Projects STRLCPY Osintgram Commits 1b847ade
Revision indexing in progress... (symbol navigation in revisions will be accurate after indexed)
  • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
    skipped 54 lines
    55 55   def setTarget(self, target, show_output):
    56 56 = target
    57 57   user = self.get_user(target)
    58  - self.target_id = user['id']
    59  - self.is_private = user['is_private']
    60  - self.following = self.check_following()
    61  - if(show_output):
    62  - self.__printTargetBanner__()
     58 + if user:
     59 + self.target_id = user['id']
     60 + self.is_private = user['is_private']
     61 + self.following = self.check_following()
     62 + if(show_output):
     63 + self.__printTargetBanner__()
     64 + return True
     65 + else:
     66 + return False
    63 67  
    64 68   def get_api(self):
    65 69   return self.api
    skipped 4 lines
    70 74   def generate_uuid(self):
    71 75   return AppClient.generate_uuid()
    72 76   
    73  - def __get_feed__(self):
    74  - data = []
    75  - 
    76  - result = self.api.user_feed(str(self.target_id))
    77  - data.extend(result.get('items', []))
    78  - 
    79  - next_max_id = result.get('next_max_id')
    80  - while next_max_id:
    81  - results = self.api.user_feed(str(self.target_id), max_id=next_max_id)
    82  - data.extend(results.get('items', []))
    83  - next_max_id = results.get('next_max_id')
    84  - 
    85  - return data
    86  - 
    87  - def __get_comments__(self, media_id):
    88  - comments = []
    89  - 
    90  - result = self.api.media_comments(str(media_id))
    91  - comments.extend(result.get('comments', []))
    92  - 
    93  - next_max_id = result.get('next_max_id')
    94  - while next_max_id:
    95  - results = self.api.media_comments(str(media_id), max_id=next_max_id)
    96  - comments.extend(results.get('comments', []))
    97  - next_max_id = results.get('next_max_id')
    98  - 
    99  - return comments
    100  - 
    101 77   def __printTargetBanner__(self):
    102 78   pc.printout("\nLogged as ", pc.GREEN)
    103 79   pc.printout(self.api.username, pc.CYAN)
    skipped 9 lines
    113 89   
    114 90   print('\n')
    115 91   
    116  - def change_target(self):
    117  - pc.printout("Insert new target username: ", pc.YELLOW)
    118  - line = input()
    119  - self.setTarget(line, True)
    120  - return
    121  - 
    122  - def get_addrs(self):
    123  - if self.check_private_profile():
    124  - return
    125  - 
    126  - pc.printout("Searching for " + + " localizations...\n")
    127  - 
    128  - data = self.__get_feed__()
    129  - 
    130  - locations = {}
    131  - 
    132  - for post in data:
    133  - if 'location' in post and post['location'] is not None:
    134  - if 'lat' in post['location'] and 'lng' in post['location']:
    135  - lat = post['location']['lat']
    136  - lng = post['location']['lng']
    137  - locations[str(lat) + ', ' + str(lng)] = post.get('taken_at')
    138  - 
    139  - address = {}
    140  - for k, v in locations.items():
    141  - details = self.geolocator.reverse(k)
    142  - unix_timestamp = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(v)
    143  - address[details.address] = unix_timestamp.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
    144  - 
    145  - sort_addresses = sorted(address.items(), key=lambda p: p[1], reverse=True)
    146  - 
    147  - if len(sort_addresses) > 0:
    148  - t = PrettyTable()
    149  - 
    150  - t.field_names = ['Post', 'Address', 'time']
    151  - t.align["Post"] = "l"
    152  - t.align["Address"] = "l"
    153  - t.align["Time"] = "l"
    154  - pc.printout("\nWoohoo! We found " + str(len(sort_addresses)) + " addresses\n", pc.GREEN)
    155  - 
    156  - i = 1
    157  - 
    158  - json_data = {}
    159  - addrs_list = []
    160  - 
    161  - for address, time in sort_addresses:
    162  - t.add_row([str(i), address, time])
    163  - 
    164  - if self.jsonDump:
    165  - addr = {
    166  - 'address': address,
    167  - 'time': time
    168  - }
    169  - addrs_list.append(addr)
    170  - 
    171  - i = i + 1
    172  - 
    173  - if self.writeFile:
    174  - file_name = self.output_dir + "/" + + "_addrs.txt"
    175  - file = open(file_name, "w")
    176  - file.write(str(t))
    177  - file.close()
    178  - 
    179  - if self.jsonDump:
    180  - json_data['address'] = addrs_list
    181  - json_file_name = self.output_dir + "/" + + "_addrs.json"
    182  - with open(json_file_name, 'w') as f:
    183  - json.dump(json_data, f)
    184  - 
    185  - print(t)
    186  - else:
    187  - pc.printout("Sorry! No results found :-(\n", pc.RED)
    188  - 
    189  - def get_captions(self):
    190  - if self.check_private_profile():
