Projects STRLCPY Osintgram Commits a3d5ad1d
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  • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
    1 1  # Osintgram 🔎📸
    2 2   
    3  -[![version-1.2](](
     3 +[![version-1.3](](
    4 4  [![GPLv3](](
    5 5  [![Python3](](
    6 6  [![Telegram](](
    skipped 2 lines
    9 9  Osintgram is a **OSINT** tool on Instagram to collect, analyze, and run reconnaissance.
    10 10   
    11 11  <p align="center">
    12  -<img align="center" src=".img/carbon.svg" width="900">
     12 +<img align="center" src=".img/carbon.png" width="900">
    13 13  </p>
    14 14   
    15  -Disclaimer: **The contributors do not assume any responsibility for the use of this tool**
     15 +Disclaimer: **FOR EDUCATIONAL PURPOSE ONLY! The contributors do not assume any responsibility for the use of this tool.**
    16 16   
    17 17  Warning: It is advisable to **not** use your own/primary account when using this tool.
    18 18   
    skipped 26 lines
    45 45   
    46 46  You can find detailed commands usage [here](doc/
    47 47   
    48  -[**Latest version**]( |
     48 +[**Latest version**]( |
    49 49  [Commands](doc/ |
    50 50  [CHANGELOG](doc/
    51 51   
    skipped 21 lines
    73 73  
    74 74   Alternatively, you can run the `make setup` command to populate this file for you.
    75 75   
    76  -7. Run the script
     76 +7. Run the script in one of two ways
    77 77   
    78  - `python3 <target username>`
     78 + * As an interactive prompt `python3 <target username>`
     79 + * Or execute your command straight away `python3 <target username> --command <command>`
    79 80   
    80 81  ## Docker Quick Start 🐳
    81 82   
    skipped 89 lines
  • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
    1 1  [Credentials]
    2 2  username =
    3 3  password =
    4  - 
  • ■ ■ ■ ■
    1  -{}
     1 +{"uuid": "49ed550a-b30f-11eb-ab45-00155d9a47a8", "device_id": "android-49ed5762b30f11eb", "ad_id": "00ea607f-90b5-01af-95ac-c6f37ac93fbd", "session_id": "49ed5848-b30f-11eb-ab45-00155d9a47a8", "cookie": {"__class__": "bytes", "__value__": "gASVRwMAAAAAAAB9lIwOLmluc3RhZ3JhbS5jb22UfZSMAS+UfZQojAljc3JmdG9rZW6UjA5odHRw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\n"}, "created_ts": 1620816384}
  • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
    1 1  # Changelog
    2 2   
     3 +## [1.3](
     4 +**Enhancements**
     5 +- Artwork refactoring (#149)
     6 +- Added command line mode (#155)
     7 +- Added output limiter (#201)
     8 + 
     9 +**Bug fixes**
     10 +- Losing collected data (#156)
     11 +- JSON user info (#202)
     12 +- Issue #198 (#200)
     13 +- Issue #204 (12e730e)
     14 + 
     15 + 
    3 16  ## [1.2](
    4 17  **Enhancements**
    5 18  - Added virtual environment (#126)
    skipped 136 lines
  • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
    skipped 2 lines
    3 3  from src.Osintgram import Osintgram
    4 4  import argparse
    5 5  from src import printcolors as pc
     6 +from src import artwork
    6 7  import sys
    7 8  import signal
    8 9   
    skipped 7 lines
    16 17   
    17 18   
    18 19  def printlogo():
    19  - pc.printout("________ .__ __ \n", pc.YELLOW)
    20  - pc.printout("\_____ \ _____|__| _____/ |_ ________________ _____ \n", pc.YELLOW)
    21  - pc.printout(" / | \ / ___/ |/ \ __\/ ___\_ __ \__ \ / \ \n", pc.YELLOW)
    22  - pc.printout("/ | \\\___ \| | | \ | / /_/ > | \// __ \| Y Y \\\n", pc.YELLOW)
    23  - pc.printout("\_______ /____ >__|___| /__| \___ /|__| (____ /__|_| /\n", pc.YELLOW)
    24  - pc.printout(" \/ \/ \/ /_____/ \/ \/ \n", pc.YELLOW)
    25  - print('\n')
    26  - pc.printout("Version 1.2 - Developed by Giuseppe Criscione\n\n", pc.YELLOW)
     20 + pc.printout(artwork.ascii_art, pc.YELLOW)
     21 + pc.printout("\nVersion 1.1 - Developed by Giuseppe Criscione\n\n", pc.YELLOW)
    27 22   pc.printout("Type 'list' to show all allowed commands\n")
    28 23   pc.printout("Type 'FILE=y' to save results to files like '<target username>_<command>.txt (default is disabled)'\n")
    29 24   pc.printout("Type 'FILE=n' to disable saving to files'\n")
    skipped 9 lines
    39 34   print("Enable/disable export in a '<target username>_<command>.json' file'")
