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20220824 - From Recon to Getting P1 on TESLA.md
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From Recon to Getting P1 on TESLA 👻

1. Find out target servers IP

  • Tools: Censys and dnsdumpster 20220824-3.png 20220824-4.png

2.Finding GetLab on One of the IPs


3. Misconfiguration on GitLab Target

  • Any one had Access to explore in groups 20220824-6.png 20220824-7.png

4. Test Default Passwords on Found Username

  • I found user allowed me to login with password: "password"
  • I could manage so many projects in it.
  • Program owner awarded a bounty worth P1 for this find. 20220824-8.png


Based on YoKo Kho's write-up.


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