    191  - return
    192  - 
    193  - pc.printout("Searching for " + + " captions...\n")
    194  - 
    195  - captions = []
    196  - 
    197  - data = self.__get_feed__()
    198  - counter = 0
    199  - 
    200  - try:
    201  - for item in data:
    202  - if "caption" in item:
    203  - if item["caption"] is not None:
    204  - text = item["caption"]["text"]
    205  - captions.append(text)
    206  - counter = counter + 1
    207  - sys.stdout.write("\rFound %i" % counter)
    208  - sys.stdout.flush()
    209  - 
    210  - except AttributeError:
    211  - pass
    212  - 
    213  - except KeyError:
    214  - pass
    215  - 
    216  - json_data = {}
    217  - 
    218  - if counter > 0:
    219  - pc.printout("\nWoohoo! We found " + str(counter) + " captions\n", pc.GREEN)
    220  - 
    221  - file = None
    222  - 
    223  - if self.writeFile:
    224  - file_name = self.output_dir + "/" + + "_captions.txt"
    225  - file = open(file_name, "w")
    226  - 
    227  - for s in captions:
    228  - print(s + "\n")
    229  - 
    230  - if self.writeFile:
    231  - file.write(s + "\n")
    232  - 
    233  - if self.jsonDump:
    234  - json_data['captions'] = captions
    235  - json_file_name = self.output_dir + "/" + + "_followings.json"
    236  - with open(json_file_name, 'w') as f:
    237  - json.dump(json_data, f)
    238  - 
    239  - if file is not None:
    240  - file.close()
    241  - 
    242  - else:
    243  - pc.printout("Sorry! No results found :-(\n", pc.RED)
    244  - 
    245  - return
    246  - 
    247  - def get_total_comments(self):
    248  - if self.check_private_profile():
    249  - return
    250  - 
    251  - pc.printout("Searching for " + + " total comments...\n")
    252  - 
    253  - comments_counter = 0
    254  - posts = 0
    255  - 
    256  - data = self.__get_feed__()
    257  - 
    258  - for post in data:
    259  - comments_counter += post['comment_count']
    260  - posts += 1
    261  - 
    262  - if self.writeFile:
    263  - file_name = self.output_dir + "/" + + "_comments.txt"
    264  - file = open(file_name, "w")
    265  - file.write(str(comments_counter) + " comments in " + str(posts) + " posts\n")
    266  - file.close()
    267  - 
    268  - if self.jsonDump:
    269  - json_data = {
    270  - 'comment_counter': comments_counter,
    271  - 'posts': posts
    272  - }
    273  - json_file_name = self.output_dir + "/" + + "_comments.json"
    274  - with open(json_file_name, 'w') as f:
    275  - json.dump(json_data, f)
    276  - 
    277  - pc.printout(str(comments_counter), pc.MAGENTA)
    278  - pc.printout(" comments in " + str(posts) + " posts\n")
    279  - 
    280  - def get_comment_data(self):
    281  - if self.check_private_profile():
    282  - return
    283  - 
    284  - pc.printout("Retrieving all comments, this may take a moment...\n")
    285  - data = self.__get_feed__()
    286  -
    287  - _comments = []
    288  - t = PrettyTable(['POST ID', 'ID', 'Username', 'Comment'])
    289  - t.align["POST ID"] = "l"
    290  - t.align["ID"] = "l"
    291  - t.align["Username"] = "l"
    292  - t.align["Comment"] = "l"
    293  - 
    294  - for post in data:
    295  - post_id = post.get('id')
    296  - comments = self.api.media_n_comments(post_id)
    297  - for comment in comments:
    298  - t.add_row([post_id, comment.get('user_id'), comment.get('user').get('username'), comment.get('text')])
    299  - comment = {
    300  - "post_id": post_id,
    301  - "user_id":comment.get('user_id'),
    302  - "username": comment.get('user').get('username'),
    303  - "comment": comment.get('text')
    304  - }
    305  - _comments.append(comment)
    306  -
    307  - print(t)
    308  - if self.writeFile:
    309  - file_name = self.output_dir + "/" + + "_comment_data.txt"
    310  - with open(file_name, 'w') as f:
    311  - f.write(str(t))
    312  - f.close()
    313  -
    314  - if self.jsonDump:
    315  - file_name_json = self.output_dir + "/" + + "_comment_data.json"
    316  - with open(file_name_json, 'w') as f:
    317  - f.write("{ \"Comments\":[ \n")
    318  - f.write('\n'.join(json.dumps(comment) for comment in _comments) + ',\n')
    319  - f.write("]} ")
    320  - 
    321  - def get_user_info(self):
    322  - try:
    323  - endpoint = 'users/{user_id!s}/full_detail_info/'.format(**{'user_id': self.target_id})
    324  - content = self.api._call_api(endpoint)
    325  -
    326  - data = content['user_detail']['user']
    327  - 
    328  - pc.printout("[ID] ", pc.GREEN)
    329  - pc.printout(str(data['pk']) + '\n')
    330  - pc.printout("[FULL NAME] ", pc.RED)
    331  - pc.printout(str(data['full_name']) + '\n')
    332  - pc.printout("[BIOGRAPHY] ", pc.CYAN)