    40 35   pc.printout("addrs\t\t")
    41 36   print("Get all registered addressed by target photos")
     37 + pc.printout("cache\t\t")
     38 + print("Clear cache of the tool")
    42 39   pc.printout("captions\t")
    43 40   print("Get target's photos captions")
    44 41   pc.printout("commentdata\t")
    skipped 63 lines
    108 105   gnureadline.parse_and_bind("tab: complete")
    109 106   gnureadline.set_completer(completer)
    110 107   
    111  -printlogo()
    112  - 
    113 108  parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Osintgram is a OSINT tool on Instagram. It offers an interactive shell '
    114 109   'to perform analysis on Instagram account of any users by its nickname ')
    115 110  parser.add_argument('id', type=str, # var = id
    116 111   help='username')
     112 +parser.add_argument('-C','--cookies', help='clear\'s previous cookies', action="store_true")
    117 113  parser.add_argument('-j', '--json', help='save commands output as JSON file', action='store_true')
    118 114  parser.add_argument('-f', '--file', help='save output in a file', action='store_true')
     115 +parser.add_argument('-c', '--command', help='run in single command mode & execute provided command', action='store')
     116 +parser.add_argument('-o', '--output', help='where to store photos', action='store')
    119 117   
    120 118  args = parser.parse_args()
    121 119   
    122  -api = Osintgram(, args.file, args.json)
     120 + 
     121 +api = Osintgram(, args.file, args.json, args.command, args.output, args.cookies)
     122 + 
    123 123   
    124 124   
    125 125  commands = {
    skipped 2 lines
    128 128   'quit': _quit,
    129 129   'exit': _quit,
    130 130   'addrs': api.get_addrs,
     131 + 'cache': api.clear_cache,
    131 132   'captions': api.get_captions,
    132 133   "commentdata": api.get_comment_data,
    133 134   'comments': api.get_total_comments,
    skipped 17 lines
    151 152   'wtagged': api.get_people_who_tagged
    152 153  }
    153 154   
     155 + 
    154 156  signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal_handler)
    155 157  if is_windows:
    156 158   pyreadline.Readline().parse_and_bind("tab: complete")
    skipped 1 lines
    158 160  else:
    159 161   gnureadline.parse_and_bind("tab: complete")
    160 162   gnureadline.set_completer(completer)
     163 + 
     164 +if not args.command:
     165 + printlogo()
     166 + 
    161 167   
    162 168  while True:
    163  - pc.printout("Run a command: ", pc.YELLOW)
    164  - cmd = input()
     169 + if args.command:
     170 + cmd = args.command
     171 + _cmd = commands.get(args.command)
     172 + else:
     173 + signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal_handler)
     174 + gnureadline.parse_and_bind("tab: complete")
     175 + gnureadline.set_completer(completer)
     176 + pc.printout("Run a command: ", pc.YELLOW)
     177 + cmd = input()
    165 178   
    166  - _cmd = commands.get(cmd)
     179 + _cmd = commands.get(cmd)
    167 180   
    168 181   if _cmd:
    169 182   _cmd()
    skipped 10 lines
    180 193   else:
    181 194   pc.printout("Unknown command\n", pc.RED)
    182 195   
     196 + if args.command:
     197 + break
     198 + 
  • ■ ■ ■ ■
    1  -Please don't deleate this folder.
     1 +Please don't delete this folder.
  • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
    skipped 3 lines
    4 4  import urllib
    5 5  import os
    6 6  import codecs
     7 +from pathlib import Path
    7 8   
    8 9  import requests
    9 10  import ssl
    skipped 20 lines
    30 31   target = ""
    31 32   writeFile = False
    32 33   jsonDump = False
     34 + cli_mode = False
     35 + output_dir = "output"
    33 36   
    34  - def __init__(self, target, is_file, is_json):
     37 + 
     38 + def __init__(self, target, is_file, is_json, is_cli, output_dir, clear_cookies):
     39 + self.output_dir = output_dir or self.output_dir
     40 + Path(self.output_dir).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
    35 41   u = config.getUsername()
    36 42   p = config.getPassword()
    37  - print("\nAttempt to login...")
     43 + self.clear_cookies(clear_cookies)
     44 + self.cli_mode = is_cli
     45 + if not is_cli:
     46 + print("\nAttempt to login...")
