Projects STRLCPY NETworkManager Files
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Frequently Asked Questions

The documentation and the FAQ are not complete yet! Feel free to ask questions on GitHub Discussions.

How to contribute or report an issue?

Read the contributing guidelines{:target="_blank"} and follow the instructions there.

How to build the project?

The project can be build with Visual Studio or with a PowerShell script. More details and the requirements can be found in the README{:target="_blank"}.

Profile and settings priority

If there is a possibility to set a setting in the profile, this setting applies to this host and overwrites the default settings.

How does the profile encryption work?

Profile files are encrypted on disk using Rijndael{:target="_blank"} (AES) with a key size of 256 bits and a block size of 128 bits in CBC mode. The encryption key is derived from a master password using Rfc2898DeriveBytes{:target="_blank"} (PBKDF2) with 1,000,000 iterations. At runtime, passwords are stored as SecureString{:target="_blank"} once the profile file is loaded. For some functions, the password must be converted to a normal string and remains unencrypted in memory until the garbage collector cleans them up.

How to enable profile file encryption?

Open the settings and go to the profile section. Right click on the profile file you want to encrypt. Select Encryption... > Enable encryption... and set your master password.


How to change the master password of an encrypted profile file?

Open the settings and go to the profile section. Right click on an encrypted profile file. Select Encryption... > Change Master Password... and enter the current master password and a new master password.


How to disable profile file encryption?

Open the settings and go to the profile section. Right click on an encrypted profile file. Select Encryption... > Disable encryption... and enter your master password.


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