    333  - pc.printout(str(data['biography']) + '\n')
    334  - pc.printout("[FOLLOWED] ", pc.BLUE)
    335  - pc.printout(str(data['follower_count']) + '\n')
    336  - pc.printout("[FOLLOW] ", pc.GREEN)
    337  - pc.printout(str(data['following_count']) + '\n')
    338  - pc.printout("[BUSINESS ACCOUNT] ", pc.RED)
    339  - pc.printout(str(data['is_business']) + '\n')
    340  - if data['is_business']:
    341  - if not data['can_hide_category']:
    342  - pc.printout("[BUSINESS CATEGORY] ")
    343  - pc.printout(str(data['category']) + '\n')
    344  - pc.printout("[VERIFIED ACCOUNT] ", pc.CYAN)
    345  - pc.printout(str(data['is_verified']) + '\n')
    346  - if 'public_email' in data and data['public_email']:
    347  - pc.printout("[EMAIL] ", pc.BLUE)
    348  - pc.printout(str(data['public_email']) + '\n')
    349  - pc.printout("[HD PROFILE PIC] ", pc.GREEN)
    350  - pc.printout(str(data['hd_profile_pic_url_info']['url']) + '\n')
    351  - if 'fb_page_call_to_action_id' in data and data['fb_page_call_to_action_id']:
    352  - pc.printout("[FB PAGE] ", pc.RED)
    353  - pc.printout(str(data['connected_fb_page']) + '\n')
    354  - if 'whatsapp_number' in data and data['whatsapp_number']:
    355  - pc.printout("[WHATSAPP NUMBER] ", pc.GREEN)
    356  - pc.printout(str(data['whatsapp_number']) + '\n')
    357  - if 'city_name' in data and data['city_name']:
    358  - pc.printout("[CITY] ", pc.YELLOW)
    359  - pc.printout(str(data['city_name']) + '\n')
    360  - if 'address_street' in data and data['address_street']:
    361  - pc.printout("[ADDRESS STREET] ", pc.RED)
    362  - pc.printout(str(data['address_street']) + '\n')
    363  - if 'contact_phone_number' in data and data['contact_phone_number']:
    364  - pc.printout("[CONTACT PHONE NUMBER] ", pc.CYAN)
    365  - pc.printout(str(data['contact_phone_number']) + '\n')
    366  - 
    367  - if self.jsonDump:
    368  - user = {
    369  - 'id': data['pk'],
    370  - 'full_name': data['full_name'],
    371  - 'biography': data['biography'],
    372  - 'edge_followed_by': data['follower_count'],
    373  - 'edge_follow': data['following_count'],
    374  - 'is_business_account': data['is_business'],
    375  - 'is_verified': data['is_verified'],
    376  - 'profile_pic_url_hd': data['hd_profile_pic_url_info']['url']
    377  - }
    378  - if 'public_email' in data and data['public_email']:
    379  - user['email'] = data['public_email']
    380  - if 'fb_page_call_to_action_id' in data and data['fb_page_call_to_action_id']:
    381  - user['connected_fb_page'] = data['fb_page_call_to_action_id']
    382  - if 'whatsapp_number' in data and data['whatsapp_number']:
    383  - user['whatsapp_number'] = data['whatsapp_number']
    384  - if 'city_name' in data and data['city_name']:
    385  - user['city_name'] = data['city_name']
    386  - if 'address_street' in data and data['address_street']:
    387  - user['address_street'] = data['address_street']
    388  - if 'contact_phone_number' in data and data['contact_phone_number']:
    389  - user['contact_phone_number'] = data['contact_phone_number']
    390  - 
    391  - json_file_name = self.output_dir + "/" + + "_info.json"
    392  - with open(json_file_name, 'w') as f:
    393  - json.dump(user, f)
    394  - 
    395  - except ClientError as e:
    396  - print(e)
    397  - pc.printout("Oops... " + str( + " non exist, please enter a valid username.", pc.RED)
    398  - pc.printout("\n")
    399  - exit(2)
    400  - 
    401  - def get_total_likes(self):
    402  - if self.check_private_profile():
    403  - return
    404  - 
    405  - pc.printout("Searching for " + + " total likes...\n")
    406  - 
    407  - like_counter = 0
    408  - posts = 0
    409  - 
    410  - data = self.__get_feed__()
    411  - 
    412  - for post in data:
    413  - like_counter += post['like_count']
    414  - posts += 1
    415  - 
    416  - if self.writeFile:
    417  - file_name = self.output_dir + "/" + + "_likes.txt"
    418  - file = open(file_name, "w")
    419  - file.write(str(like_counter) + " likes in " + str(like_counter) + " posts\n")
    420  - file.close()
    421  - 
    422  - if self.jsonDump:
    423  - json_data = {
    424  - 'like_counter': like_counter,
    425  - 'posts': like_counter
    426  - }
    427  - json_file_name = self.output_dir + "/" + + "_likes.json"
    428  - with open(json_file_name, 'w') as f:
    429  - json.dump(json_data, f)
    430  - 
    431  - pc.printout(str(like_counter), pc.MAGENTA)
    432  - pc.printout(" likes in " + str(posts) + " posts\n")
    433  - 
    434  - def get_media_type(self):
    435  - if self.check_private_profile():
    436  - return
    437  - 
    438  - pc.printout("Searching for " + + " captions...\n")
    439  - 
    440  - counter = 0
