.CalcTimeout(rTimeout)
     234 + if timeout < 43200 {
     235 + // run the module but with timeout
     236 + r.RunModulesWithTimeout(rTimeout, module, r.Opt)
     237 + continue
     238 + }
     239 + }
     240 + 
     241 + r.RunModule(module, r.Opt)
     242 + }
     243 + }
     244 +}
     245 + 
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