    38 47   self.login(u, p)
    39 48   self.setTarget(target)
    40 49   self.writeFile = is_file
    41 50   self.jsonDump = is_json
    42 51   
     52 + def clear_cookies(self,clear_cookies):
     53 + if clear_cookies:
     54 + self.clear_cache()
     55 + 
    43 56   def setTarget(self, target):
    44 57 = target
    45 58   user = self.get_user(target)
    skipped 103 lines
    149 162   i = i + 1
    150 163   
    151 164   if self.writeFile:
    152  - file_name = "output/" + + "_addrs.txt"
     165 + file_name = self.output_dir + "/" + + "_addrs.txt"
    153 166   file = open(file_name, "w")
    154 167   file.write(str(t))
    155 168   file.close()
    156 169   
    157 170   if self.jsonDump:
    158 171   json_data['address'] = addrs_list
    159  - json_file_name = "output/" + + "_addrs.json"
     172 + json_file_name = self.output_dir + "/" + + "_addrs.json"
    160 173   with open(json_file_name, 'w') as f:
    161 174   json.dump(json_data, f)
    162 175   
    skipped 36 lines
    199 212   file = None
    200 213   
    201 214   if self.writeFile:
    202  - file_name = "output/" + + "_captions.txt"
     215 + file_name = self.output_dir + "/" + + "_captions.txt"
    203 216   file = open(file_name, "w")
    204 217   
    205 218   for s in captions:
    skipped 4 lines
    210 223   
    211 224   if self.jsonDump:
    212 225   json_data['captions'] = captions
    213  - json_file_name = "output/" + + "_followings.json"
     226 + json_file_name = self.output_dir + "/" + + "_followings.json"
    214 227   with open(json_file_name, 'w') as f:
    215 228   json.dump(json_data, f)
    216 229   
    skipped 21 lines
    238 251   posts += 1
    239 252   
    240 253   if self.writeFile:
    241  - file_name = "output/" + + "_comments.txt"
     254 + file_name = self.output_dir + "/" + + "_comments.txt"
    242 255   file = open(file_name, "w")
    243 256   file.write(str(comments_counter) + " comments in " + str(posts) + " posts\n")
    244 257   file.close()
    skipped 3 lines
    248 261   'comment_counter': comments_counter,
    249 262   'posts': posts
    250 263   }
    251  - json_file_name = "output/" + + "_comments.json"
     264 + json_file_name = self.output_dir + "/" + + "_comments.json"
    252 265   with open(json_file_name, 'w') as f:
    253 266   json.dump(json_data, f)
    254 267   
    skipped 29 lines
    284 297  
    285 298   print(t)
    286 299   if self.writeFile:
    287  - file_name = "output/" + + "_comment_data.txt"
     300 + file_name = self.output_dir + "/" + + "_comment_data.txt"
    288 301   with open(file_name, 'w') as f:
    289 302   f.write(str(t))
    290 303   f.close()
    291 304  
    292 305   if self.jsonDump:
    293  - file_name_json = "output/" + + "_comment_data.json"
     306 + file_name_json = self.output_dir + "/" + + "_comment_data.json"
    294 307   with open(file_name_json, 'w') as f:
    295 308   f.write("{ \"Comments\":[ \n")
    296 309   f.write('\n'.join(json.dumps(comment) for comment in _comments) + ',\n')
    skipped 53 lines
    350 363   followings_list.append(follow)
    351 364   
    352 365   if self.writeFile:
    353  - file_name = "output/" + + "_followers.txt"
     366 + file_name = self.output_dir + "/" + + "_followers.txt"
    354 367   file = open(file_name, "w")
    355 368   file.write(str(t))
    356 369   file.close()
    357 370   
    358 371   if self.jsonDump:
    359 372   json_data['followers'] = followers
    360  - json_file_name = "output/" + + "_followers.json"
     373 + json_file_name = self.output_dir + "/" + + "_followers.json"
    361 374   with open(json_file_name, 'w') as f:
    362 375   json.dump(json_data, f)
    363 376   
    skipped 51 lines
    415 428   followings_list.append(follow)
    416 429   
    417 430   if self.writeFile:
    418  - file_name = "output/" + + "_followings.txt"
     431 + file_name = self.output_dir + "/" + + "_followings.txt"
    419 432   file = open(file_name, "w")
    420 433   file.write(str(t))
    421 434   file.close()
    422 435   
    423 436   if self.jsonDump:
    424 437   json_data['followings'] = followings_list
    425  - json_file_name = "output/" + + "_followings.json"
     438 + json_file_name = self.output_dir + "/" + + "_followings.json"
    426 439   with open(json_file_name, 'w') as f:
    427 440   json.dump(json_data, f)
    428 441   
    skipped 42 lines
    471 484   hashtags_list = []
    472 485   
    473 486   if self.writeFile:
    474  - file_name = "output/" + + "_hashtags.txt"
     487 + file_name = self.output_dir + "/" + + "_hashtags.txt"
    475 488   file = open(file_name, "w")
    476 489   
    477 490   for k, v in ssort:
    skipped 9 lines
    487 500   
    488 501   if self.jsonDump:
    489 502   json_data['hashtags'] = hashtags_list
    490  - json_file_name = "output/" + + "_hashtags.json"
     503 + json_file_name = self.output_dir + "/" + + "_hashtags.json"
    491 504   with open(json_file_name, 'w') as f:
    492 505   json.dump(json_data, f)
    493 506   else:
    skipped 52 lines
    546 559   'biography': data['biography'],
    547 560   'edge_followed_by': data['follower_count'],
    548 561   'edge_follow': data['following_count'],
    549  - 'is_business_account': data['is_business_account'],
    550  - 'is_verified': data['is_business'],
     562 + 'is_business_account': data['is_business'],
     563 + 'is_verified': data['is_verified'],
    551 564   'profile_pic_url_hd': data['hd_profile_pic_url_info']['url']
    552 565   }
    553 566   if 'public_email' in data and data['public_email']:
    skipped 9 lines
    563 576   if 'contact_phone_number' in data and data['contact_phone_number']:
    564 577   user['contact_phone_number'] = data['contact_phone_number']
    565 578   
    566  - json_file_name = "output/" + + "_info.json"
     579 + json_file_name = self.output_dir + "/" + + "_info.json"
    567 580   with open(json_file_name, 'w') as f:
    568 581   json.dump(user, f)
    569 582   
    skipped 19 lines
    589 602   posts += 1
    590 603   
    591 604   if self.writeFile:
    592  - file_name = "output/" + + "_likes.txt"
     605 + file_name = self.output_dir + "/" + + "_likes.txt"
    593 606   file = open(file_name, "w")
    594 607   file.write(str(like_counter) + " likes in " + str(like_counter) + " posts\n")
    595 608   file.close()
    skipped 3 lines
    599 612   'like_counter': like_counter,
    600 613   'posts': like_counter
    601 614   }
    602  - json_file_name = "output/" + + "_likes.json"
     615 + json_file_name = self.output_dir + "/" + + "_likes.json"
    603 616   with open(json_file_name, 'w') as f:
    604 617   json.dump(json_data, f)
    605 618   
    skipped 28 lines
    634 647   if counter > 0:
    635 648   
    636 649   if self.writeFile:
    637  - file_name = "output/" + + "_mediatype.txt"
     650 + file_name = self.output_dir + "/" + + "_mediatype.txt"
    638 651   file = open(file_name, "w")
    639 652   file.write(str(photo_counter) + " photos and " + str(video_counter) + " video posted by target\n")
    640 653   file.close()
    skipped 6 lines
    647 660   "photos": photo_counter,
    648 661   "videos": video_counter
    649 662   }
    650  - json_file_name = "output/" + + "_mediatype.json"
     663 + json_file_name = self.output_dir + "/" + + "_mediatype.json"
    651 664   with open(json_file_name, 'w') as f:
    652 665   json.dump(json_data, f)
    653 666   
    skipped 45 lines
    699 712   print(t)
    700 713   
    701 714   if self.writeFile:
    702  - file_name = "output/" + + "_users_who_commented.txt"
     715 + file_name = self.output_dir + "/" + + "_users_who_commented.txt"
    703 716   file = open(file_name, "w")
    704 717   file.write(str(t))
    705 718   file.close()
    706 719   
    707 720   if self.jsonDump:
    708 721   json_data['users_who_commented'] = ssort
    709  - json_file_name = "output/" + + "_users_who_commented.json"
     722 + json_file_name = self.output_dir + "/" + + "_users_who_commented.json"
    710 723   with open(json_file_name, 'w') as f:
    711 724   json.dump(json_data, f)
    712 725   else:
    skipped 54 lines
    767 780   print(t)
    768 781   
    769 782   if self.writeFile:
    770  - file_name = "output/" + + "_users_who_tagged.txt"
     783 + file_name = self.output_dir + "/" + + "_users_who_tagged.txt"
    771 784   file = open(file_name, "w")
    772 785   file.write(str(t))
    773 786   file.close()
    774 787   
    775 788   if self.jsonDump:
    776 789   json_data['users_who_tagged'] = ssort
    777  - json_file_name = "output/" + + "_users_who_tagged.json"