    441  - photo_counter = 0
    442  - video_counter = 0
    443  - 
    444  - data = self.__get_feed__()
    445  - 
    446  - for post in data:
    447  - if "media_type" in post:
    448  - if post["media_type"] == 1:
    449  - photo_counter = photo_counter + 1
    450  - elif post["media_type"] == 2:
    451  - video_counter = video_counter + 1
    452  - counter = counter + 1
    453  - sys.stdout.write("\rChecked %i" % counter)
    454  - sys.stdout.flush()
    455  - 
    456  - sys.stdout.write(" posts")
    457  - sys.stdout.flush()
    458  - 
    459  - if counter > 0:
    460  - 
    461  - if self.writeFile:
    462  - file_name = self.output_dir + "/" + + "_mediatype.txt"
    463  - file = open(file_name, "w")
    464  - file.write(str(photo_counter) + " photos and " + str(video_counter) + " video posted by target\n")
    465  - file.close()
    466  - 
    467  - pc.printout("\nWoohoo! We found " + str(photo_counter) + " photos and " + str(video_counter) +
    468  - " video posted by target\n", pc.GREEN)
    469  - 
    470  - if self.jsonDump:
    471  - json_data = {
    472  - "photos": photo_counter,
    473  - "videos": video_counter
    474  - }
    475  - json_file_name = self.output_dir + "/" + + "_mediatype.json"
    476  - with open(json_file_name, 'w') as f:
    477  - json.dump(json_data, f)
    478  - 
    479  - else:
    480  - pc.printout("Sorry! No results found :-(\n", pc.RED)
    481  - 
    482  - def get_people_who_commented(self):
    483  - if self.check_private_profile():
    484  - return
    485  - 
    486  - pc.printout("Searching for users who commented...\n")
    487  - 
    488  - data = self.__get_feed__()
    489  - users = []
    490  - 
    491  - for post in data:
    492  - comments = self.__get_comments__(post['id'])
    493  - for comment in comments:
    494  - if not any(u['id'] == comment['user']['pk'] for u in users):
    495  - user = {
    496  - 'id': comment['user']['pk'],
    497  - 'username': comment['user']['username'],
    498  - 'full_name': comment['user']['full_name'],
    499  - 'counter': 1
    500  - }
    501  - users.append(user)
    502  - else:
    503  - for user in users:
    504  - if user['id'] == comment['user']['pk']:
    505  - user['counter'] += 1
    506  - break
    507  - 
    508  - if len(users) > 0:
    509  - ssort = sorted(users, key=lambda value: value['counter'], reverse=True)
    510  - 
    511  - json_data = {}
    512  - 
    513  - t = PrettyTable()
    514  - 
    515  - t.field_names = ['Comments', 'ID', 'Username', 'Full Name']
    516  - t.align["Comments"] = "l"
    517  - t.align["ID"] = "l"
    518  - t.align["Username"] = "l"
    519  - t.align["Full Name"] = "l"
    520  - 
    521  - for u in ssort:
    522  - t.add_row([str(u['counter']), u['id'], u['username'], u['full_name']])
    523  - 
    524  - print(t)
    525  - 
    526  - if self.writeFile:
    527  - file_name = self.output_dir + "/" + + "_users_who_commented.txt"
    528  - file = open(file_name, "w")
    529  - file.write(str(t))
    530  - file.close()
    531  - 
    532  - if self.jsonDump:
    533  - json_data['users_who_commented'] = ssort
    534  - json_file_name = self.output_dir + "/" + + "_users_who_commented.json"
    535  - with open(json_file_name, 'w') as f:
    536  - json.dump(json_data, f)
    537  - else:
    538  - pc.printout("Sorry! No results found :-(\n", pc.RED)
    539  - 
    540  - def get_people_who_tagged(self):
    541  - if self.check_private_profile():
    542  - return
    543  - 
    544  - pc.printout("Searching for users who tagged target...\n")
    545  - 
    546  - posts = []
    547  - 
    548  - result = self.api.usertag_feed(self.target_id)
    549  - posts.extend(result.get('items', []))
    550  - 
    551  - next_max_id = result.get('next_max_id')
    552  - while next_max_id:
    553  - results = self.api.user_feed(str(self.target_id), max_id=next_max_id)
    554  - posts.extend(results.get('items', []))
    555  - next_max_id = results.get('next_max_id')
    556  - 
    557  - if len(posts) > 0:
    558  - pc.printout("\nWoohoo! We found " + str(len(posts)) + " photos\n", pc.GREEN)
    559  - 
    560  - users = []
    561  - 
    562  - for post in posts:
    563  - if not any(u['id'] == post['user']['pk'] for u in users):
    564  - user = {
    565  - 'id': post['user']['pk'],
    566  - 'username': post['user']['username'],
    567  - 'full_name': post['user']['full_name'],
    568  - 'counter': 1
    569  - }
    570  - users.append(user)
    571  - else:
    572  - for user in users:
    573  - if user['id'] == post['user']['pk']:
    574  - user['counter'] += 1
    575  - break
    576  - 
    577  - ssort = sorted(users, key=lambda value: value['counter'], reverse=True)
