Projects STRLCPY NETworkManager Files
44 lines | ISO-8859-1 | 3 KB

Version: 2021.3.28.0
Release date: 28.03.2021

FileChecksum [SHA256]

What's new?

  • Remote Desktop - Credentials can be stored in the profile. You should encrypt the profile file in the Settings>Profile with a master password and create a backup of your profile files. #378{:target="_blank"}
  • WiFi - export as CSV, XML or JSON added #429{:target="_blank"}
  • Language Korean (ko-KR) added #584{:target="_blank"}


  • SNMP - Community/Priv/Auth text boxes replaced with password boxes #128{:target="_blank"}
  • Minimum window size set to 1280x798 to display the profile dialog correct #378{:target="_blank"}


  • Profile dialog height fixed #594{:target="_blank"}
  • Dialog button FontSize fixed MahApps/MahApps.Metro#594{:target="_blank"}
  • ContextMenu sub menu border brush fixed #324{:target="_blank"}
  • Design of some buttons fixed #591{:target="_blank"}
  • SNMP v3 priv min length removed due to a change in the lib #128{:target="_blank"}
  • More string in the about view added to the translation strings #440{:target="_blank"}


  • Code refactored / cleanup
    • async void with async task replaced #383{:target="_blank"}
  • Percent completed in the settings\language removed, because the statistics are broken and hard to maintain since the transifex github integration was added #584{:target="_blank"}
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