     790 + json_file_name = self.output_dir + "/" + + "_users_who_tagged.json"
    778 791   with open(json_file_name, 'w') as f:
    779 792   json.dump(json_data, f)
    780 793   else:
    skipped 34 lines
    815 828   count += 1
    816 829   
    817 830   if self.writeFile:
    818  - file_name = "output/" + + "_photodes.txt"
     831 + file_name = self.output_dir + "/" + + "_photodes.txt"
    819 832   file = open(file_name, "w")
    820 833   file.write(str(t))
    821 834   file.close()
    822 835   
    823 836   if self.jsonDump:
    824 837   json_data['descriptions'] = descriptions_list
    825  - json_file_name = "output/" + + "_descriptions.json"
     838 + json_file_name = self.output_dir + "/" + + "_descriptions.json"
    826 839   with open(json_file_name, 'w') as f:
    827 840   json.dump(json_data, f)
    828 841   
    skipped 6 lines
    835 848   return
    836 849   
    837 850   limit = -1
    838  - pc.printout("How many photos you want to download (default all): ", pc.YELLOW)
    839  - user_input = input()
     851 + if self.cli_mode:
     852 + user_input = ""
     853 + else:
     854 + pc.printout("How many photos you want to download (default all): ", pc.YELLOW)
     855 + user_input = input()
     856 +
    840 857   try:
    841 858   if user_input == "":
    842 859   pc.printout("Downloading all photos available...\n")
    skipped 25 lines
    868 885   counter = counter + 1
    869 886   url = item["image_versions2"]["candidates"][0]["url"]
    870 887   photo_id = item["id"]
    871  - end = "output/" + + "_" + photo_id + ".jpg"
     888 + end = self.output_dir + "/" + + "_" + photo_id + ".jpg"
    872 889   urllib.request.urlretrieve(url, end)
    873 890   sys.stdout.write("\rDownloaded %i" % counter)
    874 891   sys.stdout.flush()
    skipped 5 lines
    880 897   counter = counter + 1
    881 898   url = i["image_versions2"]["candidates"][0]["url"]
    882 899   photo_id = i["id"]
    883  - end = "output/" + + "_" + photo_id + ".jpg"
     900 + end = self.output_dir + "/" + + "_" + photo_id + ".jpg"
    884 901   urllib.request.urlretrieve(url, end)
    885 902   sys.stdout.write("\rDownloaded %i" % counter)
    886 903   sys.stdout.flush()
    skipped 7 lines
    894 911   sys.stdout.write(" photos")
    895 912   sys.stdout.flush()
    896 913   
    897  - pc.printout("\nWoohoo! We downloaded " + str(counter) + " photos (saved in output/ folder) \n", pc.GREEN)
     914 + pc.printout("\nWoohoo! We downloaded " + str(counter) + " photos (saved in " + self.output_dir + " folder) \n", pc.GREEN)
    898 915   
    899 916   def get_user_propic(self):
    900 917   
    skipped 11 lines
    912 929   URL = data["hd_profile_pic_versions"][items-1]['url']
    913 930   
    914 931   if URL != "":
    915  - end = "output/" + + "_propic.jpg"
     932 + end = self.output_dir + "/" + + "_propic.jpg"
    916 933   urllib.request.urlretrieve(URL, end)
    917 934   pc.printout("Target propic saved in output folder\n", pc.GREEN)
    918 935   
    skipped 22 lines
    941 958   story_id = i["id"]
    942 959   if i["media_type"] == 1: # it's a photo
    943 960   url = i['image_versions2']['candidates'][0]['url']
    944  - end = "output/" + + "_" + story_id + ".jpg"
     961 + end = self.output_dir + "/" + + "_" + story_id + ".jpg"
    945 962   urllib.request.urlretrieve(url, end)
    946 963   
    947 964   elif i["media_type"] == 2: # it's a gif or video
    948 965   url = i['video_versions'][0]['url']
    949  - end = "output/" + + "_" + story_id + ".mp4"
     966 + end = self.output_dir + "/" + + "_" + story_id + ".mp4"
    950 967   urllib.request.urlretrieve(url, end)
    951 968   
    952 969   if counter > 0:
    skipped 59 lines
    1012 1029   tagged_list.append(tag)
    1013 1030   
    1014 1031   if self.writeFile:
    1015  - file_name = "output/" + + "_tagged.txt"
     1032 + file_name = self.output_dir + "/" + + "_tagged.txt"
    1016 1033   file = open(file_name, "w")
    1017 1034   file.write(str(t))
    1018 1035   file.close()
    1019 1036   
    1020 1037   if self.jsonDump:
    1021 1038   json_data['tagged'] = tagged_list
    1022  - json_file_name = "output/" + + "_tagged.json"
     1039 + json_file_name = self.output_dir + "/" + + "_tagged.json"
    1023 1040   with open(json_file_name, 'w') as f:
    1024 1041   json.dump(json_data, f)