    578  - 
    579  - json_data = {}
    580  - 
    581  - t = PrettyTable()
    582  - 
    583  - t.field_names = ['Photos', 'ID', 'Username', 'Full Name']
    584  - t.align["Photos"] = "l"
    585  - t.align["ID"] = "l"
    586  - t.align["Username"] = "l"
    587  - t.align["Full Name"] = "l"
    588  - 
    589  - for u in ssort:
    590  - t.add_row([str(u['counter']), u['id'], u['username'], u['full_name']])
    591  - 
    592  - print(t)
    593  - 
    594  - if self.writeFile:
    595  - file_name = self.output_dir + "/" + + "_users_who_tagged.txt"
    596  - file = open(file_name, "w")
    597  - file.write(str(t))
    598  - file.close()
    599  - 
    600  - if self.jsonDump:
    601  - json_data['users_who_tagged'] = ssort
    602  - json_file_name = self.output_dir + "/" + + "_users_who_tagged.json"
    603  - with open(json_file_name, 'w') as f:
    604  - json.dump(json_data, f)
    605  - else:
    606  - pc.printout("Sorry! No results found :-(\n", pc.RED)
    607  - 
    608  - def get_photo_description(self):
    609  - if self.check_private_profile():
    610  - return
    611  - 
    612  - content = requests.get("" + str( + "/?__a=1")
    613  - data = content.json()
    614  - 
    615  - dd = data['graphql']['user']['edge_owner_to_timeline_media']['edges']
    616  - 
    617  - if len(dd) > 0:
    618  - pc.printout("\nWoohoo! We found " + str(len(dd)) + " descriptions\n", pc.GREEN)
    619  - 
    620  - count = 1
    621  - 
    622  - t = PrettyTable(['Photo', 'Description'])
    623  - t.align["Photo"] = "l"
    624  - t.align["Description"] = "l"
    625  - 
    626  - json_data = {}
    627  - descriptions_list = []
    628  - 
    629  - for i in dd:
    630  - node = i.get('node')
    631  - descr = node.get('accessibility_caption')
    632  - t.add_row([str(count), descr])
    633  - 
    634  - if self.jsonDump:
    635  - description = {
    636  - 'description': descr
    637  - }
    638  - descriptions_list.append(description)
    639  - 
    640  - count += 1
    641  - 
    642  - if self.writeFile:
    643  - file_name = self.output_dir + "/" + + "_photodes.txt"
    644  - file = open(file_name, "w")
    645  - file.write(str(t))
    646  - file.close()
    647  - 
    648  - if self.jsonDump:
    649  - json_data['descriptions'] = descriptions_list
    650  - json_file_name = self.output_dir + "/" + + "_descriptions.json"
    651  - with open(json_file_name, 'w') as f:
    652  - json.dump(json_data, f)
    653  - 
    654  - print(t)
    655  - else:
    656  - pc.printout("Sorry! No results found :-(\n", pc.RED)
    657  - 
    658  - def get_user_propic(self):
    659  - 
    660  - try:
    661  - endpoint = 'users/{user_id!s}/full_detail_info/'.format(**{'user_id': self.target_id})
    662  - content = self.api._call_api(endpoint)
    663  - 
    664  - data = content['user_detail']['user']
    665  - 
    666  - if "hd_profile_pic_url_info" in data:
    667  - URL = data["hd_profile_pic_url_info"]['url']
    668  - else:
    669  - #get better quality photo
    670  - items = len(data['hd_profile_pic_versions'])
    671  - URL = data["hd_profile_pic_versions"][items-1]['url']
    672  - 
    673  - if URL != "":
    674  - end = self.output_dir + "/" + + "_propic.jpg"
    675  - urllib.request.urlretrieve(URL, end)
    676  - pc.printout("Target propic saved in output folder\n", pc.GREEN)
    677  - 
    678  - else:
    679  - pc.printout("Sorry! No results found :-(\n", pc.RED)
    680  -
    681  - except ClientError as e:
    682  - error = json.loads(e.error_response)
    683  - print(error['message'])
    684  - print(error['error_title'])
    685  - exit(2)
    686  - 
    687  - def get_user_stories(self):
    688  - if self.check_private_profile():
    689  - return
    690  - 
    691  - pc.printout("Searching for " + + " stories...\n")
    692  - 
    693  - data = self.api.user_reel_media(str(self.target_id))
    694  - 
    695  - counter = 0
    696  - 
    697  - if data['items'] is not None: # no stories avaibile
    698  - counter = data['media_count']
    699  - for i in data['items']:
    700  - story_id = i["id"]
    701  - if i["media_type"] == 1: # it's a photo
    702  - url = i['image_versions2']['candidates'][0]['url']
    703  - end = self.output_dir + "/" + + "_" + story_id + ".jpg"
    704  - urllib.request.urlretrieve(url, end)
    705  - 
    706  - elif i["media_type"] == 2: # it's a gif or video
    707  - url = i['video_versions'][0]['url']
    708  - end = self.output_dir + "/" + + "_" + story_id + ".mp4"
    709  - urllib.request.urlretrieve(url, end)
    710  - 
    711  - if counter > 0:
    712  - pc.printout(str(counter) + " target stories saved in output folder\n", pc.GREEN)
    713  - else:
    714  - pc.printout("Sorry! No results found :-(\n", pc.RED)
    715  - 
    716  - def get_people_tagged_by_user(self):
    717  - pc.printout("Searching for users tagged by target...\n")
    718  - 
    719  - ids = []
    720  - username = []
    721  - full_name = []
    722  - post = []
    723  - counter = 1
    724  - 
    725  - data = self.__get_feed__()
    726  - 
    727  - try:
    728  - for i in data:
    729  - if "usertags" in i:
    730  - c = i.get('usertags').get('in')
    731  - for cc in c:
    732  - if cc.get('user').get('pk') not in ids:
    733  - ids.append(cc.get('user').get('pk'))
    734  - username.append(cc.get('user').get('username'))
    735  - full_name.append(cc.get('user').get('full_name'))
    736  - post.append(1)
    737  - else:
    738  - index = ids.index(cc.get('user').get('pk'))
    739  - post[index] += 1
    740  - counter = counter + 1
    741  - except AttributeError as ae:
    742  - pc.printout("\nERROR: an error occurred: ", pc.RED)
    743  - print(ae)
    744  - print("")
    745  - pass
    746  - 
    747  - if len(ids) > 0:
    748  - t = PrettyTable()
    749  - 
    750  - t.field_names = ['Posts', 'Full Name', 'Username', 'ID']
    751  - t.align["Posts"] = "l"
    752  - t.align["Full Name"] = "l"
    753  - t.align["Username"] = "l"
    754  - t.align["ID"] = "l"
    755  - 
    756  - pc.printout("\nWoohoo! We found " + str(len(ids)) + " (" + str(counter) + ") users\n", pc.GREEN)
    757  - 
    758  - json_data = {}
    759  - tagged_list = []
    760  - 
    761  - for i in range(len(ids)):
    762  - t.add_row([post[i], full_name[i], username[i], str(ids[i])])
    763  - 
    764  - if self.jsonDump:
    765  - tag = {
    766  - 'post': post[i],
    767  - 'full_name': full_name[i],
    768  - 'username': username[i],
    769  - 'id': ids[i]
    770  - }
    771  - tagged_list.append(tag)
    772  - 
    773  - if self.writeFile:
    774  - file_name = self.output_dir + "/" + + "_tagged.txt"
    775  - file = open(file_name, "w")
    776  - file.write(str(t))
    777  - file.close()
    778  - 
    779  - if self.jsonDump:
    780  - json_data['tagged'] = tagged_list
    781  - json_file_name = self.output_dir + "/" + + "_tagged.json"
    782  - with open(json_file_name, 'w') as f:
    783  - json.dump(json_data, f)
    784  - 
    785  - print(t)
    786  - else:
    787  - pc.printout("Sorry! No results found :-(\n", pc.RED)
    788  - 
    789 92   def get_user(self, username):
    790 93   try:
    791 94   content = self.api.username_info(username)
    skipped 9 lines
    801 104   
    802 105   return user
    803 106   except ClientError as e:
    804  - pc.printout('ClientError {0!s} (Code: {1:d}, Response: {2!s})'.format(e.msg, e.code, e.error_response), pc.RED)
     107 + # pc.printout('ClientError {0!s} (Code: {1:d}, Response: {2!s})'.format(e.msg, e.code, e.error_response), pc.RED)
    805 108   error = json.loads(e.error_response)
    806  - if 'message' in error:
    807  - print(error['message'])
    808  - if 'error_title' in error:
    809  - print(error['error_title'])
    810 109   if 'challenge' in error:
    811 110   print("Please follow this link to complete the challenge: " + error['challenge']['url'])
    812  - sys.exit(2)
    813  -
    814  - 
    815  - def set_write_file(self, flag):
    816  - if flag:
    817  - pc.printout("Write to file: ")
    818  - pc.printout("enabled", pc.GREEN)
    819  - pc.printout("\n")
    820  - else:
    821  - pc.printout("Write to file: ")
    822  - pc.printout("disabled", pc.RED)
    823  - pc.printout("\n")
    824  - 
    825  - self.writeFile = flag
    826  - 
    827  - def set_json_dump(self, flag):
    828  - if flag:
    829  - pc.printout("Export to JSON: ")
    830  - pc.printout("enabled", pc.GREEN)
    831  - pc.printout("\n")
    832  - else:
    833  - pc.printout("Export to JSON: ")
    834  - pc.printout("disabled", pc.RED)
    835  - pc.printout("\n")
    836  - 
    837  - self.jsonDump = flag
     111 + sys.exit(2)
     112 + return None
    838 113   
    839 114   def login(self, u, p):
    840 115   try:
    skipped 503 lines
    1344 619   print(t)
    1345 620   else:
    1346 621   pc.printout("Sorry! No results found :-(\n", pc.RED)
    1347  - 
    1348  - def get_comments(self):
    1349  - if self.check_private_profile():
    1350  - return
    1351  - 
    1352  - pc.printout("Searching for users who commented...\n")
    1353  - 
    1354  - data = self.__get_feed__()
    1355  - users = []
    1356  - 
    1357  - for post in data:
    1358  - comments = self.__get_comments__(post['id'])
    1359  - for comment in comments:
    1360  - print(comment['text'])
    1361  -
    1362  - # if not any(u['id'] == comment['user']['pk'] for u in users):
    1363  - # user = {
