Projects STRLCPY Osintgram Commits 1d88f497
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  • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
    1  -[![](](
     1 +[![](](
    2 2  [![](](
    3 3  [![](](
    4 4  [![](](
    skipped 28 lines
    33 33  ```
    34 34  You can find detailed commands usage [here](doc/
    35 35   
    36  -[**Latest version**]( |
     36 +[**Latest version**]( |
    37 37  [CHANGELOG](doc/
    38 38   
    39 39  ## Tools
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  • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
    1 1  # Changelog
    2 2   
     3 +## [1.1](
     4 +**Enhancements**
     5 +- Improved command parser (#86)
     6 +- Improved errors handling (8bd1abc)
     7 +- Add new line when input command is empty (f5211eb)
     8 +- Added new commands to catch phone number of users (#111)
     9 +- Added support for Windows (#100)
     10 + 
     11 + 
     12 +**Bug fixes**
     13 +- Fix commands output limit bug (#87)
     14 +- Fix setting target with "." in username (9082990)
     15 +- Readline installing error (#94 )
     16 + 
     17 + 
    3 18  ## [1.0.1](
    4 19  **Bug fixes**
    5 20  - Set itself as target by param
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    24 24   pc.printout("\_______ /____ >__|___| /__| \___ /|__| (____ /__|_| /\n", pc.YELLOW)
    25 25   pc.printout(" \/ \/ \/ /_____/ \/ \/ \n", pc.YELLOW)
    26 26   print('\n')
    27  - pc.printout("Version 1.0.1 - Developed by Giuseppe Criscione\n\n", pc.YELLOW)
     27 + pc.printout("Version 1.1 - Developed by Giuseppe Criscione\n\n", pc.YELLOW)
    28 28   pc.printout("Type 'list' to show all allowed commands\n")
    29 29   pc.printout("Type 'FILE=y' to save results to files like '<target username>_<command>.txt (deafult is disabled)'\n")
    30 30   pc.printout("Type 'FILE=n' to disable saving to files'\n")
    skipped 146 lines
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