    1025 1042   
    skipped 5 lines
    1031 1048   try:
    1032 1049   content = self.api.username_info(username)
    1033 1050   if self.writeFile:
    1034  - file_name = "output/" + + "_user_id.txt"
     1051 + file_name = self.output_dir + "/" + + "_user_id.txt"
    1035 1052   file = open(file_name, "w")
    1036 1053   file.write(str(content['user']['pk']))
    1037 1054   file.close()
    skipped 4 lines
    1042 1059   
    1043 1060   return user
    1044 1061   except ClientError as e:
     1062 + pc.printout('ClientError {0!s} (Code: {1:d}, Response: {2!s})'.format(e.msg, e.code, e.error_response), pc.RED)
    1045 1063   error = json.loads(e.error_response)
    1046 1064   if 'message' in error:
    1047 1065   print(error['message'])
    skipped 59 lines
    1107 1125   on_login=lambda x: self.onlogin_callback(x, settings_file))
    1108 1126   
    1109 1127   except ClientError as e:
    1110  - #pc.printout('ClientError {0!s} (Code: {1:d}, Response: {2!s})'.format(e.msg, e.code, e.error_response), pc.RED)
     1128 + pc.printout('ClientError {0!s} (Code: {1:d}, Response: {2!s})'.format(e.msg, e.code, e.error_response), pc.RED)
    1111 1129   error = json.loads(e.error_response)
    1112 1130   pc.printout(error['message'], pc.RED)
    1113 1131   pc.printout(": ", pc.RED)
    skipped 78 lines
    1192 1210   
    1193 1211   results = []
    1194 1212  
     1213 + pc.printout("Do you want to get all emails? y/n: ", pc.YELLOW)
     1214 + value = input()
     1215 +
     1216 + if value == str("y") or value == str("yes") or value == str("Yes") or value == str("YES"):
     1217 + value = len(followers)
     1218 + elif value == str(""):
     1219 + print("\n")
     1220 + return
     1221 + elif value == str("n") or value == str("no") or value == str("No") or value == str("NO"):
     1222 + while True:
     1223 + try:
     1224 + pc.printout("How many emails do you want to get? ", pc.YELLOW)
     1225 + new_value = int(input())
     1226 + value = new_value - 1
     1227 + break
     1228 + except ValueError:
     1229 + pc.printout("Error! Please enter a valid integer!", pc.RED)
     1230 + print("\n")
     1231 + return
     1232 + else:
     1233 + pc.printout("Error! Please enter y/n :-)", pc.RED)
     1234 + print("\n")
     1235 + return
     1236 + 
    1195 1237   for follow in followers:
    1196 1238   user = self.api.user_info(str(follow['id']))
    1197 1239   if 'public_email' in user['user'] and user['user']['public_email']:
    1198 1240   follow['email'] = user['user']['public_email']
     1241 + if len(results) > value:
     1242 + break
    1199 1243   results.append(follow)
    1200 1244   
    1201 1245   except ClientThrottledError as e:
    1202 1246   pc.printout("\nError: Instagram blocked the requests. Please wait a few minutes before you try again.", pc.RED)
    1203 1247   pc.printout("\n")
    1204  - return
    1205 1248   
    1206 1249   if len(results) > 0:
    1207 1250   
    skipped 9 lines
    1217 1260   t.add_row([str(node['id']), node['username'], node['full_name'], node['email']])
    1218 1261   
    1219 1262   if self.writeFile:
    1220  - file_name = "output/" + + "_fwersemail.txt"
     1263 + file_name = self.output_dir + "/" + + "_fwersemail.txt"
    1221 1264   file = open(file_name, "w")
    1222 1265   file.write(str(t))
    1223 1266   file.close()
    1224 1267   
    1225 1268   if self.jsonDump:
    1226 1269   json_data['followers_email'] = results
    1227  - json_file_name = "output/" + + "_fwersemail.json"
     1270 + json_file_name = self.output_dir + "/" + + "_fwersemail.json"
    1228 1271   with open(json_file_name, 'w') as f:
    1229 1272   json.dump(json_data, f)
    1230 1273   
    skipped 39 lines
    1270 1313  
    1271 1314   results = []
    1272 1315  
     1316 + pc.printout("Do you want to get all emails? y/n: ", pc.YELLOW)
     1317 + value = input()
     1318 +
     1319 + if value == str("y") or value == str("yes") or value == str("Yes") or value == str("YES"):
     1320 + value = len(followings)
     1321 + elif value == str(""):
     1322 + print("\n")
     1323 + return
     1324 + elif value == str("n") or value == str("no") or value == str("No") or value == str("NO"):
     1325 + while True:
     1326 + try:
     1327 + pc.printout("How many emails do you want to get? ", pc.YELLOW)