    1364  - # 'id': comment['user']['pk'],
    1365  - # 'username': comment['user']['username'],
    1366  - # 'full_name': comment['user']['full_name'],
    1367  - # 'counter': 1
    1368  - # }
    1369  - # users.append(user)
    1370  - # else:
    1371  - # for user in users:
    1372  - # if user['id'] == comment['user']['pk']:
    1373  - # user['counter'] += 1
    1374  - # break
    1375  - 
    1376  - if len(users) > 0:
    1377  - ssort = sorted(users, key=lambda value: value['counter'], reverse=True)
    1378  - 
    1379  - json_data = {}
    1380  - 
    1381  - t = PrettyTable()
    1382  - 
    1383  - t.field_names = ['Comments', 'ID', 'Username', 'Full Name']
    1384  - t.align["Comments"] = "l"
    1385  - t.align["ID"] = "l"
    1386  - t.align["Username"] = "l"
    1387  - t.align["Full Name"] = "l"
    1388  - 
    1389  - for u in ssort:
    1390  - t.add_row([str(u['counter']), u['id'], u['username'], u['full_name']])
    1391  - 
    1392  - print(t)
    1393  - 
    1394  - if self.writeFile:
    1395  - file_name = self.output_dir + "/" + + "_users_who_commented.txt"
    1396  - file = open(file_name, "w")
    1397  - file.write(str(t))
    1398  - file.close()
    1399  - 
    1400  - if self.jsonDump:
    1401  - json_data['users_who_commented'] = ssort
    1402  - json_file_name = self.output_dir + "/" + + "_users_who_commented.json"
    1403  - with open(json_file_name, 'w') as f:
    1404  - json.dump(json_data, f)
    1405  - else:
    1406  - pc.printout("Sorry! No results found :-(\n", pc.RED)
    1407  - 
    1408  - def get_followers_subset(self):
    1409  - if self.check_private_profile():
    1410  - return
    1411  - 
    1412  - pc.printout("Searching for " + + " followers...\n")
    1413  - 
    1414  - target_1 =
    1415  - _followers_target_1 = []
    1416  - _followers_target_2 = []
    1417  - followers_subset = []
    1418  - 
    1419  - 
    1420  - rank_token = AppClient.generate_uuid()
    1421  - data = self.api.user_followers(str(self.target_id), rank_token=rank_token)
    1422  - 
    1423  - _followers_target_1.extend(data.get('users', []))
    1424  - 
    1425  - next_max_id = data.get('next_max_id')
    1426  - while next_max_id:
    1427  - sys.stdout.write("\rCatched %i followers" % len(_followers_target_1))
    1428  - sys.stdout.flush()
    1429  - results = self.api.user_followers(str(self.target_id), rank_token=rank_token, max_id=next_max_id)
    1430  - _followers_target_1.extend(results.get('users', []))
    1431  - next_max_id = results.get('next_max_id')
    1432  - sys.stdout.write("\rCatched %i followers" % len(_followers_target_1))
    1433  - sys.stdout.flush()
    1434  - 
    1435  - print("\n")
    1436  - 
    1437  - pc.printout("Insert target two username: ", pc.YELLOW)
    1438  - line = input()
    1439  - self.setTarget(line, False)
    1440  - target_2 =
    1441  - if self.check_private_profile():
    1442  - return
    1443  - 
    1444  - 
    1445  - pc.printout("Searching for " + + " followers...\n")
    1446  - 
    1447  - rank_token = AppClient.generate_uuid()
    1448  - data = self.api.user_followers(str(self.target_id), rank_token=rank_token)
    1449  - 
    1450  - _followers_target_2.extend(data.get('users', []))
    1451  - 
    1452  - next_max_id = data.get('next_max_id')
    1453  - while next_max_id:
    1454  - sys.stdout.write("\rCatched %i followers" % len(_followers_target_2))
    1455  - sys.stdout.flush()
    1456  - results = self.api.user_followers(str(self.target_id), rank_token=rank_token, max_id=next_max_id)
    1457  - _followers_target_2.extend(results.get('users', []))
    1458  - next_max_id = results.get('next_max_id')
    1459  - sys.stdout.write("\rCatched %i followers" % len(_followers_target_2))
    1460  - sys.stdout.flush()
    1461  -
    1462  - print("\n")
    1463  -
    1464  - for user in _followers_target_1:
    1465  - ff = list(filter(lambda x: x['pk'] == user['pk'], _followers_target_2))
    1466  - if(len(ff) > 0):
    1467  - f = {
    1468  - 'id': ff[0]['pk'],
    1469  - 'username': ff[0]['username'],
    1470  - 'full_name': ff[0]['full_name']
    1471  - }
    1472  - followers_subset.append(f)
    1473  - 
    1474  - t = PrettyTable(['ID', 'Username', 'Full Name'])
    1475  - t.align["ID"] = "l"
    1476  - t.align["Username"] = "l"
    1477  - t.align["Full Name"] = "l"
    1478  - 
    1479  - json_data = {}
    1480  - followings_subset_list = []
    1481  - 
    1482  - for node in followers_subset:
    1483  - t.add_row([str(node['id']), node['username'], node['full_name']])
    1484  - 
    1485  - if self.jsonDump:
    1486  - follow = {
    1487  - 'id': node['id'],
    1488  - 'username': node['username'],
    1489  - 'full_name': node['full_name']
