Projects STRLCPY OnionSearch Files
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Educational purposes only

forthebadge made-with-python

OnionSearch is a Python3 script that scrapes urls on different ".onion" search engines.

In 30 minutes you get thousands of unique urls.

💡 Prerequisite

Python 3

📚 Currently supported Search engines

  • Ahmia
  • Darksearch io
  • OnionLand
  • not Evil
  • VisiTOR
  • Dark Search Enginer
  • Phobos
  • Onion Search Server
  • Grams
  • Candle
  • Tor Search Engine
  • Torgle
  • Onion Search Engine
  • Tordex
  • Tor66
  • Tormax
  • Haystack
  • Multivac
  • Evo Search
  • Oneirun
  • DeepLink

🛠️ Installation

git clone
cd OnionSearch
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
pip3 install 'urllib3[socks]'
python3 -h

📈 Usage

usage: [-h] [--proxy PROXY] [--output OUTPUT] [--limit LIMIT]
                 [--barmode BARMODE] [--engines [ENGINES [ENGINES ...]]]
                 [--exclude [EXCLUDE [EXCLUDE ...]]]

positional arguments:
  search                The search string or phrase

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --proxy PROXY         Set Tor proxy (default:
  --output OUTPUT       Output File (default: output_$SEARCH_$DATE.txt), where
                        $SEARCH is replaced by the first chars of the search
                        string and $DATE is replaced by the datetime
  --limit LIMIT         Set a max number of pages per engine to load
  --barmode BARMODE     Can be 'fixed' (default) or 'unknown'
  --engines [ENGINES [ENGINES ...]]
                        Engines to request (default: full list)
  --exclude [EXCLUDE [EXCLUDE ...]]
                        Engines to exclude (default: none)



To request all the engines for the word "computer":

python3 "computer"

To request all the engines excepted "Ahmia" and "Candle" for the word "computer":

python3 "computer" --exclude ahmia candle

To request only "Tor66", "DeepLink" and "Phobos" for the word "computer":

python3 "computer" --engines tor66 deeplink phobos

The same as previously but limiting to 3 the number of pages to load per engine:

python3 "computer" --engines tor66 deeplink phobos --limit 3

Please kindly note that the list of supported engines (and their keys) is given in the script help (-h).


The file written at the end of the process will be a csv containing the following columns:

"engine","name of the link","url"

The filename will be set by default to output_$DATE_$SEARCH.txt, where $DATE represents the current datetime and $SEARCH the first characters of the search string.

You can modify this filename by using --output when running the script, for instance:

python3 "computer" --output "\$DATE.csv"
python3 "computer" --output output.txt
python3 "computer" --output "\$DATE_\$SEARCH.csv"

(Note that it might be necessary to escape the dollar character.)

In the csv file produced, the name and url strings are sanitized as much as possible, but there might still be some problems.

📝 License

GNU General Public License v3.0

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