     1328 + new_value = int(input())
     1329 + value = new_value - 1
     1330 + break
     1331 + except ValueError:
     1332 + pc.printout("Error! Please enter a valid integer!", pc.RED)
     1333 + print("\n")
     1334 + return
     1335 + else:
     1336 + pc.printout("Error! Please enter y/n :-)", pc.RED)
     1337 + print("\n")
     1338 + return
     1339 + 
    1273 1340   for follow in followings:
    1274 1341   sys.stdout.write("\rCatched %i followings email" % len(results))
    1275 1342   sys.stdout.flush()
    1276 1343   user = self.api.user_info(str(follow['id']))
    1277 1344   if 'public_email' in user['user'] and user['user']['public_email']:
    1278 1345   follow['email'] = user['user']['public_email']
     1346 + if len(results) > value:
     1347 + break
    1279 1348   results.append(follow)
    1280 1349  
    1281 1350   except ClientThrottledError as e:
    1282 1351   pc.printout("\nError: Instagram blocked the requests. Please wait a few minutes before you try again.", pc.RED)
    1283 1352   pc.printout("\n")
    1284  - return
    1285 1353  
    1286 1354   print("\n")
    1287 1355   
    skipped 10 lines
    1298 1366   t.add_row([str(node['id']), node['username'], node['full_name'], node['email']])
    1299 1367   
    1300 1368   if self.writeFile:
    1301  - file_name = "output/" + + "_fwingsemail.txt"
     1369 + file_name = self.output_dir + "/" + + "_fwingsemail.txt"
    1302 1370   file = open(file_name, "w")
    1303 1371   file.write(str(t))
    1304 1372   file.close()
    1305 1373   
    1306 1374   if self.jsonDump:
    1307 1375   json_data['followings_email'] = results
    1308  - json_file_name = "output/" + + "_fwingsemail.json"
     1376 + json_file_name = self.output_dir + "/" + + "_fwingsemail.json"
    1309 1377   with open(json_file_name, 'w') as f:
    1310 1378   json.dump(json_data, f)
    1311 1379   
    skipped 39 lines
    1351 1419  
    1352 1420   results = []
    1353 1421  
     1422 + pc.printout("Do you want to get all phone numbers? y/n: ", pc.YELLOW)
     1423 + value = input()
     1424 +
     1425 + if value == str("y") or value == str("yes") or value == str("Yes") or value == str("YES"):
     1426 + value = len(followings)
     1427 + elif value == str(""):
     1428 + print("\n")
     1429 + return
     1430 + elif value == str("n") or value == str("no") or value == str("No") or value == str("NO"):
     1431 + while True:
     1432 + try:
     1433 + pc.printout("How many phone numbers do you want to get? ", pc.YELLOW)
     1434 + new_value = int(input())
     1435 + value = new_value - 1
     1436 + break
     1437 + except ValueError:
     1438 + pc.printout("Error! Please enter a valid integer!", pc.RED)
     1439 + print("\n")
     1440 + return
     1441 + else:
     1442 + pc.printout("Error! Please enter y/n :-)", pc.RED)
     1443 + print("\n")
     1444 + return
     1445 + 
    1354 1446   for follow in followings:
    1355 1447   sys.stdout.write("\rCatched %i followings phone numbers" % len(results))
    1356 1448   sys.stdout.flush()
    1357 1449   user = self.api.user_info(str(follow['id']))
    1358 1450   if 'contact_phone_number' in user['user'] and user['user']['contact_phone_number']:
    1359 1451   follow['contact_phone_number'] = user['user']['contact_phone_number']
     1452 + if len(results) > value:
     1453 + break
    1360 1454   results.append(follow)
    1361 1455   
    1362 1456   except ClientThrottledError as e:
    1363 1457   pc.printout("\nError: Instagram blocked the requests. Please wait a few minutes before you try again.", pc.RED)
    1364 1458   pc.printout("\n")
    1365  - return
    1366 1459  
    1367 1460   print("\n")
    1368 1461   
    skipped 10 lines
    1379 1472   t.add_row([str(node['id']), node['username'], node['full_name'], node['contact_phone_number']])
    1380 1473   
    1381 1474   if self.writeFile:
    1382  - file_name = "output/" + + "_fwingsnumber.txt"
     1475 + file_name = self.output_dir + "/" + + "_fwingsnumber.txt"
    1383 1476   file = open(file_name, "w")
    1384 1477   file.write(str(t))
    1385 1478   file.close()
    1386 1479   
    1387 1480   if self.jsonDump:
    1388 1481   json_data['followings_phone_numbers'] = results
    1389  - json_file_name = "output/" + + "_fwingsnumber.json"
