Projects STRLCPY NETworkManager Files
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Theme of the application which is based on MahApps.Metro themes{:target="_blank"}

Type: String

Default: Dark

Possible values:

  • Dark
  • Light



Accent of the application which is based on MahApps.Metro themes{:target="_blank"}

Type: String

Default: Lime

Possible values:

  • Red
  • Green
  • Blue
  • Purple
  • Orange
  • Lime
  • Emerald
  • Teal
  • Cyan
  • Cobalt
  • Indigo
  • Violet
  • Pink
  • Magenta
  • Crimson
  • Amber
  • Yellow
  • Brown
  • Olive
  • Steel
  • Mauve
  • Taupe
  • Sienna

{: .note } If you add, change or delete a theme in the folder, you must restart the application for the changes to be applied.

Custom themes

Use custom themes

Enables or disables the custom themes.

Type: Boolean

Default: Disabled

Custom themes can be placed in the Themes folder in the application folder (e.g. C:\Program Files\NETworkManager\Themes). The file name has the format <THEME>.<ACCENT>.xaml. For instructions on how to create custom themes, see the MahApp.Metro documentation{:target="_blank"}.

{: .note } Custom themes override the Accent and Theme settings.


Apply theme to PowerShell console

Apply the current application theme to the PowerShell console global profile(s).

Type: Boolean

Default: Disabled

If enabled, the PowerShell console global profile(s) are modified in the registry under Computer\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Console (HKCU:\Console). This adjusts the background of the console and some other settings so that the console window integrates better with the NETworkManager application.

The profiles are changed for the PowerShell consoles configured in the PowerShell and AWS Session Manager tools. Both Windows PowerShell and PowerShell 7 and later are supported.

Example paths under HKCU:\Console:

PowerShell pathRegistry profile path
C:\Program Files\PowerShell\7\pwsh.exeC:_Program Files_PowerShell_7_pwsh.exe

The following registry keys are created, modified or deleted in the registry profile path:

NameTypeActionValueValue basis
REG_DWORDAdd/ModifyDefaultBackground252525 (Dark) or FFFFFF (Light)Hex
REG_DWORDAdd/ModifyColorTable00252525 (Dark) or FFFFFF (Light)Hex
REG_DWORDAdd/ModifyColorTable07252525 (Dark) or 252525 (Light)Hex

If disabled, the Powershell console global profile(s) are no longer modified. But the original values are not restored.

{: .note } Colors may not be set correctly when Use custom themes is enabled.

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