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     1 +# Firing 8 Account Takeover Methods 🔥
     2 + 
     3 +### 1. Unicode Normalization Issue
     4 +- victim account `[email protected]`
     5 +- create an account using Unicode
     6 +- example: `vić[email protected]`
     7 +- list of Unicode character: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Unicode_characters](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Unicode_characters)
     8 +- Note: check where verification doesn’t require
     9 +<br>&nbsp;
     10 + 
     11 +### 2. Authorization Issue
     12 +- change email of Account Aand put email `B`
     13 +- check confirmation mail in account `B`
     14 +- open the confirmation mail from account `C`
     15 +- Taken over Account `C`
     16 +<br>&nbsp;
     17 + 
     18 +### 3. Reusing Reset Token
     19 +- if target allows you to reuse the reset link then hunt for more reset link via `gau`, `wayback` or `urlscan.io`
     20 +<br>&nbsp;
     21 + 
     22 +### 4. Pre Account Takeover
     23 +- signup using normal signup form as a hacker but hacker has no verification link.
     24 +- then if victim signs up using oauth .
     25 +- Verification bypass now attacker can login the victim account without verification link with the password he entered while registering.
     26 +<br>&nbsp;
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     28 +### 5. CORS Misconfiguration to Account Takeover
     29 +- check api , any endpoint has access access token/session/secret/fingerprint
     30 +- if yes check for CORS misconfiguration does it allow us to fetch data from target?
     31 +- make a payload to fetch data and replace headers and boom
     32 +<br>&nbsp;
     33 + 
     34 +### 6. CSRF to Account Takeover
     35 +- if profile modification in cookie based authentication doesn’t generate any token
     36 +- open Account `A` change&Put email that you own click save intercept the request and generate a csrf poc.
     37 +- if fully cookie based auth then you dont have to modify anything send the csrf file to victim.
     38 +- if it requires UUID/UserID or unique token it becomes hard to do that but that doesn't mean it is secure , just start playing with target
     39 +- hint: password reset page helps many times for UUID/GUID and UserID
     40 +<br>&nbsp;
     41 + 
     42 +### 7. Host Header Injection
     43 +- well in this case there are 4 ways do that.
     44 +- click reset password change `host` header.
     45 +- or change proxy header ex: `X-Forwarded-For: attacker.com`
     46 +- or change `host`, `referrer`, `origin` headers at once as `attacker.com`
     47 +- click reset then click resend mail and do all 3 methods above
     48 +<br>&nbsp;
     49 + 
     50 +### 8. Response Manipulation
     51 +1. code manipulation * to `200 OK`
     52 +2. code and body manipulation
     53 +code * to `200 OK`
     54 +body * to `{"success":true}` or `{}`
     55 +it works when json is being used to transfer and receive data.
     56 +<br>&nbsp;
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     58 +## Credit
     59 +Based on [0xMaruf](https://infosecwriteups.com/firing-8-account-takeover-methods-77e892099050)'s writeup.
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     62 +## Support
     63 +You can Follow [me](https://twitter.com/MeAsHacker_HNA) on twitter or
     64 +<br><br><a href="https://www.buymeacoffee.com/NafisiAslH" target="_blank"><img src="https://cdn.buymeacoffee.com/buttons/v2/default-yellow.png" alt="Buy Me A Coffee" style="height: 60px !important;width: 217px !important;" ></a>
     65 + 
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