     1482 + json_file_name = self.output_dir + "/" + + "_fwingsnumber.json"
    1390 1483   with open(json_file_name, 'w') as f:
    1391 1484   json.dump(json_data, f)
    1392 1485   
    skipped 40 lines
    1433 1526  
    1434 1527   results = []
    1435 1528  
     1529 + pc.printout("Do you want to get all phone numbers? y/n: ", pc.YELLOW)
     1530 + value = input()
     1531 +
     1532 + if value == str("y") or value == str("yes") or value == str("Yes") or value == str("YES"):
     1533 + value = len(followings)
     1534 + elif value == str(""):
     1535 + print("\n")
     1536 + return
     1537 + elif value == str("n") or value == str("no") or value == str("No") or value == str("NO"):
     1538 + while True:
     1539 + try:
     1540 + pc.printout("How many phone numbers do you want to get? ", pc.YELLOW)
     1541 + new_value = int(input())
     1542 + value = new_value - 1
     1543 + break
     1544 + except ValueError:
     1545 + pc.printout("Error! Please enter a valid integer!", pc.RED)
     1546 + print("\n")
     1547 + return
     1548 + else:
     1549 + pc.printout("Error! Please enter y/n :-)", pc.RED)
     1550 + print("\n")
     1551 + return
     1552 + 
    1436 1553   for follow in followings:
    1437 1554   sys.stdout.write("\rCatched %i followers phone numbers" % len(results))
    1438 1555   sys.stdout.flush()
    1439 1556   user = self.api.user_info(str(follow['id']))
    1440 1557   if 'contact_phone_number' in user['user'] and user['user']['contact_phone_number']:
    1441 1558   follow['contact_phone_number'] = user['user']['contact_phone_number']
     1559 + if len(results) > value:
     1560 + break
    1442 1561   results.append(follow)
    1443 1562   
    1444 1563   except ClientThrottledError as e:
    1445 1564   pc.printout("\nError: Instagram blocked the requests. Please wait a few minutes before you try again.", pc.RED)
    1446 1565   pc.printout("\n")
    1447  - return
    1448 1566   
    1449 1567   print("\n")
    1450 1568   
    skipped 10 lines
    1461 1579   t.add_row([str(node['id']), node['username'], node['full_name'], node['contact_phone_number']])
    1462 1580   
    1463 1581   if self.writeFile:
    1464  - file_name = "output/" + + "_fwersnumber.txt"
     1582 + file_name = self.output_dir + "/" + + "_fwersnumber.txt"
    1465 1583   file = open(file_name, "w")
    1466 1584   file.write(str(t))
    1467 1585   file.close()
    1468 1586   
    1469 1587   if self.jsonDump:
    1470 1588   json_data['followings_phone_numbers'] = results
    1471  - json_file_name = "output/" + + "_fwerssnumber.json"
     1589 + json_file_name = self.output_dir + "/" + + "_fwerssnumber.json"
    1472 1590   with open(json_file_name, 'w') as f:
    1473 1591   json.dump(json_data, f)
    1474 1592   
    skipped 48 lines
    1523 1641   print(t)
    1524 1642   
    1525 1643   if self.writeFile:
    1526  - file_name = "output/" + + "_users_who_commented.txt"
     1644 + file_name = self.output_dir + "/" + + "_users_who_commented.txt"
    1527 1645   file = open(file_name, "w")
    1528 1646   file.write(str(t))
    1529 1647   file.close()
    1530 1648   
    1531 1649   if self.jsonDump:
    1532 1650   json_data['users_who_commented'] = ssort
    1533  - json_file_name = "output/" + + "_users_who_commented.json"
     1651 + json_file_name = self.output_dir + "/" + + "_users_who_commented.json"
    1534 1652   with open(json_file_name, 'w') as f:
    1535 1653   json.dump(json_data, f)
    1536 1654   else:
    1537 1655   pc.printout("Sorry! No results found :-(\n", pc.RED)
    1538 1656   
     1657 + def clear_cache(self):
     1658 + try:
     1659 + f = open("config/settings.json",'w')
     1660 + f.write("{}")
     1661 + pc.printout("Cache Cleared.\n",pc.GREEN)
     1662 + except FileNotFoundError:
     1663 + pc.printout("Settings.json don't exist.\n",pc.RED)
     1664 + finally:
     1665 + f.close()
     1666 + 
  • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
     1 +ascii_art = r"""
     2 +________ .__ __
     3 +\_____ \ _____|__| _____/ |_ ________________ _____
     4 + / | \ / ___/ |/ \ __\/ ___\_ __ \__ \ / \
     5 +/ | \\___ \| | | \ | / /_/ > | \// __ \| Y Y \
     6 +\_______ /____ >__|___| /__| \___ /|__| (____ /__|_| /
     7 + \/ \/ \/ /_____/ \/ \/
     8 + """
     9 + 
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