    1490  - }
    1491  - followings_subset_list.append(follow)
    1492  - 
    1493  - if self.writeFile:
    1494  - file_name = self.output_dir + "/" + target_1 + "-" + target_2 + "_followers.txt"
    1495  - file = open(file_name, "w")
    1496  - file.write(str(t))
    1497  - file.close()
    1498  - 
    1499  - if self.jsonDump:
    1500  - json_data['followers'] = followers_subset
    1501  - json_file_name = self.output_dir + "/" + target_1 + "-" + target_2 + "_followers.txt"
    1502  - with open(json_file_name, 'w') as f:
    1503  - json.dump(json_data, f)
    1504  - 
    1505  - print(t)
    1506  - pc.printout("Founded " + str(len(followers_subset)) + " users!\n", pc.GREEN)
    1507  - 
    1508  - def get_followings_subset(self):
    1509  - if self.check_private_profile():
    1510  - return
    1511  - 
    1512  - pc.printout("Searching for " + + " followings...\n")
    1513  - 
    1514  - target_1 =
    1515  - _followings_target_1 = []
    1516  - _followings_target_2 = []
    1517  - followers_subset = []
    1518  - 
    1519  - 
    1520  - rank_token = AppClient.generate_uuid()
    1521  - data = self.api.user_followers(str(self.target_id), rank_token=rank_token)
    1522  - 
    1523  - _followings_target_1.extend(data.get('users', []))
    1524  - 
    1525  - next_max_id = data.get('next_max_id')
    1526  - while next_max_id:
    1527  - sys.stdout.write("\rCatched %i followings" % len(_followings_target_1))
    1528  - sys.stdout.flush()
    1529  - results = self.api.user_followers(str(self.target_id), rank_token=rank_token, max_id=next_max_id)
    1530  - _followings_target_1.extend(results.get('users', []))
    1531  - next_max_id = results.get('next_max_id')
    1532  - sys.stdout.write("\rCatched %i followings" % len(_followings_target_2))
    1533  - sys.stdout.flush()
    1534  - 
    1535  - print("\n")
    1536  - 
    1537  - pc.printout("Insert target two username: ", pc.YELLOW)
    1538  - line = input()
    1539  - self.setTarget(line, False)
    1540  - target_2 =
    1541  - if self.check_private_profile():
    1542  - return
    1543  - 
    1544  - 
    1545  - pc.printout("Searching for " + + " followings...\n")
    1546  - 
    1547  - rank_token = AppClient.generate_uuid()
    1548  - data = self.api.user_followers(str(self.target_id), rank_token=rank_token)
    1549  - 
    1550  - _followings_target_2.extend(data.get('users', []))
    1551  - 
    1552  - next_max_id = data.get('next_max_id')
    1553  - while next_max_id:
    1554  - sys.stdout.write("\rCatched %i followings" % len(_followings_target_2))
    1555  - sys.stdout.flush()
    1556  - results = self.api.user_followers(str(self.target_id), rank_token=rank_token, max_id=next_max_id)
    1557  - _followings_target_2.extend(results.get('users', []))
    1558  - next_max_id = results.get('next_max_id')
    1559  - sys.stdout.write("\rCatched %i followings" % len(_followings_target_2))
    1560  - sys.stdout.flush()
    1561  - 
    1562  - print("\n")
    1563  -
    1564  - for user in _followings_target_1:
    1565  - ff = list(filter(lambda x: x['pk'] == user['pk'], _followings_target_2))
    1566  - if(len(ff) > 0):
    1567  - f = {
    1568  - 'id': ff[0]['pk'],
    1569  - 'username': ff[0]['username'],
    1570  - 'full_name': ff[0]['full_name']
    1571  - }
    1572  - followers_subset.append(f)
    1573  - 
    1574  - t = PrettyTable(['ID', 'Username', 'Full Name'])
    1575  - t.align["ID"] = "l"
    1576  - t.align["Username"] = "l"
    1577  - t.align["Full Name"] = "l"
    1578  - 
    1579  - json_data = {}
    1580  - followings_subset_list = []
    1581  - 
    1582  - for node in followers_subset:
    1583  - t.add_row([str(node['id']), node['username'], node['full_name']])
    1584  - 
    1585  - if self.jsonDump:
    1586  - follow = {
    1587  - 'id': node['id'],
    1588  - 'username': node['username'],
    1589  - 'full_name': node['full_name']
    1590  - }
    1591  - followings_subset_list.append(follow)
    1592  - 
    1593  - if self.writeFile:
    1594  - file_name = self.output_dir + "/" + target_1 + "-" + target_2 + "_followings.txt"
    1595  - file = open(file_name, "w")
    1596  - file.write(str(t))
    1597  - file.close()
    1598  - 
    1599  - if self.jsonDump:
    1600  - json_data['followings'] = followers_subset
    1601  - json_file_name = self.output_dir + "/" + target_1 + "-" + target_2 + "_followings.txt"
    1602  - with open(json_file_name, 'w') as f:
    1603  - json.dump(json_data, f)
    1604  - 
    1605  - print(t)
    1606  - pc.printout("Founded " + str(len(followers_subset)) + " users!\n", pc.GREEN)
    1607  - 
    1608 622   
    1609 623   def clear_cache(self):
    1610 624   try:
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